Sklearn NotFittedError for CountVectorizer in pipeline - machine-learning

I am trying to learn how to work with text data through sklearn and am running into an issue that I cannot solve.
The tutorial I'm following is:
The input is a pandas df with two columns. One with text, one with a binary class.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
traindf, testdf = train_test_split(nlp_df, stratify=nlp_df['class'])
x_train = traindf['text']
x_test = traindf['text']
y_train = traindf['class']
y_test = testdf['class']
# CV
count_vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
x_train_modified = count_vect.fit_transform(x_train)
x_test_modified = count_vect.transform(x_test)
idf = TfidfTransformer()
fit =
x_train_mod2 = fit.transform(x_train_modified)
mnb = MultinomialNB()
x_train_data =, y_train)
text_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),
('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('clf', MultinomialNB()),
predicted = text_clf.predict(x_test_modified)
When I try to run the last line:
NotFittedError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-64-8815003b4713> in <module>()
----> 1 predicted = text_clf.predict(x_test_modified)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ in <lambda>(*args, **kwargs)
114 # lambda, but not partial, allows help() to work with update_wrapper
--> 115 out = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.fn(obj, *args, **kwargs)
116 # update the docstring of the returned function
117 update_wrapper(out, self.fn)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ in predict(self, X)
304 for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]:
305 if transform is not None:
--> 306 Xt = transform.transform(Xt)
307 return self.steps[-1][-1].predict(Xt)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/feature_extraction/ in transform(self, raw_documents)
918 self._validate_vocabulary()
--> 920 self._check_vocabulary()
922 # use the same matrix-building strategy as fit_transform
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/feature_extraction/ in _check_vocabulary(self)
301 """Check if vocabulary is empty or missing (not fit-ed)"""
302 msg = "%(name)s - Vocabulary wasn't fitted."
--> 303 check_is_fitted(self, 'vocabulary_', msg=msg),
305 if len(self.vocabulary_) == 0:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ in check_is_fitted(estimator, attributes, msg, all_or_any)
767 if not all_or_any([hasattr(estimator, attr) for attr in attributes]):
--> 768 raise NotFittedError(msg % {'name': type(estimator).__name__})
NotFittedError: CountVectorizer - Vocabulary wasn't fitted.
Any suggestions on how to fix this error? I am properly transforming the CV model on the test data. I even checked if the vocabulary list was empty and it isn't (count_vect.vocabulary_)
Thank you!

There are several issues with your question.
For starters, you don't actually fit the pipeline, hence the error. Looking more closely in the linked tutorial, you'll see that there is a step (where text_clf is indeed the pipeline).
Second, you don't use the notion of the pipeline correctly, which is exactly to fit end-to-end the whole stuff; instead, you fit the individual components of it one by one... If you check again the tutorial, you'll see that the code for the pipeline fit:,
uses the data in their initial form, not their intermediate transformations, as you do; the point of the tutorial is to demonstrate how the individual transformations can be wrapped-up in (and replaced by) a pipeline, not to use the pipeline on top of these transformations...
Third, you should avoid naming variables as fit - this is a reserved keyword; and similarly, we don't use CV to abbreviate Count Vectorizer (in ML lingo, CV stands for cross validation).
That said, here is the correct way for using your pipeline:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
traindf, testdf = train_test_split(nlp_df, stratify=nlp_df['class'])
x_train = traindf['text']
x_test = traindf['text']
y_train = traindf['class']
y_test = testdf['class']
text_clf = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')),
('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('clf', MultinomialNB()),
]), y_train)
predicted = text_clf.predict(x_test)
As you can see, the purpose of the pipelines is to make things simpler (compared to using the components one by one sequentially), not to complicate them further...


ValueError: X has 5 features, but RandomForestClassifier is expecting 2607 features as input

This is how i am converting text to count vector.
cv1 = CountVectorizer()
a = x_traincv.toarray()
this the model using for predict.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RFC
rfc_b = RFC(),y_train)
y_pred = rfc_b.predict(a)
this is how i am using the live details to predict
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
document = ["Single Hargrave France Female Graduation",]
# Create a Vectorizer Object
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
print("Vocabulary: ", vectorizer.vocabulary_)
vector = vectorizer.transform(document)
print("Encoded Document is:")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-62-7cc301d916e6> in <module>()
----> 1 rfc_b.predict(vector)
4 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/sklearn/ in _check_n_features(self, X, reset)
399 if n_features != self.n_features_in_:
400 raise ValueError(
--> 401 f"X has {n_features} features, but {self.__class__.__name__} "
402 f"is expecting {self.n_features_in_} features as input."
403 )
ValueError: X has 5 features, but RandomForestClassifier is expecting 2607 features as input.
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
print('Train accuracy score:',accuracy_score(y_train,y_pred))
print('Test accuracy score:', accuracy_score(y_test,rfc_b.predict(b)))
Train accuracy score: 0.987375
Test accuracy score: 0.773
You have to store your vectorizer used during training, and just call .transform on it, if you create a new one you lose meaning of dimensions used during training, and in particular - you lack many of them, but your vectorizer has no idea about this (as it only has access to your one sample).
cv1 = CountVectorizer()
a = x_traincv.toarray()
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RFC
rfc_b = RFC(),y_train)
y_pred = rfc_b.predict(a)
document = ["Single Hargrave France Female Graduation",]
vector = cv1.transform(document)
print("Encoded Document is:")

