Erlang :ssh authentication error. How to connect to ssh using identity file - erlang

I'm getting an authentication error when trying to connect ssh host.
The goal is to connect to the host using local forwarding. The command below is an example using drop bear ssh client to connect to host with local forwarding.
dbclient -N -i /opt/private-key-rsa.dropbear -L 2002: -p 2002 -l
I have this code so far which returns empty connection
ip = ""
user = "test_user"
port = 2002
ssh_config = [
user_interaction: false,
silently_accept_hosts: true,
user: String.to_charlist(user),
user_dir: String.to_charlist("/opt/")
# returns aunthentication error
{:ok, conn} = :ssh.connect(String.to_charlist(ip), port, ssh_config)
This is the error Im seeing
Server: 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.2'
Disconnects with code = 14 [RFC4253 11.1]: Unable to connect using the available authentication methods
State = {userauth,client}
Module = ssh_connection_handler, Line = 893.
User auth failed for: "test_user"
I'm a newbie to elixir and have been reading this erlang ssh document for 2 days. I did not find any examples in the documentation which makes it difficult to understand.

You are using non-default key name, private-key-rsa.dropbear. Erlang by default looks for this set of names:
From ssh module docs:
Optional: one or more User's private key(s) in case of publickey authorization. The default files are
id_dsa and
id_rsa and
id_ecdsa and`
To verify this is a reason, try renaming private-key-rsa.dropbear to id_rsa. If this works, the next step would be to add a key_cb callback to the ssh_config which should return the correct key file name.
One example implementation of a similar feature is labzero/ssh_client_key_api.

The solution was to convert dropbear key to ssh key. I have used this link as reference.
Here is the command to convert dropbear key to ssh key
/usr/lib/dropbear/dropbearconvert dropbear openssh /opt/private-key-rsa.dropbear /opt/id_rsa


i installed FreeRADIUS , Mysql inside docker Container

I installed FreeRADIUS , Mysql inside docker Container
I exposed ports 1812 , 1813 , 3306 outside .
I imported Database to mysql .
I inserted this rows to databases
INSERT INTO nas VALUES (NULL , '', 'myNAS', 'other', NULL , 'mysecret', NULL , NULL , 'RADIUS Client');
INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('thisuser', 'User-Password', ':=', 'thispassword');
INSERT INTO radusergroup (username, groupname, priority) VALUES ('thisuser', 'thisgroup', '1');
INSERT INTO radgroupreply (groupname, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('thisgroup', 'Service-Type', ':=', 'Framed-User'), ('thisgroup', 'Framed-Protocol', ':=', 'PPP'), ('thisgroup', 'Framed-Compression', ':=', 'Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP');
and i stopped freeradius ==> service freeradius stop
and iam using debug mode ==> freeradius -X
And when using this Command in another terminal for the same container ==> radtest thisuser thispassword 0 mysecret
Output: Server Accepted the request
But When the previous Command in another machine
Server does not see the request and output in the other machine is " No response "
Notes in the IN etc IN freeradius IN radiusd.conf file :
listen {
type = auth
ipaddr = *
port = 0 }
listen {
ipaddr = *
port = 0
type = acct }
How can i fix it ?
Adding the rows to the sql database is insufficient. You need to configure your sql instance in mods-available/sql to match your local database, uncomment read_clients in mods-available/sql, and list the sql module in the instantiate section in radiusd.conf to ensure it's loaded if it's not referenced elsewhere in one of the virtual servers.
After making these changes, restart the server. The SQL module should then read the clients list in on startup. Check the debug output freeradius -X to ensure the SQL module can connect to your database, and read the NAS entries in successfully.
The reason why your local connections work is because there's a client entry included for localhost in the clients.conf file that ships with the server.
I fixed this Issue by expose Ports in UDP Protocol -p 1813:1813/udp -p 1812:1812/udp

