I need to stub my HTTP Party request to run my spec and I have to store the transaction Id i get from the parsed_response.Here is my stub
stub_request(:post, {MYURL).to_return(status: 200, body: "{'Success': { 'TransactionId' => '123456789' }}", headers: {})
I get my response to the request as
#<HTTParty::Response:0x5d51240 parsed_response="{'Success': { 'TransactionId' => '123456789' }}", #response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 readbody=true>, #headers={}>
i need to store transactionid from the field
by i am getting null from there.Can any one help me modify my stub response so that i could get the transactionid saved
PS: If I check the fileds of response i get
response.success? ----> true
response.parsed_response --> "{'Success': { 'TransactionId' => '123456789' }}"
response.parsed_response['Success'] ---> "Success"
You're sending the payload in wrong format:
status: 200,
body: '{"Success": { "TransactionId": "123456789" }}', # valid json string
headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
It's must be a valid json object, not a ruby hash.
Here is another way:
status: 200,
body: {
"Success": { "TransactionId" => "123456789" }
}.to_json, # valid json string
headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
I would like test my service with rspec but i got a error in my return body undefined method 'each' for "invoices":String because in my original method i parse an array in the response
I would like know how can i test this method and send a array in return body
My method in service:
def generate_invoices
invoices_ids = []
response = HTTParty.get('https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/invoices?organization_id='\
'cf_facture_final=true', headers: { 'Authorization' => "Zoho-oauthtoken #{#access_token}" })
response.code == 200 ? response : raise_error(response.body)
response['invoices'].each do |invoice|
invoices_ids.push invoice['invoice_id']
stub request i tried:
stub_request(:get, 'https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/invoices?cf_facture_final=true'\
.with(headers: { 'Authorization' => 'Zoho-oauthtoken access_token' })
.to_return(status: 200, body: { 'invoices' => [{ "invoice_id": '123' }] }.to_json,
headers: {})
Try this at the end of your call:
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{"invoices" => [{ "invoice_id": "123"}]}', headers: {})
I want to mock custom devise strategies to authenticate user in my feature specs. To stub request to 3th party app I'm using WebMock with the implementation below:
def stub_aware_auth(creds, returns_token, _valid)
stub_request(:post, "http://example.com/oauth/token").
with(body: {"grant_type" => "password", "password" => creds.password, "username" => creds.email},
headers: {'Accept' => '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: {'access_token' => returns_token, 'token_type' => 'bearer', 'expires_in' => 1200}.to_json, headers: {})
Which is called in the spec by:
context 'AWARxE authenticated user' do
before do
stub_aware_auth(creds, return_token, valid)
let(:creds) do
OpenStruct.new(email: 'physiciansreallyshouldonlyautoauth#example.com', password: "Ican'tb3li3v3itsn0tbutt3r")
let(:return_token) { SecureRandom.hex(32) }
let(:valid) { true }
# other logic (...)
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
Which works quite surprisingly wired because if in one test example it has to use stub_aware_auth twice, the first request returns the defined result but the second throws an error:
WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError: Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST http://example.com/oauth/token with body 'grant_type=password&password=Ican%27tb3li3v3itsn0tbutt3r&username=PHYSICIANSREALLYSHOULDONLYAUTOAUTH%40EXAMPLE.COM' with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Faraday v0.12.1'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:post, "http://example.com/oauth/token").
with(body: {"grant_type"=>"password", "password"=>"Ican'tb3li3v3itsn0tbutt3r", "username"=>"PHYSICIANSREALLYSHOULDONLYAUTOAUTH#EXAMPLE.COM"},
headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Faraday v0.12.1'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
registered request stubs:
stub_request(:get, "http://example.com/api/v1/user").
with(headers: {'Authorization'=>'Bearer dc2dcf4c5b47ffcfea28c26490ed2a0e2580f152dfb18dbfc97670028d24ecaa'})
stub_request(:post, "http://example.com/oauth/token").
with(body: {"grant_type"=>"password", "password"=>"Ican'tb3li3v3itsn0tbutt3r", "username"=>"physiciansreallyshouldonlyautoauth#example.com"},
headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
Which is surprised because WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) is defined in spec_helper.
