keras change the parameters during training - machine-learning

I have a customized layer to do a simple linear-transformation. like x*w+b. I want to change the w and b during the training, is that possible? For example, I want w1 in the first iteration and w2 in second iteration.(w1 and w2 defined by myself).

Of course, you can do it, but you need to do it in a smart way. Here is some code you can play with.
from keras import backend as K
from keras.layers import *
from keras.models import *
import numpy as np
class MyDense( Layer ) :
def __init__( self, units=64, use_bias=True, **kwargs ) :
super(MyDense, self).__init__( **kwargs )
self.units = units
self.use_bias = use_bias
def build( self, input_shape ) :
input_dim = input_shape[-1]
self.count = 0
self.w1 = self.add_weight(shape=(input_dim, self.units), initializer='glorot_uniform', name='w1')
self.w0 = self.add_weight(shape=(input_dim, self.units), initializer='glorot_uniform', name='w0')
if self.use_bias:
self.bias = self.add_weight(shape=(self.units,),initializer='glorot_uniform',name='bias' )
self.bias = None
self.input_spec = InputSpec(min_ndim=2, axes={-1: input_dim})
self.built = True
def call( self, x ) :
if self.count % 2 == 1 :
c0, c1 = 0, 1
else :
c0, c1 = 1, 0
w = c0 * self.w0 + c1 * self.w1
self.count += 1
output = x, w )
if self.use_bias:
output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias, data_format='channels_last')
return output
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
assert input_shape and len(input_shape) >= 2
assert input_shape[-1]
output_shape = list(input_shape)
output_shape[-1] = self.units
return tuple(output_shape)
# define a dummy model
x = Input(shape=(128,))
y = MyDense(10)(x)
y = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(y)
model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)
print model.summary()
# get some dummy data
a = np.random.randn(100,128)
b = (np.random.randn(100,) > 0).astype('int32')
# compile and train
model.compile('adam', 'binary_crossentropy') a, b )
Note: the following code is equivalent to what we did above, but it will NOT work !!!
if self.count % 2 == 1 :
w = self.w0
else :
w = self.w1
Why? Because having zero gradients (the former implementation) for one variable is NOT equivalent to having None gradients (the later implementation).


Implementing linear regression from scratch in python

I'm trying to Implement linear regression in python using the following gradient decent formulas (Notice that these formulas are after partial derive)
but the code keeps giving me wearied results ,I think (I'm not sure) that the error is in the gradient_descent function
import numpy as np
class LinearRegression:
def __init__(self , x:np.ndarray ,y:np.ndarray):
self.x = x
self.m = len(x)
self.y = y
def calculate_predictions(self ,slope:int , y_intercept:int) -> np.ndarray: # Calculate y hat.
predictions = []
for x in self.x:
predictions.append(slope * x + y_intercept)
return predictions
def calculate_error_cost(self , y_hat:np.ndarray) -> int:
error_valuse = []
for i in range(self.m):
error_valuse.append((y_hat[i] - self.y[i] )** 2)
error = (1/(2*self.m)) * sum(error_valuse)
return error
def gradient_descent(self):
costs = []
# initialization values
temp_w = 0
temp_b = 0
a = 0.001 # Learning rate
while True:
y_hat = self.calculate_predictions(slope=temp_w , y_intercept= temp_b)
sum_w = 0
sum_b = 0
for i in range(len(self.x)):
sum_w += (y_hat[i] - self.y[i] ) * self.x[i]
sum_b += (y_hat[i] - self.y[i] )
w = temp_w - a * ((1/self.m) *sum_w)
b = temp_b - a * ((1/self.m) *sum_b)
temp_w = w
temp_b = b
if costs[-1] > costs[-2]: # If global minimum reached
return [w,b]
except IndexError:
I Used this dataset:-
after downloading it like this:
import pandas
p = pandas.read_csv('linear_regression_dataset.csv')
l = LinearRegression(x= p['X'] , y= p['Y'])
But It's giving me [-568.1905905426412, -2.833321633515304] Which is decently not accurate.
