mvc core A second operation was started on the context before the first operation is completed -

I am using this code for authorization on controllers.
with [Authorize(Policy = "CustomRole")]
The thing happened that after 3 or 4 request it fails with
A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed
public class CustomRoleRequirement : AuthorizationHandler<CustomRoleRequirement>, IAuthorizationRequirement
public CMSContext _context = new CMSContext();
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, CustomRoleRequirement requirement)
var routeobj = context.Resource as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.AuthorizationFilterContext;
var c = routeobj.RouteData.Values.Values.ToList();
var keys = routeobj.RouteData.Values.Keys.ToList();
string area = "";
string id = "";
string controller = "";
string action = "";
string module = "";
foreach (var item in keys)
if (item=="area")
int indexs = keys.FindIndex(cc => cc == "area");
area = c[indexs].ToString();
else if (item == "id")
int indexs = keys.FindIndex(cc => cc == "id");
id = c[indexs].ToString();
else if (item == "controller")
int indexs = keys.FindIndex(cc => cc == "controller");
controller = c[indexs].ToString();
else if (item == "module")
int indexs = keys.FindIndex(cc => cc == "module");
module = c[indexs].ToString();
else if (item == "action")
int indexs = keys.FindIndex(cc => cc == "action");
action = c[indexs].ToString();
string modulelink = controller;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(module))
modulelink = modulelink + "/" + module;
List<string> Roles = new List<string>();
int UserId = Auth.UserID;
string UserName = Auth.UserName;
if (UserName == "superadmin")
return Task.CompletedTask;
// apparently the error occurred here
var moduleobj = _context.AppModules.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Link == modulelink);
if (moduleobj != null)
{ // 69 role is assessing news module
//60 role is accessing page module
var RolesModulesobj = _context.AppRolesModules.FirstOrDefault(q => q.ModuleId == moduleobj.ModuleId && q.RolesId == Auth.RoleId);
if (RolesModulesobj != null)
string permissionsobj = RolesModulesobj.Permissions;
List<string> PermissionsListobj = permissionsobj.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();
var FindFullAccess = PermissionsListobj.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Contains("FullAccess:true"));
if (FindFullAccess != null)
return Task.CompletedTask;
var abc = PermissionsListobj.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Contains(action + ":true"));
if (abc != null)
return Task.CompletedTask;
return Task.CompletedTask;
The error occurred at this line above
var moduleobj = _context.AppModules.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Link == modulelink);
How can I make task wait before the second operation started in the method above?

You can't use a singleton DB context. You either create one each time you need one or you pool them.


How to create multiple configuration in Zerotouch? Configuration need enrollment token. Do we need multiple enrollment tokens for creating config?

Get Method of HardwarePolicy
public IActionResult PolicyManagement(string profileType)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = string.Empty;
dynamic? policyId = null;
CommonPoliciesDto dto = new();
CommonPoliciesDto cpDto = new();
bool jFlag = false;
dynamic enterpriseNameFormat = "";
//fetch two profile types (Fully Manged & Work)
dto.ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList();
//fetch LoggedIn user info
var loggedInUserEmail = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedInUserName");
var loggedInUserId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedInUserId");
//fetch enterprises based on loggedInUser
var enterprisesRes = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.AdminIdentityId == loggedInUserId).FirstOrDefault();
//get enterprise data based on loggedIn user google account
var enterpriseDatax = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.CustomerGoogleAccountId == enterprisesRes.CustomerGoogleAccountId).FirstOrDefault();
if (enterpriseDatax != null)
//bind myEnterpriseId in view page
ViewBag.MyEnterpriseeId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId;
//dto.DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId);
enterpriseNameFormat = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId);
//Fetch Current PolicyName
var myPolicyDatax = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.CustomStatus2 == true).FirstOrDefault();
if(myPolicyDatax != null)
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = myPolicyDatax.PolicyName;
ViewBag.MyPolicyName = ResourceMsg.DefaultPolicy;
//fetch policy info based on enterpriseId and profileType
var policyData = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.PolicyProfileType == profileType && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).FirstOrDefault();
if (policyData != null)
policyId = policyData.PolicyId;
List<string> featuresList = new()
//create web token for managed Google Play web UI; need reseller creds to generated token
var ParentFrameUrl = _iConfiguration.GetValue<string>("AppSetting:ParentFrameUrl");
WebToken webTokenInfo = service.Enterprises.WebTokens.Create(new DemoWebToken()
.SetEnabledFeatures(featuresList), enterpriseNameFormat)
var webToken = webTokenInfo.Value;
TempData["WebToken"] = webToken;
var result = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.PolicyId == policyId && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).FirstOrDefault();
