How can a --HEAD dependency be specified in homebrew-bundle - homebrew

I am trying to specify the following command into a Brewfile for use in homebrew-bundle:
brew install --HEAD open-ocd
I can get a normal install to work if the Brewfile contains:
brew "open-ocd"
But I don't see any examples on how to properly specify --HEAD within a Brewfile.

Using brew dump I was able to determine that the correct Brewfile is:
brew "open-ocd", args: ["HEAD"]


Homebrew's formula is not recognized

I just installed Homebrew in macOS Mojave. When trying:
$ brew install --fresh imagemagick --with-perl
there appears an output explanatory text about the usage of brew formulas, finishing by:
Error: invalid option: --fresh
Similarly, $ brew install imagemagick --with-perl gives out the forementioned text finishing by: Error: invalid option: --with-perl
(On the other hand, $ brew install imagemagick works, but there fails the perl interface, so that I wished to install it with the perl option as above).
There is no option --fresh to the brew command. If you want to reinstall a package, you do:
brew uninstall PACKAGE
brew install PACKAGE
All packages in homebrew-core no longer have any options - it was too onerous on the maintainers. Now all packages contain a core, broad set of options and that is what you get.
If you want to see how your ImageMagick is configured, use:
magick identify -list configure

Unistall error using home-brew -> error using brew prune

I have Paste installed and want to uninstall it, currently running macOS High Sierra.
I have tried using the $ brew uninstall Paste and it gets returned with Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/paste.
After that I used $ brew update of which everything is up-to-date.
So after that I used $ brew doctor which returned
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!
Warning: Broken symlinks were found. Remove them with `brew prune`:
However, when I try and use $ brew prune I get returned with
Error: Permission denied # unlink_internal - /usr/local/share/ghostscript/9.16/Resource/CIDFont/HiraKakuPro-W3
Can anyone help with this issue?
Simply run:
brew uninstall paste
You're getting the error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/pastewhenbrew uninstall Past because there are no brew formulae installed or in the official Homebrew repository named paste.
brew install paste
Error: No available formula with the name "paste"
I guess you've installed it using cask:
brew cask install paste
If you try to uninstall it using brew you'll get that error:
brew uninstall Paste
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/paste
To uninstall paste simply use brew cask instead:
brew cask uninstall paste

How to remove Homebrew formula/keg that no longer exists?

I'm trying to remove extempore but I get the following:
$ brew uninstall extempore
Error: No available formula with the name "extempore-llvm"
Trying to uninstall extempore-llvm
$ brew uninstall extempore-llvm
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/extempore-llvm
Adding --force does not do anything.
How do I remove this keg/formula completely? Brew can't uninstall/install/reinstall anything while this is an issue.
Remove /usr/local/Cellar/extempore-llvm manually, then execute brew prune.

brew install rbenv Error: rbenv-rbenv already installed To install this version, first `brew unlink rbenv`

I am trying to install rbenv on OS X by following instruction from site link - setup ruby on macbook
when I try brew install rbenv I get below error
Error: rbenv-rbenv already installed To install this version, first 'brew unlink rbenv'
Here is the output from brew doctor
brew doctor
Your system is ready to brew.
I tried brew unlink rbenv on which fails with message Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/rbenv
Please suggest how this can be solved.
I have tried all solutions as listed below
brew update
brew prune
brew link rbenv
nothing really works
This, I was able to solve by thrashing all the junk files and folders related to rbenv still existing in the system; as brew link rbenv wasn't working
Use command below to find any rbenv files/folder still existing in the system.
sudo find /user/ -name "*rbenv*"
most of the issues could be because /usr/local/opt may still have folders related to rbenv
then carefully remove any listed files/folder using command
sudo rm -r <folder-listed-in-result-of-above-command>
then try brew install rbenv, follow any output from this command (which may suggest brew unlink rbenv && brew link rbenv) and you should be good to go.
I do not recommend file/folder thrashing this way as it could be risky however, to be frank, this is only what worked for me.

Why can't brew find a specific known formula?

I'm trying to install bazel on my mac (10.11.5).
I can see that it is available through brew:
But when I run "brew install bazel", I get this:
Error: No available formula for bazel
Searching formulae...
Searching taps...
Why is this?
In my case, Homebrew was already up-to-date after running brew update and I still received the same error messages as the OP when trying to install xdebug:
$ brew update
Already up-to-date.
$ brew install php70-xdebug
Error: No available formula with the name "php70-xdebug"
Using Mark's suggestion from the comments on OP solved the problem:
$ brew search xdebug
homebrew/php/xdebug-osx homebrew/php/php70-xdebug
So now, running $ brew install homebrew/php/php70-xdebug, Homebrew found and installed the package.
You should update your brews, because it is indeed available. Run
brew update
brew install bazel
and then it should work.
