Windows 10 - Connect to Wifi with Password - wifi

I am trying to connect to secured Wifi via the command prompt. The profile is added as I can see it with the netsh wlan show profile command. The problem is that I can run netsh wlan connect ssid="MYSSID" name="PROFILENAME" and get a response Connection request was completed successfully., however, when I check the Wifi profiles, the computer asks for a network key. Any search (for me) results in adding profiles with passwords, not connecting to said profiles. Is there a way to bypass manually entering in the Wifi password when connecting?
.xml file (created by using netsh wlan export profile):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="">

the value in <keyMaterial> most be generated in the same machine with the same user, you cannot use it if encoded. The other option is to set <protected>false</protected> and the password in clear text in <keyMaterial>Your_password_incleartext</keyMaterial>


Connecting using SnowSQL denied 403 error

I am trying to configure JDBC but kept getting the same error I am getting using snowsql:
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB. Verify the account name is correct: 000403: 403: HTTP 403: Forbidden
If the error message is unclear, enable logging using -o log_level=DEBUG and see the log to find out the cause. Contact support for further help.
I have configured the config file, and I have double checked the account, company, region, reset password to only use alphanumeric.
I have used both forms of the URL
The only possibility is that I am using a trial account, but I can't imagine that this would limit external non-browser connections?
I use a simple user/password, I have whitelisted my IP and I don't have a problem with a proxy or a firewall. I can successfully connect using a browser.. using:
Important contents of the config file:
any ideas?
Your account is not JG3409 but JG63409 based on this link:
Try in your browser:
I found out using snowcd that my computer could not connect via my home router.
When I used my personal hotspot on my (5G) phone, snowcd passed all the tests immediately. The problem then arose how to adjust the network security policy to allow a CIDR block of network addresses through since my phone uses a new address every time I connect, and I can't edit the policy to allow my phone while connected via my phone (for obvious reasons)
Catch 22 is not accepted in the new Snowflake UI, and doesn't work for me, but the documentation gave me a clue.. the new UI doesn't separate by commas, so I switched to the old UI and voila!
Incidentally the OLD UI uses the same URL as SnowSQL so I picked up my error in my account number there as well (although I should have seen it earlier).
Diabolical but thanks #Sergiu too!

Freeradius Server Configuration for Hotspot2.0/Passpoint

I want to configure Freeradius server as a Passpoint using Hotspot2.0. I'm new to freeRADIUS server configuration, but I got it to configure Freeradius Server for 802.1x autentication and It's working normally for TLS (with certificate), TTLS (with certificate), PEAP and PWD. But I don't know how to configure Freeradius Server to use autentication for Passpoint/Hotspot2.0.
How can I install and configure this?
For Passpoint R1 release:
If your free radius is already working, there is no special configuration for that. All you need to do now is setting up correctly the profile (used by the device that will connect to the hotspot) and the AP (access point).
For Android devices, this example will guide you:
You will change the fields nested beneath Realm (username, password, EAPMethod) to match with whatever you have configured on your radius.
The key value, though, is FQDN. Your AP must have the same FQDN configured on the hotspot2.0 network. The device will match the profile FQDN with the SSID FQDN. And only when they match the device will use the profile to authenticate agains that AP.
You know when it is working when the friendly name show up in the wifi networks list.
The link above has the instructions to install the profile in the device.

NEVPNManager connect to VPN only inside in application

I create application vpn with this toturial.but my problem is user can go to setting iPhone and connect to vpn.but I want user ONLY go to my application and connect to VPN.
My question is what should I in code NEVPNManageruntil the user can't turn on my VPN in setting iPhone and Only connecting to my VPN when user go to my application
It's probably not possible by the API, but if you want a dirty solution, you can add a prefix to the username / password, so when the user tries to connect to your VPN via the Settings app, he would get username/password error.
And when the user would press connect at your app, you will discard the prefix so he would be able to connect.

SQL Server Express connection

When I try to build a connection string (dbGO ADO) in Delphi and use user name and password to connect to a SQL Server Express database using Native SQL client 11, I get "connection successful" however when I click OK to save the connection string it automatically reverts to a blank password.
I tried to define the connection string in Before Connect event however it keeps saying login incorrect and the credentials are correct.
If I enable login prompt the connection works fine after inserting the password.
Is there a way to avoid using the login prompt?
PS the database is on my desktop at home and I try to connect to it from work. I can make an account with a blank password in which case everything works with no login prompt enabled however I would like to have a password.
The solution to this problem is to set the Persist Security Info to true thnks TLama

Registering a DCOM Server and running a client from remote system

I built a sample application for dcom by following the steps given in this link.
After building the client and test DCom server, i tried to run client in my system and it worked correctly. But if i try to rum client from remote location, an error message is coming saying "Access is denied".
How can i run my client in remote location?
And also will i able to see the test DCOM Server in dcomcnfg.exe?
If yes where can i see it?
I was able to see it in regedit.
You might well have already done this, but can I just cover some basics...?
Go to the "Component Services" MMC snap-in, right-click on "My Computer" there and select "Properties".
In the "Default Properties" tab, make sure that "Enable Distributed COM on this computer" is enabled.
In the "COM Security" tab, make sure the access, launch and activate permissions are configured to allow the scenario you're in.
The followings are what I have got so far, but I am still digging, you may find a better way anyway. Do the followings with elevated permission.
First run the server.exe on both computer to register them (/regserver).
Add incoming firewall rules on server machine to accept incoming client DCOM connection.
Define same user with same password on both computer (assuming you are not in a Domain). Add them to "Distributed COM Users".
run DCOMCNFG and do the followings:
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>Default Properties>Enable Distributed COM on this computer
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>Default Properties>Default Authentication Level>Connect
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>Default Properties>Default Impersonation Level>Identify
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>Default Protocols>Connection-oriented TCP/IP
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>COM Security>Access Permissions>Edit Limits>Add "Distributed COM Users" with Local and Remote Access enabled
Console Root>Component Services>Computers>My Computer>Properties>COM Security>Lunch and Activation Permissions>Edit Limits>Add "Distributed COM Users" with Local and Remote Lunch and Activation enabled
Under My Computer find the server (it should be there if it is registered correctly)
server.exe>Properties>General>Authentication Level>Default
server.exe>Properties>Location>Run application on this computer enabled
server.exe>Security>Lunch and Activation Permissions>Customize>Edit>Add Distributed COM Users with Local and Remote Lunch and Activation enabled
server.exe>Security>Access Permissions>Customize>Edit>Add Distributed COM Users with Local and Remote Access enabled
server.exe>Endpoints>DCOM-Oriented endpoints>Add Connection-oriented TCP/IP
server.exe>Identity>select The interactive user or The launching user, which one is appropriate
After the above setting I am always able to call implemented server interface from the client application.
I hope it helps,