Windows Etsy: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

In an effort to be OAuth'd with Etsy, I have tried countless solutions in C# to at least start the authentication process (ie get the login URL):
eg, and question #8321034
but the response is always the same:
and so I'm resorting to the dreaded world of PHP...
On my machine, I've installed the following (Windows 10):
XAMPP (xampp-win32-7.1.7-0-VC14-installer) with default options
JDK (jdk-8u144-windows-i586)
JRE (jre-8u144-windows-i586)
php_oauth.dll ([][4]) and copying it to C:\xampp\php\ext
[cacert.pem][4], (dated Jun 7 03:12:05 2017) and coping it to the following directories:
Apache and Tomcat would not run to begin with from XAMPP because it said that ports 443 and 80 were being used/blocked and so I duly changed these to 444 and 122 in
All good so far but when I run the following script in my browser (http://localhost:444/dashboard/etsy.php):
$base_uri = '';
$api_key = 'my-etsy-api-key';
$secret = 'my-etsy-api-secret';
$oauth = new OAuth($api_key, $secret, OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI);
$req_token = $oauth->getRequestToken($base_uri .= "/v2/oauth/request_token?scope=listings_w%20transactions_r", 'oob');
$login_url = $req_token['login_url'];
print "Please log in and allow access: $login_url \n\n";
$verifier = readline("Please enter verifier: ");
$verifier = trim($verifier);
$oauth->setToken($req_token['oauth_token'], $req_token['oauth_token_secret']);
$acc_token = $oauth->getAccessToken($base_uri .= "/v2/oauth/access_token", null, $verifier);
$oauth_token = $acc_token['oauth_token'];
$oauth_token_secret = $acc_token['oauth_token_secret'];
$oauth->setToken($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
print "Token: $oauth_token \n\n";
print "Secret: $oauth_token_secret \n\n";
I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: making the request failed (Peer
certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates) in
C:\xampp\htdocs\dashboard\etsy.php:8 Stack trace: #0
OAuth->getRequestToken('https://openapi...', 'oob') #1 {main} thrown
in C:\xampp\htdocs\dashboard\etsy.php on line 8
I've tried running the script with each thread safe, x86 version of OAuth ( - stop, restart Apache) but no luck.
I'm at my wits end.
How to I resolve this Peer certificate problem?
Simply disable the SSL on local.
Oauth by default using CURL SSL Certificate. The simple way for local apache server is to disable it. Either configure the SSL for the CURL. It will also resolve the issue for oauth.
as per php documentation
we can set the certificate path simply.
You can also set the request engine to curl or php stream if the ssl is already configured.
Official PHP documentation

RMySQL not working with a cnf file

I am trying to connect to a MySQL server through R and it works perfect with the follwoing line:
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="user", password="password",dbname="dbname", host="localhost", port=3306)
But, I would like to use a cnf file so that my user/apssword credentials donot appear in my code and tried the following:
And this is how my cnf file looks:
It is in the same folder as in my R script which is my current working directory. But, I run into the following error:
Error in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user 'ODBC'#'localhost' (using password: NO)
Any suggestions, please?
Thanks so much
I had this problem very recently. RMySQL looks in the root directory for these files so you need to fully qualify the location of the file. i.e.:
Two things could be going on.
The CNF file should be encrypted, password should say password = ****. The MySQL documentation shows how to create a CNF file. Below would work for your code to create the CNF
shell> mysql_config_editor set --login-path=test_db --host=localhost --user=user --password
press enter without typing password, you will be prompted to enter it
The second thing is that user = NULL and password = NULL are missing as referenced in the src_mysql documentation
rmysql.settingsfile <- "~/.mylogin.cnf"
rmysql.db <- "test_db"
drv <- dbDriver("MySQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, default.file = rmysql.settingsfile, group = rmysql.db, user = NULL, password = NULL)
When you add these and run the code, you should be set.
Fing something working at:
Not in configuration file... but work.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
user="me", password="nuts2u",
dbname="my_db", host="localhost")
Ya, getting this setup for the first time can be like pulling cats' teeth! Here is what I did while running R on a Droplet (Ubuntu 16.04, MySQL 5.7.16).
First, make sure you can at least login successfully to MySQL through the terminal
mysql -u kevin -p
Next, run R and verify that you can login in directly with dbConnect() using a user name and password
mydb = dbConnect(drv, user='kevin', password='ilovecats', dbname='catnapdb', host='', port=3306)
Edit your mysql.cnf text file and at the bottom add a new group (exact name of this file and its location will depend on operating system and versions).
user = kevin
password = ilovecats
host =
port = 3306
database = catnapdb

