I'm just a little confused about data sampling, what distribution should I expect for my sampling data? In general, do I want my sampling data has the same distribution as my whole dataset? I wonder what is a reasonable sampling technique and approach?
There are many factors to consider in choosing a sampling technique. Factors such as the purpose or objective of work, your budget, time and even sample size are worth considering when choosing a sampling technique.
Probability Sampling techniques are usually more involving while Non-Probability Sampling techniques may be less demanding.
The sampling technique chosen goes a long way affecting the interpretation of the data, as well as the overall outcome of your work.
These notes may be of interest:
Simple Random Sampling and Other Sampling Methods
I did not understand your question well, but I will try to answer.
Student's âtâ Distribution is essentially a normal distribution (with an approximate shape of a bell), that is why the statistical programs often have in them the statistical expressions of the Student 't' distribution instead of the normal distribution.
I'm running a SAC reinforcement learner for a robotics application with some pretty decent results. One of the reasons I opted for reinforcement learning is for the ability for learning in the field, e.g. to adjust to a mechanical change, such as worn tires or a wheel going a little out of alignment.
My reinforcement learner restores it's last saved weights and replay buffer upon startup, so it doesn't need to retrain every time I turn it on. However, one concern I have is with respect to the optimizer.
Optimizers have come a long way since ADAM, but everything I read and all the RL code samples I see still seem to use ADAM with a fixed learning rate. I'd like to take advantage of some of the advances in optimizers, e.g. one cycle AdamW. However, a one-cycle optimizer seems inappropriate for a continuous real-world reinforcement learning problem: I imagine it's pretty good for the initial training/calibration, but I expect the low final learning rate would react too slowly to mechanical changes.
One thought I had was perhaps to do a one-cycle approach for initial training, and triggering a smaller one-cycle restart if a change in error that indicates something has changed (perhaps the size of the restart could be based on the size of the change in error).
Has anyone experimented with optimizers other than ADAM for reinforcement learning or have any suggestions for dealing with this sort of problem?
Reinforcement learning is very different from traditional supervised learning because the training data distribution changes as the policy improves. In optimization terms, the objective function can be said to be non-stationary. For this reason, I suspect your intuition is likely correct -- that a "one-cycle" optimizer would perform poorly after a while in your application.
My question is, what is wrong with Adam? Typically, the choice of optimizer is a minor detail for deep reinforcement learning; other factors like the exploration policy, algorithmic hyperparameters, or network architecture tend to have a much greater impact on performance.
Nevertheless, if you really want to try other optimizers, you could experiment with RMSProp, Adadelta, or Nesterov Momentum. However, my guess is that you will see incremental improvements, if any. Perhaps searching for better hyperparameters to use with Adam would be a more effective use of time.
EDIT: In my original answer, I made the claim that the choice of a particular optimizer is not primarily important for reinforcement learning speed, and neither is generalization. I want to add some discussion that helps illustrate these points.
Consider how most deep policy gradient methods operate: they sample a trajectory of experience from the environment, estimate returns, and then conduct one or more gradient steps to improve the parameterized policy (e.g. a neural network). This process repeats until convergence (to a locally optimal policy).
Why must we continuously sample new experience from the environment? Because our current data can only provide a reasonable first-order approximation within a small trust region around the policy parameters that were used to collect that data. Hence, whenever we update the policy, we need to sample more data.
A good way to visualize this is to consider an MM algorithm. At each iteration, a surrogate objective is constructed based on the data we have now and then maximized. Each time, we will get closer to the true optimum, but the speed at which we approach it is determined only by the number of surrogates we construct -- not by the specific optimizer we use to maximize each surrogate. Adam might maximize each surrogate in fewer gradient steps than, say, RMSProp does, but this does not affect the learning speed of the agent (with respect to environment samples). It just reduces the number of minibatch updates you need to conduct.
SAC is a little more complicated than this, as it learns Q-values in an off-policy manner and conducts updates using experience replay, but the general idea holds. The best attainable policy is subject to whatever the current data in our replay memory are; regardless of the optimizer we use, we will need to sample roughly the same amount of data from the environment to converge to the optimal policy.
So, how do you make a faster (more sample-efficient) policy gradient method? You need to fundamentally change the RL algorithm itself. For example, PPO almost always learns faster than TRPO, because John Schulman and co-authors found a different and empirically better way to generate policy gradient steps.
Finally, notice that there is no notion of generalization here. We have an objective function that we want to optimize, and once we do optimize it, we have solved the task as well as we can. This is why I suspect that the "Adam-generalizes-worse-than-SGD" issue is actually irrelevant for RL.
My initial testing suggest the details of the optimizer and it's hyperparameters matter, at least for off-policy techniques. I haven't had the chance to experiment much with PPO or on-policy techniques, so I can't speak for those unfortunately.
To speak to #Brett_Daley's thoughtful response a bit: the optimizer is certainly one of the less important characteristics. The means of exploration, and the use of a good prioritized replay buffer are certainly critical factors, especially with respect to achieving good initial results. However, my testing seems to show that the optimizer becomes important for the fine-tuning.
