How to disable back operation of Flutter's Navigator class - dart

After a login page, a page gets replaced by an overview page like so:
Navigator.popAndPushNamed( context, MyApp.ROUTE_TESTER_TASK_OVERVIEW );
This removes the current page from the Navigator's stack and pushes the new page on it. Fine.
Q: But how to I disable, that a user performs a back navigation? The user shouldn't bee able to leave the Task Overview page.
Should I keep the stack holding one and only one page all the time.
Or does Navigator has another option to disable a back navigation?
Q: Additionally, I want to disable the swipe right gesture, so than it doesn't show the previous page [as I the user clicked Android's back button].

One possible (probably not the best) solution is to wrap the second page within a WillPopScope widget. In the onWillPop parameter you can just return Future.value(false) to intercept all pop actions.


How to have one button do both "enable" and "disable" in MVC

I am new to ASP.Net MVC, and still trying to wrap my head around the controller and passing data to the view and back.
Here is my question. I have a model in my view with a property that is "isEnabled", which can be true or false.
I have an edit button, and an enable/disable button. Edit just takes me to a new view with a form.
I want the enable/disable button to change the property of the model to enabled or disabled.
Right now I have two separate buttons. When I click on them, it fires the appropriate action from the controller (EnableModel, DisableModel), and just reloads the current view.
How can I make it so, if the model is disabled the button shows and fires the enable action, and when it is enabled, the button shows and fires the disable action.
So here are the options I thought of.
1. Two buttons, I hide them as needed. I can use an if statement to check if the model is showing or not in razor.
2. Use javascript two to the above
3. Use javascript to physically change the button
What would be the best method?
Alright so looking back can't believe I ever even asked this haha.
I went the javascript route. I had a single button, and a simple onClick javascript class that would handle the toggling.

Maintaining state in Vaadin on browser back button

Vaadin loses the content on pressing the browser back button. If I have populated a table and if I go back to that page, the page is empty again. How can I save state of pages so that when I go back to them using browser back button they're in the state I left them.
I am using Navigator currently.
I am basically uploading an excel sheet using Upload component, and populating my table on the same page using table.additem(). I have a functionality that when user clicks on a row of the table, user navigates to the next page, but when I press the browser back button then the table is gone, and the upload shows no document selected.
The navigation updates Application/#!Main/ the variable part changes.
I just want my application to retain the state as it would do with a refresh.
I found the same issue. You should add scope #UIScope to your views, in this scope session works, and state will be saved.

JSF/Primefaces/PrettyFaces - do action everytime button or link is being clicked

What shall I implement to do certain action whenever button/link is clicked?
I want to save every URL of the page that button is clicked to make a history of pages.
I come up with following idea: implement custom Navigator with forward & redirect methods which will put pretty faces IDs to history stack. Call navigator's method when using link, call navigator's method in regular beans, so every method's signature will be void.

jQuery Tabbed UI using AJAX - switching between tabs previous view

Let's say I have two tabs tabA and tabB. When I click on tabA the first page of that section appears, call it tabA1. If I click on a link on that page then page tabA1 is replaced with tabA2. If I then click on another tab, say tabB, and then go and click on tabA again I get an image of tabA2 lingering for a bit.
How can I make it so that clicking tabA will always show tabA1 straight away? Is it saving it in the cookies for fast access?
Before switching additionally try setting the content in the tab (or equivalent wrapper) to display : none.
This is happened to me and that's how I fixed it. Although I know it fixes the symptoms and not the exact problem.

Jquery Mobile - Go to top of page on transition

In jquery mobile when you do transitions to different pages is there a way to have the page its transitioning to show the top of the page? If the current page has a long list and you scroll down, then click to go to another page with the slide transition, then click back to the previous page it shows the middle of the page where you last were. I would like it to actually go back to the top of the page when going back. Is this possible?
Try this on triggering the back button?
//scroll to Y 100px
Or on triggering the active page:
if ($("#myPage").is(".ui-page-active")) { ... }
I additionally think this is a feature which is nice, the back button takes you back to the place you have been. You don't have to re-orientate yourself because you get back to the point you were, I think its a nice usability feature.