Can't connect java client to Marklogic database

I've just installed a MarkLogic nosql database out of the box on a windows machine.
I wrote a simple javaclient to put data in to the database but I get this error:
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://my.caci.local:8003 refused
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(
The Marklogic database is started. This is the code :
DatabaseClient client = DatabaseClientFactory.newClient("localhost", 8003, "admin", "admin", Authentication.DIGEST);
XMLDocumentManager docMgr = client.newXMLDocumentManager(); BinaryDocumentManager binMgr = client.newBinaryDocumentManager();
DOMHandle handle = new DOMHandle(); for (int i = 0; i < AANT_PERSONEN; i++) {
Document document = createDocument(i);
String docId = "/zaak/" + 20;
docMgr.write(docId, handle); }
The Marklogic console reports the following ports to be active on my.caci.local:
Default :: Admin : 8001 [HTTP]
Default :: App-Services : 8000 [HTTP]
Default :: HealthCheck : 7997 [HTTP]
Default :: Manage : 8002 [HTTP]
I'm new to marklogic and this is my question:
- what port should I use to connect to from my java client?
In agreement with MystyxMac, I notice the console does not report a REST server on 8003.
Here's the documentation for setting up a REST server:
You should also add users for the rest-reader, rest-writer, and rest-admin roles.
Hoping that helps,
Erik Hennum
For testing purposes you can simply switch the port you are using to 8000.
From the documentation:
When you install MarkLogic Server, a pre-configured REST API instance
is available on port 8000. This instance uses the Documents database
as the content database and the Modules database as the modules
The instance on port 8000 is convenient for getting started, but you
will usually create a dedicated instance for production purposes.

IMAP Error: Login failed - Roundcube

I'm trying to login to Roundcube only the program won't let me.
I can login to the said account from the shell and mail is setup and working correctly on my server for user 'admin'. It's RC that is the problem. If I check my logs:
they show:
[21-Sep-2013 17:19:02 +0100]: IMAP Error: Login failed for admin from ip.ip.ip.ip. Could not connect to ip.ip.ip.ip:143:
Connection refused in /usr/local/www/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 184
(POST /roundcube/?_task=login&_action=login)
which doesn't give me many clues really, just leads me to:
public function connect($host, $user, $pass, $port=143, $use_ssl=null) {}
Stuff I've tried, editing:
// IMAP AUTH type (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN or null to use
// best server supported one)
//$rcmail_config['imap_auth_type'] = LOGIN;
$rcmail_config['imap_auth_type'] = null;
// Log IMAP conversation to <log_dir>/imap or to syslog
$rcmail_config['imap_debug'] = /var/log/imap;
With a failed login attempt
doesn't even get written to, leaving me no clues. I'm using dovecot and Sendmail on a FreeBSD box with full root access. It's not an incorrect username password combination for sure.
Several Googles on the string 'Roundcube: Connection to storage server failed' are fruitless.
I needed an entry in
Schoolboy error.
I had the same problem with a letsencrypt certificate and resolve it by disabling peer authentication:
$config['imap_conn_options'] = array(
'ssl' => array('verify_peer' => true, 'verfify_peer_name' => false),
'tls' => array('verify_peer' => true, 'verfify_peer_name' => false),
Afterwards you can set the connection string like this (starttls):
$config['default_host'] = 'tls://your-host.tld';
$config['default_port'] = '143';
$config['smtp_server'] = 'tls://your-host.tld';
$config['smtp_port'] = '25';
Or like this (ssl approach):
$config['default_host'] = 'ssl://your-host.tld';
$config['default_port'] = '993';
$config['smtp_server'] = 'ssl://your-host.tld';
$config['smtp_port'] = '587';
Make sure you use the fully qualified hostname of the certificate in the connection string (like your-host.tld) and not an internal hostname (like localhost).
Hope that helps someone else.
Change the maildir to whatever your system uses.
Change Dovecot mail_location setting to
mail_location = maildir:~/Mail
Change Postfix home_mailbox setting to
home_mailbox = Mail/
Restart services and away you go
Taken from this fedoraforum post
If you run fail2ban, then dovecot might get banned following failed Roundcube login attempts. This has happened to me twice already...
First, check if this is indeed the case:
sudo fail2ban-client status dovecot
If you get an output similar to this:
Status for the jail: dovecot
|- Filter
| |- Currently failed: 1
| |- Total failed: 8
| `- File list: /var/log/mail.log
`- Actions
|- Currently banned: 1
|- Total banned: 2
`- Banned IP list: X.X.X.X
i.e. the Currently banned number is higher than 0, then fail2ban was a bit overeager and you have to "unban" dovecot.
Run the fail2ban client in interactive mode:
sudo fail2ban-client -i
and at the fail2ban> prompt enter the following:
set dovecot unbanip X.X.X.X
where X.X.X.X is the IP address of your Dovecot server.
Exit from the interactive client and run sudo fail2ban-client status dovecot again. The Currently banned: field now should have a value of 0. What's more important, RoundCube should work again :-)
The issue is in your mail server.
Check your ports in your mail server and reset it (if necessary):
Port 25 (and 587) must be open for SMTP
Port 143 (and 993) must be open for IMAP
Port 110 must be open for POP3
Also open those ports in your firewall settings.
sudo dovecot should solve the problem.
If not restart dovecot
sudo service dovecot restart
