Connecting to Zapier doesn't working - zapier

I just move my website from Apache server to Litespeed server
I reconnect Zapier/integromat but it notices:
401: Invalid response, response must be a XML. Parsed HTML response: 401 Unauthorized. 401. Unauthorized. Proper authorization is required to access this resource!. Proudly powered by Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a web hosting company and, as such, has no control over content found on this site.
Please help me what reason and how to fix this. Thank you all.

more look like a migration problem instead of the Web server. You should contact your hosting company for details. They can switch between Apache and LSWS, also check the error log for you. You may also need to provide detailed URL for your hosting company to take a look.


Rest Debugger: Cannot convert access token to JSON

I have this webservice with OAuth2 authentication. I need to create a client for it in Delphi, so I'm using the "Rest Debugger", a tool from Embarcadero that helps configuring rest clients.
Problem is, I get the Bearer token from my webservice by other means, I add it in the headers (picture below), but the application returns "Cannot convert access token to JSON".
I know the token is valid, as I'm able to use it in other clients or tools (Postman, Swagger), it's just the "Rest Debugger" that gets this error from the server.
I would like to know what I'm doing wrong, or if there's some known issue with this specific tool. I've found some clues that suggests that by default it does some kind of encoding in the headers, but I would like to know for sure from someone more familiar with that tool.
Any help would be much appreciated.
In "REST Debugger" you must check "Do not encode" option when adding the Authorization header.

CORS issue with Swagger UI

I am given a URL - Swagger Ui for an applicaiton. I am able to open the url in my mobile but when I tried the same from my system, I am getting the below error.
"Fetch errorPossible cross-origin (CORS) issue? The URL origin ( does not match the page (https://yyy.yyy.yyy). Check the server returns the correct 'Access-Control-Allow-' headers."*
Can somebody help me fix this error. Since I am able to access this from my mobile, I am not sure whether something needs to be done at server side or browser side.
Any pointers or help would be much helpful.

Why am I receiving a 500 status when trying to connect with ASANA api?

I am using this example: to learn how to use the asana's oauth. I already registered my app on the asana's developers webpage. But, when I get the asana's response with my 'redirect_url'?code=0%XXXXXXX, localhost gives me a 500 status. I don't know why, does anyone know how I can solve it?
I tried using the other examples in there:, but I wasn't able to make them run either, I always get a 500 status. I think that the problem must be in my server, but I don't how solve it. Maybe changing something on the .htaccess file, but I don't really know what to put in there.
If you're looking to use the Asana API from PHP may I recommend the official first-party client:
It also contains examples of how to use with OAuth and is officially supported by us at Asana :-)

sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel returns 501 error on

I am trying to create an OData model in SAP UI5 this way:
new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("");
but I am getting a 501 not implemented error!
could you please check what's wrong?
As far as I can see it, the service is not really CORS-enabled. I have the same problem with my own examples here, as soon as I am not using some kind of proxy, I get this error.
The reason behind it is that when you send a complex request to the service, you'll autmatically have a so-called preflight request sent by your browser (before the actual GET) which is not a GET-Request, but an HTTP OPTIONS request.
All the sample services return a 501 error at the moment for such requests.
You can e.g. use the simpleProxyServlet which is shipped with UI5, or of course any other proxy which would solve this.
You are getting this error as your browser will refuse this request due to same Origin Policy. Here is what you should do:
Deploy the app on the same server or domain as the service that you want to call, so that both resources are in the same origin (if possible)
Disable the same-origin policy in the browser for local testing. Run Chrome by running Chrome with the following command:
--disable-web-security --user-data-dir. Make sure that all instances of Chrome are closed before you run the command. This allows all web
sites to break out of the same-origin policy and connect to the
remote service directly.
-> Don't do this in your productive app as it imposes a security risk.
Using a proxy
The following documentation should help you understand this more and implement:
Conncting with oData Service
Request failing due to Same-Origin Policy sharing(CORS)
Please use "proxy/http/", I think it's solve your problem!

How do I stop 401 responses from TFS 2008

Whenever a web request is made by Visual Studio to TFS, Fiddler will show a 401 Unauthorized error. Visual Studio will then try again with a proper Authorization Negotiate header in place with which TFS will respond with the proper data and a 200 status code.
How can I get the correct headers to be sent the first time to stop the 401?
This is how the process of Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM) works. NTLM is a connection based authentication mechanism and actually involves 3 calls to establish the authenticated session.
The TFS API then goes to extra-ordinary lengths to make sure that this handshake is done in the most efficient way possible. It will keep the authenticated connection open for a period of time to avoid this hand-shake where possible. It will also do the initial authentication using a HTTP payload with minimal content and then send the real message if the message you were going to send is over a certain length. It does a bunch of other tricks as well to optimise the connection to TFS.
Basically, I would just leave it alone as it works well.
You will see that a web browser also does this when communicating with a web site. It will always try to give away the minimum amount of detail with the first call. If this fails, it will reveal a little more about you.
This is by design and for a very good reason.
This is how it's always done - request, get the 401 back, then send the authorization. It's part of the authentication protocol for http.
