IoC container that doesn't require registration - dependency-injection

Is there such a thing?
If all I need to do is resolve IThing to Thing, why do I need to even create a registration? I should just map dynamically during run-time. I can easily create one with reflection..but was hoping to avoid building my own..
I am resolving like for like. It is easy to do with reflection, without registration..

What you're looking for is the concept of Auto-Registration. Most containers allow you to either register types in an assembly based on a convention, or do unregistered type resolution and find the missing type for you.
For instance, you can search through an assembly and register all types that match the convention during startup:
var container = new Container();
Assembly assembly = typeof(Thing).Assembly;
var mappings =
from type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()
let matchingInterface = "I" + type.Name
let service = type.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(i => matchingInterface)
where service != null
select new { service, type };
foreach (var mapping in mappings)
// Register the type in the container
container.Register(mapping.service, mapping.type);
Using unregistered type resolution, you can make the registration on the fly. How to do this is very much dependent on which container you use. With Simple Injector, for instance, this looks as follows:
var container = new Container();
Assembly assembly = typeof(Thing).Assembly;
container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (s, e)
Type service = e.UnregisteredServiceType;
if (service.IsInterface)
var types = (
from type in asssembly.GetExportedTypes()
where service.IsAssignableFrom(type)
where !type.IsAbstract
where service.Name == "I" + type.Name
select type)
if (types.Length == 1)
e.Register(Lifestyle.Transient.CreateRegistration(types[0], container));
Both methods prevent you from having to update your container configuration constantly.


Are Factories Using An IoC Container A Service Locator?

Lets say I have a factory returning different classes via methods.
class CarFactory
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
public function createCarOne() : CarInterface
return $this->container->make(CarOneClass::class);
// Vs
public function createCarTwo() : CarInterface
return new CarTwoClass({Inject Dependencies Here});
When would this be considered a service locator or anti-pattern and why? I am considering the first method solely for the dependency resolution provided by the container. All car's have the same typed interface dependencies the main difference of the entities come from how they transform the data provided.
Whenever one of these methods are called I need a new instance of the specified car so the data set can be transformed based on the choice.
This is not the implementation but the easiest example I can provide.
$output = [];
foreach ($car as $key => $data) {
$newCar = $this->factory->createCar{$key}();
// Pass Some Data To The New Car Methods So It Can Be Transformed
$output[] = $newCar;
return $output;
If this is the wrong approach what would be the alternative option?
After further digging I see some IoC containers pass factory callables as dependencies. I was going to bind each Car to a callable but thanks to the ability to type hint data from method returns (php7) I can configure factories using a provider then call the 'callable factory' from within the CarFactory. Requires additional binding but prevents the need to reference/dependency inject the IoC container within every factory.
Still researching I would love to hear feedback from those with more experience.
// Within Some Registered Provider
// I Will Have To Wire Each Car
$one = function() use ($app) {
return $app->make(CarOne::class);
$two = function() use ($app) {
return $app->make(CarTwo::class);
$app->bind(ICarFactory::class, function($app) use ($one, $two) {
return $app->make($concrete, [$one, $two]);
// Car Factory Constructor
public function __construct(callable $carOne, callable $carTwo) {
$this->one = $carOne;
$this->two = $carTwo;
Since get methods are type hinted ( view original car factory ) an error is thrown when the returned item does not implement CarInterface, each factory method would just have to call the 'callable factory' ( something like this return ($this->one)();).
I believe i solve my problem of outsourcing creation of dependencies ( avoiding creating within factory was bothering the hell out of me ) while still following 'best practices'. Still looking for advice if anyone has any to offer.

MvcSiteMapProvider + Autofac + ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProvider from another assembly

