Can't upload any file by File Manager after upgrade to MODX 2.6.5 - modx-revolution

After last attacks, I upgraded MODX to 2.6.5 version. And now there is a problem with uploading files via Modx File Manager. There are no errors during uploading. Message in File Manager after all is "File successfully uploaded" but file isn't uploaded.
In logs there are several errors but nothing about file transfer. A lot of error in /core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php:
Could not load class: fastFieldParser from fastfieldparser.
Problem getting service parser, instance of class fastFieldParser, from path /core/components/fastfield/model/fastfield/
Where can i find solution if there are no errors about file transfer problem?

I'd recommend re-running the upgrade. I've found that Susan's install script works very well for quick reinstallations. If that doesn't work I'd recommend reviewing the server's PHP logs to see if there's anything useful in there.
Install script: MODX Install Script


trying to install ruby machine getting this error "operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or unwanted software"

windows 10.
I downloaded .exe file form the official site .
When I run the .exe file it shows the following error :
operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or unwanted software
I search on internet and get solution turn off windowsdefender and try again.
My question is it good to turn off windowsdefender and install and why this error is comming ?
when downloaded the .exe form official site

Can not upload image to Spree app

I try to upload a product image to my Spree app, but i get this error
5errors prohibited this record from being saved:
Attachment Paperclip returned errors for file 'index.jpg' - check ImageMagick installation or image source file.
Attachment Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
Attachment Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
Attachment Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
Attachment Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
Should i install a gem, relocate my src image? Whats the problem here
You should to install ImageMagick. Follow these steps for install on Windows:
Download ImageMagick (you need to choose static version for your 32/64 bit OS)
Checked Add application directory to your system path and install
Reopen your command prompt to reload your PATH variables
Run convert -v to check the install worked
Okay so the problem is pretty complicated and after trying to solve it for about 3 hours i finally got it.
First, you have to remove the convert.exe from your System32 files.
We do this, because the Spree app relies on legacy code and when it
tries to upload the image the default convert.exe starts, we don't
want that.
Second you download and install the dynamic installation from the imagemagick site and you have to be sure to check the legacy support so the convert command gets supported.
I dont know if you have to, but i installed the paperclip gem. You may have to do that for it to work.
The whole reason this bug happens, is because Windows. So if you are new to this party, dual boot your station or swap to Ubuntu/Mac whatever. Seriously though, when the app tries to upload it uses the convert command, but convert is already a default Windows command so you can't upload the picture properly. So we disable the command and then we replace it with our imagemagick installation. That's it.Also good luck trying to delete the convert.exe from system32, its a weird process, but you can solve it with some google-fu.
Thanks to Michael for pointing me to right way.

Neo4j restore asks for DB upgrade

I have an instance in AWS hosting a Neo4j DB.
The version im using is 2.3.1.
I backed it up using "neo4j-backup".
I then zipped the files and uploaded to an external storage.
I wanted to restore the DB to another instance I have using the same version (2.3.1), so I copied the files to the same folder the 1st instance is using.
When I run the neo4j console command it states:
ERROR Neo4j cannot be started, because the database files require upgrading and upgrades are disabled in configuration. Please set 'allow_store_upgrade' to 'true' in your configuration file and try again.
Of course the "allow_store_upgrade" is commented out,
Do I have to do the upgrade when restoring?
How can I find the DB version?
If you're using the same version you shouldn't need to comment it out. Though I don't think it would harm anything if you do (especially if you still have that backup somewhere else).
You should be able to find the version of Neo4j in the CHANGES.txt / README.txt files. It should also output the version in data/graph.db/messages.log when you start up the server. Also if you go to the web console (at http://localhost:7474 by default) it will show you the version.

Rspec errors in Rails app using - 'cannot open shared object file'

When I run bundle exec rspec spec/ I get the following messages in the console:
Could not open library 'libgtkmm-2.4': libgtkmm-2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Could not open library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Could not open library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Could not open library 'libgtkmm-3.0': libgtkmm-3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Could not open library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Could not open library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
But, all of the tests pass and my app works just fine. Can anyone fill me in on what may have happened? Should I just scrap this box and clone my repo into a fresh one? I'm using Ruby 2.0.0p247 and Rails 4.0.2 in a box. Thanks.
Even though unrelated (thank google for finding this), I have been trying to install Nitrogen for Ubuntu today. I get the same error. Seems like a specific GTK library has gone missing recently from either your system or your distro's repository (if you're even using Linux).
If you're using a Linux system, install the libgtkmm packages and if you're lucky enough, your missing library will be in one of those.
Use in Ubuntu this to install all of them:
sudo apt-get install libgtkmm*
Hope this helps.

symfony plugin installation failing [bhLDAPAuthPlugin]

I'm working on a symfony project and I need a user access conected to an LDAP server. So I searched for something already done to add to my app and found this plugin that has all I wanted.
So I tried to install with the command $ php symfony plugin:install bhLDAPAuthPlugin
for some reason it throws me this error:
No release avaiable for plugin "bhLDAPAuthPlugin"
I don't really understand what that message means. I've checked the spell of the command (also copied the command given in the page of the plugin) and same error appears. If I had no all requeriments for instalation, other errors would be thrown, right?
PS: If you know some easy way to implement by myself the comunication with LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory) will also be appreciated.
No exactly sure how to solve the error message, perhaps it helps is specifically specify which version you wish to install.
Otherwise there's an easy workaround:
Just download the tgz file from here:
and do
php symfony plugin:install bhLDAPAuthPlugin-etc-etc.tgz