//applicationsettings | based on profileType
var resAppmodel = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationPolicies().OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyId == policyId);
var resDevicemodel = _iEmmMapper.GetDevicePolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId && x.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
if (profileType != null)
//If Managed Profile then perform on all settings
if (profileType == ResourceMsg.FullyManged)
if (result != null)
if (resAppmodel != null)
if (resDevicemodel != null)
//prepare commonpolicies vmodel to send to view
dto = new()
EnterpriseName = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseNameRequested,
//populate policyNameList
//EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
//populate enterprise list
EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
//common policies
ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList(),
ProfileType = profileType,
//bindMyEnterpriseId in view
MyEnterpriseId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId,
//hardware settings
DupWifiConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupWifiConfigDisabled,
DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled,
DupBluetoothDisabled = cpDto.DupBluetoothDisabled,
DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = cpDto.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled,
MaximumTimeToLock = cpDto.MaximumTimeToLock,
AdjustVolumeDisabled = result != null ? result.AdjustVolumeDisabled : false,
ScreenCaptureDisabled = result != null ? result.ScreenCaptureDisabled : false,
StatusBarDisabled = result != null ? result.StatusBarDisabled : false,
BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = result != null ? result.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled : false,
ShareLocationDisabled = result != null ? result.ShareLocationDisabled : false,
WifiConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.WifiConfigDisabled : false,
MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled : false,
AutoDateAndTimeZone = result != null ? result.AutoDateAndTimeZone : ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED,
KeyguardDisabled = result != null ? result.KeyguardDisabled : false,
CameraDisabled = result != null ? result.CameraDisabled : false,
//app settings
ApplicationName = cpDto.ApplicationName ?? string.Empty,
AppPackageName = cpDto.AppPackageName ?? string.Empty,
DupInstallType = cpDto.DupInstallType,
DupDefaultPermissionPolicy = cpDto.DupDefaultPermissionPolicy,
PackageList = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationsList(),
//device mode settings
KioskMode = cpDto.KioskMode,
AppPolicyName = "",
PackageName = resDevicemodel != null? resDevicemodel.PackageName: "",
PackageId = cpDto.PackageId,
DupLockPowerButton = cpDto.DupLockPowerButton,
StatusBar = cpDto.StatusBar,
DupDisableDeviceSettings = cpDto.DupDisableDeviceSettings,
SystemNavigation = cpDto.SystemNavigation != null ? cpDto.SystemNavigation : ResourceMsg.SYSTEM_NAVIGATION_UNSPECIFIED,
DupEnableSystemErrorWarnings = cpDto.DupEnableSystemErrorWarnings,
IsDeleted = resDevicemodel != null ? resDevicemodel.IsDeleted: true,
//fetch defaultConfiguration status to show createConfiguration button when status is true
IsDefaultConfigurationSet = enterpriseDatax.IsDefaultConfigurationSet,
DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId)
if (jFlag)
//when profile dropdown changed
return Json(dto);
// TempData["PolicyApplied"] = TempData["PolicyApplied"];
return View(dto);
//If work Profile then perform on hardware and apps settings
if (profileType == ResourceMsg.Work)
if (result != null)
if (resAppmodel != null)
//prepare commonpolicies vmodel to send to view
dto = new()
EnterpriseName = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseNameRequested,
//hardware settings
DupWifiConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupWifiConfigDisabled,
DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = cpDto.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled,
DupBluetoothDisabled = cpDto.DupBluetoothDisabled,
DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = cpDto.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled,
MaximumTimeToLock = cpDto.MaximumTimeToLock,
AdjustVolumeDisabled = result != null ? result.AdjustVolumeDisabled : false,
ScreenCaptureDisabled = result != null ? result.ScreenCaptureDisabled : false,
StatusBarDisabled = result != null ? result.StatusBarDisabled : false,
BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = result != null ? result.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled : false,
ShareLocationDisabled = result != null ? result.ShareLocationDisabled : false,
WifiConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.WifiConfigDisabled : false,
MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = result != null ? result.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled : false,
AutoDateAndTimeZone = result != null ? result.AutoDateAndTimeZone : ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED,
KeyguardDisabled = result != null ? result.KeyguardDisabled : false,
CameraDisabled = result != null ? result.CameraDisabled : false,
//app settings
ApplicationName = cpDto.ApplicationName ?? string.Empty,
AppPackageName = cpDto.AppPackageName ?? string.Empty,
DupInstallType = cpDto.DupInstallType,
DupDefaultPermissionPolicy = cpDto.DupDefaultPermissionPolicy,
PackageList = _iEmmMapper.GetApplicationsList(),
//common policies
EnterpriseList = _iEmmMapper.GetActiveEnterprisesDropList(),
ProfileTypeList = _iEmmMapper.GetProfileTypeList(),