I want to implement the algorithm not using external modules like scikit-learn for learning purposes.
I tested the calculate_error_cost function and it worked as expected and I don't think that there is an error in the calculate_predictions function
One small problem you have is that you are returning the last values of w and b, when you should be returning the second-to-last parameters (because they yield a lower cost). This should not really matter that much... unless your learning rate is too high and you are immediately getting a higher value for the cost function on the second iteration. This I believe is your real problem, judging from the dataset you shared.
The algorithm does work on the dataset, but you need to change the learning rate. I ran it in the example below and it gave the result shown in the image. One caveat is that I added a limit to the iterations to avoid the algorithm from taking too long (and only marginally improving the result).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class LinearRegression:
def __init__(self , x:np.ndarray ,y:np.ndarray):
self.x = x
self.m = len(x)
self.y = y
def calculate_predictions(self ,slope:int , y_intercept:int) -> np.ndarray: # Calculate y hat.
predictions = []
for x in self.x:
predictions.append(slope * x + y_intercept)
return predictions
def calculate_error_cost(self , y_hat:np.ndarray) -> int:
error_valuse = []
for i in range(self.m):
error_valuse.append((y_hat[i] - self.y[i] )** 2)
error = (1/(2*self.m)) * sum(error_valuse)
return error
def gradient_descent(self):
costs = []
# initialization values
temp_w = 0
temp_b = 0
iteration = 0
a = 0.00001 # Learning rate
while iteration < 1000:
y_hat = self.calculate_predictions(slope=temp_w , y_intercept= temp_b)
sum_w = 0
sum_b = 0
for i in range(len(self.x)):
sum_w += (y_hat[i] - self.y[i] ) * self.x[i]
sum_b += (y_hat[i] - self.y[i] )
w = temp_w - a * ((1/self.m) *sum_w)
b = temp_b - a * ((1/self.m) *sum_b)
if costs[-1] > costs[-2]: # If global minimum reached
return [temp_w,temp_b]
except IndexError:
temp_w = w
temp_b = b
iteration += 1
return [temp_w,temp_b]
p = pd.read_csv('linear_regression_dataset.csv')
x_data = p['X']
y_data = p['Y']
lin_reg = LinearRegression(x_data, y_data)
y_hat = lin_reg.calculate_predictions(*lin_reg.gradient_descent())
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'r.', label='Data')
plt.plot(x_data, y_hat, 'b-', label='Linear Regression')

Perceptron algorithm is not working as I desired

I recently tried implementing perceptron algorithm but I was not getting the desired output.
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
with open("D:/data.txt",'r') as data: #importing the data
column =
split = np.array(column.split('\n'))
final =[]
for string in split:
df = pd.DataFrame(final,columns=['x','y','response'])
df['x'] = df['x'].astype(float)
df['y'] = df['y'].astype(float)
df['response'] = df['response'].astype(int)
X = np.array(df[['x','y']])
y = np.array(df['response'])
def perceptron_algorithm(x,y,learning_rate=0.01,num_epoch=25):
x_min, x_max = min(x.T[0]), max(x.T[0])
y_min, y_max = min(x.T[1]), max(x.T[0])
w = np.array(np.random.rand(2,1))
b = np.random.rand(1)[0] + x_max
for i in range(num_epoch):
w,b = perceptronstep(x,y,w,b,learning_rate)
return w,b
def perceptronstep(x,y,w,b,learning_rate):
for i in range(len(x)):
y_hat = prediction(x[i],w,b)
if y_hat-y[i] == 1:
for j in range(len(w)):
w[j] += x[i][j]*learning_rate
b += learning_rate
elif y_hat-y[i] == -1:
for j in range(len(w)):
w[j] -= x[i][j]*learning_rate
b -= learning_rate
return w,b
def prediction(x,w,b):
return step(np.matmul(x,w)+b)
def step(t):
if t >=0:
return 1
return 0
w,b = perceptron_algorithm(X,y)
This is the resulting line:
This is how the data looks:
Is there something wrong with my code ?