I'm having the toughest time figuring out how to register a custom ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProvider (SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderBase) using Autofac in MvcSiteMapProvider.
Everything was working fine up until the point that I moved the visibility provider to another assembly. Now, no matter what I try, I always get
The visibility provider instance named 'MyWasWorkingVisibilityProvider, MyNewAssembly' was not found. Check your DI configuration to ensure a visibility provider instance with this name exists and is configured correctly.
According to the MvcSiteMapProvider documentation and code, it appears I need to somehow into the SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy... and I think I've done that below... But I'm no Autofac ninja.
In MvcSiteMapProviderModule.cs, I added the new assembly everywhere I could think...
string[] includeAssembliesForScan = new string[] { "MyOldAssembly", "MyNewAssembly" };
var allAssemblies = new Assembly[] { currentAssembly, siteMapProviderAssembly, typeof(MyWasWorkingVisibilityProvider).Assembly };
.WithParameters(new List<Parameter> { new NamedParameter("defaultProviderName", string.Empty), new NamedParameter("siteMapNodeVisibilityProviders", new [] { new MyWasWorkingVisibilityProvider() }) });
But it still doesn't work.
For what it's worth, the visibility provider for any specific menu item is configured in the database, and the entire menu structure is loaded with a dynamic node provider that is also now in the same assembly as where I've moved the visibility providers. The dynamic node provider is obviously working because it's getting all the way to the point where it's trying to load visibility providers.
I thought looked helpful, I couldn't get the visibility provider-specific code to compile..
Another example that didn't have any effect: MVC Site Map Provider - SiteMapPath Performance Very Slow?
So I'm stuck now. I'm not a wizard with Autofac OR MvcSiteMap provider, but, like I said, everything was working fine until I moved the visibility provider to another assembly.
Thanks very much for your time and attention! I'm frustrated at this point.
Just a hunch, but I suspect that you didn't update all of the visibilityProvider="MyNamespace.MyVisibilityProvider, MyAssembly" references in your configuration to the new assembly. The SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderBase uses the .NET full type name to locate the correct type, including the assembly name.
// From MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderBase
public virtual bool AppliesTo(string providerName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName))
return false;
return this.GetType().Equals(Type.GetType(providerName, false));
As for the DI registration, provided you left the first call to CommonConventions.RegisterAllImplementationsOfInterface() in place, you had it right with this line:
var allAssemblies = new Assembly[] { currentAssembly, siteMapProviderAssembly, typeof(MyWasWorkingVisibilityProvider).Assembly };
So the code should look something like this:
var allAssemblies = new Assembly[] { currentAssembly, siteMapProviderAssembly, typeof(MyWasWorkingVisibilityProvider).Assembly };
var excludeTypes = new Type[] {
// Use this array to add types you wish to explicitly exclude from convention-based
// auto-registration. By default all types that either match I[TypeName] = [TypeName] or
// I[TypeName] = [TypeName]Adapter will be automatically wired up as long as they don't
// have the [ExcludeFromAutoRegistrationAttribute].
// If you want to override a type that follows the convention, you should add the name
// of either the implementation name or the interface that it inherits to this list and
// add your manual registration code below. This will prevent duplicate registrations
// of the types from occurring.
// Example:
// typeof(SiteMap),
// typeof(SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy)
var multipleImplementationTypes = new Type[] {
// Matching type name (I[TypeName] = [TypeName]) or matching type name + suffix Adapter (I[TypeName] = [TypeName]Adapter)
// and not decorated with the [ExcludeFromAutoRegistrationAttribute].
(interfaceType, implementationType) => builder.RegisterType(implementationType).As(interfaceType).SingleInstance(),
new Assembly[] { siteMapProviderAssembly },
// Multiple implementations of strategy based extension points (and not decorated with [ExcludeFromAutoRegistrationAttribute]).
(interfaceType, implementationType) => builder.RegisterType(implementationType).As(interfaceType).SingleInstance(),
// Registration of internal controllers
(interfaceType, implementationType) => builder.RegisterType(implementationType).As(interfaceType).AsSelf().InstancePerDependency(),
new Type[] { typeof(IController) },
new Assembly[] { siteMapProviderAssembly },
new Type[0],
So, in short your DI configuration is right, but your node configuration of the VisibilityProvider attribute/property is not.
NOTE: The below line is only for scanning for the [MvcSiteMapNode] attribute on controllers that may not be in the same project as MvcSiteMapProvider, and has nothing to do with the setup of visibility providers.
string[] includeAssembliesForScan = new string[] { "MyOldAssembly", "MyNewAssembly" };

Web API & Simple Injector - Problem resolving Controller that was loaded from external dll

