userType field - which values are allowed? - microsoft-graph-api

Microsoft Graph API's User entity has field "userType". According to documentation there is no any information about this. There is one line: "A string value that can be used to classify user types in your directory, such as “Member” and “Guest”. Supports $filter.". So there is no any limitations :-)
Can be "userType" null? I can't PATCH existing user manually via graph api - graph api return an error. But on production we have some users, which have "userType": null
Which values are valid for "userType"? Can you provide it in documentation or here please?

According to your questions, I suppose you want to know the valid value of the field userType. we can refer to the content of User Entity.
For your first question, we can set the field userType to null, not " " or "null". When we create a user, the default value of this field will be Member if we didn't set it.
We can patch existing user. Based on my test, we can modify it like this:
"displayName": "XXX",
"givenName": "XXXX",
"jobTitle": "Marketing Director",
"userType": "Guest"
This will modify the user'userType from Member to Guest.
For your second question, according to the content of User Entity and the article of Azure AD User, the valid value for userType is "Member" and "Guest". Based on my test, it is sure that only these two values can be used.


unable to add claim to id or access token based on attributes column of accounts table

After many tests I can't figure out how to add claim to userinfo / id token / access token based on the SCIM 2.0 format for the attributes column inside accounts table.
Curity 6.6.0
Mysql configured as the default datasource also for user management
Mysql attributes query configured in the datasource : SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = :subject
User added through the User SCIM endpoint have their data inside the 'attributes' column of the accounts table (seems to be by design when the onyl one DS exists in Curity)
family_name, given_name appears correctly in the id token as the connected user
I'm using BFF Token handler SPA code (nodejs) with the overall flow validated
Step by step :
Create a claim named 'user_type'
select the default-account-manager associates with a claim provider
in the 'select value' combo search and add userType (all attributes of the SCIM 2.0 schema are referenced in the combo)
Add the claim to a custom scope & profile scope
Configure the claim to be in the userInfo & Id Token & access token
--> No user_type field in any token or userInfo
I have tried with (return attributes.userType) and without any mapping, but no way...
The only working test is the one with a mock : return {userType: 'test'} or return 'test'.
It seems that the attributes query SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = :subject does'nt allow to use children fields of the attributes column.
Despite the fact that it seems to work correctly in subject attributes in authentication with code
function transform(attributes) {
//Transform the attributes and return the appropriate value for the claim
if(attributes.emails !== undefined
&& attributes.emails.length > 0
&& attributes.emails[0].value !== null) {
//return {"email" :};
return attributes.emails[0].value;
return null;
Any help will be greatly appreciate to point out what I'm doing wrong
Sounds like you got most of it right, but some details to tweak.
First, to use the attribute query, you can't use an Account Manager claims provider, that one uses the account query for the lookup and is not configurable. Instead, use the Data Source Claims Provider.
Second, the claim config can't query in multiple steps, so you'll need to transform your result.
In the picture below, I'm using a data source provider with your query, and putting the value from my attributes.timezone in the "email" claim.
Note the logger.warn, it's useful to find out what you get back from the datasource.

does serverless databases like faunadb support role based auth?

i'm new to serverless architecture in general, and i'm studying migrating my current php/mysql rest api to serverless arch.
my main concern is access control.
in certain app, i allow users to access content based on role, and groups they are assigned to "
role: user groups: [1,2,3] can only access content with group_id: 1 || 2 || 3
is it possible to do such access control in serverless databases like faunadb ?
It is possible to do such access control with FaunaDB and much more with the ABAC system (
In essence you have Roles and these roles provide permissions
name: "access_todos",
privileges: [{
resource: Collection("todos"),
actions: {
create: true,
update: true,
delete: true,
write: true
(you might notice that this of course gives access to all groups which is not what you want, we'll get to that)
Roles can be assigned to different things:
Keys: simply make a key with that role and that key can only access the groups collection
Functions: a User Defined Function (like a stored procedure) can assume a role.
Entities in a collection or part of a collection: any entity (e.g. Users, ShareLinks, Accounts) could be assigned a role by adding a 'membership.
Roles Membership (assign roles to a database entity):
You assign a role to database entities by using the membership field.
In this case, all accounts in your database will have these privileges. You can also use a function here to filter out a certain type of account etc..
name: "access_todos",
membership: [{ resource: Collection("accounts") }],
privileges: [{
resource: Collection("todos"),
actions: {
create: true,
update: true,
delete: true,
write: true
Assume the identity of that entity, (get a key for that database entity):
Then that leaves us with the question: "how do we assume the identity of a user?".
We use login for that. First you create an account with a password:
data: { email: "" }
credentials: { password: "secret password" },
The important part is the credentials.password field which is a special field for FaunaDB. It will be encrypted and when a database entity has such a password you can use Login to assume the identity of the entity:
Index("accounts_by_email"), ""),
{ password: "secret password" })
Login will provide you a token and that token will now have all the rights that this account has. Or in other words all the privileges of the roles for which this database entity of the collection 'accounts' is member (and membership is defined on the role with the membership key)
The power of Role predicates and the 'Identity()' function
Ok but how do we get more fine-grained access?
Roles can have lambda predicates instead of booleans. That means in your case you could store the array of groups on the user (or vice versa) and link the account to the user.
privileges: [
resource: Collection("Groups"),
actions: {
read: Query(
// Write your logic
In such a query, the lambda parameter is the reference of the entity you try to access (e.g. a group)
One question remains.. how do we check whether the user linked to an account has access to the groups? Well we use 'Identity()' for that which is an FQL function that returns the reference of the currently logged in database entity.
Note: by default you get read/write access to the entity you are logged into. Hence you do not want to store the group ids on the account since a user could in theory change these. This is why I split account and user in my explanation. We will probably change this in a future FQL version since this appears to be confusing/cumbersome.
A few good resources:
- ABAC docs:
- ABAC with GraphQL:
- Authentication docs:
We are building a complete example as we speak which I expect to appear on our blog in the coming weeks.