Here is the link to the data file:
Edit: I have added the initial part of the code so it will be clear what I am trying to do.
Edit 2: I have added the data file and the "import pandas as pd" line of code

How does one implement a meta-trainable step size in Pytorch?

I want to implement a (meta) trainable step size. I tried it with this post:
and with the higher library ( with no luck...
I tried:
eta = torch.tensor([0.5], requires_grad=True).view(1)
inner_opt = torch.optim.Adam(child_model.parameters(), lr=eta)
#meta_params = itertools.chain(child_model.parameters(),eta.parameters())
meta_params = itertools.chain(child_model.parameters())
meta_opt = torch.optim.Adam(meta_params, lr=1e-3)
# do meta-training/outer training minimize outerloop: min_{theta} sum_t L^val( theta^{T} - eta* Grad L^train(theta^{T}) )
nb_outer_steps = 10 # note, in this case it's the same as number of meta-train steps (but it's could not be the same depending how you loop through the val set)
for outer_i, (outer_inputs, outer_targets) in enumerate(testloader, 0):
if outer_i >= nb_outer_steps:
# do inner-training/MAML; minimize innerloop: theta^{T} - eta* Grad L^train(theta^{T}) ~ argmin L^train(theta)
nb_inner_steps = 3
with higher.innerloop_ctx(child_model, inner_opt) as (fmodel, diffopt):
with error:
Exception has occurred: RuntimeError
Only Tensors created explicitly by the user (graph leaves) support the deepcopy protocol at the moment
which wouldn't work anyway cuz eta might become negative suddenly so I really want to cap it with a sigmoid function but had to try something...
It thinks my step size NN is not in the graph but it is because of this line of code:
p_new = p + lr*g
group['params'][p_idx] = p_new
but somehow that is not enough to have gradients...
Full script self contained script:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
import higher
from higher.optim import DifferentiableOptimizer
from higher.optim import DifferentiableSGD
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torchviz import make_dot
import copy
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
#mini class to add a flatten layer to the ordered dictionary
class Flatten(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input):
Note that input.size(0) is usually the batch size.
So what it does is that given any input with input.size(0) # of batches,
will flatten to be 1 * nb_elements.
batch_size = input.size(0)
out = input.view(batch_size,-1)
return out # (batch_size, *size)
def get_cifar10():
transform = transforms.Compose(
transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))])
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =, batch_size=4,
shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
testset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=False,
download=True, transform=transform)
testloader =, batch_size=4,
shuffle=False, num_workers=2)
return trainloader, testloader
class MySGD(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, params, eta, prev_lr):
defaults = {'eta':eta, 'prev_lr':prev_lr}
super().__init__(params, defaults)
class TrainableSGD(DifferentiableOptimizer):
def _update(self, grouped_grads, **kwargs):
prev_lr = self.param_groups[0]['prev_lr']
eta = self.param_groups[0]['eta']
# start differentiable & trainable update
zipped = zip(self.param_groups, grouped_grads)
lr = 0.1*eta(prev_lr).view(1)
for group_idx, (group, grads) in enumerate(zipped):
for p_idx, (p, g) in enumerate(zip(group['params'], grads)):
if g is None:
#group['params'][p_idx] = _add(p, -group['lr'], g)
p_new = p + lr*g
group['params'][p_idx] = p_new
# fake returns
self.param_groups[0]['prev_lr'] = lr
higher.register_optim(MySGD, TrainableSGD)
def main():
