With the following command, I tried to boot directly into an OS X shell with no display (Xvfb) [HEADLESS], using the sickcodes/docker-osx:naked docker image with a custom Mojave image.
# run your own image headless + SSH
docker run -it \
--device /dev/kvm \
-p 50922:10022 \
-v "${PWD}/mac_hdd_ng.img:/image" \
However it ends up with the following error message:
nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'
nohup: failed to run command 'Xvfb': No such file or directory
Details to reproduce:
The version of the sickcodes/docker-osx:naked docker image is: https://hub.docker.com/layers/docker-osx/sickcodes/docker-osx/naked/images/sha256-ffff65c24b7a1588dd665f07f52a48ef5efb9941c2e2fa07573e66524029ab08
The custom image - mac_hdd_ng.img is generated by running:
docker run -it \
--device /dev/kvm \
-p 50922:10022 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
sudo find /var/lib/docker -size +10G | grep mac_hdd_ng.img # https://github.com/sickcodes/Docker-OSX#container-creation-examples
This youtube video provides a detailed example of using sickcodes/docker-osx to run Mac OS X in Docker.
Building and using the Docker Image using https://github.com/sickcodes/Docker-OSX/blob/master/Dockerfile.naked with the following edits solved the issue.
Replace Line 63 in Dockerfile.naked
RUN pacman -Syu xorg-server-xvfb wget xterm xorg-xhost xorg-xrandr sshpass --noconfirm \
RUN pacman -Sy xorg-server-xvfb wget xterm xorg-xhost xorg-xrandr sshpass --noconfirm \
I installed it by following the instruction from Milvus. But every time I installed it with docker, it failed to start.
The docker command is as followed:
sudo docker run -d --name milvus_cpu_0.10.5 \
-p 19530:19530 \
-p 19121:19121 \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/conf:/var/lib/milvus/conf \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/logs:/var/lib/milvus/logs \
-v /home/$USER/milvus/wal:/var/lib/milvus/wal \
And docker logs didn't show any information.
Many factors might cause this problem. First, make sure that your machine supports these instruction sets.
docker:ubuntu 16 nivida-docker
program:c++ websocket
when I use gdb in docker ,I can't use breakpoint ,it just says:warning: error disabling address space randomization: operation not permitted.I see alot of resolutions to this question,all of them tell me to add :--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfinedto my docker file ,so I did it.here is my docker file:
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)
PROJECT_ROOT="$( cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}/.." && pwd )"
sudo docker run \
--name=${docker_name} \
--privileged \
--network host \
-it --rm \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
-v ${PROJECT_ROOT}/..:/home \
-v /ssd3:/ssd3 \
xxxx/xx/xxxx:xxxx \
but when restart the container and run gdb ,it always killed like below:
(gdb) r -c conf/a.json -p 8075
Starting program: /home/Service/bin/Service --args -c conf/a.json -p 8075
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
I don't known where is wrong ,anyone have any opinions?
Try this
docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined
I have generated an Electron app with Vue using vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and I want to build that app for both Windows and Linux.
I want to use Docker because I don't want to mess with installing different versions of wine that are needed.
There are a few docker images on electron-builder site (https://www.electron.build/multi-platform-build), but I don't know how to use them in my project.
In case this helps.
docker run --rm -ti \
--env ELECTRON_CACHE="/root/.cache/electron" \
--env ELECTRON_BUILDER_CACHE="/root/.cache/electron-builder" \
-v ${PWD}:/project \
-v ${PWD##*/}-node-modules:/project/node_modules \
-v ~/.cache/electron:/root/.cache/electron \
-v ~/.cache/electron-builder:/root/.cache/electron-builder \
When I try to run chromium inside a docker container I see the following error: Gtk: cannot open display: :0
Dockerfile: (based on https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/jess/chromium/dockerfile)
FROM debian:jessie
# Install Chromium
RUN sed -i.bak 's/jessie main/jessie main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
chromium \
chromium-l10n \
libcanberra-gtk-module \
libexif-dev \
libpango1.0-0 \
libv4l-0 \
pepperflashplugin-nonfree \
--no-install-recommends && \
mkdir -p /etc/chromium.d/
# Autorun x11vnc
CMD ["/usr/bin/chromium", "--no-sandbox", "--user-data-dir=/data"]
build and run:
docker build -t chromium
docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --privileged chromium
and the error:
[1:1:0202/085603:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(164)] Running without the SUID sandbox! See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSUIDSandboxDevelopment for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
No protocol specified
[1:1:0202/085603:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(210)] Gtk: cannot open display: :0
i don't know much about chromium, but, I did work with X way back when :-) When you tell an X client to connect to :0, what you are saying is connect to port 6000 (or whatever your X server runs on) + 0, or port 6000 in this case. In fact, DISPLAY is IP:PORT (with the +6000 as mentioned above). The X server is running on your host, so, if you set:
that might work. However, X servers did not allow connections from just any old client, so, you will need to open up your X server. on your host, run
xhost +
before running the docker container. All of this is assuming you can run chromium on your host (that is, an X server exists on your host).
xhost local:root
This solve mine, I am on Debian Jessie. https://github.com/jfrazelle/dockerfiles/issues/4
Adding as reference (see real answer from greg)
In your Linux host add
xhost +"local:docker#"
In Docker image add
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -qqy x11-apps
and then run
sudo docker run \
--rm \ # delete container when bash exits
-it \ # connect TTY
--privileged \
--env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ # export DISPLAY env variable for X server
-v $XAUTH:/root/.Xauthority \ # provide authority information to X server
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # mount the X11 socket
-v /home/alex/coding:/coding \
alexcpn/nvidia-cuda-grpc:1.0 bash
Inside the container -check a sample command
For Ubuntu 20.04, changing DISPLAY=:0 to DISPLAY=$DISPLAY fixed it for me, my local env had $DISPLAY set to :1:
docker run --rm -ti --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY fr3nd/xeyes
So, I also had a requirement to open a graphical application within my docker container. So, these are the steps that worked for my environment.(Docker version: 19.03.12 , Container OS: Ubuntu 18.04).
Before running the container, make the host's X server accept connections from any client by running this command: xhost +. This is a very non-restrictive way to connect to the host's X server, and you can restrict as per the other answers given. Then, run the container with the --network=host option (E.g: docker run --network=host <my image name>). Once container is up, log in to its shell, and launch your app with DISPLAY=:0 (E.g: DISPLAY=:0 <my graphical app>)
I got it to work on a Windows host but not on my Linux Mint (Ubuntu) host. The reason was that I was using Docker Desktop on Linux, which uses a VM under the hood.
Solution: Shut down Docker Desktop and install Docker Engine. Other than that, also do as in the other answers.
What is needed is an alias for your docker-hostname to the outer hostname. When using a DISPLAY starting with just a : it means localhost. Basically, your hostname inside docker needs to resolve via /etc/hosts to the same name as the outer host - because that is the name that is stored in .Xauthority
I found this script to autoget ip of your pc:
FOR /F "tokens=4 delims= " %%i in ('route print ^| find ""') do set localIp=%%i
Create a bat file and put in this bat this:
FOR /F "tokens=4 delims= " %%i in ('route print ^| find ""') do set
docker run -ti -v /tmp/.X11-unix -v /tmp/.docker.xauth -e
XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth --net=host -e DISPLAY=%localIp%:0.0 your-container