The off-policy methods I have been using have been problematic with fine-grained stability. In other words, the RL finds the mostly correct solution, but never really hones in on the perfect solution (or if it does find it briefly, it drifts off). I suspect the optimizer is at least partly to blame.
I did a bit of testing and found that varying the ADAM learning rate has an obvious effect. Too high and both the actor and critic bounce around the minimum and never converge on the optimal policy. In my robotics application this looks like the RL consistently makes sub-optimal decisions, as though there's a bit of random exploration with every action that always misses the mark a little bit.
OTOH, a lower learning rate tends to get stuck in sub-optimal solutions and is unable to adapt to changes (e.g. slower motor response due to low battery).
I haven't yet run any tests of single-cycle schedule or AdamW for the learning rate, but I did a very basic test with a two stage learning rate adjustment for both Actor and Critic (starting with a high rate and dropping to a low rate) and the results were a clearly more precise solution that converged quickly during the high learning rate and then honed in better with the low-learning rate.
I imagine AdamW's better weight decay regularization may result in similarly better results for avoiding overfitting training batches contributing to missing the optimal solution.
Based on the improvement I saw, it's probably worth trying single-cycle methods and AdamW for the actor and critic networks for tuning the results. I still have some concerns for how the lower learning rate at the end of the cycle will adapt to changes in the environment, but a simple solution for that may be to monitor the loss and do a restart of the learning rate if it drifts too much. In any case, more testing seems warranted.
Building a classifier for classical problems, like image classification, is quite straightforward, since by visualization on the image we know the pixel values do contain the information about the target.
However, for the problems in which there is no obvious visualizable pattern, how should we evaluate or to see if the features collected are good enough for the target information? Or if there are some criterion by which we can conclude the collected features does not work at all. Otherwise, we have to try different algorithms or classifiers to verify the predictability of the collected data. Or if there is a thumb rule saying that if apply classical classifiers, like SVM, random forest and adaboost, we cannot get a classifier with a reasonable accuracy (70%) then we should give up and try to find some other more related features.
Or by some high dim visualization tool, like t-sne, if there is no clear pattern presented in some low dim latent space, then we should give up.
First of all, there might be NO features that explain the data well enough. The data may simply be pure noise without any signal. Therefore speaking about "reasonable accuracy" of any level e.g. 70% is improper. For some data sets a model that explains 40 % of its variance will be fantastic.
Having said that, the simplest practical way to evaluate the input features is to calculate correlations between each of them and the target.
Models have their own ways of evaluating features importance.
I have a dataset comprised of roughly 15M observations, with approximately 3% of it being from the interest class. I can train the model in a pc, but i need to implement the classifier in a raspberry pi3. Since the raspberry has such a limited memory, what algorithms represent the least load for it?.
Additional info: the dataset is hard to differentiate. For example, ANNs can't get past the 80% detection rate for the interest class, no matter the architecture or activation function. Random forest has demonstrated great performance but the number of trees and nodes required aren't feasible for the implementation on a microcontroller.
Thank you, in advance.
You could potentially trim the trees in Random Forest approach so that to balance the classifier performance with memory / processing power requirements.
Also, I am suspecting you have a strongly imbalanced train/test sets so I wonder if you used any of the approaches suggested in this case (e.g. SMOTE, ADASYN, etc.). In case of python I strongly suggest reviewing imbalanced-learn library. Using such an approach could lead to a reduced size of classifier with acceptably good performance that you would be able to fit to run on the target device.
Last but not least, this question could easily go to Cross Validated or Data Science sites.
Deep learning has been a revolution recently and its success is related with the huge amount of data that we can currently manage and the generalization of the GPUs.
So here is the problem I'm facing. I know that deep neural nets have the best performance, there is no doubt about it. However, they have a good performance when the number of training examples is huge. If the number of training examples is low it is better to use a SVM or decision trees.
But what is huge? what is low? In this paper of face recognition (FaceNet by Google) they show the performance vs the flops (which can be related with the number of training examples)
They used between 100M and 200M training examples, which is huge.
My question is:
Is there any method to predict in advance the number of training examples I need to have a good performance in deep learning??? The reason I ask this is because it is a waste of time to manually classify a dataset if the performance is not going to be good.
My question is: Is there any method to predict in advance the number of training examples I need to have a good performance in deep learning??? The reason I ask this is because it is a waste of time to manually classify a dataset if the performance is not going to be good.
The short answer is no. You do not have this kind of knowledge, furthermore you will never have. These kind of problems are impossible to solve, ever.
What you can have are just some general heuristics/empirical knowledge, which will say if it is probable that DL will not work well (as it is possible to predict fail of the method, while nearly impossible to predict the success), nothing more. In current research, DL rarely works well for datasets smaller than hundreads thousands/milions of samples (I do not count MNIST because everything works well on MNIST). Furthermore, DL is heavily studied actually in just two types of problems - NLP and image processing, thus you cannot really extraplate it to any other kind of problems (no free lunch theorem).
Just to make it a bit more clear. What you are asking about is to predit whether given estimator (or set of estimators) will yield a good results given a particular training set. In fact you even restrict just to the size.