# get dataloaders
trainloader, testloader = get_cifar10()
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
child_model = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
('conv1', nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,out_channels=2,kernel_size=5)),
('relu1', nn.ReLU()),
('Flatten', Flatten()),
('fc', nn.Linear(in_features=28*28*2,out_features=10) )
hidden = torch.randn(size=(1,1),requires_grad=True)
print(f'-> hidden = {hidden}')
eta = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
('fc', nn.Linear(1,1)),
('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
inner_opt = MySGD(child_model.parameters(), eta=eta, prev_lr=hidden)
meta_params = itertools.chain(child_model.parameters(),eta.parameters())
#meta_params = itertools.chain(eta.parameters(),[hidden])
meta_opt = torch.optim.Adam(meta_params, lr=1e-3)
# do meta-training/outer training minimize outerloop: min_{theta} sum_t L^val( theta^{T} - eta* Grad L^train(theta^{T}) )
nb_outer_steps = 1 # note, in this case it's the same as number of meta-train steps (but it's could not be the same depending how you loop through the val set)
for outer_i, (outer_inputs, outer_targets) in enumerate(testloader, 0):
if outer_i >= nb_outer_steps:
# do inner-training/MAML; minimize innerloop: theta^{T} - eta * Grad L^train(theta^{T}) ~ argmin L^train(theta)
nb_inner_steps = 3
#with higher.innerloop_ctx(child_model, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=False) as (fmodel, diffopt):
with higher.innerloop_ctx(child_model, inner_opt) as (fmodel, diffopt):
for inner_i, (inner_inputs, inner_targets) in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
if inner_i >= nb_inner_steps:
logits = fmodel(inner_inputs)
inner_loss = criterion(logits, inner_targets)
print(f'--> inner_i = {inner_i}')
print(f'inner_loss^<{inner_i}>: {inner_loss}')
print(f'lr^<{inner_i-1}> = {diffopt.param_groups[0]["prev_lr"]}')
diffopt.step(inner_loss) # changes params P[t+1] using P[t] and loss[t] in a differentiable manner
print(f'lr^<{inner_i}> = {diffopt.param_groups[0]["prev_lr"]}')
# compute the meta-loss L^val( theta^{T} - eta* Grad L^train(theta^{T}) )
outer_outputs = fmodel(outer_inputs)
meta_loss = criterion(outer_outputs, outer_targets) # L^val
#grad_of_grads = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=meta_loss, inputs=eta.parameters()) # dmeta_loss/dw0
print(f'----> outer_i = {outer_i}')
print(f'-> outer_loss/meta_loss^<{outer_i}>: {meta_loss}')
print(f'child_model.fc.weight.grad = {child_model.fc.weight.grad}')
print(f'hidden.grad = {hidden.grad}')
print(f'eta.fc.weight = {eta.fc.weight.grad}')
meta_opt.step() # meta-optimizer step: more or less theta^<t> := theta^<t> - meta_eta * Grad L^val( theta^{T} - eta* Grad L^train(theta^{T}) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('---> Done\a')
notice the None's:
Files already downloaded and verifiedFiles already downloaded and verified
-> hidden = tensor([[0.8459]], requires_grad=True)
--> inner_i = 0
inner_loss^<0>: 2.2696359157562256
lr^<-1> = tensor([[0.8459]], requires_grad=True)
lr^<0> = tensor([0.0567], grad_fn=)
--> inner_i = 1
inner_loss^<1>: 2.0114920139312744
lr^<0> = tensor([0.0567], grad_fn=)
lr^<1> = tensor([0.0720], grad_fn=)
--> inner_i = 2
inner_loss^<2>: 2.3866422176361084
lr^<1> = tensor([0.0720], grad_fn=)
lr^<2> = tensor([0.0717], grad_fn=)
----> outer_i = 0
-> outer_loss/meta_loss^<0>: 4.021303176879883
child_model.fc.weight.grad = None
hidden.grad = None
eta.fc.weight = None
---> Done
pytorch forum:
related SO Q: How does one have parameters in a pytorch model not be leafs and be in the computation graph?

Chainer how to save and load DQN model

I'm learning the Deep Reinforcement learning
framework Chainer.