I am building a Web API using MVC4 Web API and Simple Injector that should expose a variety of CRUD and query operations. The reason for using IOC in my case is that we are a dev shop and I need to be able to let customers build their own web api controllers to expose the data they need to expose need from our system. Consequently, I was hoping to design my solution in a way that allowed me to dogfood my own product by making all the controllers, both ours and our customers', external and loadable through IOC.
The website does not have any reference to the library but the library contains controllers that I want to use in the website. I have the code finding the dll plugin and loading the controller type but when I try to navigate to the route that it would represent It says it can't find it.
i.e. if I try to navigate to /api/Test1Api I should see the text "hello world"
My problem here is that although I have loaded my controller type, I am unable to translate that into a route that the website says is there.
Here is how I register the container
[assembly: WebActivator.PostApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Spike.Web.Api.App_Start.SimpleInjectorInitializer), "Initialize")]
public static class SimpleInjectorInitializer
public static void Initialize()
// Create the IOC container.
var container = new Container();
// Verify the container configuration
// Register the dependency resolver.
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver =
new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
//DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(container));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
var appPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(appPath + "\\bin\\Plugins", "*.dll",
var assemblies = files.Select(Assembly.LoadFile);
// register Web API controllers
var apiControllerTypes =
from assembly in assemblies
where !assembly.IsDynamic
from type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()
where typeof(IHttpController).IsAssignableFrom(type)
where !type.IsAbstract
where !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition
where type.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.Ordinal)
select type;
// register MVC controllers
var mvcControllerTypes =
from assembly in assemblies
where !assembly.IsDynamic
from type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()
where typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(type)
where !type.IsAbstract
where !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition
where type.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.Ordinal)
select type;
foreach (var controllerType in apiControllerTypes)
foreach (var controllerType in mvcControllerTypes)
I figured it out!
So I created a new class in my Web Api call CustomAssembliesResolver that inherits from DefaultAssembliesResolver. Essentially I add my assembly to the list of assemblies that are parsed when looking for controllers. I still have the code that uses Simple Injector for the DI portion of the solution.
public class CustomAssembliesResolver : DefaultAssembliesResolver
public override ICollection<Assembly> GetAssemblies()
var appPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
var baseAssemblies = base.GetAssemblies();
var assemblies = new List<Assembly>(baseAssemblies);
var files = Directory.GetFiles(appPath + "\\bin\\Plugins", "*.dll",
var customAssemblies = files.Select(Assembly.LoadFile);
// register Web API controllers
var apiControllerAssemblies =
from assembly in customAssemblies
where !assembly.IsDynamic
from type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()
where typeof(IHttpController).IsAssignableFrom(type)
where !type.IsAbstract
where !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition
where type.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.Ordinal)
select assembly;
foreach (var assembly in apiControllerAssemblies)
return assemblies;
I also added the following line to the beginning of the App_Start in the Global.asax.cs
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IAssembliesResolver), new CustomAssembliesResolver());
Hope this helps someone!

Autofac: any way to resolve the innermost scope?