Why my Linear Regession model gives me error when all of my inputs are integers

I want to try all regression algorithms on my dataset and choose a best. I decide to start from Linear Regression. But i get some error.
I tried to do scaling but also get another error.
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
train_df = pd.read_csv('train.csv', index_col='ID')
target = 'Result'
X = train_df.drop(target, axis=1)
y = train_df[target]
# Trying to scale and get even worse error
#ss = StandardScaler()
#df_scaled = pd.DataFrame(ss.fit_transform(train_df),columns = train_df.columns)
#X = df_scaled.drop(target, axis=1)
#y = df_scaled[target]
model = LogisticRegression(), y)
LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=10000,
multi_class='auto', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
random_state=None, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0001, verbose=10,
Here is an error:
ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1):
Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in:
Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options:
n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result(
A 0
B -19
C -19
D -19
E 0
F -19
Name: 10, dtype: int64
And here is an example of dataset:
What i do wrong?
You're using LogisticRegression, which is a special case of Linear Regression used for categorical dependent variables.
This is not necessarily wrong, as you might intend to do so, but that means you need sufficient data per category and enough iterations for the model to converge (which your error points out, it hasn't done).
I suspect, however, that what you intended to use is LinearRegression (used for continuous dependent variables) from sklearn library.

I was training an Ann machine learning model using GridSearchCV and got stuck with an IndexError in gridSearchCV

My model starts to train and while executing for sometime it gives an error :-
IndexError: index 37 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 37
It executes properly for my model without using gridsearchCV with fixed parameters
Here is my code
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
def build_classifier(optimizer, nb_layers,unit):
classifier = Sequential()
classifier.add(Dense(units = unit, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu', input_dim = 14))
i = 1
while i <= nb_layers:
classifier.add(Dense(activation="relu", units=unit, kernel_initializer="uniform"))
i += 1
classifier.add(Dense(units = 38, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'softmax'))
classifier.compile(optimizer = optimizer, loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])
return classifier
classifier = KerasClassifier(build_fn = build_classifier)
parameters = {'batch_size': [10,25],
'epochs': [100,200],
'optimizer': ['adam'],
'nb_layers': [5,6,7],
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator = classifier,
param_grid = parameters,
scoring = 'accuracy',
grid_search =, y_train)
best_parameters = grid_search.best_params_
best_accuracy = grid_search.best_score_
The error IndexError: index 37 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 37 means that there is no element with index 37 in your object.
In python, if you have an object like array or list, which has elements indexed numerically, if it has n elements, indexes will go from 0 to n-1 (this is the general case, with the exception of reindexing in dataframes).
So, if you ahve 37 elements you can only retrieve elements from 0-36.
This is a multi-class classifier with a huge Number of Classes (38 classes). It seems like GridSearchCV isn't spliting your dataset by stratified sampling, may be because you haven't enough data and/or your dataset isn't class-balanced.
According to the documentation:
For integer/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is
either binary or multiclass, StratifiedKFold is used. In all other
cases, KFold is used.
By using categorical_crossentropy, KerasClassifier will convert targets (a class vector (integers)) to binary class matrix using keras.utils.to_categorical. Since there are 38 classes, each target will be converted to a binary vector of dimension 38 (index from 0 to 37).
I guess that in some splits, the validation set doesn't have samples from all the 38 classes, so targets are converted to vectors of dimension < 38, but since GridSearchCV is fitted with samples from all the 38 classes, it expects vectors of dimension = 38, which causes this error.
Take a look at the shape of your y_train. It need to be a some sort of one hot with shape (,37)

Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [2, 144]