I've followed a tutorial and gotten the following code:
def train_dddqn(env):
class Q_Network(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
super(Q_Network, self).__init__(
fc1=L.Linear(input_size, hidden_size),
fc2=L.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size),
fc3=L.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size // 2),
fc4=L.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size // 2),
state_value=L.Linear(hidden_size // 2, 1),
advantage_value=L.Linear(hidden_size // 2, output_size)
self.input_size = input_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.output_size = output_size
def __call__(self, x):
h = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
h = F.relu(self.fc2(h))
hs = F.relu(self.fc3(h))
ha = F.relu(self.fc4(h))
state_value = self.state_value(hs)
advantage_value = self.advantage_value(ha)
advantage_mean = (F.sum(advantage_value, axis=1) / float(self.output_size)).reshape(-1, 1)
q_value = F.concat([state_value for _ in range(self.output_size)], axis=1) + (
advantage_value - F.concat([advantage_mean for _ in range(self.output_size)], axis=1))
return q_value
def reset(self):
Q = Q_Network(input_size=env.history_t + 1, hidden_size=100, output_size=3)
Q_ast = copy.deepcopy(Q)
optimizer = chainer.optimizers.Adam()
epoch_num = 50
step_max = len( - 1
memory_size = 200
batch_size = 50
epsilon = 1.0
epsilon_decrease = 1e-3
epsilon_min = 0.1
start_reduce_epsilon = 200
train_freq = 10
update_q_freq = 20
gamma = 0.97
show_log_freq = 5
memory = []
total_step = 0
total_rewards = []
total_losses = []
start = time.time()
for epoch in range(epoch_num):
pobs = env.reset()
step = 0
done = False
total_reward = 0
total_loss = 0
while not done and step < step_max:
# select act
pact = np.random.randint(3)
if np.random.rand() > epsilon:
pact = Q(np.array(pobs, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, -1))
pact = np.argmax(
# act
obs, reward, done = env.step(pact)
# add memory
memory.append((pobs, pact, reward, obs, done))
if len(memory) > memory_size:
# train or update q
if len(memory) == memory_size:
if total_step % train_freq == 0:
shuffled_memory = np.random.permutation(memory)
memory_idx = range(len(shuffled_memory))
for i in memory_idx[::batch_size]:
batch = np.array(shuffled_memory[i:i + batch_size])
b_pobs = np.array(batch[:, 0].tolist(), dtype=np.float32).reshape(batch_size, -1)
b_pact = np.array(batch[:, 1].tolist(), dtype=np.int32)
b_reward = np.array(batch[:, 2].tolist(), dtype=np.int32)
b_obs = np.array(batch[:, 3].tolist(), dtype=np.float32).reshape(batch_size, -1)
b_done = np.array(batch[:, 4].tolist(), dtype=np.bool)
q = Q(b_pobs)
indices = np.argmax(, axis=1)
maxqs = Q_ast(b_obs).data
target = copy.deepcopy(
for j in range(batch_size):
loss = F.mean_squared_error(q, target)
total_loss +=
if total_step % update_q_freq == 0:
Q_ast = copy.deepcopy(Q)
# epsilon
if epsilon > epsilon_min and total_step > start_reduce_epsilon:
epsilon -= epsilon_decrease
# next step
total_reward += reward
pobs = obs
step += 1
total_step += 1
if (epoch + 1) % show_log_freq == 0:
log_reward = sum(total_rewards[((epoch + 1) - show_log_freq):]) / show_log_freq
log_loss = sum(total_losses[((epoch + 1) - show_log_freq):]) / show_log_freq
elapsed_time = time.time() - start
print('\t'.join(map(str, [epoch + 1, epsilon, total_step, log_reward, log_loss, elapsed_time])))
start = time.time()
return Q, total_losses, total_rewards
Q, total_losses, total_rewards = train_dddqn(Environment1(train))
My question is how can I save and load this Model which has been train very well?I know Kreas has some function like: and load_model.
So what's the specify code I need for this Chainer code?
