I am trying to create a custom route in my rails app. It should be a variant of the New Record Form generated by a scaffold. I am trying to add new_task(a type of activity in my app).
However, when I navigate to the link I get the following error
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ActivitiesController#show
Couldn't find Activity with 'id'=new_task
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_activity
#activity = Activity.find(params[:id])
def set_customer
My Route File
resources :customers do
resources :contacts, :assets, :activities
get 'activities/new_task', to: 'activities#new', as: :new_task
My Rake Routes Output
customer_activities GET /customers/:customer_id/activities(.:format) activities#index
POST /customers/:customer_id/activities(.:format) activities#create
new_customer_activity GET /customers/:customer_id/activities/new(.:format) activities#new
edit_customer_activity GET /customers/:customer_id/activities/:id/edit(.:format) activities#edit
customer_activity GET /customers/:customer_id/activities/:id(.:format) activities#show
PATCH /customers/:customer_id/activities/:id(.:format) activities#update
PUT /customers/:customer_id/activities/:id(.:format) activities#update
DELETE /customers/:customer_id/activities/:id(.:format) activities#destroy
customer_new_task GET /customers/:customer_id/activities/new_task(.:format) activities#new
customers GET /customers(.:format) customers#index
POST /customers(.:format) customers#create
I was trying to use the existing controller's New method, however it seems to want to receive an input of parameter. What I am doing wrong?
You have to define your route as collection route not a member route.
resources :customers do
resources :contacts, :assets
resources :activities do
collection do
get :new_task
I'm searching a reason why rake routes doesn't match the index path of my nested resource.
Here is my code:
namespace :api do
resources :photos do
resource :comments
Here is the result of the command: rake routes | grep comment
batch_action_admin_user_comments POST /admin/user_comments/batch_action(.:format) admin/user_comments#batch_action
admin_user_comments GET /admin/user_comments(.:format) admin/user_comments#index
POST /admin/user_comments(.:format) admin/user_comments#create
new_admin_user_comment GET /admin/user_comments/new(.:format) admin/user_comments#new
edit_admin_user_comment GET /admin/user_comments/:id/edit(.:format) admin/user_comments#edit
admin_user_comment GET /admin/user_comments/:id(.:format) admin/user_comments#show
PATCH /admin/user_comments/:id(.:format) admin/user_comments#update
PUT /admin/user_comments/:id(.:format) admin/user_comments#update
DELETE /admin/user_comments/:id(.:format) admin/user_comments#destroy
admin_comments GET /admin/comments(.:format) admin/comments#index
POST /admin/comments(.:format) admin/comments#create
admin_comment GET /admin/comments/:id(.:format) admin/comments#show
api_photo_comments POST /api/photos/:photo_id/comments(.:format) api/comments#create
new_api_photo_comments GET /api/photos/:photo_id/comments/new(.:format) api/comments#new
edit_api_photo_comments GET /api/photos/:photo_id/comments/edit(.:format) api/comments#edit
GET /api/photos/:photo_id/comments(.:format) api/comments#show
PATCH /api/photos/:photo_id/comments(.:format) api/comments#update
PUT /api/photos/:photo_id/comments(.:format) api/comments#update
DELETE /api/photos/:photo_id/comments(.:format) api/comments#destroy
I tried to add only: [:create, :index] to my comments resource but only the create route is visible.
According to the documentation about nested-resources I don't understand what's happening.
Thank you for your help.
It's because you are using a singular resource (resource :comments)
From the docs:
Sometimes, you have a resource that clients always look up without
referencing an ID. For example, you would like /profile to always show
the profile of the currently logged in user. In this case, you can use
a singular resource to map /profile (rather than /profile/:id) to the
show action
You'll need to use the standard resources method to get this working (resource omits the index action):
namespace :api do
resources :photos do
resources :comments
My mistake. A "S" was missing on my resource.
namespace :api do
resources :photos do
resources :comments
Now it works.
i am rewritting a rails app I did some 5 years ago using rails 1.something.