I'm currently trying out Autofac in a new ASP.NET MVC project after having used Ninject, Castle Windsor and other IoC containers in the last years. So while I know about IoC containers in general, I'm fairly new to Autofac and I'm still looking for some best practices.
Currently I'm trying to find out if there is a way to resolve the innermost nested scope.
I have the following situation: a component that is registered as SingleInstance() has a method that creates a nested lifetime scope, providing a configuration action to configure some components as InstancePerLifetimeScope, and within this nested scope resolves the registered components to do something useful, like so:
ILifetimeScope currentScope = ???;
using (var scope = currentScope.BeginLifetimeScope(cb => {
// ...
var comp = scope.Resolve<X>();
// ...
The issue is that I would like currentScope to be the innermost lifetime scope, because I know that X depends on components inside the innermost scope. In the simplest case that would be e.g. the current request lifetime scope. I can of course get it with AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.RequestLifetimeScope but I don't want to use that as it isn't really well testable. Also, that lifetime scope isn't necessarily the innermost.
So, is there a way to find the innermost lifetime scope given e.g. the root container or a different ILifetimeScope?
In Autofac, the innermost scope is always the container. Using the AutofacDependencyResolver, it'd be
There is no way from a nested scope (if all you have is an ILifetimeScope) to "walk backward" to get to the container. I'm not necessarily sure you want to do that, anyway.
It sounds like your SingleInstance component is doing some sort of service location, basically, with manual registration/resolution of certain components. If the set of types being registered is fixed, I might recommend (if possible) some redesign of your system, so the SingleInstance component isn't registered as SingleInstance anymore and instead gets registered as InstancePerDependency, then have that take these other items in as constructor parameters.
Instead of...
// Consuming class like this...
public class BigComponent
public void DoSomethingCool()
using(var scope = ...)
var c = scope.Resolve<SubComponent>();
// ...and container registrations like this...
You might try inverting it a bit:
// Consuming class like this...
public class BigComponent
private SubComponent _c;
public BigComponent(SubComponent c)
_c = c;
public void DoSomethingCool()
// ...and container registrations like this...
The idea is to not have to do the on-the-fly registration-and-immediate-resolution thing.
If you're stuck doing service location, you'll need to use AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.ApplicationContainer if you need the absolute innermost scope, but keep in mind any objects you register scoped to InstancePerHttpRequest will not be resolvable if you do that, so you could get into trouble. It really is recommended to use the AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.RequestLifetimeScope instead. That would make your method:
var requestScope = AutofacDependencyResolver.Current.RequestLifetimeScope;
using (var scope = requestScope.BeginLifetimeScope(cb => {
// ...
var comp = scope.Resolve<X>();
// ...
In a testing environment, the AutofacDependencyResolver lets you swap in the provider that dictates how request lifetimes get generated. You can implement a simple/stub one like this:
public class TestLifetimeScopeProvider : ILifetimeScopeProvider
readonly ILifetimeScope _container;
private ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope = null;
public TestLifetimeScopeProvider(ILifetimeScope container)
if (container == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("container");
_container = container;
public ILifetimeScope ApplicationContainer
get { return _container; }
public ILifetimeScope GetLifetimeScope()
if (_lifetimeScope == null)
_lifetimeScope = ApplicationContainer.BeginLifetimeScope("httpRequest")
return _lifetimeScope;
public void EndLifetimeScope()
if (_lifetimeScope != null)
Again, just a stub for unit testing, not something you'd ever use in production.
Then when you wire up the DependencyResolver in your test, you provide your lifetime scope provider:
var lsProvider = new TestLifetimeScopeProvider(container);
var resolver = new AutofacDependencyResolver(container, lsProvider);
This lets you use InstancePerHttpRequest and such inside unit tests without actually having a real request context. It also means you should be able to use the request lifetime scope in your registration/resolution method and not have to fall back on the application container.
For those who are searching for ASP.NET WebApi:
You can use GetRequestLifetimeScope() method of AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver. mvc, generic/dynamic controllers and Type.GetType: how can I keep my URLs pretty?

Using information from some of the questions here on generic views, I have created an MVC app that reads .dlls from its own /bin directory and builds the UI on the fly. InputBuilder partial views helped a lot. I also made a ControllerFactory, after the advice from here and elsewhere.
My problem is, while everything is working OK and reflection is recognizing the types I'm passing around, GetType() requires the full assembly qualified name ('scuse the code, still prototyping):
public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
Type controllerType = null;
Type genericType;
//controllerName coming in as full assembly-qualified path
Type baseControllerType = typeof(CoreDataController<>);
genericType = Type.GetType(controllerName);
if (genericType != null)
controllerType = baseControllerType.MakeGenericType(genericType);
if (controllerType != null)
return Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType) as IController;
return controllerType;
This makes my urls look like this:
Obviously sub-optimal.
What I'd like is http://localhost:1075/CoreData.Plans/Create
or even better:
Should I store a dictionary accessible to my controller on Application_Start() mapping short names to fully-qualified names? Is there a feature of Reflection I'm missing that would solve this problem?
I think your idea of a dictionary mapping pretty names to types would be good. You may want to try putting attributes on your classes, then at startup, you can use reflection to extract out the attributes for building the dictionary:
public class MyClassName
// ...
I had this problem with long and even inconsistant type names across different platforms that i was using and came up with a way to search for the type in the dlls loaded in the current appdomain.
public static Type GetTypeFromName(string TypeNameStr, Assembly[] Asms)
Type VarType = null;
string TypeStr = TypeNameStr.Split(',')[0];
foreach (Assembly Dll in Asms)
VarType = Dll.GetType(TypeNameStr);
if (VarType == null)
VarType = Dll.GetType(TypeStr);
if (VarType != null)
return VarType;
All that you need to do is pass the function a list of assemblies that you can get from the current appdomain and it will try to find the Type from there you can create a dictionary using the name and the type to cache this so that you don't have to do this over and over again.
