Accessing UITabBarController for child viewControllers - ios

If I am using UITabBarController Item1 and Item2 viewControllers are displayed properly. But UITabBarButtonItem is not displaying item1's redirect page. UITabBarButtonItem must display on all pages .
My problem is UITabBarButtonItem is does not display the childViewController(red page). How to display the UITabBarButtonItem to childViewController?

Firstly, you should embed the first view controller in the hierarchy (the blue view controller) in a navigation controller. Then, in the red view controller, make sure that hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property is set to false:
// for instance, let's assume that you will do it in the `viewDidLoad()`:
override func viewDidLoad() {
hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = false
// ...
Or if you want to achieve from the interface builder, select the red view controller and from the attribute inspector and make sure that the "Hide Bottom Bar on Push" option is unchecked:
Otherwise, if there is no navigation controller (presenting instead of pushing), there is no way to display the bottom bar in the red view controller.


How to hide PTCardTabBar?

I use PTCardTabBarController like custom tab bar. I want to hide tab bar in my ViewController. I trying to use in storyboard Hide Bottom Bar on Push or in code: self.tabBarController?.tabBar.isHidden = true. But it not helped me.
When I stat to use PTCardTabBar I have next scheme in storyboard:
TabBarController (with class PTCardTabBarController and module PTCardTabBar) -> NavigationBarController -> ViewController.
Next I launch my app and I see under my PTCardTabBar system iOS tab bar. I use in storyboard Hide Bottom Bar on Push but it is hide only system tab bar and not PTCardTabBar. How to fix it and hide both tab bars?
Taking a quick look at that PTCardTabBar library...
What you see on-screen is not a UITabBar ... it is a UIView. So, any normal actions on a standard Tab Bar Controller's TabBar will not be related.
To hide it, you need to edit PTCardTabBarController.swift and make its customTabBar available to your code:
// make this "open"
open lazy var customTabBar: PTCardTabBar = {
return PTCardTabBar()
Then, when you want to hide the tab bar (for example, in viewDidLoad() in your view controller:
if let ptcTBC = tabBarController as? PTCardTabBarController {
ptcTBC.customTabBar.isHidden = true
You'll also (obviously) need to set .isHidden back to false to show it again.
Probably, though, you want to do more than just have it showing or hidden... in which case you could further modify PTCardTabBarController.swift to add a function to animate it into or out-of view (for example).

Viewcontroller's navigation bar is added below navigation controller's navigation bar inside tab bar controller

I have a Tab Bar Controller that has a navigationcontroller with a view controller attached.
For some unknown reason the navigation bar of the view controller does not look like it always does. Instead the view controller's navigation bar is added below the navigation controller's.
When I look at the view controllers embedded in the first navigation controller before the Tab Bar Controller is shown, it works as expected.
This it what it should look like
And this
Now when I segue to the Tab Bar Controller which has a new navigation controller with a view controller embedded it looks like this:
I don't want an additional navigation bar below the one provided by the navigation controller.
I want the title and the item of the view controller merged with the navigation controller.
So the final result should display a row with the back button, the title and the bar button item(Search Image)
What am I missing?
I've also tried adding the navigation items programmatically but nothing seemed to work.
Project on github
My Code
// SideViewController.swift
// Sample
// Created by on 08.02.20.
// Copyright © 2020 . All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class SideViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
title = "Search"
#objc func action(){
// MARK: - Navigation
// In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// Get the new view controller using segue.destination.
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
There is two ways that I found you can resolve this either by presenting tab bar controller modally or hiding navigation bar of a tab bar controller when view loads.
First solution can be achieved like this:
Open Main.storyboard.
Select last segue in this storyboard(one that navigates to Side storyboard).
Make sure that you have Attribute Inspector selected. Now change Kind attribute to Present Modally and Presentation attribute to Full Screen.
And second solution can be achieved like this:
Create new file by selecting File > New > File > Cocoa Touch Class and press Next.
Change Subclass of: to UITabBarController and name your class to whatever make sense to you.
Then inside of viewDidLoad() paste this navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = true in order to hide current navigation bar.
Assign your class to TabViewController in the Side storyboard by selecting TabViewController and changing Class attribute to your class name in Identity Inspector. It should autocomplete when you entering your class name. Press Enter to make sure that you confirm the changes.
Remember to make just one of this two solutions. Which one would it be is up to your needs.