You can use serializer module to save/load chainer's model's parameter (Chain class).
from chainer import serializers
Q = Q_Network(input_size=env.history_t + 1, hidden_size=100, output_size=3)
Q_ast = Q_Network(input_size=env.history_t + 1, hidden_size=100, output_size=3)
# --- train Q here... ---
# copy Q parameter into Q_ast by saving Q's parameter and load to Q_ast
serializers.save_npz('my.model', Q)
serializers.load_npz('my.model', Q_ast)
See official document for details:
Also, you may refer chainerrl, which is a chainer library for reinforcement learning.
chainerrl have a util function copy_param to copy parameter from network source_link to target_link.

How to use multiple GPUs effectively when training deep networks?

I am using a machine which has 2 GPUs Titan Black to train my deep learning model which has 3 layers (3x3, 3x3 and 5x5).
The training runs pretty well but when I watch nvidia-smi (watch every 1 sec), I realized that my program uses only one GPU for computation, the second one always 0% even when the first one reach 100%.
I am trying to use tf.device to assign specific tasks for each of them but then they run one-by-one, not in parallel, and the total time was even increased, not reduced (I guess because 2 GPUs had to exchange values with each other)
Below is my program. It is quite messy, maybe you just need to pay attention at the graph where I use tf.device is enough...
Thank you so much!
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import listdir, sys
from os.path import isfile, join
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
def validatePath(path):
path = path.replace("\\","/")
if (path[len(path)-1] != "/"):
path = path + "/"
return path
hidden_size_default = np.array([16, 32, 64, 32])
cnn1_default = 3
cnn2_default = 3
cnn3_default = 5
input_path = 'ARCHIVES-sub-dataset'
output_path = 'ARCHIVES-model'
log_address = "trainlog.txt"'h0', hidden_size_default[0], 'Size of hidden layer 0th')'h1', hidden_size_default[1], 'Size of hidden layer 1st')'h2', hidden_size_default[2], 'Size of hidden layer 2nd')'h3', hidden_size_default[3], 'Size of hidden layer 3rd')'k1', cnn1_default , 'Size of kernel 1st')'k2', cnn2_default , 'Size of kernel 2nd')'k3', cnn3_default , 'Size of kernel 3rd')'input_path', input_path, 'The parent directory which contains 2 directories: dataset and label')'output_path', output_path, 'The directory which will store models (you have to create)')'log_address', log_address, 'The file name which will store the log')
load_path = FLAGS.input_path
save_model_path = FLAGS.output_path
log_addr = FLAGS.log_address
load_path = validatePath(load_path)
save_model_path = validatePath(save_model_path)
cnn1 = FLAGS.k1
cnn2 = FLAGS.k2
cnn3 = FLAGS.k3
hidden_size = np.array([FLAGS.h0, FLAGS.h1, FLAGS.h2, FLAGS.h3])
# Shuffle the dataset and its label
def randomize(dataset, labels):
permutation = np.random.permutation(labels.shape[0])
shuffled_dataset = dataset[permutation,:]
shuffled_labels = labels[permutation]
return shuffled_dataset, shuffled_labels
def writemyfile(mystring):
with open(log_addr, "a") as myfile:
myfile.write(str(mystring + "\n"))
num_labels = 5
def accuracy(predictions, labels):
return (100.0 * np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, 1) == np.argmax(labels, 1))/ predictions.shape[0])
def weight_variable(shape):
initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)
return tf.Variable(initial)
def bias_variable(shape):
initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)
return tf.Variable(initial)
def conv2d(x, W):
return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
def max_pool_2x2(x):
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
def DivideSets(input_set):
length_set = input_set.shape[0]
index_70 = int(length_set*0.7)
index_90 = int(length_set*0.9)
set_train = input_set[0:index_70]
set_valid = input_set[index_70:index_90]
set_test = input_set[index_90:length_set]
return np.float32(set_train), np.float32(set_valid), np.float32(set_test)
# from 1-value labels to 5 values of (0 and 1)
def LabelReconstruct(label_set):
label_set = label_set.astype(int)
new_label_set = np.zeros(shape=(len(label_set),num_labels))
for i in range(len(label_set)):
new_label_set[i][label_set[i]] = 1
return new_label_set.astype(int)
def LoadDataSet(load_path):
list_data = [f for f in listdir(load_path + "dataset/") if isfile(join(load_path + "dataset/", f))]
list_label = [f for f in listdir(load_path + "label/") if isfile(join(load_path + "dataset/", f))]
if list_data.sort() == list_label.sort():
return list_data
print("data and labels are not suitable")
return 0
# load, randomize, normalize images and reconstruct labels
def PrepareData(*arg):
filename = arg[0]
loaded_dataset = pickle.load( open( load_path + "dataset/" + filename, "rb" ))
loaded_labels = pickle.load( open( load_path + "label/" + filename, "rb" ))
if len(arg) == 1:
datasize = len(loaded_labels)
elif len(arg) == 2:
datasize = int(arg[1])
print("not more than 2 arguments please!")
