Ruby on Rails, How to reset a counter every day? - ruby-on-rails

I need to save a reference number every time I save a record of a certain model, the reference should be composed of 10 numbers, the first 8 numbers are related to the creator id and date, but the last 2 digits should be an incremental number starting at 00 and ending at 99, this count should be reset every single day.
For example:
Records created the same day:
Records created the next day:
Where the first 2 letters are the initials of a name, the next 2 are the current day, next 2 current month, next 2 current year, next 2 incremental number (from 0 to 99, reset daily)
Also every reference HAS TO be unique.
I'm missing the last two digits part, any idea on how to grant this ?
Thanks for reading.

Where the first 2 letters are the initials of a name, the next 2 are the current day, next 2 current month, next 2 current year, next 2 incremental number (from 0 to 99, reset daily).
As folks in the comments have pointed out, this assumes there is a maximum of 100 entries per day, and it will have problems in 2100. One is more pressing than the other. Maybe if you go over 100 you can start using letters?
Also every reference HAS TO be unique.
For globally unique identifiers UUIDs, Universally Unique IDentifiers, are generally the way to go. If you can change this requirement it would be both simpler (databases already support UUIDs), more robust (UUIDs aren't limited to 100 per day), and more secure (they don't leak information about the thing being identified).
Assuming you can't change the requirement, the next number can be gotten by adding up the number of existing rows that day.
select count(id)
from stuff
where date(created_at) == date(NOW());
However there is a problem if two processes both insert a new record at the same time and get the same next number. Probably highly unlikely if you're expecting only 100 a day, but still possible.
Process 1 Process 2 Time
select count(id) ... 1
select count(id) ... 2
insert into stuff ... 3
insert into stuff... 4
A transaction won't save you. You could get an exclusive lock on the whole table, but that's dangerous and slow. Instead you can use an advisory lock for this one operation. Just make sure all code which writes new records uses this same advisory lock.
Stuff.with_advisory_lock(:new_stuff_record) do
Alternatively, store the daily ID in a column. Add a database trigger to add 1 on insert. Set it back to 0 with a scheduled job at midnight.

I will assume your class is named Record and it has an attribute called reference_number.
If that is the case, you can use the following method to fetch the two last digits.
def fetch_following_two_last_digits
if Record.last.created_at < Time.current.beginning_of_day
(Record.last.reference_number.last(2).to_i + 1).to_s
Also assuming you never reach 100 records a day. Otherwise, you'd end up having three last digits.


Rails 5 how to save difference in hour and minutes between two datatime in postgres?

my table has 3 columns: data type timestamp,
|created_At | final_time| duracion(difference between created at and final_time)
| | |
the column difference should save the difference in hours and minutes, in this format HH:MM
this is my controller:
def horario
horario.update(duracion: params[:duracion]) // this params is "00:59"
but in the table Horarios, in column duracion i have this:
2017-12-24 03:59:00
so i want to save 00:59 (59 minutes) but postgres save all current date and add 3 hours more.
i want to save so in the future i will be able tu sum column duracion. Or should i change data type for this column? In this case which datatype you recomend me for rails to save HH:MM??
Rails 5 supports PostgreSQL's interval type to some extent. You can create interval columns in the usual way and they will be properly represented in db/schema.rb. You can also assign them values in the usual way so you can say things like:
model.some_interval = '6 hours'
and get 06:00:00 inside the database. However, there is nothing in Ruby or Rails that properly represents a time interval (we only have various timestamp and date classes) so when that interval comes out of the database, you'll have a string on your hands, i.e:
> model = Model.find(some_id)
> model.some_interval.class
=> String
so you might end up having to manually parse some strings in Ruby. For simple intervals like '6 hours', this will be easy but it won't be so easy with more complicated intervals like '6 years 23 days 11 hours'.
If you'll only be working with your time intervals inside the database then interval would be natural and easy, you can say things like:
select some_timestamp + some_interval
where some_timestamp + some_interval < some_other_timestamp
and everything will work nicely.
However, if you need to work with the intervals back in Ruby then you'd probably be better off storing the interval as a number of seconds in an integer column (or whatever resolution you need). Then you could say things like:
where some_timestamp + (some_interval_in_seconds || 'seconds')::interval < some_other_timestamp
inside the database and
some_time + model.some_interval_in_seconds
back in Ruby.
In any case, strings are probably the wrong approach unless you really like parsing strings everywhere all the time.
As others already pointed out, Rails handles the Postgres Interval type as a string. A string that, unfortunately, is not easy to parse.
If you do this:
u ='edited_at - created_at as time_dif')
puts u.first['time_dif']
You can get something like 168 days 12:51:20.851115. Ugly right?
Well, using Ruby to convert this string into an useful number is not easy, but you can use Postgres to do the job for you. You will need to do a plain SQL query though, but it's the best method I've found so far:
query = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("
SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM time_dif)/3600 as hours_dif
SELECT (edited_at - created_at) as time_dif
FROM users
) AS MainQuery
In this example, Postgres' EXTRACT function will convert the Interval type into a number which represents the total seconds of the interval. If you divide this number by 3600 you will get the different in hours as in the example above.
Then, if you want to iterate over the results:
query.each do |r|
puts r['hours_dif']
You could save duracion as a float type, where duracion would equal something like final_time - created_at and this value would be the difference in seconds. You can then perform arithmetic with these values and always convert back to minutes, hours, or whatever you need.