ProfileType = profileType,
//bindMyEnterpriseId in view
MyEnterpriseId = enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId,
//fetch defaultConfiguration status to show createConfiguration button when status is true
IsDefaultConfigurationSet = enterpriseDatax.IsDefaultConfigurationSet,
DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(enterpriseDatax.EnterpriseId)
if (jFlag)
//when profile dropdown changed
return Json(dto);
return View(dto);
// TempData["PolicyApplied"] = TempData["PolicyApplied"];
return View(dto);
catch (Exception ex)
_loggerManager.LogError($"Something went wrong inside CommonPolicies get action: {ex.Message}");
return View(new CommonPoliciesDto());
Post Mehtod
public IActionResult PolicyManagement(CommonPoliciesDto commonPolicies)
dynamic PolicyAge = string.Empty;
dynamic policyResponse = string.Empty;
string myPolicyId = string.Empty;
//bind myEnterpriseId in view page
ViewBag.MyEnterpriseeId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
//fetch UserIdentityId
var userLoggedId = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x=> x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Select(x => x.AdminIdentityId).FirstOrDefault();
if(userLoggedId != null)
commonPolicies.UserIdentityId = userLoggedId;
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId))
#region conditions
if (commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
commonPolicies.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED;
if (commonPolicies.WifiMoblieData == 1)
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = true;
else if (commonPolicies.WifiMoblieData == 2)
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = true;
commonPolicies.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (commonPolicies.DupBluetoothDisabled == 1)
commonPolicies.BluetoothDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.BluetoothDisabled = true;
commonPolicies.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = true;
if (commonPolicies.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled == 1)
commonPolicies.UsbFileTransferDisabled = false;
commonPolicies.UsbFileTransferDisabled = true;
if (commonPolicies.MaximumTimeToLock > 0)
commonPolicies.MaximumTimeToLock *= 60000;
#region formingPolicyIdFromPolicyName
//form Policy Id
string myPolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName.Trim();
bool flag = false;
foreach (var data in myPolicyName.ToCharArray())
if (data == ' ')
flag = true;
if (flag)
string[] polArr = myPolicyName.Split(' ');
foreach (var datax in polArr)
myPolicyId += datax + "_";
myPolicyId = myPolicyId.Remove(myPolicyId.Length - 1, 1);
myPolicyId = myPolicyName;
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId);
var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myPolicyId);
//Check if policy exist on server or not
//If policy not exist on server then it thru 404 error
policyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
//thru 404 error as this is the new policy for the server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.New;
if (PolicyAge != ResourceMsg.New)
//Policy exist on server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.Existing;
//condition for add policy
if (commonPolicies.ActionType != ResourceMsg.update)
//check if the policyId exist in both database and active in server
var IsPolicyExistOnDB = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.PolicyName.ToUpper() == commonPolicies.PolicyName.ToUpper().Trim() && x.PolicyId == myPolicyId && x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Any();
//If PolicyExistOnDb or PolicyIsNewToServer then only thru policy exist error
if(IsPolicyExistOnDB || PolicyAge == ResourceMsg.Existing)
//If Policy Exist on server then can't create a policy again with the same name
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNameAlreadyExist;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View(new EnterpriseDto());
//create a new policy in DB without policyId
//as PolicyId only generated by the server which need to be created during apply policy
//update data to common policies database table
commonPolicies.EnterpriseId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
commonPolicies.PolicyId = "";
commonPolicies.PolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName;
commonPolicies.PolicyType = ResourceMsg.Custom;
//update into database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(commonPolicies);
if (result == 0)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesCreatedSuccessfully;
//this msg need to be removed
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesUpdatedSuccessfully;
else if (commonPolicies.ActionType == ResourceMsg.update)
//If the policy Exist on server then update the policy settings on server thru Policies.Patch endpoint
if(PolicyAge == ResourceMsg.Existing)
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(commonPolicies), policyName).Execute();
commonPolicies.PolicyId = myPolicyId;
//update policy on local database
commonPolicies.EnterpriseId = commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId;
commonPolicies.PolicyId = commonPolicies.PolicyId == null? string.Empty: commonPolicies.PolicyId;
commonPolicies.PolicyName = commonPolicies.PolicyName;
commonPolicies.PolicyType = ResourceMsg.Custom;
//update into database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(commonPolicies);
if (result == 0)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesCreatedSuccessfully;
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesUpdatedSuccessfully;