dataset_full,labels_full = randomize(loaded_dataset[0:datasize], loaded_labels[0:datasize])
return NormalizeData(dataset_full), LabelReconstruct(labels_full)
def NormalizeData(dataset):
dataset = dataset - (dataset.mean())
dataset = dataset / (dataset.std())
return dataset
listfiles = LoadDataSet(load_path)
# divide
listfiles_train = listfiles[0:15]
listfiles_valid = listfiles[15:25]
listfiles_test = listfiles[25:len(listfiles)]
graphCNN = tf.Graph()
with graphCNN.as_default():
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 224,224,3)) # X
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, num_labels)) # Y_
dropout = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
if dropout == 1.0:
keep_prob = tf.constant([0.2, 0.3, 0.5], dtype=tf.float32)
keep_prob = tf.constant([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=tf.float32)
weights_1 = weight_variable([cnn1,cnn1,3, hidden_size[0]])
biases_1 = bias_variable([hidden_size[0]])
weights_2 = weight_variable([cnn2,cnn2,hidden_size[0], hidden_size[1]])
biases_2 = bias_variable([hidden_size[1]])
weights_3 = weight_variable([cnn3,cnn3,hidden_size[1], hidden_size[2]])
biases_3 = bias_variable([hidden_size[2]])
weights_4 = weight_variable([56 * 56 * hidden_size[2], hidden_size[3]])
biases_4 = bias_variable([hidden_size[3]])
weights_5 = weight_variable([hidden_size[3], num_labels])
biases_5 = bias_variable([num_labels])
def model(data):
with tf.device('/gpu:1'):
train_hidden_1 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(data, weights_1) + biases_1)
train_hidden_2 = max_pool_2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(train_hidden_1, weights_2) + biases_2))
train_hidden_2_drop = tf.nn.dropout(train_hidden_2, keep_prob[0])
train_hidden_3 = max_pool_2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(train_hidden_2_drop, weights_3) + biases_3))
train_hidden_3_drop = tf.nn.dropout(train_hidden_3, keep_prob[1])
train_hidden_3_drop = tf.reshape(train_hidden_3_drop,[-1, 56 * 56 * hidden_size[2]])
train_hidden_4 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(train_hidden_3_drop, weights_4) + biases_4)
train_hidden_4_drop = tf.nn.dropout(train_hidden_4, keep_prob[2])
logits = tf.matmul(train_hidden_4_drop, weights_5) + biases_5
return logits
t_train_labels = tf.argmax(y_, 1) # From one-hot (one and zeros) vectors to values
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=model(x), labels=t_train_labels))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss)
y = tf.nn.softmax(model(x))
print("log address: %s" % (log_addr))
#num_steps = 10001
times_repeat = 20 # number of epochs
batch_size = 100
with tf.Session(graph=graphCNN,config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)) as session:
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0)
mytime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
writemyfile(str("\nTime: %s \nLayers: %d,%d,%d \epochs: %d" % (mytime,cnn1,cnn2,cnn3,times_repeat)))
writemyfile("Train files:" + str(listfiles_train))
writemyfile("Valid files:" + str(listfiles_valid))
writemyfile("Test files:" + str(listfiles_test))
print("Model will be saved in file: %s" % save_model_path)
