I am working on a game with SpriteKit. I have finished my game, but wanted to add a main menu scene. I made two new files, "HomeScene.swift" and "HomeScene.sks". I was able to get the HomeScene to appear before the GameScene when I ran in the simulator, but it was not responsive to any touches, did not transition to the GameScene, or was affected by any code in my "HomeScene.swift" file.
Do I need to link the scene to the swift file somehow? Do I need to initialize the scene somehow?
I am programming a command line server in Swift for my game which uses physics simulation from SKScene. I've built it as an OS X application using view controller but I couldn't figure out how to port it to command line. The problem I am running into now is the rendering loop of SKScene.
When I have a SKScene and I present it in an SKView, it runs normally like expected. But when I tried creating the scene and calling update on it manually when it's not presented inside an SKView, it doesn't update the its SKPhysicsWorld. It seems like the physics simulation only updates when you have the scene presented in an SKView.
Is there a work around for this? Is physics world of SKScene strictly tied to the UI? Is created a server using Swift a bad idea in general?
I'm working on a SceneKit game using Swift, and I'm thinking about the best way to organize the various screens/ states surrounding the actual main game scene. I have a simple prototype which consists of three states:
Splash Screen (choose game type) ->
Game ->
Game over screen (choose to play again or return to splash)
In the prototype I opted to go for UIKit to do the UI elements, rather than a SpriteKit overlay. Although it's just buttons at the moment, which would be easy enough to do in SpriteKit, I might in future want to add sliders (eg an options screen to set control sensitivity etc), text entry etc, and then you end up recreating great chunks of uikit.
So at present, each of the 3 scenes described above has its own UIViewController. The Splash and Game ViewControllers have their own SCNViews and SCNScenes, and the GameOver is a modal that displays over the main Game scene.
This structure isn't really ideal, as it means that the main game SCNScene gets reloaded whenever the viewDidLoad of the GameViewController fires. The main SCNScene is quite detailed so takes a few seconds to load, and with repeated cycles this seems to create memory issues. After 2 cycles of Splash -> Game -> GameOver I get a memory warning, and after the third cycle Xcode loses the connection to the iPhone (which seems, in my experience, to be caused by memory issues).
I would like to have a main GameViewController that loads the most frequently reused assets once, but still be able to segue between the various menu screens.
So what are the options here?
I thought perhaps I could have a main GameViewController which controls the loading and unloading of SceneKit assets and has the sole SCNView. Its viewDidLoad method would only be fired once, when the app first starts. Then, each of the other views would have a very minimal UIViewController, which would be presented as modals over the main GameViewController, with "OverCurrentContext" selected.
I wanted to ask whether this pattern sounds feasible, and how others organise their SceneKit games. I'm still quite new to native iOS development, so it could be that I'm missing some basic game design pattern.
My Experience with the use of only one GameViewController (my current work for MAC OS X: i started a a 'small' 3D game with a MainMenu/start screen, a Hud and 2 or 3 complete different 3D Scenes - this shall be ported then to IOS, too):
In the last week i tried what you asked for, to use only one GameViewController for "all" that stuff - for me it seemed to be the easy and "good" way to do it - but even after lot of hours with all my tricks I've learned the last years i was not able to reload load another (or change) 3D scene (or even not another sprite kit scene hud) after a scenekit scene is loaded in a single ViewController.
Maybe there is difference between MAC OS X and IOS but i even tried this in an iOS version and it has the same behavior.
What i was able to do: You can modify a loaded 3D scene or change data in the sprite kit hud etc., so you are able to use one 3d scene to add or show the things up when they are needed but as far as my tests here showed, you will need one ViewController to show up a complete new different 3d scene or 2d/3d Menus etc. I will post my further experiences as soon as I'm a step further. i hope this helps a little.
I am building an app that has a main scene and a restart scene. The main game scene uses sprite kit physics to have an object controlled by the user float across the screen. When it rashes into an obstacle the app transitions to the end scene using:
This works just fine. then the restart scene has a restart button. when this is clicked the app transitions back to the game scene using:
i know this presents the original scene because i did an ns log to make sure. The problem is when this original scene is presented again the scene changes colors multiple times alternates very quickly between one and two nodes on the screen and then crashes. I have no idea the cause. i have had this problem before and i know other people have. no one has given me a definite answer. i hope one of you guys will. Thank you. help needed badly!!!!!!!
Try to navigate between scenes this way:
let nextScene = GameScene(fileNamed: "SceneNameHere")!
Also please check your code on startup in the gamescene.
May be you are using some global flags to store value for win/fail/restart conditions and your scenes simply open together one by one (it is hard to say without checking actual code).
You need to remove the original seen from view after transitioning away from it. Use this code:
Hope this helps :)
I am developing a Cocos3d based iOS project. I am running a scene once the app is launched and clicked on "Start scene" option. I have a Back button in the scene. Clicking on this Back, will take us to app home screen. Clicking on again "Start scene" option, currently it launches the previous scene itself. But, whenever Back button is clicked , i want to stop the running scene and unlock all the resource. And then again "Start scene" option, it should launch scene freshly.
Could someone advise, how to stop the running scene and unload all resources pod etc.?
Thank you!
You can try the following to stop displaying a Cocos2D CCScene (including any 3D scenes being displayed), and releasing all cached objects:
CC3Texture.shouldCacheAssociatedCCTextures = NO; // Breaks links between Cocos3D textures and Cocos2D textures
[CCDirector.sharedDirector end]; // Removes active CCScene and clears Cocos2D caches
[CC3OpenGL.sharedGL clearOpenGLResourceCaches]; // Clears Cocos3D caches
If you are using a CC3ViewController subclass, and you don't expect to need any OpenGL for a while, then you can also use the terminateOpenGL method to perform all of the above, plus completely shutdown OpenGL. See the CC3DemoMultiScene demo app for examples of doing this.
I'm creating an app and for some reason when I'm running the app on the device and the Welcome to Game Centre drop down appears, the force applied to my SKSpriteNode seems to be greater than normal, making my sprite fly off the screen.
So I add my sprite in the scene in the initWithSize method but then once you click on the screen, the touchesBegan fires which applies a force to the sprite, and if the Game Centre drop down doesn't appear (when you first start up the app) then it will work as per normal. Problem only seems to occur when Game Centre drop down appears.
Any ideas on a solution?