How to word wrap on UILabel that has infinite lines? - ios

I have a UILabel in which the number of lines need to be set to 0 (infinite lines). But when it displays a single long word, it breaks the line by character, to form a second line. I tried to set Line breaking mode manually as such
cell.nameLbl.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
cell.nameLbl.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
But the app still breaks by character. How can I fix this?
Edit- I want the word font size to shrink.

Adjusting font size is unfortunately done per label, not per line. Wrapping does not effect it. So the result you are seeing is expected. You could split your string manually into multiple labels maybe putting them into stack view to get desired result.
What I tried was:
private func layoutText(text: String, onStackView stackView: UIStackView) {
var words: [String] = text.components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)
var currentLineWords: [String] = [String]()
var currentLabel: UILabel!
func newLabel() -> UILabel {
let label = UILabel(frame: stackView.bounds)
label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
label.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5
return label
while words.count > 0 {
if currentLineWords.count == 0 {
currentLabel = newLabel()
} else {
let newText = currentLineWords.joined(separator: " ") + " " + words[0]
currentLabel.text = newText
if currentLabel.bounds.width > stackView.bounds.width {
// Break line
currentLabel.text = currentLineWords.joined(separator: " ")
currentLabel = nil
currentLineWords = [String]()
} else {
// All good
if currentLineWords.count > 0 {
currentLabel.text = currentLineWords.joined(separator: " ")
This works pretty neatly but:
When word is too long to fit in a line even when shrunk it will show "..." at the end
Shrunk line still has the same height instead of having it reduced
We are only handling whitespaces and inserting back spaces
The first 2 would probably both be solved by having manual adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth. Basically keep reducing font size until it fits or until a certain size. If "certain size" scenario is hit then simply use multiline on a label (will break by characters).
The last one just need some extra effort.
I would still not implement this for multiple reasons one of them being that it looks ugly but is still interesting.
Custom font size adjustment:
To have custom font adjustment and all the logic there is only a change when a new lien is created:
if currentLineWords.count == 0 {
currentLabel = newLabel()
currentLabel.text = currentLineWords.joined(separator: " ")
if currentLabel.bounds.width > stackView.bounds.width {
currentLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = false
let originalFontSize: CGFloat = currentLabel.font.pointSize
var currentFontSize: CGFloat = originalFontSize
let minimalFontSize: CGFloat = currentLabel.minimumScaleFactor > 0.0 ? currentLabel.font.pointSize * currentLabel.minimumScaleFactor : originalFontSize
while currentLabel.bounds.width > stackView.bounds.width {
currentFontSize -= 1.0
if currentFontSize < minimalFontSize {
currentLabel.numberOfLines = 0
currentLabel.font = UIFont(name: currentLabel.font.fontName, size: originalFontSize)
break // Could not shrink it even further. USe multiline
currentLabel.font = UIFont(name: currentLabel.font.fontName, size: currentFontSize)
// Break line
currentLabel = nil
currentLineWords = [String]()
This looks usable now. My result:


Get all Glyphs of a UIFont that have a descender

Is there a way to get all the glyphs of a UIFont that contain a true descender? It seems that using CTLineGetTypographicBounds is not accurate and returns the exact same descent value for every line. I thought it would provide the information that I needed but it did not. So now I am looking to see if I can build a character set from the glyphs that contain true descenders unless there is another way. The ultimate goal would be able to see if a line of text is below the baseline.
let line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: s, attributes: attr))
//let's get the real descent test
var a : CGFloat = 0
var d : CGFloat = 0
var l : CGFloat = 0
let bounds = CTLineGetTypographicBounds(line, &a, &d, &l)
print("the descent is \(d)")
print("the ascent is \(a)")
print("the leading is \(l)")
Since it seems that your actual goal is to determine whether a string contains a character with a descender, you can use Core Text to look at the bounding rect of each glyph. If the bounding rect's origin in negative, this means the glyph starts below the baseline. This will be true for characters such as y but also ,.
func checkDescender(string: String) {
let uiFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14) // Pick your font
let font = CTFontCreateWithName(uiFont.fontName as CFString, uiFont.pointSize, nil)
for ch in string.unicodeScalars {
let utf16codepoints = Array(ch.utf16)
var glyphs: [CGGlyph] = [0, 0]
let hasGlyph = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, utf16codepoints, &glyphs, utf16codepoints.count)
if hasGlyph {
let rect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(font, .default, glyphs, nil, 1)
// print("\(ch) has bounding box of \(rect)")
if rect.origin.y < 0 {
print("\(ch) goes below the baseline by \(-rect.origin.y)")
checkDescender(string: "Ymy,")
You might want to add additional checks to only look at letters depending on your needs.

SciChart IOS fixed grid line and tick labels

I am trying to make the X direction grid line and tick labels fixed at mid of the visible range, whether the chart is zoomed or paned.
I had try to create custom TickProvider for my xAxis:
class CustomTickProvider: SCIDateTimeTickProvider {
private var tickCount: Int
init(tickCount: Int) {
self.tickCount = tickCount
override func getMajorTicks(fromAxis axis: SCIAxisCoreProtocol!) -> SCIArrayController! {
let visibleRange = axis.visibleRange
let min = visibleRange?.min.doubleData
let max = visibleRange?.max.doubleData
let array: SCIArrayController = SCIArrayController.init(type: SCIDataType.double)
let step = (max! - min!) / Double(self.tickCount - 1)
var current = min!
while current <= max! {
current += step
return array
xAxis.tickProvider = CustomTickProvider.init(tickCount: 3)
When I set xAxis.autoTicks = true, the grid line and tick labels will be relocated,they can't stay at the same position either.
When I set xAxis.autoTicks = false, no grid line and tick labels will be
How can I get the effect of fixed grid line and tick labels?
Maybe not the cleanest way to do it, but it worked for me in a comparable situation:
Edit the MajorDelta/MinorDelta after the visibleRange changed.

