Using GPIO3_13 (GPIO109) to disable USB VBUS - beagleboneblack

I found dev-USB-PWR-CTL-00A1.dtbo file. (I think this is source code for it).
Using this file I try to expose USB1_DRVVBUS pin as GPIO (GPIO3_13) with commands:
echo dev-USB-PWR-CTL > /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
echo 109 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio109/direction
I see new cape entry in slots and new gpio files tree.
But when I change value with command
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio109/value
I see new value in this file but nothing happens with USB VBUS.
What am I missing?
(Before you ask do I really need this: let's leave the consequences on the side for a moment.)

Have you looked at this? question about exactly this on the Beagleboard Google Group
Please note that there are some differences to back then and current images, e.g. by default CapeManager is disabled and overlays are loaded once in U-Boot

If you are using a recent Debian image (the necessary device tree overlay was merged in June 2015), it includes a device tree overlay (with the comment "Unless you know what you are doing, do not load this cape!!!"). This uses a hack to expose the usb1_drvvbus signal as a fictitious LED, which can then be controlled using the led interface in /sys.
Firstly, load the dev-USB-PWR-CTL-00A1.dtbo device tree overlay. For recent setups (where all dtbos are loaded by uboot and then passed to the kernel at boot time), this could be done by adding dtb_overlay=/lib/firmware/dev-USB-PWR-CTL-00A1.dtbo to /boot/uEnv.txt and rebooting (older kernels/uboots will need to use the older config mechanisms as described in /boot/uEnv.txt).
You can then do this:
echo 'usb1' > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/usb_hub_power/brightness
sleep 1
echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/usb_hub_power/brightness
echo 'usb1' > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind
... to power-cycle the device attached to USB1.


beaglebone GPIO3_13 (aka GPIO109) not exposed on P8 or P9?

I have run into some problem controlling usb1' power. as I investigated from
"" It tells me that GPIO3_13 controls usb1_drvvbus pin, which controls the usb power.
I understand that there is software method to change the voltage of this pin.
My question is that where is GPIO3_13 located on P8 or P9 expansion bays? I cannot find it on any diagrams. Is it purposefully not exposed anywhere?
You can control USB1 power from software on the beaglebone, if you are using a recent Debian image (the necessary device tree overlay was merged in June 2015). This uses a hack to expose the usb1_drvvbus signal as a fake LED, which can then be controlled using the files in /sys.
Firstly, load the dev-USB-PWR-CTL-00A1.dtbo device tree overlay. For recent setups (where all dtbos are loaded by uboot and then passed to the kernel at boot time), this could be done by adding dtb_overlay=/lib/firmware/dev-USB-PWR-CTL-00A1.dtbo to /boot/uEnv.txt and rebooting (older kernels/uboots will need to use the older config mechanisms as described in /boot/uEnv.txt).
You can then do this:
echo 'usb1' > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/usb_hub_power/brightness
sleep 1
echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/usb_hub_power/brightness
echo 'usb1' > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind

Beaglebone Black – unload cape

I am using a Beaglebone Black with the most recent OS (Debian Jessie, kernel v4.1). I need to be able to use pin P9_19 as a GPIO pin, but pin 19 has already been assigned to I2C_2_SCL.
When I try to use it, I get the error (octalbonescript):
The pin P9_19 is not availble to write. Please make sure it is not used by another cape.
How can I unload the I2C cape to expose pin P9_19 for GPIO access?
There are many ways to do that.
Using device tree overlay: echo cape-universaln dtbo file to slots
or use this link to gernerate overlay file for gpio purpose, compile source dts file using
dtc -O dtb -o /lib/firmware/bspm_P9_19_17-00A0.dtbo -b 0 -# /lib/firmware/bspm_P9_19_17-00A0.dts
and then deploy output dtbo file to /lib/firmware and then echo it to slots.
Also I personally recommend you to use this amazing library Wirigbone for beaglebone, this is by far best for beaglbone.