Rails get equal segments in between a date range

I have a product model and orders associated to the product. I wanted to analyze all orders from creation of product to current time. I was thinking to optimize, I would take products created at day, and current time as start and end points. The next step would be to automatically pull 10 equally spaced times between start and current time and place them in an array. For each one of these dates, query orders for the 10 dates provided.
Question is, is this the best approach to analyzing order data / performance on the query? If so, how do you pull the 10 dates in between the created at and current time range in Rails.
I have the following pseudocode --
Products.where(event_id: event)[Products.where(event_id: event)].each_slide(10) do |p|
# Loop through orders of the 10 pulled days
Orders.where(product_id: do |o|
# Add products to one of the 10 pulled days
Example Pseudocode:
1st Getting the last Product's created_at value
require 'date'
prod_date = Products.where(event_id: event).last.created_at
prod_date = prod_date.to_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
2nd Getting last 10 records in products table based on prod_date & date_today.
date_today ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Products.where('event_id ? AND (created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?)', event, prod_date, date_today).limit(10)
You can also arrange it if you want by adding e.g. .order("created_at DESC")
3rd Start to iterate with you orders data from the result above.
Orders.where(product_id: do |o|
# Add products to one of the 10 pulled days
I understand want you plan to do. Honestly I haven't tried that.
But, my idea for that is, for ex. you have 10 data & you want to get 3 equally spaced values.
Why not try to iterate it by 3 (but get the first value).
Imagine this is your data: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
get the first = 1
iterate the next by (3) = 4, 7, 10
Result = 1, 4, 7, 10
You may need to get the first & last data, depends on how many
3 equally spaced values
you want to get from total result count.

Store the day of the week and time?