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNameAlreadyExist;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.TryAgainContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.RequiredFieldsAreEmpty;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
CommonPoliciesDto dto = new();
//fetch & bind two profile types (Fully Manged & Work) on view
dto.ProfileTypeList = _iAdminMapper.GetProfileTypeList();
var myEnterpriseName = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId).Select(x => x.EnterpriseNameRequested).FirstOrDefault();
dto.DeviceList = _iAdminMapper.GetDropDevicesList(commonPolicies.MyEnterpriseId);
dto.EnterpriseName = myEnterpriseName;
//pass the dto model to view
return View(dto);
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.PolicyNotFoundContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View(new EnterpriseDto());
catch (Exception ex)
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.TryAgainContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return View();
Apply the policy
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to apply hardware policy.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IActionResult ApplyHardwarePolicy(string rwId, string devarr)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
string PolicyAge = string.Empty;
CommonPoliciesDto model = new();
string myPolicyId = string.Empty;
string[] devicesArr = devarr.Split('|');
devicesArr = devicesArr.SkipLast(1).ToArray();
//fetch policy information based on rowId
var policyInfo = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == Convert.ToInt32(rwId)).FirstOrDefault();
if(policyInfo != null)
//initialize model to assign apps into it
model.ApplicationDtoList = new List<ApplicationsDto>();
var appModel = new ApplicationsDto();
//prepare the model from database response to apply the policy on server
#region conditions
if (policyInfo.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
model.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (policyInfo.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
model.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
if (policyInfo.WifiConfigDisabled == false && policyInfo.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == false)
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (policyInfo.WifiConfigDisabled == true)
model.WifiConfigDisabled = true;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
else if (policyInfo.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == true)
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = true;
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.WifiConfigDisabled = false;
model.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled = false;
if (policyInfo.BluetoothDisabled == false)
model.BluetoothDisabled = false;
model.BluetoothDisabled = true;
model.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = true;
if (policyInfo.UsbFileTransferDisabled == false)
model.UsbFileTransferDisabled = false;
model.UsbFileTransferDisabled = true;
model.MaximumTimeToLock = policyInfo.MaximumTimeToLock;
model.AdjustVolumeDisabled = policyInfo.AdjustVolumeDisabled;
model.ScreenCaptureDisabled = policyInfo.ScreenCaptureDisabled;
if(policyInfo.StatusBarDisabled == true)
model.StatusBarDisabled = true;
model.StatusBarDisabled = false;
model.ShareLocationDisabled = policyInfo.ShareLocationDisabled;
model.KeyguardDisabled = policyInfo.KeyguardDisabled;
model.CameraDisabled = policyInfo.CameraDisabled;
#region forming policyId from policyName
//form Policy Id
string myPolicyName = policyInfo.PolicyName.Trim();
bool flag = false;
foreach (var data in myPolicyName.ToCharArray())
if (data == ' ')
flag = true;
if (flag)
string[] polArr = myPolicyName.Split(' ');
foreach (var datax in polArr)
myPolicyId += datax + "_";
myPolicyId = myPolicyId.Remove(myPolicyId.Length - 1, 1);
myPolicyId = myPolicyName;
//Apply the selected policy on server
//check there is an active policy of the enterprise on server
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", policyInfo.EnterpriseId);
//var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myDefaumyPolicyIdltPolicyId);
var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, myPolicyId);
//Check if policy exist on server or not
//If policy not exist on server then it thru 404 error
dynamic appList = string.Empty;
appList = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
catch (GoogleApiException gex)
//thru 404 error as this is the new policy for the server
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.New;
//If policy is not the new policy then the existing policy
if (PolicyAge == string.Empty)
//If there no 404 exeception from server then the policy is the existing server policy
PolicyAge = ResourceMsg.Old;
dynamic deviceNameAPI = string.Empty;
if (PolicyAge.Equals(ResourceMsg.New))
//create a new policy on the server with the formed policyId thru policies.patch endpoint
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(model), policyName).Execute();
//loop thru each requested devices
foreach (var deviceId in devicesArr)
//form the deviceName API format
deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, deviceId);
//Check device is exist on server or not
var deviceResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Get(deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//This device belongs to EMM Device; Full fledged path
//There is also Device class exist for Zerotouch device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device device = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = myPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(device, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//Update the local database with newly applied policy