result from /proc/self/exe is unfriendly in a clearcase view

If I execute a binary in a clearcase view, and look at /proc/self/exe for that on Linux, I see something like the following:
$ cd /proc/19220
$ ls -l exe
lrwxrwxrwx 1 peeterj pdxdb2 0 2012-11-30 13:04 exe -> /home/peeterj/views/peeterj_clang-7.vws/.s/00024/8000028250b8f1d1llvm-config
The clang llvm-config program, not unreasonably, uses this output to try to figure out the absolute fully qualified path that it is located in (I assume in case argv[0] isn't fully qualified).
Is there a way to find the location within the view that this corresponds to. For example, in this case, the llvm-config exe is actually in:
(I'm wondering if it's feasible to modify clang's GetExecutablePath() function to figure this out.)
No trivial solution here (for an old version of ClearCase though):
Local fix
Use getcwd(), get_current_dir_name(), getwd() in applications slated for a VOB/View context
Create an interposer library to intercept the readlink() call, and modify to use any of the above calls to return the proper data
The cause:
/proc/self/exe returns the improper path while getcwd succeeds.
Unfortunately, for /proc/self/exe to return the proper value [from within a VOB/View context] would require a change within the Linux kernel to allow MVFS to "override" the present setting.
IBM LTC has been working on having the Linux community adopt this change so that we can then incorporate the new features within MVFS.
Related: Bug Sun 6189256.