I am having a training data set consisting of 144 feedback with 72 positive and 72 negative respectively. there are two target labels positive and negative respectively. Consider the following code segment :
import pandas as pd
feedback_data = pd.read_csv('output.csv')
data target
0 facilitates good student teacher communication. positive
1 lectures are very lengthy. negative
2 the teacher is very good at interaction. positive
3 good at clearing the concepts. positive
4 good at clearing the concepts. positive
5 good at teaching. positive
6 does not shows test copies. negative
7 good subjective knowledge. positive
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)
X = cv.transform(feedback_data)
X_test = cv.transform(feedback_data_test)
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
target = [1 if i<72 else 0 for i in range(144)]
# the below line gives error
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, target, train_size = 0.50)
I do not understand what the problem is. Please help.
You are not using the count vectorizer right. This what you have now:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)
X = cv.transform(df)
<2x2 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 2 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
So you see that you don't achieve what you want. you do not transform each line correctly. You don't even train the count vectorizer right because you use the entire DataFrame and not just the corpus of comments.
To solve the issue we need to make sure that the Count is well done:
if you do this (Use the right corpus):
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)['data'].values)
X = cv.transform(df)
<2x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 0 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
you see that we are coming close to what we want. We just have to transform it right (transform each line):
cv = CountVectorizer(binary = True)['data'].values)
X = df['data'].apply(lambda x: cv.transform([x])).values
array([<1x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 5 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>,
<1x23 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 3 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>], dtype=object)
We have a more suitable X! Now we just need to check if we can split:
target = [1 if i<72 else 0 for i in range(8)] # The dataset is here of size 8
# the below line gives error
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, target, train_size = 0.50)
And it works!
You need to be sure you understand what CountVectorizer do to use it the right way