if (PolicyAge.Equals(ResourceMsg.Old))
//No need to create a new policy on server
if (appList != null)
//set all hardware policies exist on server
//check if app list is null or not
if (appList.Applications != null)
//set all application policies exist from server
//fetching existing apps from the provided policy
foreach (var app in appList.Applications)
appModel = new ApplicationsDto()
PackageName = app.PackageName,
InstallType = app.InstallType,
DefaultPermissionPolicy = app.DefaultPermissionPolicy
//update the existing policy
var newpolicyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(ConfigureCommonPolicies(model), policyName).Execute();
//loop thru each requested devices
foreach (var deviceId in devicesArr)
//form the deviceName API format
deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, deviceId);
//Check device is exist on server or not
var deviceResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Get(deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//This device belongs to EMM Device; Full fledged path
//There is also Device class exist for Zerotouch device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device device = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = myPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(device, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
model.EnterpriseId = policyInfo.EnterpriseId;
model.PolicyName = policyInfo.PolicyName;
model.PolicyId = myPolicyId;
model.PolicyNameApiFormat = policyName;
model.Custom1 = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();//PolicyAppliedDate
model.CustomStatus1 = true; //PolicyAppliedOnServerStatus
//model.CustomStatus2 = true; //IsThisCurrentPolicy
//update the policyInfo on local database
var result = _iAdminMapper.CreateUpdateHardwarePolicies(model);
if (result == 1)
//update the IsThisCurrentAppliedPolicy = customstatus2 to false for rest policies under the same policyId
//var res = _iAdminMapper.UpdateHardwarePoliciesStatus(model);
TempData["PolicyApplied"] = ResourceMsg.PoliciesAppliedSuccessfully;
TempData["PolicyApplied"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return Json(new {success = false,message= ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam });
return Json(new { success = true, message = TempData["PolicyApplied"] });
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
TempData["Failure"] = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam;
return Json(new { success = false, message = ResourceMsg.ContactTechnicalTeam });
Method for Delete Policy
public IActionResult DeleteHardwarePolicy(string rwId)
if (rwId != null)
#region ResellerServiceAccountEMMOAuthCred
//read service a/c creds
ServiceAccountCredential? credential;
string fileName = "service_account_key.json";
string path = Path.Combine(this.Environment.WebRootPath, "ZeroTouchCredJSON", fileName);
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
// Create a zero-touch enrollment API service endpoint.
var service = new AndroidManagementService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ResourceMsg.EMMAppName
//Fetch enterpriseId based on deviceId where device is active
var policiesInfo = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == Convert.ToInt32(rwId) && x.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
if (policiesInfo != null)
//Fetch Default Policy
var defaultPolicyId = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == policiesInfo.EnterpriseId && x.PolicyProfileType == policiesInfo.PolicyProfileType && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Default).Select(x=> x.PolicyId).FirstOrDefault();
//If policy is active policy for any devices then after deleting the sever will be updated with default policy
var entepriseParent = string.Format("enterprises/{0}", policiesInfo.EnterpriseId);
//Fetch DeviceList with ongoing deleted policy
//var DevicesList = service.Enterprises.Devices.List(entepriseParent);
var deviceList = _iEmmMapper.GetDevices().Where(x => x.PolicyId == policiesInfo.PolicyId && x.IsActive).ToList();
if(deviceList.Count > 0)
//apply all devices with default policy
foreach(var device in deviceList)
var deviceNameAPI = string.Format("{0}/devices/{1}", entepriseParent, device.DeviceId);
//Apply policy on device
Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device deviceBody = new Google.Apis.AndroidManagement.v1.Data.Device()
//Assign policyId to policyName
PolicyName = defaultPolicyId,
State = ResourceMsg.ACTIVE
//Apply the newly created policy on the requested devices thru device.patch endpont
var devicePatchResponse = service.Enterprises.Devices.Patch(deviceBody, deviceNameAPI).Execute();
//var policyName = string.Format("{0}/policies/{1}", entepriseParent, policiesInfo.PolicyId);
//var policyResponse = service.Enterprises.Policies.Get(policyName).Execute();
//if(policyResponse != null)
// //If policy exist on server then set default hardware policy
// var appliedPolicyData = service.Enterprises.Policies.Patch(DefaultHardwarePolicies(policiesInfo.PolicyId), policyName).Execute();
//soft delete policy from local database
var result = _iAdminMapper.SoftDeletePolicy(Convert.ToInt32(rwId));
if (result == 1)
TempData["MsgCmnPolicies"] = ResourceMsg.DeleteMsg;
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
This method for get policy h/w policy