How do I use $expand on ownerid to fetch SystemUser properties with the Dynamics 365 Web API?

I'm using Postman to query the Dynamics 365 Web API to fetch Account records. I'm trying to use expand to fetch some properties from the related SystemUser record via the ownerid field.
Here is what I think the query should look like:$select=name&$expand=ownerid($select=fullname)
When I submit this query I get the error:
Could not find a property named 'fullname' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.principal
I know that the fullname property definitely exists on a SystemUser.
If I remove the ($select=fullname) part of the query I get the following JSON result but I was expect lots of properties for the expanded owner.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#accounts(name,ownerid)",
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "W/\"1564360\"",
"name": "My Account",
"accountid": "82b287d6-0dc7-e811-a95e-000d3ab1ab19",
"ownerid": {
"ownerid": "5f8872b1-0189-e811-a975-000d3ab38ab1"
If I change the expand to use primarycontactid then this works and I can fetch fields from a Contact record.
I've checked the documentation and I'm no further forward.
How do I use expand to fetch properties from a SystemUser record via the ownerid property of Accounts?
It looks like the issue is due to the Owner field being able to point at either a SystemUser or Team record.
If I expand with owninguser then I can fetch the correct properties from the related Systemuser.

Properties null when using /users but not when using /me/contacts

When getting contacts from I get all properties for a user, ex:
displayName: 'Joe Joeson',
jobTitle: 'Administrator',
department: 'HK',
mobilePhone: '09823987234',
businessPhones: '8934598743',
mail: '',
But when I get all users of the organization (with$select=displayName,jobTitle,department,mobilePhone,businessPhones,mail,userType) the same contact doesnt get some properties, ex:
displayName: 'Joe Joeson',
jobTitle: null,
department: null,
mobilePhone: null,
businessPhones: null,
mail: '',
Why? Its the same contact? Or am I missing something? Should I get all contacts from the organization in another way?
I have confirmed that all properties are set in
The /contacts and /users endpoints return two different entities. A contact entity represents an Outlook Contact from the current user's Exchange mailbox whereas the a user entity represents an User directory object from the tenant's Active Directory instance.
The reason you're seeing two different results is because you're returning two different entities. The first is the Joe Joeson contact from your Outlook/Exchange mailbox and the second is the Joe Joeson user from Active Directory.
The reason you're seeing less information from /users is due to your requesting the Read all users' basic profiles (aka User.ReadBasic.All) scope. This scope can only see a limited number of properties from a user resource: displayName, givenName, surname, photo, and mail.

Apache Usergrid 2.x: can you restrict API access by a Data Entity's property value?

Say I have the following API, where users can have zero or more registeredIds, which model identifiers by type (with effective dates).
Two examples of registeredIds include:
// Social Security Number
"id" : "111-11-1111",
"type" : "SSN",
"validFrom": 315554400000,
"validTo" : null,
"registrationAuthority": "United States Social Security Administration"
// Employee ID
"id" : "12345678",
"type" : "employee-id",
"validFrom": 1262325600000,
"validTo" : null,
"registrationAuthority": "YoYoDyne"
When Anonymous User requests an employee, e.g.,
Anonymous User should only get a single registeredId.type with the type value "employee-id." Administrators, however, should see both the "employee-id" and "SSN" registeredId.types.
How would Apache Usergrid apply access control by the registeredId.type? I know I can assign permissions, but this is too restrictive. Can I create some kind of Entity SubType? Or should I handle this through relationships?
Currently, Usergrid does not allow you to set property validation checks. One solution to this problem is to have separate "EmployeeID" entities, have a connection from each User to that their id entity and setup permissions so that only authenticated users can access the EmployeeID entities.