writemyfile(str("Model will be saved in file: %s" % save_model_path))
valid_accuracies_epochs = np.array([])
for time_repeat in range(times_repeat):
print("- time_repeat:",time_repeat)
writemyfile("- time_repeat:"+str(time_repeat))
for file_train in listfiles_train:
file_train_id = int(file_train[0:len(file_train)-4])
time_start_this_file = time.time()
print("- - file:",file_train_id, end=' ')
writemyfile("- - file:" + str(file_train_id))
Data_train, Label_train= PrepareData(file_train)
for step in range(0,len(Data_train)-batch_size,batch_size):
batch_data = Data_train[step:step+batch_size]
batch_labels = Label_train[step:step+batch_size]
feed_dict = {x : batch_data, y_ : batch_labels, dropout: 1.0}
opti, l, predictions =[optimizer, loss, y], feed_dict=feed_dict)
train_accuracies = np.array([])
for index_tr_accu in range(0,len(Data_train)-SIZE_BATCH_VALID,SIZE_BATCH_VALID):
current_predictions = y.eval(feed_dict={x: Data_train[index_tr_accu:index_tr_accu+SIZE_BATCH_VALID],dropout: 0.0})
current_accuracy = accuracy(current_predictions, Label_train[index_tr_accu:index_tr_accu+SIZE_BATCH_VALID])
train_accuracies = np.r_[train_accuracies,current_accuracy]
train_accuracy = train_accuracies.mean()
print("batch accu: %.2f%%" %(train_accuracy),end=" | ")
writemyfile("batch accu: %.2f%%" %(train_accuracy))
time_done_this_file = time.time() - time_start_this_file
print("time: %.2fs" % (time_done_this_file))
writemyfile("time: %.2fs" % (time_done_this_file))
# save model
model_addr = save_model_path + "model335" + "-epoch-" + str(time_repeat) + ".ckpt"
save_path =, model_addr,) # max_to_keep default was 5
mytime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
print("epoch finished at %s \n model address: %s" % (mytime,model_addr))
writemyfile("epoch finished at %s \n model address: %s" % (mytime,model_addr))
# validation
valid_accuracies = np.array([])
for file_valid in listfiles_valid:
file_valid_id = int(file_valid[0:len(file_valid)-4])
Data_valid, Label_valid = PrepareData(file_valid)
for index_vl_accu in range(0,len(Data_valid)-SIZE_BATCH_VALID,SIZE_BATCH_VALID):
current_predictions = y.eval(feed_dict={x: Data_valid[index_vl_accu:index_vl_accu+SIZE_BATCH_VALID],dropout: 0.0})
current_accuracy = accuracy(current_predictions, Label_valid[index_vl_accu:index_vl_accu+SIZE_BATCH_VALID])
valid_accuracies = np.r_[valid_accuracies,current_accuracy]
valid_accuracy = valid_accuracies.mean()
print("epoch %d - valid accu: %.2f%%" %(time_repeat,valid_accuracy))
writemyfile("epoch %d - valid accu: %.2f%%" %(time_repeat,valid_accuracy))
valid_accuracies_epochs = np.hstack([valid_accuracies_epochs,valid_accuracy])
Update: I found seems to be a good example for training with multi GPUs, but honestly I don't know how to apply on my case.
I think you need to change
def model(data):
with tf.device('/gpu:1'):
def model(data):
for d in ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1']:
with tf.device(d):
and ditch the line with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
Since at the first with tf.device... you are only doing initiation
of variables and then you are resetting your devices with the next with tf.device.
Let me know if this works since I can't test it.
