How to invoke safari browser from wallet pass - ios

I am trying to invoke safari from wallet pass. I did not get any clue how doing these. For wallet pass to invoke a custom app its asking for the app store identifier. We are unable to find the app store Id for mobile safari application. Please help me with this.


how to use app links to pass parameter to app store to be retrieved when app is installed in ios

I am new to this concept, If the user doesn’t have app on the device i'd like to send a custom url to download the app from the app store containing a parameter of the inviting user id.
when the app is installed on the device, i need to be able to receive the parameter passed to the app store, in order to identify the user . But i couldn't figure out how to do this with app links and didn't find any appropriate example.
any help would be greatly welcomed! Thanks

How to do facebook login without opening a browser at all?

The IOS app I'm currently working on uses FBSDKLoginManager().logInWithReadPermissions, which opens a browser in the app for user to login to facebook. Then, the browser closes, and the app uses the FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult to proceed.
However, I want to change it so that the app uses preset settings to log into facebook in the background, without actually opening a browser at all. To put it in a simpler way, the app should not open the browser, but still cause a regular log-in. Is that possible?
Just to clarify, this feature is only intended when the app is running in the developer mode, not for the users.
Thank you!
EDIT: I also found FBSDKLoginBehaviorSystemAccount, which
Attempts log in through the Facebook account currently signed in through
the device Settings.
However, I have no idea about how to implement this in swift, and I cannot find any resource online besides the brief description in FacebookSDK's documentation. It will be great if someone can help!

iOS Passbook how to work with

I try to work with passbook. SO as i understand from guide i need to create certificate, generate json and than i need to upload passbook to my server, after that if i open page in safari from iPhone i can see my own passbook in passbook app.
But is it way to get passbook on button click on my app without opening safari?
Please, correct me if i've error on work logic with passbook
Yes. You will need a server that can create the pass, and your app will need to call your server to request the pass. Then your app needs to use the PKPassViewController to display the pass to the user so the user can add it to their Passbook. See the Apple Passbook Programming Guide:

How does facebook call the native iOS app?

I want to know how does facebook native app call my native iOS app.
Facebook requires App bundle id, app store id, and url sufix (optional). What I want to know is: how facebook process these information and open my native app?
It uses custom URL schemes.
What you basically do is define a "url" for your app so you can access it from anywhere in the OS (using that URL). What FB does, when it opens Safari to authenticate you for example, is specify YOUR app's custom url as a callback URL, so when it finishes, it calls that url and that redirects it back to your app.
You can test this by setting a custom URL for your app, firing up Safari, and typing that url. It will jump straight to your app.
You can read more about it here.
You don't need to set any of that to have the Facebook app send you back to your own app. The SDK does that automatically.
Setting the app bundle ID in your Facebook app (in the Facebook developer center) allows the Facebook app to send the user immediately back to your app if they've already given permission to your app before. It's just a nice feature, but it's not necessary for everything to work.

Facebook App Requests aren't shown on iOS devices?

I've sent an app invitation from an iPad app to a test Facebook account via Facebook's API. When I login to the test account on my PC, the app request is there.
When I login to the test account on my iPad (either via Safari or via the Facebook App), I can see the number "1" next to the App Centre tab, but when I click it and go to the App Centre, there's no request. In fact, I can't see any App Centre areas dedicated to requests on Facebook for iOS - there's only Social Picks and Top Apps. Any explanation for this?
This is caused by an incorrect configuration on the Facebook app setting page. When you are setting up the app, you need to make sure the following is set correctly.
Go to then select "Apps". Edit your app and fill in the following..
iOS App Bundle (dont think it's essential but fill it in, this the bundle id from Xcode (com.companyname.appname))
iPhone/iPad App Store ID - This is ESSENTIAL, one of these must be filled in with a valid app store ID. You get this when you create an app with iTunes Connect. If you create an app, and fill in the details right up to the point where it asks you to submit the binary, it will generate what Apple refers to as an Apple ID (or iTunes Id?). It's just a long integer value. It doesn't have to be for the corresponding app, if you already have apps in the app store just log in to iTunes connect and use an existing one for testing.
Configured for iOS SSO - Enabled
Configured for Deep Linking - Enabled
The only functionality you get from Facebook when a user clicks an app notification on iOS is the user being redirected to the app, if installed, or to the App Store if not. Also if you want your app notifications to show up on desktop, you'll need a Canvas URL under the "App On Facebook" section.
In my tests I had to have a canvas URL to get iOS notifications working, but I'm not sure if this is a bug with Facebook or intended behaviour, so if it doesn't work with just iOS enabled, enable app on Facebook too and stick in a random url if you don't have one.
I just figured there can be another reason for this symptom: if your app has location restriction (only available in certain countries), the user who receives the request has to be in that country (e.g. I had to connect with mine via GeoEdge).