Put customized functions in Sklearn pipeline

In my classification scheme, there are several steps including:
SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique)
Fisher criteria for feature selection
Standardization (Z-score normalisation)
SVC (Support Vector Classifier)
The main parameters to be tuned in the scheme above are percentile (2.) and hyperparameters for SVC (4.) and I want to go through grid search for tuning.
The current solution builds a "partial" pipeline including step 3 and 4 in the scheme clf = Pipeline([('normal',preprocessing.StandardScaler()),('svc',svm.SVC(class_weight='auto'))])
and breaks the scheme into two parts:
Tune the percentile of features to keep through the first grid search
skf = StratifiedKFold(y)
for train_ind, test_ind in skf:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train_ind], X[test_ind], y[train_ind], y[test_ind]
# SMOTE synthesizes the training data (we want to keep test data intact)
X_train, y_train = SMOTE(X_train, y_train)
for percentile in percentiles:
# Fisher returns the indices of the selected features specified by the parameter 'percentile'
selected_ind = Fisher(X_train, y_train, percentile)
X_train_selected, X_test_selected = X_train[selected_ind,:], X_test[selected_ind, :]
model =, y_train)
y_predict = model.predict(X_test_selected)
f1 = f1_score(y_predict, y_test)
The f1 scores will be stored and then be averaged through all fold partitions for all percentiles, and the percentile with the best CV score is returned. The purpose of putting 'percentile for loop' as the inner loop is to allow fair competition as we have the same training data (including synthesized data) across all fold partitions for all percentiles.
After determining the percentile, tune the hyperparameters by second grid search
skf = StratifiedKFold(y)
for train_ind, test_ind in skf:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train_ind], X[test_ind], y[train_ind], y[test_ind]
# SMOTE synthesizes the training data (we want to keep test data intact)
X_train, y_train = SMOTE(X_train, y_train)
for parameters in parameter_comb:
# Select the features based on the tuned percentile
selected_ind = Fisher(X_train, y_train, best_percentile)
X_train_selected, X_test_selected = X_train[selected_ind,:], X_test[selected_ind, :]
clf.set_params(svc__C=parameters['C'], svc__gamma=parameters['gamma'])
model =, y_train)
y_predict = model.predict(X_test_selected)
f1 = f1_score(y_predict, y_test)
It is done in the very similar way, except we tune the hyperparamter for SVC rather than percentile of features to select.
My questions are:
In the current solution, I only involve 3. and 4. in the clf and do 1. and 2. kinda "manually" in two nested loop as described above. Is there any way to include all four steps in a pipeline and do the whole process at once?
If it is okay to keep the first nested loop, then is it possible (and how) to simplify the next nested loop using a single pipeline
clf_all = Pipeline([('smote', SMOTE()),
('fisher', Fisher(percentile=best_percentile))
and simply use GridSearchCV(clf_all, parameter_comb) for tuning?
Please note that both SMOTE and Fisher (ranking criteria) have to be done only for the training data in each fold partition.
It would be so much appreciated for any comment.
SMOTE and Fisher are shown below:
def Fscore(X, y, percentile=None):
X_pos, X_neg = X[y==1], X[y==0]
X_mean = X.mean(axis=0)
X_pos_mean, X_neg_mean = X_pos.mean(axis=0), X_neg.mean(axis=0)
deno = (1.0/(shape(X_pos)[0]-1))*X_pos.var(axis=0) +(1.0/(shape(X_neg[0]-1))*X_neg.var(axis=0)
num = (X_pos_mean - X_mean)**2 + (X_neg_mean - X_mean)**2
F = num/deno
sort_F = argsort(F)[::-1]
n_feature = (float(percentile)/100)*shape(X)[1]
ind_feature = sort_F[:ceil(n_feature)]
SMOTE is from, it returns the synthesized data. I modified it to return the original input data stacked with the synthesized data along with its labels and synthesized ones.
def smote(X, y):
n_pos = sum(y==1), sum(y==0)
n_syn = (n_neg-n_pos)/float(n_pos)
X_pos = X[y==1]
X_syn = SMOTE(X_pos, int(round(n_syn))*100, 5)
y_syn = np.ones(shape(X_syn)[0])
X, y = np.vstack([X, X_syn]), np.concatenate([y, y_syn])
return(X, y)
scikit created a FunctionTransformer as part of the preprocessing class in version 0.17. It can be used in a similar manner as David's implementation of the class Fisher in the answer above - but with less flexibility. If the input/output of the function is configured properly, the transformer can implement the fit/transform/fit_transform methods for the function and thus allow it to be used in the scikit pipeline.
For example, if the input to a pipeline is a series, the transformer would be as follows:
def trans_func(input_series):
return output_series
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
transformer = FunctionTransformer(trans_func)
sk_pipe = Pipeline([("trans", transformer), ("vect", tf_1k), ("clf", clf_1k)]), train.tag)
where vect is a tf_idf transformer, clf is a classifier and train is the training dataset. "train.desc" is the series text input to the pipeline.
I don't know where your SMOTE() and Fisher() functions are coming from, but the answer is yes you can definitely do this. In order to do so you will need to write a wrapper class around those functions though. The easiest way to this is inherit sklearn's BaseEstimator and TransformerMixin classes, see this for an example:
If this isn't making sense to you, post the details of at least one of your functions (the library it comes from or your code if you wrote it yourself) and we can go from there.
I apologize, I didn't look at your functions closely enough to realize that they transform your target in addition to your training data (i.e. both X and y). Pipeline does not support transformations to your target so you will have do them prior as you originally were. For your reference, here is what it would look like to write your custom class for your Fisher process which would work if the function itself did not need to affect your target variable.
>>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
>>> from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
>>> class Fisher(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
... def __init__(self,percentile=0.95):
... self.percentile = percentile
... def fit(self, X, y):
... from numpy import shape, argsort, ceil
... X_pos, X_neg = X[y==1], X[y==0]
... X_mean = X.mean(axis=0)
... X_pos_mean, X_neg_mean = X_pos.mean(axis=0), X_neg.mean(axis=0)
... deno = (1.0/(shape(X_pos)[0]-1))*X_pos.var(axis=0) + (1.0/(shape(X_neg)[0]-1))*X_neg.var(axis=0)
... num = (X_pos_mean - X_mean)**2 + (X_neg_mean - X_mean)**2
... F = num/deno
... sort_F = argsort(F)[::-1]
... n_feature = (float(self.percentile)/100)*shape(X)[1]
... self.ind_feature = sort_F[:ceil(n_feature)]
... return self
... def transform(self, x):
... return x[self.ind_feature,:]
>>> data = load_iris()
>>> pipeline = Pipeline([
... ('fisher', Fisher()),
... ('normal',StandardScaler()),
... ('svm',SVC(class_weight='auto'))
... ])
>>> grid = {
... 'fisher__percentile':[0.75,0.50],
... 'svm__C':[1,2]
... }
>>> model = GridSearchCV(estimator = pipeline, param_grid=grid, cv=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 596, in fit
return self._fit(X, y, ParameterGrid(self.param_grid))
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 378, in _fit
for parameters in parameter_iterable
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/", line 653, in __call__
self.dispatch(function, args, kwargs)
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/", line 400, in dispatch
job = ImmediateApply(func, args, kwargs)
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/", line 138, in __init__
self.results = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 1239, in _fit_and_score, y_train, **fit_params)
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 130, in fit
self.steps[-1][-1].fit(Xt, y, **fit_params)
File "/Users/dmcgarry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/svm/", line 149, in fit
(X.shape[0], y.shape[0]))
ValueError: X and y have incompatible shapes.
X has 1 samples, but y has 75.
You actually can put all of these functions into a single pipeline!
In the accepted answer, #David wrote that your functions
transform your target in addition to your training data (i.e. both X and y). Pipeline does not support transformations to your target so you will have do them prior as you originally were.
It is true that sklearn's pipeline does not support this. However imblearn's pipeline here supports this. The imblearn pipeline is just like that of sklearn but it allows you to call transformations separately on the training and testing data via sample methods. Moreover, these sample methods are actually designed so that you can change both the data X and the labels y. This is important because many times you want to include smote in your pipeline but you want to smote just the training data, not the testing data. And with the imblearn pipeline, you can call smote in the pipeline to transform just X_train and y_train and not X_test and y_test.
So you can create an imblearn pipeline that has a smote sampler, pre-processing step, and svc.
For more details check out this stack overflow post here and machine learning mastery article here.