I have a two-part question about storing days of the week and time in a database. I'm using Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.0.0, and Postgres.
I have certain events, and those events have a schedule. For the event "Skydiving", for example, I might have Tuesday and Wednesday and 3 pm.
Is there a way for me to store the record for Tuesday and Wednesday in one row or should I have two records?
What is the best way to store the day and time? Is there a way to store day of week and time (not datetime) or should these be separate columns? If they should be separate, how would I store the day of the week? I was thinking of storing them as integer values, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, since that's how the wday method for the Time class does it.
Any suggestions would be super helpful.
Is there a way for me to store the the record for Tuesday and
Wednesday in one row or do should I have two records?
There are several ways to store multiple time ranges in a single row. #bma already provided a couple of them. That might be useful to save disk space with very simple time patterns. The clean, flexible and "normalized" approach is to store one row per time range.
What is the best way to store the day and time?
Use a timestamp (or timestamptz if multiple time zones may be involved). Pick an arbitrary "staging" week and just ignore the date part while using the day and time aspect of the timestamp. Simplest and fastest in my experience, and all date and time related sanity-checks are built-in automatically. I use a range starting with 1996-01-01 00:00 for several similar applications for two reasons:
The first 7 days of the week coincide with the day of the month (for sun = 7).
It's the most recent leap year (providing Feb. 29 for yearly patterns) at the same time.
Range type
Since you are actually dealing with time ranges (not just "day and time") I suggest to use the built-in range type tsrange (or tstzrange). A major advantage: you can use the arsenal of built-in Range Functions and Operators. Requires Postgres 9.2 or later.
For instance, you can have an exclusion constraint building on that (implemented internally by way of a fully functional GiST index that may provide additional benefit), to rule out overlapping time ranges. Consider this related answer for details:
Preventing adjacent/overlapping entries with EXCLUDE in PostgreSQL
For this particular exclusion constraint (no overlapping ranges per event), you need to include the integer column event_id in the constraint, so you need to install the additional module btree_gist. Install once per database with:
CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist; -- once per db
Or you can have one simple CHECK constraint to restrict the allowed time period using the "range is contained by" operator <#.
Could look like this:
CREATE TABLE event (event_id serial PRIMARY KEY, ...);
CREATE TABLE schedule (
event_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES event(event_id)
, t_range tsrange
, PRIMARY KEY (event_id, t_range)
, CHECK (t_range <# '[1996-01-01 00:00, 1996-01-09 00:00)') -- restrict period
, EXCLUDE USING gist (event_id WITH =, t_range WITH &&) -- disallow overlap
For a weekly schedule use the first seven days, Mon-Sun, or whatever suits you. Monthly or yearly schedules in a similar fashion.
How to extract day of week, time, etc?
#CDub provided a module to deal with it on the Ruby end. I can't comment on that, but you can do everything in Postgres as well, with impeccable performance.
SELECT ts::time AS t_time -- get the time (practically no cost)
SELECT EXTRACT(DOW FROM ts) AS dow -- get day of week (very cheap)
Or in similar fashion for range types:
SELECT EXTRACT(DOW FROM lower(t_range)) AS dow_from -- day of week lower bound
, EXTRACT(DOW FROM upper(t_range)) AS dow_to -- same for upper
, lower(t_range)::time AS time_from -- start time
, upper(t_range)::time AS time_to -- end time
FROM schedule;
db<>fiddle here
Old sqliddle
ISODOW instead of DOW for EXTRACT() returns 7 instead of 0 for sundays. There is a long list of what you can extract.
This related answer demonstrates how to use range type operator to compute a total duration for time ranges (last chapter):
Calculate working hours between 2 dates in PostgreSQL
Check out the ice_cube gem (link).
It can create a schedule object for you which you can persist to your database. You need not create two separate records. For the second part, you can create schedule based on any rule and you need not worry on how that will be saved in the database. You can use the methods provided by the gem to get whatever information you want from the persisted schedule object.
Depending how complex your scheduling needs are, you might want to have a look at RFC 5545, the iCalendar scheduling data format, for ideas on how to store the data.
If you needs are pretty simple, than that is probably overkill. Postgresql has many functions to convert date and time to whatever format you need.
For a simple way to store relative dates and times, you could store the day of week as an integer as you suggested, and the time as a TIME datatype. If you can have multiple days of the week that are valid, you might want to use an ARRAY.
ARRAY[2,3]::INTEGER[] = Tues, Wed as Day of Week
'15:00:00'::TIME = 3pm
[EDIT: Add some simple examples]
/* Custom the time and timetz range types */
CREATE TYPE timerange AS RANGE (subtype = time);
--drop table if exists schedule;
create table schedule (
event_id integer not null, /* should be an FK to "events" table */
day_of_week integer[],
time_of_day time,
time_range timerange,
recurring text CHECK (recurring IN ('DAILY','WEEKLY','MONTHLY','YEARLY'))
insert into schedule (event_id, day_of_week, time_of_day, time_range, recurring)
(1, ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5]::INTEGER[], '15:00:00'::TIME, NULL, 'WEEKLY'),
(2, ARRAY[6,0]::INTEGER[], NULL, '(08:00:00,17:00:00]'::timerange, 'WEEKLY');
select * from schedule;
event_id | day_of_week | time_of_day | time_range | recurring
1 | {1,2,3,4,5} | 15:00:00 | | WEEKLY
2 | {6,0} | | (08:00:00,17:00:00] | WEEKLY
The first entry could be read as: the event is valid at 3pm Mon - Fri, with this schedule occurring every week.
The second entry could be read as: the event is valid Saturday and Sunday between 8am and 5pm, occurring every week.
The custom range type "timerange" is used to denote the lower and upper boundaries of your time range.
The '(' means "inclusive", and the trailing ']' means "exclusive", or in other words "greater than or equal to 8am and less than 5pm".
Why not just store the datestamp then use the built in functionality for Date to get the day of the week?
2.0.0p247 :139 >
=> Sun, 10 Nov 2013
2.0.0p247 :140 >"%A")
=> "Sunday"
strftime sounds like it can do everything for you. Here are the specific docs for it.
Specifically for what you're talking about, it sounds like you'd need an Event table that has_many :schedules, where a Schedule would have a start_date timestamp...

rails - group by day as well as hour

I want to create an array of the number of items created each hour, each day.
I'm tracking how people are feeling, so my model is called TrackMood It just has a column called mood and the timestamps.
If I do
TrackMood.where(mood: "good").group("hour(created_at)").count
I get something like
{11=>4, 12=>2, 13=>2, 15=>1}
I've got 2 issues here
1 How do I add the day into this so it doesn't just add the items created yesterday at 11 o'clock to the items added today at 11 o'clock?
2 How do I make sure it says 0 for hours when nothing is created?
1) Instead of grouping on just the hours part of the date you'll need to group part of the date that is relevant i.e. the date up to the hours and not including anything more specific than that. E.g.
TrackMood.where(mood: "good").group("date_format(created_at, '%Y%m%d %H')").count
2) You're always going to get a hash back from this call even if it doesn't find any groups. If you want to check how many groups there are you can call .size or .count on it.
For PostgreSQL you can use date_part
SO-post - Rails & Postgresql: how to group queries by hour?

Rails: find by day of week with timestamp

I need to grab the records for same day of the week for the preceeding X days of the week. There must be a better way to do it than this:
Transaction.find_by_sql "select * from transactions where EXTRACT(DOW from date) = 1 and organisation_id = 4 order by date desc limit 7"
It gets me what I need but is Postgres specific and not very "Rails-y". Date is a timestamp.
Anyone got suggestions?
How many days do you want to go back?
I have written a gem called by_star that has a dynamic finder suited for finding up to a certain number of days in the past. If the number of days was always a number you could use this finder:
If it was dynamic then I would recommend using something such as future or between, depending on if you have transactions in the future (i.e. time travel):
AFAIK Rails has no any methods to do this by other way. So best, and faster, solution - build DOW index on date column and use your query.