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to return hardware policies based on enterprise Id in json format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enterpriseId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IActionResult GetjHardwarePolicies(string enterpriseId)
IList<CommonPoliciesDto> hardwarePoliciesList = new List<CommonPoliciesDto>();
List<SelectListItem> deviceDropList = new List<SelectListItem>();
SelectListItem hardwarePoliciy = new();
//fetch enterprise name
var enterpriseName = _iEmmMapper.GetEnterprises().Where(x=> x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId).Select(x=> x.EnterpriseNameRequested).FirstOrDefault();
//fetch devices based on enterprise
var deviceList = _iEmmMapper.GetDevices().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId && x.IsActive).ToList();
if(deviceList.Count > 0)
foreach(var device in deviceList)
hardwarePoliciy = new SelectListItem()
Text = device.Model,
Value = device.DeviceId
if (enterpriseId != null)
//fetch list of custom hardware policies based on enterprise
var hardwarePoliciesListResponse = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.EnterpriseId.Equals(enterpriseId) && x.PolicyType == ResourceMsg.Custom && x.IsActive);
foreach (var policy in hardwarePoliciesListResponse)
policy.EnterpriseName = enterpriseName;
//List<SelectListItem> countries = this.Context.Customers.Where(x => x.Country != null)
//.Select(x => new SelectListItem
// Text = x.Country,
// Value = x.Country
return new JsonResult(hardwarePoliciesList);
catch (Exception ex)
string msgErr = "Error in " + this.GetType().ToString();
return RedirectToAction("PolicyManagement", "Admin");
This method is used for edit policy
/// <summary>
/// This method used to Edit Hardware Setting modal by Id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public JsonResult jEditHardwareSettings(int id)
CommonPoliciesDto commonModel = new() { Id = id };
var responseHardwareModel = _iEmmMapper.GetCommonPolicies().Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (responseHardwareModel != null)
#region Hardware Settings from database
commonModel.PolicyName = responseHardwareModel.PolicyName;
commonModel.PolicyProfileType = responseHardwareModel.PolicyProfileType;
if (responseHardwareModel.BluetoothDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupBluetoothDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupBluetoothDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.UsbFileTransferDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupUsbFileTransferDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.WifiConfigDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupWifiConfigDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupWifiConfigDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.MobileNetworksConfigDisabled == false)
commonModel.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = 1;
commonModel.DupMobileNetworksConfigDisabled = 0;
if (responseHardwareModel.MaximumTimeToLock > 0)
commonModel.MaximumTimeToLock = responseHardwareModel.MaximumTimeToLock / 60000;
commonModel.AdjustVolumeDisabled = responseHardwareModel.AdjustVolumeDisabled;
if (responseHardwareModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED)
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_ENFORCED;
else if (responseHardwareModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone == ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE)
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_USERCHOICE;
commonModel.AutoDateAndTimeZone = ResourceMsg.AUTO_DATEANDTIMEZONE_UNSPECIFIED;
commonModel.ScreenCaptureDisabled = responseHardwareModel.ScreenCaptureDisabled;
commonModel.StatusBarDisabled = responseHardwareModel.StatusBarDisabled;
commonModel.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled = responseHardwareModel.BluetoothContactSharingDisabled;
commonModel.ShareLocationDisabled = responseHardwareModel.ShareLocationDisabled;
commonModel.KeyguardDisabled = responseHardwareModel.KeyguardDisabled;
commonModel.CameraDisabled = responseHardwareModel.CameraDisabled;
return Json(commonModel);

Sorting Details Page MVC

I cant figured out how perform sort in a details page. I have a classic page with list of order and for each row i have a actionlink to return details view of that order.
i try this
public ActionResult Details(int? anno,int? nr, string centro, string sortOrder)
ViewBag.Codice = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "Articolo_desc" : "";
if (anno == null && nr == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(centro))
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
string s = "anno=" + Request.QueryString["anno"] + "&nr=" + Request.QueryString["nr"] + "&centro=" + Request.QueryString["centro"]; = s.Replace("search=", "").Replace("%3D", "=");
var righe = from d in db.DETAILS
where d.Anno == anno && d.Num == nr && d.Centro == centro
select new DetailsOrdersView
Articolo = r.Codice,
if (righe == null)
return HttpNotFound();
case "Articolo_desc":
righe = righe.OrderByDescending(i => i.Articolo);
righe = righe.OrderBy(i => i.Articolo);
return View(righe);
and in details view
#Html.ActionLink("codice","Details", new { sortOrder = ViewBag.Codice, })
but i on sorting I get bad request and this is the route
#Html.ActionLink("codice", "Details", new { sortOrder = ViewBag.Codice, anno = ViewBag.Anno, centro = ViewBag.Centro , nr= ViewBag.Numero })
i solved as above

How to increase the performance for login response

I am working on one MVC application. After clicking on login button it is taking me almost 7 second to redirect on home page which is not a good response time as per performance. Please help me how to make response time better.
