Check if one date is between sets of dates in columns - excel-2010

I have table with 2 columns and 5 rows with a date in each cell. These 16 dates comprises 8 dates ranges. I want to check if a specific date is within any one of these 8 ranges of dates. How do I create a formula for this in Excel?

You can use the IF function with the AND function:
=IF(AND(date1 <= mydate, mydate <= date2), TRUE, FALSE)
Here, mydate is the date you're looking at, and date1 and date2 are the dates to which you're comparing mydate.


How to find elapsed time between two datetime values

I working in google sheets. I have already formatted datetime value and separated them in two columns. Now I want to find the time elapsed between these two dates?
date1 : 04/26/21 8:25:00 AM
date2 : 05/01/21 4:46:00 PM
What formula to use in google sheets?
All you need to do is substract the two dates
Then set the format to Number/Duration of the cell with the formula

Sheets Get value from the earliest/latest date and time from column

I have a table that is filled with dates and values.
I have 2 columns. One with date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Another with percentage number.
I need to automatically calculate the difference between the last value (percentage number) in month (date and time, for example 2021-03-11 22:55:00) and first value (percentage number) in month (date and time, for example 2021-03-10 03:04:00).
Also I need to automatically calculate the difference between the first value (percentage number) in current month (date and time, for example 2021-03-11 22:55:00) and first value (percentage number) in previous month (date and time, for example 2021-03-10 03:04:00).
He is the table
With red I highlighted desired values. With yellow needed result.
Last Date - First date
First Date - First date
You can use a mix of FILTER(), MAX(), MIN(), and EDATE() in this case.
For Last Date - First Date, you can try using this formula:
As for the First Date - First Date, you can try using this one. This works on the sample sheet that you've provided:

How to identify the first date within a series of dates within the same case?

This is probably a rather simple problem...
I am trying to identify the first date in a series of dates with in each case number and calculate the number of days between the rest of the date records to the first date record within each case.
the data structure is as follows.
Client_ID Transaction_date
Casenum1 Date1
Casenum1 Date2
Casenum1 Date3
Casenum1 Date4
Casenum1 Date5
Casenum2 Date1
Casenum3 Date2
Casenum4 Date3
Casenum5 Date4
Casenum6 Date5
I have tried to sort the data by case numbers in SPSS, I'm stuck on what to do with the date calculations.
The following code will first Identify the earliest date for each Client_ID and put it in a new variable, then calculate the difference in days between each date and the earliest date:
aggregate out=* mode=addvariables /break Client_ID /first_date=min(Transaction_date).
compute days_between=datediff(Transaction_date, first_date, "days").

regarding writing expression in derived column ssis

I have a date column called duedate, i need to make a new column which is called originaldate.
originaldate column should have dates as - duedate column dates + 90 days.
So, i need to add 90 days to a date column.
Can you please hep me with the expression for adding 90 days to a date column.
The syntax for this is:
DATEADD(datepart, number, date)
So for you, it would be:
DATEADD("day", 90, duedate)

How do I use a query on a timestamp to filter down to "day of the week" and "hour"

Currently I am able to Query my data by the date in a timestamp but now I want to narrow it down to the hour and the day
=COUNT(QUERY('Form Responses 1'!$A$2:$E, "Select A where A>=date '"&TEXT(B$5,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and A <= date '"&TEXT(B$6,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")
I am attempting to build a grid of when my responses come in by date and time over the hour
Date ranges have to be dynamic. I need to go look at a sample of data over a week or a sample of data over a year
How can I add a conditional time and day statement to this?
This is what I want to do
Each cell will be it's own query formulaenter image description here
Try this:
Where a:a is the array containing your timestamps. This example would populate the Monday at 8 am category.
