Vertical gaps present on iOS app but not on Unity editor - ios

Using Unity2D 2017.1.1f1, Tiled and Tiled2Unity, I exported a tiled map in Unity and there are no problems in the editor. I also tried it played maximised and there are no gaps present.
The problem shows up when the game is ran in iOS specifically iPhone 6s. There are noticeable gaps showing up.
Also, I also got the settings like this:
Any suggestions? Thanks..

(I'm the Tiled2Unity author)
Those gaps you are seeing are seams and they're common in Unity development when using tile or sprite sheets that "touch" each other. There are a number of ways that you can fix them described here.
However, these seams are fixed automatically with SuperTiled2Unity which is still free (or name your price) and is currently under soft release. Just be aware that all your Tiled files (TMX, TSX, textures) will need to be in Unity now (that's a good thing).
Dragging in all your files (with relative paths intact) to Unity should take care of the importing process for you.


terrain lighting issue Unity

I'm getting some weird effect on my terrain on iOS devices. In editor, it looks fine; on device it shows the light like the image below. The textures on the terrain are using the built in standard. I have verified that the metallic property is set to 0. I have Tried changing the material, the probes, all are not fixing the issue. Looking to see if anyone has experienced a similar issue or have a lead; I can work on a test. Using unity 5.3.5p5
I couldnt open this image but to my understanding you have a problem with terrain material.There is a several ways to solve this problem
1-) Be sure click the "Static" box on inspector window.
2-) Increase "Pixel light count" from Edit > Project Settings > Quality in normal time that variable is be arranged to 4 but I prefer 8 or 10 test it.
3-)Be sure about lights.Look their lighting Mode Realtime,Mixed and Baked They should be same for great scenes
After this tips if you scene is still broken delete terrain material and create a new terrain material.Good luck
If it's fine in editor then it might be an issue with your builds. Might try checking your quality settings to see if there are some lighting or shadow settings turned down. Go to Edit->Project settings->Quality and make sure the settings you have under the quality level and quality settings look appropriate for you build target (ios).

Google cardboard unity world space UI not showing

I'm having an issue with world space UI and google cardboard. The canvas is attached to the character and I can clearly see it in the camera preview and when VR mode is disabled but not when VR is enabled. I've googled around for a couple hours and messed with settings in the cardboard prefabs to no avail. I also noticed that the world space UI in the demo scene that came with cardboard also has the same problem.
Which Unity version are you using?
Have you tried setting Canvas Render Mode to World Space and setting up the Event Camera to Main Camera
If it is still not working for you, you might want to look into the issue that I bumped into.
World Space Canvas UI Element Issue
It has been a known issue from a long time from some Unity 4.* versions that was resolved in 5.* but has not appeared again in 5.3.5 and some other versions.
Downgrading to Unity to 5.3.4f1 helps (According to the blog above).
But if you are someone who'd rather use tweaks than downgrade, then you might want to use Quad in Gameobjects and add a child 3D Text.
I have been doing the same for my Cardboard games.

Graphic in iOs device is all distorted Unity

Right now I'm developing application for iOs by Unity3D, and I have no idea what's happening with all my graphic. All textures are absolutely distorted and I've been struggling with this for a long time with no success.
I believe Unity compresses textures before convert the project to iOS, but I really can't find out how to change this setting or even knock it off. I appreciate any help from you guys. Here's the screenshot of my Texture Settings. I've setup it according to Ray Wenderlich lesson.
P.S.: I've tried to use "Point" for Filter Mode, but it had made the texture even worse.
I would suggest disabling mitmaps to see if this solves your problem, and making sure you have the best quality settings in Edit>Player Settings>Quality
As an aside, how large is your button image? You're overriding the max size to be 2048 for what seems to be a button. That sounds a little excessive.
By "distorted" you mean "blurred"? Try to uncheck "Generate Mip Maps".

Create tiled images for CATiledLayer

I am creating a kind of 'map' in my app. This is basically only viewing an image with an imageView/scrollView. However, the image is huge. Like 20,000x15,000 px or something. How can I tile this image so that it fits? When the app tiles by itself, it uses way too much memory, and I want this to be done before the app I launched, and just include the tiled, not the original image. Can photoshop do this?
I have not done a complete search for this yet, as I am away, and typing on an iPhone with limited network connection..
Apple has a project called PhotoScroller. It supports panning and zooming of large images. However, it does this by pre-tiling the images - if you look in the project you will see hundreds of tiles for various zoom sizes. The project however does NOT come with any kind of tiling utility.
So what some people have done is create algorithms or code that anyone can use to create these tiles. I support an open source project PhotoScrollerNetwork that allows people to download huge jpegs from the network, tile them, then display them as PhotoScroller does, and while doing research for this I found several people who had posted tiling software.
I googled "PhotoScroller tiling utility" and got lots of hits, including one here on SO
CATiledLayer is one way to do it and of course the best if you can pre-tile the images downloading them from the internet (pay attention on how many connection you are going to open) or embedding them(increasing overall app size), the other is memory map the image on the file system (but an image with that res could take about 1GB), take a look at this question it could be an intersteing topic SO question about low memory scenario

Custom tabbar items in MonoTouch

I would like to create custom tabbar items similar to the ones shown here:
I assume these have to be designed and created first in Photoshop or a similar application. Are there any resources or tutorials available that demonstrate the creation of such items in Photoshop and how these are then used in MonoTouch?
Creating and bundling bitmaps is one option - and likely the most common one (for which googling should turn up several tutorials). Now in order to get optimal quality you need to supply multiple sets for the old iPhone/iPod, the newer retina iPhone/iPod, the iPad (1,2) and the retina iPad 3. This can takes a lot of space to cover each case with beautiful icons (or it won't look as good).
An alternative is to create the bitmaps at runtime, e.g. using the CoreGraphics API. This might seems counterproductive (and can surely be in many cases) but it has the advantage of requiring less (storage) space and/or getting better quality (see note).
Why ? because if you create them at runtime then you'll only create the ones for the specific device you're executing on. You can even cache them and re-create them when missing (e.g. if iOS flush your application cache).
If you're not an artist (and I'm not) you might want to look at easily licensable vector icons. The ones from your screenshot looks monochrome and could even use (bundle or extra the outlines from a) custom font - like the one provided by FontAwesome (CC BY 3.0) or similar sources.
Note: Maybe you noticed (I know I did) that some iPad applications looked beautiful (compared to others) on the iPad3 even if they were released months before the hardware become available. Vector graphics wins ;-)
UPDATE: Someone already made a script to convert the FontAwesome characters to iOS tab bar icons. However since it's done outside the app you'll need multiple versions of each bitmap to get the best look on every devices.