The simpliest proof (based on your simplification) is as follows: for any N (sample size) I can construct N-mode (or N^2 to make it even more obvious) distribution which no estimator can reasonably estimate (including deep neural network) and I can construct trivial data with just one label (thus perfect model requires just one sample). End of proof (there are two different answers for the same N).
Now let us assume that we do have access to the training samples (without labels for now) and not just sample size. Now we are given X (training samples) of size N. Again I can construct N-mode labeling yielding impossible to estimate distribution (by anything) and trivial labeling (just a single label!). Again - two different answers for the exact same input.
Ok, so maybe given training samples and labels we can predict what will behave well? Now we cannot manipulate samples nor labels to show that there are no such function. So we have to get back to statistics and what we are trying to answer. We are asking about expected value of loss function over whole probability distribution which generated our training samples. So now again, the whole "clue" is to see, that I can manipulate the underlying distributions (construct many different ones, many of which impossible to model well by deep neural network) and still expect that my training samples come from them. This is what statisticians call the problem of having non-representible sample from a pdf. In particular, in ML, we often relate to this problem with curse of dimensionality. In simple words - in order to estimate the probability well we need enormous number of samples. Silverman shown that even if you know that your data is just a normal distribution and you ask "what is value in 0?" You need exponentialy many samples (as compared to space dimensionality). In practise our distributions are multi-modal, complex and unknown thus this amount is even higher. We are quite safe to say that given number of samples we could ever gather we cannot ever estimate reasonably well distributions with more than 10 dimensions. Consequently - whatever we do to minimize the expected error we are just using heuristics, which connect the empirical error (fitting to the data) with some kind of regularization (removing overfitting, usually by putting some prior assumptions on distributions families). To sum up we cannot construct a method able to distinguish if our model will behave good, because this would require deciding which "complexity" distribution generated our samples. There will be some simple cases when we can do it - and probably they will say something like "oh! this data is so simple even knn will work well!". You cannot have generic tool, for DNN or any other (complex) model though (to be strict - we can have such predictor for very simple models, because they simply are so limited that we can easily check if your data follows this extreme simplicity or not).
Consequently, this boils down nearly to the same question - to actually building a model... thus you will need to try and validate your approach (thus - train DNN to answer if DNN works well). You can use cross validation, bootstraping or anything else here, but all essentialy do the same - build multiple models of your desired type and validate it.
To sum up
I do not claim we will not have a good heuristics, heuristic drive many parts of ML quite well. I only answer if there is a method able to answer your question - and there is no such thing and cannot exist. There can be many rules of thumb, which for some problems (classes of problems) will work well. And we already do have such:
for NLP/2d images you should have ~100,000 samples at least to work with DNN
having lots of unlabeled instances can partially substitute the above number (thus you can have like 30,000 labeled ones + 70,000 unlabeled) with pretty reasonable results
Furthermore this does not mean that given this size of data DNN will be better than kernelized SVM or even linear model. This is exactly what I was refering to earlier - you can easily construct counterexamples of distributions where SVM will work the same or even better despite number of samples. The same applies for any other technique.
Yet still, even if you are just interested if DNN will work well (and not better than others) these are just empirical, trivial heuristics, which are based on at most 10 (!) types of problems. This could be very harmfull to treat these as rules or methods. This are just rough, first intuitions gained through extremely unstructured, random research that happened in last decade.
Ok, so I am lost now... when should I use DL? And the answer is exteremly simple:
Use deep learning only if:
You already tested "shallow" techniques and they do not work well
You have large amounts of data
You have huge computational resources
You have experience with neural networks (this are very tricky and ungreatful models, really)
You have great amount of time to spare, even if you will just get a few % better results as an effect.
I have been looking for fast linear SVM library and i came across two of the most important ones Liblinear and Pegasos , from the paper presented of liblinear it looks like for liblinaer outperforms pegasos. however pegasos claims if data is sparse then it works fast.
As pegasos came earlier there is no comparison in it;s documentation.
So for sparse data what should i choose ?
As far as I know, sparse data is handled fine by both. The question is more on the number of data points. Liblinear has solvers for both the primal and the dual, and these solve the problem to a high precision without any need to tune the parameters. For pegasos or similar subgradient descent solvers (if you want one of these, I'd recommend Leon Bottou's sgd) the result is strongly dependant on the initial learning rate and learning rate schedule, which can be tricky to tune.
As a rule of thumb, if I have less than 10k data points, I'd always use liblinear (with the primal solver), maybe even up to 100k. Above that, I'd consider using SGD if I feel liblinear is to slow. Even if liblinear is slightly slower, I prefer using it as it means I don't have to think about learning rate, learning rate decay and number of epochs.
Btw, you can very easily compare these different solvers using a framework like scikit-learn, which includes SGD, Liblinear and LibSVM solvers, or lightning, which includes A LOT of solvers.
Both LIBLINEAR and Pegasos are linear classification techniques that were specifically developed to deal with large sparse data with a huge number of instances and features. They are only faster than the traditional SVM on this kind of data.
I never used Pegasos before, but I can assure you that LIBLINEAR is very fast with this kind of data and the authors say that "it is competitive with or even faster than state of the art linear classifiers such as Pegasos".