Full failed example if it helps:
context 'AWARxE authenticated user' do
before do
stub_aware_auth(creds, return_token, valid)
let(:return_token) { SecureRandom.hex(32) }
let(:valid) { true }
context 'physician' do
let(:creds) do
OpenStruct.new(email: 'physiciansreallyshouldonlyautoauth#example.com', password: "Ican'tb3li3v3itsn0tbutt3r")
let(:user) { build(:physician) }
before do
stub_aware_user_info(user, 'Physician (MD, DO)', return_token, valid, 1)
# some other it block (...)
context 'case insensitive' do
let(:valid) { true }
let(:uppercase_email_creds) {
OpenStruct.new(email: creds.email.upcase, password: creds.password)
scenario 'logging in with upper case email' do
expect { subject }.to change(Login, :count)
expect {
}.to_not change(Login, :count)
expect(page).to have_current_path(name_search_registrants_url, url: true)
The stub you are creating is still on the original creds with the lowercase email. There is no possibility for webmock to mock the call unless you actually call something like
stub_aware_auth(uppercase_email_creds, return_token, valid)
If you actualy expect the app to call out with lowercase email in body, then the test fails because it should fail, it is calling out with the email in uppercase:
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:post, "http://example.com/oauth/token").
to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {})
I am working on a rails application to send a post message to a server but each time i tried to send a post request to the sever there seems to be no post data sent to the server. However, if I use postman to send the message with json format the server responds correctly to the post request. I am relatively new to rails and i am not sure if my configuration is wrong. Please I need help. Here is my my code:
def send_information
:body => {
user: 'Nancy Cole',
item: 'mobile phone',
content: 'Hurray the server has received your message',
id: 2,
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
I think you have to change your syntax like below :-
response = HTTParty.post("https://example.com/api/json.php",
headers: {
"Content-Type" => "application/json"
body: {user: 'Nancy Cole',
item: 'mobile phone',
content: 'Hurray the server has received your message',
id: 2
response = HTTParty.post(url,
headers: {},
body: {}.to_json
I am looking to post to an API with my email address, but I cannot get a workable response. When I simply cURL the API in the terminal, the data is returned as expected.
#omnics2 = HTTParty.post('https://qo.api.liveramp.com/v1/idl_resolution',
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'X-Api-Key' => 'my api key',
'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate',
'Content-Length' => '59148'
:body => {'email' => 'me#email.com'}
The above returns this error
<HTTParty::Response:0x7ff5b0d49ab0 parsed_response="Invalid JSON in request: invalid character 'e' looking for beginning of value\n", #response=#<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>, #headers={"content-type"=>["text/plain; charset=utf-8"], "x-content-type-options"=>["nosniff"], "date"=>["Fri, 02 Aug 2019 21:41:58 GMT"], "content-length"=>["78"], "via"=>["1.1 google"], "alt-svc"=>["clear"], "connection"=>["close"]}>
I can wrap the entire call with a .to_json method, which allows for a succesful call, I just can't do anything with the response using the standard #omnics.body method. When I wrap everything in a .to_json method, this is the result I get:
=> "{\"content-type\":[\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"],\"x-content-type-options\":[\"nosniff\"],\"date\":[\"Fri, 02 Aug 2019 21:45:32 GMT\"],\"content-length\":[\"78\"],\"via\":[\"1.1 google\"],\"alt-svc\":[\"clear\"],\"connection\":[\"close\"]}"
I've tried adding to_json methods to the header section and body sections, as recommended here like so:
:body => {'email' => 'me#email.com'}.to_json instead of wrapping the entire function, but that also errors out.
Would love any thoughts here as I am merely a hobbiest developer and am probably overlooking something obvious.
Finally got this to work. I had to make the body values enclosed within an array. Here's the syntax:
#omnics3 = HTTParty.post("https://qo.api.liveramp.com/v1/idl_resolution", options)
options = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Api-Key" => "my api key"
:debug_output => STDOUT,
query: { data: true },
body: [
{ email: ["anemail#address.com"] },
{ email: ["joe#gmail.com"] },
I am working on a Rails project where I have to test the API with Cucumber. I have to test a POST type API and I need to verify its response. I have tried something like:
When(/^I make abc API call$/) do
#url = 'http://example.com/api/abc'
#params = '{
data: {
type: "abc",
attributes: {
title: "example",
all_day: "0",
start_date: "1409175049",
end_date: "1409175049"
#login_token = 'pHufpGplLTYJnmWh5cqKoA'
Then(/^It should return success for abc$/) do
post 'http://example.com/api/abc', body: #params,
headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json',
'login_token' => #login_token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
But I am not sure how to verify the status code from the response and any attributes from the response. Something like:
Then(/^It should return success for abc$/) do
post 'http://example.com/api/abc', body: #params,
headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json',
'login_token' => #login_token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
.to_return(status: 200, body: '{ title: "abc" }')
How can I achieve it?
If you are using Capybara this should work for you:
Then /^I should get a response with status (\d+)$/ do |status|
response = post 'http://example.com/api/abc', body: #params,
headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json',
'login_token' => #login_token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
response.status_code.should include(status.to_i)