Get User Stories with more than 5 Bugs in TFS - tfs

I want to select user stories with more than 5 bugs as children.
Using below query I can get user stories with at least one bug but filtering out the ones with less than 5 I'm lost.
How can I do this? Or is there any other way I can get this output? i.e: TFS extension

There is no build-in feature to count/filter linked work item's count of a specific work item type.
As a workaround, you could export tfs query results to Excel and manage the results in excel side. With the help of excel, you should be able to filter out those work items you needs.
Another way is using TFS API to get the work items and their linked work items with bug type, finally count the number of linked work items. About how to use API, please take a look at this related question: Retrieving work items and their linked work items in a single query using the TFS APIs

You can use in the query in "Related Link Count" field:


How to get user stories that does not have bugs in TFS to a Chart

I want to represent Sprint wise story count that does not occur any bugs in TFS dashboard. It is possible to get it via "Work items and direct links" But to get it to a chart it needs to be a Flat query. How can I get this?
How can I get this?
Different charts could support different query types. You can use Query Results widget instead of Chart for Work Items widget which doesn't support query with links. You can get the count of the returned User Stories:
You can also see linked bugs via clicking the >:

TFS 2015-2017 Assistance

I am new to TFS and know the basic concepts. In my case we have customized TFS a lot which contains around 17 collections, custom fields in work items etc.
I have some queries for which I require some answers. The questions might be generic, but any help or suggestions on the below queries would be great.
Following are my queries:
1.) Show Work Item ID in a specific format. Can it be done
2.) Auto Fill custom fields for a work item based on a category / linked bugs (analogous to Relative Path column type)
3.) While raising a WI through Visual Studio development tool, the datepicker only takes date value and not time. The same work items when raised through web portal the datepicker gives time value as well.
4.) Auto Fill the efforts spent in Child Work items (summation of all child link items in the parent)
5.) Reminders to be sent if iteration / scrum set date crossed. Also check for Work Items as well, if set date is crossed.
6.) Create Queries which can query across all collections / verticals. Currently queries can be made only against each entire collection, but not across all collections. Do we have any mechanism to query against multiple collections?
7.) Email alerts customizations in TFS.
8.) Can the collections be merged into 1 default collection.
I have tried to find few answers from my end as well, and would like to know, if it is correct.
1.) Work Item ID cannot be shown in a specific format as it is system generated
2.) For Auto Filling of Work Item fields, it cannot be done. Manual approach is the only way (unless there is a way to pre-populate fields
3.) One can only query for all projects in a single collection. But it is not possible to query against multiple collections and get the results.
So require assistance on the above queries and also validate the answers I have got for few of my questions.
Any help or suggestions or relevant links would be great.
Thanks In Advance!!!..
Please kindly check below inputs
You are right. This is by designed. You can not change to use other
format of work item.
Yes. This could not be done at present. It's still a user voice, but
on the Roadmap. Support for calculated fields and roll-ups.
Sorry, not get your point.You could use the DateTimeControl type to give users a calendar picker to select a date for a DateTime field. By using this control, you can quickly select a date and time for the field. For details.
You could do this from a sprint backlog or task board. Details
please take a look at our official tutorial here: Rollup of work
and other fields
We do not have this kind of build-in time reminder for work items.
However, as a workaround, There is a dashboard widget that uses #me
in its query.
You can also cobble something together using the REST API and a
scheduled build. Calling a work item query and sending email is
pretty easy from PowerShell.
No, they are using different database. You are only able to query
across team projects int the same project collection.
It's able to do this but with a little bit complicated. For detail
info, please take a look at this link: Customize TFS 2015 alert
There is no default way to do this. I do not think there is a
possibility of merging two TFS collections other than creating a new
collection, creating the team projects and use a tool such as TFS
integration tools to move the team projects from the source
As you can see, history will be rewritten with new dates, changeset
and work items ids etc, if you are trying to merge collections.

Move multiple userstories to existing feature in TFS?

In TFS we have a feature called Inbox. All users of TFS can register userstories (idea’s, suggestions etc.) under this feature. Productowners validate once in the month all the userstories and link them to another feature. This is a manual action that takes a lot of time.
Is there a possibility to create a query, export the query to Excel, change the featureID and publish it again?
I already did some attempts but in most of the attempts the connection with the original feature was lost.
We are using TFS 2013.
You can use Backlog in TFS web access to drag User story from one Feature to another. It's very convenient.
You are right that in TFS 2013, we can't drag items on Backlogs. But we can drag them in a query result in VS. I just tested with VS2015+TFS2013.5. Select "Work Items and Direct Links" in a work item query, and add clauses as the screenshot:
Then you can drag the User Story to any Feature in the Query result. After save the result, the User Story will go to the new Feature:
Yes you can. There is Add-in to Excel - Team Foundation Add-in. You can use it to load query results into excel(New List in Add-in tab), change come fields in the results (you can customize fields in query's Column options) and then publish the results.

TFS 2013 Queries for work item hierarchies with multiple levels

I have 3 entities (WorkItem Type) in TFS, This is the relationship between my entities:
[Release] 1------n [WorkOrder] n--------n [Bug]
I need to show Release and it's related WorkItems and related Bugs in one query (list).
I tried edit query and set it as WorkItems and Direct Links but it will show only one level of related Items.
I tried edit query and set it as Tree of workitems it works only for parent-child relations.
Any Idea?
Can you verify that the statement below is correct?
All WorkOrder items are children to a parent Release. Bugs are not directly linked to a Release, but are related to any number of WorkOrders.
Unfortunately it appears that you are correct. For the time being there isn't a way to directly create the exact query you want that will show multiple Releases, all of the children WorkOrders, and all of the related Bugs in a single multi-level tree view.
I can think of two workarounds for you:
Remove the Release from the results and instead add a query parameter that targets specific releases. Use the Work Items and Direct Links query option to query WorkOrders as the top-level work item and Related Bugs as the linked work items. This will provide the data you want in the expected format (Bugs would collapse under Work Items). If it's not for a report, your developers likely won't complain about having to key in a specific release. Why would they want to query work items across multiple releases as part of their work? If it is for a report, you could pull in multiple query results to Excel or another tool and format accordingly.
SQL Server Reporting Services should allow you to build filters for this, should you wish to build a report.
I think this answer your question:

TFS 2010: Queries based on the elements of other queries?

is it possible to create new queries in TFS 2010 based on the result of another query?
For example, one (parent) query selects all work items located under a certain work item (lets say work item with ID=5). And now I want to create other queries, that select all bugs, all tasks etc. from the results of the first query?
There, I only have to change the ID of the "parent" work item once and not in all subsequent queries.
Is this possible in TFS 2010 in combination with VST 2010?
There is a basic support for what you 're after in the GUI editor for WIQL: try with query of type "Tree of Work Items" - which creates a multi-level structure. There is minimal support to what you can handle in this context, for example it's not possible to pick work items with different criterias from level to level.
On the other hand you can implement a custom tool using the TFS-API. There you should be able to tailor to your needs exhaustively. I can support in such endeavor in case you 're interested.
What you want to do seems to be more of a report than a plain query. I think you should have a look at implementing custom reports.