Error "Invalid Locales set !!" when trying to install sqldemo on Informix

I am extremely new to Informix and am having some trouble trying to get sqldemo installed.
Set up so far:
openSuse 12.1 (32 bit)
Informix Growth Edition 11.70 UC6
Informix SQL Developer 7.50 UC6
Informix RDS 7.50 UC6
Informix ID 7.50 UC6
After struggling a few days and a lot of reading of, I managed to get Informix installed and On-line.
I also opted to install the demo database instance that comes with the installation.
I now and attempting to get started with Informix 4GL by Example.
I am trying to get the sqldemo database up. I don't know if it will replace the previous instance installed with Informix, but that is a different problem.
Right now as per the document, running the following should set up the DB:
sqldemo stores2t -log
I however get an error: "Invalid Locales set !!".
I have tried looking up this error and also in the documentation.
I have tried setting the CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE in my .profile file.
For example:
export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.CP1252 and
export DB_LOCALE=en_US.819
This has not helped.
A push in the right direction, or perhaps some other documentation I could read that would explain things better would really be appreciated.
If any other information is required from me, please do not hesitate to ask.
Update 1
Thanks so much for the response.
A couple of things firstly that I have tried since your post.
Changed the the CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE as you specified - Same error - So i removed it as you said it should not be set.
Fixed a problem in my PATH and made sure it has /usr/informix/bin - Same Error
INFORMIXDIR is /usr/informix
INFORMIXSERVER is ol_informix1170 (This is from the database that was installed with the informix install, don't know if this must be changed? and if so to what?)
Ran the script you mentioned, result :
I noticed I had set the language to UK, which made the Locales en_gb instead if en_us, so tried changing that in my .profile, which did not help, so also tried changing the language to US and the locales to en_us, but this made no difference.
As for what you said about the sqldemo script and the already installed db, It is fine if that db is removed as this is just a test VB box for me to learn on.
Could the $INFORMIXSERVER set as ol_informix1170 be the problem?
Thank you once again for the help.
Update 2
Thanks again for the response.
A few things to note.
The dbenv results I posted is all that shows which i assume/presume (uh-oh) means that the other environment variables are not set. Which of the environment variables you posted are absolutely necessary for it to work?
As above, Where would I find the terminfo file, or does this need to be created?
As above, the SQLEXEC variable... where would I find sqlrm? I can somewhat remember from the documents I have read I think it should be $INFORMIXDIR/lib? but I only have an esql directory. Is this correct.
Barring that something in the first 3 above is not causing more problems, when trying your suggestion of DEMOPATH=en_us/0333 sqldemo stores2t -log I receive the following error:
Sorry, cannot read the mkstores3 program required to build the demonstration database. Check the /etc subdirectory of INFORMIXDIR (/usr/informix).
Checking /usr/informix/etc shows indeed that there is no mkstores3 file.
Attempting your further note of isqldemo, I get the following error:
/usr/informix/bin/isqldemo: line 58: /usr/informix/demo/sql/en_us/e01c/isqldemo: No such file or directory.
I guess this makes perfect sense as there is no e01c directory, just the 0333 directory.
Right now anything you can tell me would indeed be a consolation because my newb-ness to generally Linux and definately Informix is a big factor. Interesting that this bug has been around for so long. I guess way more experienced folk than I figured out how solve it on their own, or just never bothered with the sqldemo.
I guess that will teach me to read this:
INFORMIX-4GL by Example
Version 4.1
July 1991
Going to check now if any updated text exists, but would still appreciated more help in solving this problem. Do you think reverting to a previous snapshot before Informix was installed and not opting for the ol_informix1170 database to be included could be a possible solution? I wouldn't really see that it would be, but what do I know.
Many many thanks for your continued time and effort.
Update 3
So I see indeed the document I was reading is ancient. I have found an updated one (2002) which uses a different script (dbaccessdemo7).
I tried running that, have run into an error, but tomorrow is another day.
For now I am going to mark this as solved because of the bug detected and resolved. I am not going to put more time and effort into sqldemo.
Thank you so much, and if I struggle with dbaccessdemo 7, I will post a new question.
The sqldemo script won't create a new server; it may clobber your existing database (a single server may house multiple databases; indeed, there are 4 sys* databases created when a server is initialized) but it won't harm your server otherwise.
Probable cause of the error
The normal problem with invalid locales is that you've not set $INFORMIXDIR. You need $INFORMIXDIR set unless /usr/informix is (a symlink to) the correct location. You also need $INFORMIXSERVER set, and you usually need $INFORMIXDIR/bin on $PATH. Strictly, $INFORMIXSERVER is the only mandatory variable; in practice, you worry about the other two too.
The $INFORMIXDIR setting is used to locate the locale information (which is found in $INFORMIXDIR/gls) and the message files (which are found in $INFORMIXDIR/msg).
Note that CP1252 is a Windows code page. Normally on Unix, you'd either not set CLIENT_LOCALE or DB_LOCALE, or you could set them to:
export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_us.8859-1
export DB_LOCALE=en_us.8859-1
or you can choose another more appropriate (to you) locale. The 8859-15 locale includes the Euro symbol, for example, or the utf-8 locale dictates UTF-8 in the database. But, for initial debugging, stick with the 8859-1 locale, aka 819 or 0333 (all based on the IBM CCSID). If it doesn't work with 8859-1, then we have one set of problems; if it works with 8859-1 but not some other codeset or locale, then we have a different set of problems.
Follow-up info if the solution above fails
If that isn't the trouble, then I'll ask for some more details — notably, your Informix environment as reported by the dbenv script below:
: "#(#)$Id:,v 2.11 2007/09/02 00:18:58 jleffler Exp $"
# Printout INFORMIX database environment
env |
egrep "^($informix|$system|$jlss)" |
It's an old script; that's why the shebang is missing.
Second set of diagnosis
I was hoping for the complete output of the dbenv script; it is surprising how often something shows up. However, given what you've said, it is likely to be OK.
The INFORMIXSERVER setting sounds fine.
I'm struck by the LANG=en_US.UTF-8 setting; Informix does pay attention to $LANG and the $LC_* variables (that's why dbenv prints those out). That may be a factor in the problem. However, I would have expected CLIENT_LOCALE and SERVER_LOCALE to deal with that if it was the problem. Also, on my Mac, I have LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and yet I can connect to (8859-1) databases OK.
This is beginning to look like an install problem...or sqldemo problem...
I transitioned from a Mac to a RHEL 5 (archaic) x86/64 machine, and tried running sqldemo over there:
$ dbenv
$ sqldemo st2 -log
Invalid Locales set !!
Oh yeah? No; my locales are fine, thank you!
Well, so be it...I can reproduce your problem! That's step 1. Step 2 is to look at the expletive deleted script.
if [ $# -gt 0 -a "X$1" = "X-e" ] ; then
LOCALE=$DEFLANG # -e means en_US.8859-1 required
if [ "x${LOCALE}" = "x" ]; then
if [ "x${LOCALE}" = "x" ]; then
LOCALE=`$INFENV DB_LOCALE` # finally default to DB_LOCALE
if [ "x${LOCALE}" = "x" ]; then
LOCALE=$DEFLANG # finally default to DB_LOCALE
export LOCALE
if [ "x${DEMOPATH}" = "x" ]; then
echo "Invalid Locales set !!"
exit $?
Note that test for ${DEMOPATH}; note that DEMOPATH is not set in the script. So, we've got to get it set. What to? Well, ls $INFORMIXDIR/demo/sql shows that there are various locale-specific sub-directories (en_us,
zh_tw) and under the en_us directory there's 0333 (only).
Please run:
DEMOPATH=en_us/0333 sqldemo stores2t -log
This more or less worked for me — I believe it would work for you. I have a slightly unusual setup in that I have just I4GL (p-code and c-code) and ISQL in the $INFORMIXDIR; the server is run out of a different directory. This means I don't have server utility programs like dbload (specifically) in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. When the sqldemo script tried to load the data with dbload, therefore, it failed for me. It would work for you because you have all the Informix software in a single directory. To add insult to injury, it runs the dbload program by explicit path, so I can't futz my PATH to make it available.
This should get you going. I have a bug to is CQ idsdb00244894.
I'm sorry that you ran into so much trouble. You shouldn't have done so.