Below is my controller code.
public ActionResult UserLogIn(Models.LogIn user)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (IsValid(user.User_Id, user.User_Password))
using (var db = new CopaRuleContext())
var ApproveUsers = db.tbl_User.Where(u => u.User_Approved == "Yes" && u.User_Id == user.User_Id).ToList();
var UserDetails = db.tbl_User.FirstOrDefault(u => u.User_Id == user.User_Id);
string UserRole = UserDetails.User_Role;
if (UserRole != null)
Session["UserRole"] = UserDetails.User_Role;
var rolename = db.tbl_Roles.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Role_Name == UserRole);
if (rolename != null)
Session["RoleName"] = rolename.Role_Description;
var firstname = UserDetails.User_First_Name;
var lastname = UserDetails.User_Last_Name;
firstname = firstname.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + firstname.Substring(1).ToLower();
lastname = lastname.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + lastname.Substring(1).ToLower();
Session["UserName"] = firstname + ' ' + lastname;
Session["UserId"] = UserDetails.User_Id;
if (ApproveUsers != null && ApproveUsers.Count() > 0)
if (UserDetails.User_Is_Deleted != 1)
Session["Process"] = "PP";
if (UserRole == "Role-1")
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.User_Id, false);
return RedirectToAction("Notification", "Inbox");
else if (UserRole == "Role-2")
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.User_Id, false);
return RedirectToAction("Clear", "Clear");
if (UserRole == "Role-3")
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.User_Id, false);
return RedirectToAction("Notification", "Inbox");
if (UserRole == "Role-4")
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.User_Id, false);
return RedirectToAction("Notification", "Inbox");
return View(user);
I was having problem with password encryption. I was using salt hash technique to encrypt the password which was affecting the performance of login. I have changed it with SHA1 encryption and performance has became incredibly fast.

Entity framework: Db context scope and transaction

I have an MVC 5 web app which talks to my class library for db needs and the class library uses Entity Framework 6 for that.
Below are 2 methods from the class library.
Both of them are initiating a new context. How do I make 'em use only one context instead, without using class level variable?
Also, if these 2 methods were to save stuff, context.SaveChanges(), how can I wrap them both into one transaction, even if the save happens in different classes?
public int FindUnknownByName(string name, string language)
using (var context = new ScriptEntities())
int languageId = this.FindLanguage(language);
var script = context.scripts.Where(l => l.Name == name && l.Unknown == true && l.LanguageId == languageId).FirstOrDefault();
if (script != null)
return script.Id;
return 0;
public int FindLanguage(string language)
using (var context = new ScriptEntities())
var lang = context.languages.Where(l => l.Name == language).FirstOrDefault();
if (lang != null)
return lang.Id;
return 0;
Make the context a private class variable.
private ScriptEntities context = new ScriptEntities()
public int FindUnknownByName(string name, string language)
int languageId = this.FindLanguage(language);
var script = context.scripts.Where(l => l.Name == name && l.Unknown == true && l.LanguageId == languageId).FirstOrDefault();
if (script != null)
return script.Id;
return 0;
public int FindLanguage(string language)
var lang = context.languages.Where(l => l.Name == language).FirstOrDefault();
if (lang != null)
return lang.Id;
return 0;
Also implement IDisposable and dispose context.
You can use extension methods:
public int FindUnknownByName(this ScriptEntities context, string name, string language)
int languageId = context.FindLanguage(language);
var script = context.scripts.Where(l => l.Name == name && l.Unknown == true && l.LanguageId == languageId).FirstOrDefault();
if (script != null)
return script.Id;
return 0;.
public int FindLanguage(this ScriptEntities context, string language)
var lang = context.languages.Where(l => l.Name == language).FirstOrDefault();
if (lang != null)
return lang.Id;
return 0;
using (var context = new ScriptEntities())
var language = context.FindUnknownByName('name', 'language')

uBlogsy (webforms) PostService showing no posts on landing page

I'm using uBlogsy WebForms 3.0.2 on Umbraco 6.1.5...
And the posts on the landing page are not showing up.
The function PostService.Instance.GetPosts is returning 0 posts, even though there are posts in the correct location.
I still get 0 posts when I try to substitute this:
var posts = PostService.Instance
int postCount = posts.Count();
Would anyone know why the PostService isn't working? Or, what is going on?