Navigation bar won't show after pushing a view controller

I'm trying to move from a View Controller to another.
I worte this function to use when the user tap on a button to move to the new view controller:
#objc private func infoButtonTap(){
let navVC = UINavigationController()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(AboutViewController(), animated: true)
The problem is that the new view controller is presented on the screen but I don't have a navigation bar and a back button to move back.
I do not use Storyboard as I want to learn coding the UI.
I tried few things I found here on Stackoverflow but none worked for me.
How can I set the new view controller to have a navigation bar with back button?
UINavigationController has a variable isNavigationBarHidden
#objc private func infoButtonTap(){
let navVC = UINavigationController()
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(AboutViewController(), animated: true)
You need to push the view Controller. Try this
let aboutVC = AboutVC()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(aboutVC, animated: true)
You don't need to write any code.
Select the Root Navigation Controller the will control the app. In the Inspector Bar, select Simulated Metrics ( The Third Selection from the Right in the Inspector) and Check the Box " Is Initial View Controller". Then connect the next View controller which will be in essence the Landing page for the app. Once you connect other View Controllers to that View controller via a button for instance ( Select the button, then press Control Key + Drag to View Controller, select Show) , you will see the navigation Bar with "Back" displayed. Once that's done, you can add other view controllers and connect them from the landing page view controller and the Navigation Bars will be displayed.
For navigation to be visible and of use in an app , first you need to set up a Navigation controller with a Root view controller i.e your first controller and from there you can use push method on your navigation controller object to push a controller on to the stack.
For eg
let navVC = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: YourFirstViewControllerObject())
navVC.pushViewController(NewViewControllerObj(), animated: true)

Open two controller A & B on one tab item in swift

I have a problem, I want to open two view Controllers on single tab from to different way.
Login Screen --> Home Screen --> On home screen two button A & B
1 When click on the button A, open A controller on tab controller tab1
2 When click on the button B, open B controller on tab controller tab1
I have 5 tab in tab controller.
Please help me for that issue.
Please refer attached screen for more help.
you can replace ViewController By using this
func tabBarController(tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelectViewController viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
let selectIndex : NSInteger = (tabBarController.viewControllers?.index(of: viewController))!
if (selectIndex == 1) {
let vc = UIViewController() // your new Controller
var allviews = tabBarController.viewControllers
allviews?.remove(at: selectIndex)
allviews?.insert(vc, at: selectIndex)
tabBarController.setViewControllers(allviews, animated: true)
return false;
return true;
(Please add some more information to your question, or at least code to know what have you tried.)
By your question, It seems you need a Tab Bar Controller.
You use tab bar controller to organize your app into one or more distinct modes of operation. The view hierarchy of a tab bar controller is self contained. It is composed of views that the tab bar controller manages directly and views that are managed by content view controllers you provide. Each content view controller manages a distinct view hierarchy, and the tab bar controller coordinates the navigation between the view hierarchies.

Change title of navigation controller from second view controller?

I have a view controller which has embedded a navigation controller.
From this view controller I am being able to change the title of the navigation bar with navigationItem.title = "title".
Furthermore I have another tableview controller and I want to update the tile of the navigation controller also from here, this tableview controller acts as a Slide Out Menu for the first view controller.
Navigation controller and tableview controller are not connected directly but I use a library called SWRevealViewController to create and connect the slide out menu with first view controller.
I have tried these codes:ViewController().navigationItem.title = "secondTitle"
I have also tried to put the process of changing the title in first controller in function and create an instance like :ViewController().updateNavTitle(), also tried to crete a segues but without any result.
Create a String variable in your first class and access this property in your Slide Out controller and and update it. Now in your first controller's in viewWillAppear method update the title like below.
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
if self.updatedTitle != nil {
self.navigationItem.title = self.updatedTitle//Create this String variable.