Tomcat6 Service Setup; programatically concatenate JvmOptions using Batch File

This may bit a bit of a basic question, but I can't seem to find an answer on the web. I'm trying to automatically set up tomcat as a service through a batch file.
My batch file currently looks like this:
set memSize=512
set jvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" --JvmOptions=%jvmOptions%
The issue I'm facing is that running the --JvmOptions switch overwrites all the current java options that are set in the tomcat6w.exe.
So my question is, does anyone know how to have the --JvmOptions switch concatenate the passed value to the end of the current value?
Thanks in advance
Could it be as simple as this (if I understand your question correctly)
set memSize=512
REM I removed the quotes and reused the variable in its own definition
set jvmOptions=%jvmOptions%-XX:MaxPermSize=512M
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
REM Added the quotes back here
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" --JvmOptions="%jvmOptions%"
After a long hard search I did manage to find the answer in a code example. But then to make me feel very foolish I noticed that the answer was also here right under my nose on the Tomcat6 Windows Service How To page. By replacing the -- with ++ the option is concatenated rather than replacing the original.
So the batch file became.
set memSize=512
set jvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" ++JvmOptions=%jvmOptions%
A bit of an old post, but I have to do a bunch of Tomcat uninstalls/installs due another application being upgraded (a term I use loosely) and was trying to figure out how to do something similar to avoid using the UI and ensure consistency.
Some scripting tips (based on my experience so far):
REM -- Use variables for the Tomcat install directory & executable:
set TomcatDir=%ProgramFiles%\Tomcat
set TomcatExe=%TomcatDir%\bin\Tomcat7.exe
REM -- If using multiple instances, turn these in to array
set TomcatInstance[1]=Tomcat7
set TomcatInstance[2]=MyAppInstance1
set TomcatInstance[3]=MyAppInstance2
set TomcatInstance[4]=MyAppInstance3
set TomcatInstance[5]=MyAppInstance4
REM -- When updating/adding Java options and you need to use a ";" between
REM -- values, single-quote the semi-colon, ';' so it isn't intepretted as a CrLf
REM -- For example,
call "%TomcatExe%" //US/%TomcatInstance% ++JvmOptions "-Djava.library.path=%TomcatDir%\bin';'%TomcatDir%\endorsed"
REM -- So to ensure all instances have the same settings...
for /L %I in (1,1,5) do (
call "%TomcatExe%" //US/!TomcatInstance[%I]! ++JvmOptions "-Djava.library.path=%TomcatDir%\bin';'%TomcatDir%\endorsed"
REM -- Block scripts sections with setlocal/endlocal
REM -- "EnableDelayedExpansion" allows the above delayed variable expansion to occur
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo script commands go here
goto :EOF
Note: This would be much easier in an actual scripting language (vbs, js or ps), but I need to leave the script "easy" to modify for whomever takes over for me when I leave my current gig.
FWIW, the how to doc for Tomcat7 is