I had same problem couple of times with Ublogsy. So I decided to write my own codes as below:
(Its a bit long)
// get tag, label, or author from query string
var tag = Request.QueryString["tag"] ?? "";
var label = Request.QueryString["label"] ?? "";
var author = Request.QueryString["author"] ?? "";
var searchTerm = Request.QueryString["search"] ?? "";
var commenter = Request.QueryString["commenter"] ?? "";
int page = int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"], out page) ? page : 1;
var year = Request.QueryString["year"] ?? "";
var month = Request.QueryString["month"] ?? "";
var day = Request.QueryString["day"] ?? "";
int postCount;
IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> posts = new BlockingCollection<IPublishedContent>();
var filterResults = this.FilterAgainstPosts(this.Model.Content, tag, label, author, searchTerm, commenter, year, month);
if (filterResults != null)
posts = Enumerable.Take(filterResults.Skip((page - 1) * itemsPerPage), itemsPerPage);
And my FilterAgainstPosts method is as follow:
private IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> FilterAgainstPosts(IPublishedContent landing, string tag, string label, string author, string searchTerm, string commenter, string year, string month)
IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> filteredPosts = landing.DescendantsOrSelf("uBlogsyPost").Where(x => x.GetProperty("umbracoNaviHide").Value.ToString() != "1");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterAgainstTerm(i, searchTerm));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterUponTag(i, i.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostTags").Value.ToString(), tag));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterUponLabel(i, i.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostLabels").Value.ToString(), label));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterUponAuthor(i, i.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostAuthor").Value.ToString(), author));
//TODO: Coomenter search needs to added
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterUponYear(i, i.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostDate").Value.ToString(), year));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(month))
filteredPosts = filteredPosts.ForEach(i => this.FilterUponMonth(i, i.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostDate").Value.ToString(), month));
return filteredPosts.WhereNotNull();
private IPublishedContent FilterUponMonth(IPublishedContent currentNode, string postDate, string month)
DateTime postedDate;
if (DateTime.TryParse(postDate, out postedDate) && postedDate.Month.ToString() == month) return currentNode;
return null;
private IPublishedContent FilterUponYear(IPublishedContent currentNode, string postDate, string year)
DateTime postedDate;
if (DateTime.TryParse(postDate, out postedDate) && postedDate.Year.ToString() == year) return currentNode;
return null;
private IPublishedContent FilterUponAuthor(IPublishedContent currentNode, string authorId, string author)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorId)) return null;
//Loads relevant node
int authorNodeId = -1;
if (!Int32.TryParse(authorId, out authorNodeId)) return null;
Node authorNode = new Node(authorNodeId);
//Trims the author name and search for given name
if (authorNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyAuthorName") != null && authorNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyAuthorName").Value.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(author.ToUpper())) return currentNode;
return null;
private Boolean FilterUponAuthor(string authorId, string author)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorId)) return false;
int authorNodeId = -1;
if (!Int32.TryParse(authorId, out authorNodeId)) return false;
Node authorNode = new Node(authorNodeId);
if (authorNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyAuthorName") != null && authorNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyAuthorName").Value.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(author.ToUpper())) return true;
return false;
private Boolean FilterUponCategories(string categoryIds, string category)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryIds)) return false;
int categoryNodeID = -1;
foreach (string catID in categoryIds.Split(','))
if (!Int32.TryParse(catID, out categoryNodeID)) continue;
Node categoryNode = new Node(categoryNodeID);
if (categoryNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyLabelName") != null && categoryNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyLabelName").Value.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(category.ToUpper())) return true;
return false;
private Boolean FilterUponTags(string tagIds, string tag)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tagIds)) return false;
int tagNodeID = -1;
foreach (string tagID in tagIds.Split(','))
if (!Int32.TryParse(tagID, out tagNodeID)) continue;
Node tagNode = new Node(tagNodeID);
if (tagNode.GetProperty("uTagsyTagName") != null && tagNode.GetProperty("uTagsyTagName").Value.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(tag.ToUpper())) return true;
return false;
private IPublishedContent FilterUponLabel(IPublishedContent currentNode, string nodeIDs, string label)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIDs)) return null;
foreach (string nodeId in nodeIDs.Split(','))
int labelNodeId = -1;
if (!Int32.TryParse(nodeId, out labelNodeId))
//Loads relevant node
Node labelNode = new Node(labelNodeId);
if (labelNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyLabelName") != null && labelNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyLabelName").Value.ToUpper().Trim().Contains(label.ToUpper())) return currentNode;
return null;
private IPublishedContent FilterAgainstTerm(IPublishedContent currentNode, string searchTerm)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) return currentNode;
if (currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyContentTitle").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyContentSummary").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyContentBody").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsySeoKeywords").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsySeoDescription").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyNavigationTitle").Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
FilterUponAuthor(currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostAuthor").Value.ToString(), searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
FilterUponCategories(currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostLabels").Value.ToString(), searchTerm.ToUpper()) ||
FilterUponTags(currentNode.GetProperty("uBlogsyPostTags").Value.ToString(), searchTerm.ToUpper())
return currentNode;
return null;
private IPublishedContent FilterUponTag(IPublishedContent currentNode, string nodeIDs, string tag)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIDs)) return null;
foreach (string nodeId in nodeIDs.Split(','))
int tagNodeId = -1;
if (!Int32.TryParse(nodeId, out tagNodeId))
// Loads relevant TagNode
Node tagNode = new Node(tagNodeId);
if (tagNode.GetProperty("uTagsyTagName") != null && tagNode.GetProperty("uTagsyTagName").Value.ToUpper().Contains(tag.ToUpper())) return currentNode;
return null;
