Docker hub Is possible to pass price plan from account to organization - dockerhub

I have created multiple containers and make them private by paying a plan, but now I want to set an organization with their teams and users to grant access to every container created, but I noticed that I only can give permissions to the containers created inside that organization, so the repositories I pay are useless, Is there a way to pass the plan to the organization instead the personal account?

On docker hub, on settings, on the bottom exists a button that let you change an account to an organization if you give another personal account but when I try it always throws and error that says that the personal account is part of a group, but that personal account is not part of a group, also I sended an email to and tell them my problem and they said that I need to cancel the plan because the plans are not transferable and later pay the plan for the organization, in resume for this moment you can't transfer the plan from a personal account to an organization.


Test Manager Account Google Ads API

I am trying to Create a Client test account under Test manager account of google ads API but my test manager account is marked as closed. See below
As mentioned in the picture a, we need to use new google account to create test manager account that is not been used in production manager account, I did the same. I created new google account and created test manager account but when I try to generate Refresh token for test account by using OAuth playground, It generates an error. see picture b.
Picture a.
Picture b.
Am I doing something wrong to configure the test manager account? Is there anything I need to follow to enable test account? The request to generate refresh token is getting denied. Is it because my account is closed?
The manager account for test account will always be closed because it is not managing any accounts in production environment.
To create test accounts, sign in as test manager account then follow the screenshots
when you click add button, you will be prompted to ask to create new account.
One you have clicked to create account, you will be asked to fill the details of the account. Follow the instructions to create test account.
When you create an account, you should pay attention to the filter feature. Otherwise, you will not be able to view the account.
This image
You've probably already solved this, but someone else may have the same problem [I did just a few days ago].
So here's my contribution:
Even if you are the developer, you'll need to add your email as a test user to the project on the consent screen in API & Services
Here are 2 screenshots

Difference between Apple Developer Account as Individual and Company/Organization

Is there any difference (e.g. in functionality or anything else) between an Apple Developer Account as Individual and an Apple Developer Account as Company/Organization, except the name in the developers name in the App Store?
1. User access
If you or your client has Organisation account, he can give access to various users (through their email address) without disclosing the credentials of the main account and those users can get access to too. On the other hand, Individual account do not allow to add any users so one will have to give the main account credentials to developers in order to build an application(create certificates, profile, etc). One can add various users by assigning different roles listed here
Also, If you’re enrolled as an individual and add users in App Store Connect, users receive access only to your content in App Store Connect and are not considered part of your team in the Apple Developer Program.
2. Testers
Adding multiple internal testers is possible with organisation program but not with Individual one.
3. Store listing
With individual account, apps are listed with Developer's personal name while in Organisation, they are listed under organisation name. eg Company name LLC

Checking a user's in-app purchase status from another user's perspective

My original plan for the iOS app I'm developing was to make it free for all users except for administrators of "organizations" stored in a cloud database. These administrators pay a monthly subscription fee to maintain these organizations, and free users join them. An organization's administrator is the only one who can accept new users and set user permissions.
However, I realized that I have no way to check whether an administrator's subscription has expired from the point of view of another users, meaning it may be possible for an administrator to get a free trial, set up an organization, join it from an alternate account, set up permissions, cancel the subscription, and continue using the app as normal without paying. Currently, the only case that the app can handle is if the administrator tries to log into an organization after the subscription has expired.
I planned to avoid this issue by having "active" and "inactive" states for organizations stored in the database, but I still need a way for the app to recognize that a subscription has expired and deactivate the organizations associated with the user in question. I'm not sure how to do this, other than from the point of view of the admin, who could simply stop using the account before the subscription expires, and/or delegate management of an alternate, non-admin account to someone else.
I also realized that this specific setup might violate Apple's policy on in-app purchases, since I am effectively indirectly taking functionality away from free users due to paid users' subscriptions expiring. If this is the case, I'll have to rethink the payment structure of my app entirely. Am I allowed to handle subscriptions this way? If so, how can I a) reliably ensure that my app disables an organization when its admin's subscription runs out, or b) check whether an admin's subscription has run out when another user in the organization tries to log in?

Difference between individual account and team account

When you create an bitbucket account you can choose between individual account and 5 user team. I am not getting the difference since when you create an individual account you can create a Team as well and manage it. Could anyone explain to me the difference between individual account and team account
Plan details aside, there are indeed few differences between a normal and a team account. Under the hood, a team account is just a normal account record with a flag set.
The main difference is that team accounts can be administered by other users. One can also create and fork repos into a team account. Regular accounts do not have that ability.
The fact that a team account is based on the standard model also means that you can login with it and use it to pull/push with.
Reference : Erik van Zijst
The team account feature has been removed, as of today's team-faq on bitbucket site.

SalesForce with iOS Customer Portal

I am using zkSForce with iOS for direct access to our SalesForce data and for logging in and viewing cases for customer portal users. This all works, a customer portal user can log in to the app and see the cases and make queries, etc.
The problem I have is, before the user is a customer portal user, they are a Person Account. We are able to go into SalesForce and select to enable the Person Account as a customer portal user. But what we want to do is be able to do this from the iOS device. From the device, we want to be able to say: Enable customer portal license for AccountId xxxxxx.
Have no idea how we would or if we can actually do this...
I'd say "it's better to not do it". Sorry, I feel the answer to this would be more philosophical than truly programming-related.
Obviously Customer Portal/Guest user cannot enable himself as a damn actual user. It would be wrong on so many levels:
He/she would be able to select to which Account he wants to be associated, out of many interesting possibilities ;)
If he can "elevate" himself that would defeat the whole purpose of limiting Cust. Portal user's options in the first place.
Hackers, data miners & screen scraping applications welcome!
You guys pay for Cust. Portal licenses.
So... you can hardcode username & pass of a dedicated "SysAdmin" user in your iOS app that'd connect and fix the data. Except what if it's hacked or password expires?
Or you can build something like "request Access" screen? Whatever. A form which they'd fill in (I'm John Smith, I work for company XYZ, my Email is ..., I need access because of Case 0123456, somebody I know at your org is...) and then either a human being looks at it or you leverage Web-To-Lead, Email-To-Case, a Site page or whatever to programmatically decide what to do with it?