When I try to browse localhost/companies/search_updates/ I get this error... I know this is a routing error because when I remove the resources :companies from router.rb the thing works fine... How can this be fixed? And do I need to manually add routes for every action I create?
Error when I try to access localhost/companies/search_updates/
The action 'show' could not be found for CompaniesController
class CompaniesController < ApplicationController
def index
#companies = Company.all
def search_updates
# Execute code to search for updates
# Redirect to results
resources :accounts
resources :companies
get 'companies/search_updates' => 'companies#search_updates'
Hello Updates!
The action 'show' could not be found for CompaniesController
Rails routes are matched in the order they are specified, so if you
have a resources :companies above a get 'companies/search_updates' the show action's
route for the resources line will be matched before the get line. To
fix this, move the get line above the resources line so that it is
matched first.
resources :accounts
get 'companies/search_updates' => 'companies#search_updates'
resources :companies
Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common
routes for a given resourceful controller. Instead of declaring
separate routes for your index, show, new, edit, create, update and
destroy actions, a resourceful route declares them in a single line of
If you have only index method (default CURD rails) on your controller, you can specific routes for it.
resources :accounts
get 'companies/search_updates' => 'companies#search_updates'
resources :companies, :only => [index]
I am trying to add a customer action to one of my resources, therefore I created a custom route:
namespace :admin do
resources :subscriptions
match 'subscriptions/summary', :to => 'subscriptions#summary', :as => 'subscriptions_summary'
In my rake routes I'm getting the following output:
admin_subscriptions_summary /admin/subscriptions/summary(.:format) spree/admin/subscriptions#summary
The problem now is, whenever I try to create a link to the summary action, I get following error:
Missing template spree/admin/subscriptions/show
Why is my app confusing the show action with the summary action?
namespace :admin do
resources :subscriptions do
collection do
get 'summary'
solved it.
Here's my problem:
I have a web app, in which users can create posts.
User and post are created simultaneously - I extract the user's email from the post to create his user entry. (No password/login/registration etc required)
In my routes.rb file, I have posts nested with users (see attached)
Now, here is my question:
Where should the posts#new creation form be? Currently I have it at /posts/new but this is clearly wrong, I am getting a routing error.
Grateful for any feedback.
Mysalary::Application.routes.draw do
resources :users do
resources :posts
resources :profiles
resources :pages
get "pages/home"
get "pages/about"
get "pages/legal"
get "pages/feedback"
root :to => 'posts#new'
I would add posts on it own, so to have both you would have:
resources :users do
resources :posts
resources :posts
You have posts only as a nested resource, so you would find it at /users/:user_id/posts/new
If you want to reach it at /posts/new, just un-nest resources :posts. You can also leave it nested and repeat it outside the nesting, then it would be reachable both ways.
Remember to run rake routes in the console.
I have a conversations controller and a comments controller.
What I would like to do is have the following (from the logs):
Started POST "/conversations/217/comment_beta" for
Post the Comments Controller not the Conversations Controller which is what Rails is trying to do now:
AbstractController::ActionNotFound (The action 'comment_beta' could not be found for ConversationsController):
Here is my routes file:
resources :conversations do
resources :comments, :only => [:create, :update,:destroy, :comment_beta], :constraint => {:context_type => "conversations"} do
collection do
post 'comment_beta'
collection do
get 'read_updater'
Suggestions? Thanks
your rails routes is actually doing what it is supposed to do. if you conversations/:id/comment_beta to go to your comments controller, either you should change your routes via match or go to the correct url which is /conversations/:id/comments/:comment_id/comment_beta
If you're posting to create a new comment, why aren't you using RESTful routes?
resources :conversations do
resources :comments do
collection do
post 'comment_beta'
should give you /conversations/:id/comments/comment_beta
collection because you don't need an id