UILabels within an array not showing up on ViewController

So I'm trying to make a grid/table show up in my app, and to do this I created an array of UILabels with:
var rows = 2
var columns = 2
var grid = [[UILabel]](count: rows, repeatedValue: [UILabel](count: columns, repeatedValue: UILabel()))
then I created each UILabel with:
for i in 0 ..< grid.count
for j in 0 ..< grid[0].count
grid[i][j].frame = CGRectMake(x + CGFloat(j*Int(gridSpace)), y + CGFloat(i*Int(gridSpace)), gridSpace, gridSpace)
grid[i][j].backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
grid[i][j].hidden = false
grid[i][j].textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
grid[i][j].textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
grid[i][j].text = "label: [\(i)][\(j)]"
print("grid[\(i)][\(j)]X = \(grid[i][j].frame.origin.x) grid[\(i)][\(j)]Y = \(grid[i][j].frame.origin.y)")
What happens is actually pretty interesting. The code compiles and everything, but only one of the labels shows up. The dimensions and everything about the label are perfect, but only one of them shows up.
The label that shows up is always the grid[rows-1][columns-1] label. But when I print the x and y coordinates of the rest of the labels that are supposed to be in the grid array, all of the coordinates are exactly where they are supposed to be on the viewcontroller it's just that the labels don't show up. when I changed the for loop to
for i in 0 ..< grid.count-1
for j in 0 ..< grid[0].count-1
still only the last label (the grid[rows-1][columns-1] label) shows up yet the coordinates are exactly where they should be. Another weird thing is that if I change the line
grid[i][j].text = "test label: [\(i)][\(j)]"
if(j != grid[0].count-1)
grid[i][j].text = "test label: [\(i)][\(j)]"
then the label that shows up still has the coordinates of the grid[rows-1][columns-1] but has the labeltext of grid[rows-1][columns-2]
Can anyone fix my problem for me or explain whats going on?
It's because of the way that you have initialized your grid with repeated values. If the repeated value is of reference type, the array will actually create only one item and point all indexes to that item, so in your for loops you're changing the frame for the one and only UILabel over and over again. thats why you only see the last one on your screen.
To create the array you want replace this:
var grid = [[UILabel]](count: rows, repeatedValue: [UILabel](count: columns, repeatedValue: UILabel()))
var grid = [[UILabel]]()
for row in 0..<rows {
for column in 0..<columns{
var grid = [[UILabel]]((0..<rows).map { _ in
[UILabel]((0..<columns).map { _ in

How to remove labels from after drawing with drawrect()

I am pretty new to drawing programmatically. I've managed to draw a line graph, complete with points, lines, auto-scaling axes, and axis labels. In other screens, I can change characteristics of the graph and when I return to the screen, I refresh it with setNeedsDisplay() in the viewWillAppear function of the containing viewController. The lines are redrawn perfectly when I do this.
The new data that is added in other screens may require rescaling the axes. The problem is that when the graph is redrawn, the number labels on the axes are just added to the graph, without removing the old ones, meaning that some labels may be overwritten, while some old ones just remain there next to the new ones.
I think I see why this happens, in that I am creating a label and adding a subview, but not removing it. I guess I figured that since the lines are erased and redrawn, the labels would be, too. How do I cleanly relabel my axes? Is there a better way to do this? My function for creating the labels is listed below. This function is called by drawRect()
func createXAxisLabels(interval: Float, numIntervals: Int) {
let xstart: CGFloat = marginLeft
let yval: CGFloat = marginTop + graphHeight + 10 // 10 pts below the x-axis
var xLabelVals : [Float] = [0]
var xLabelLocs : [CGFloat] = [] // gives the locations for each label
for i in 0...numIntervals {
xLabelLocs.append(xstart + CGFloat(i) * graphWidth/CGFloat(numIntervals))
xLabelVals.append(Float(i) * interval)
if interval >= 60.0 {
xUnits = "Minutes"
xUnitDivider = 60
for i in 0...numIntervals {
let label = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 50.0, 16.0)) = CGPoint(x: xLabelLocs[i], y: yval)
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
if interval < 1.0 {
label.text = "\(Float(i) * interval)"
} else {
label.text = "\(i * Int(interval/xUnitDivider))"
label.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14)
label.textColor = graphStructureColor
drawRect should just draw the rectangle, not change the view hierarchy. It can be called repeatedly. Those other labels are other views and do their own drawing.
You have a couple of options
Don't use labels -- instead just draw the text onto the rect.
Add/remove the labels in the view controller.
EDIT (from the comments): The OP provided their solution
I just replaced my code inside the for loop with:
let str : NSString = "\(xLabelVals[i])"
let paraAttrib = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paraAttrib.alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
let attributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14),
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.whiteColor(),
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paraAttrib]
let xLoc : CGFloat = CGFloat(xLabelLocs[i] - 25)
let yLoc : CGFloat = yval - 8.0
str.drawInRect(CGRectMake(xLoc, yLoc, 50, 16), withAttributes: attributes)

How can I prevent orphans in a label in swift?

I have a label that can have one or two lines. If it has two lines, I want the second line to have at least two (or maybe three) words, never just one. Any ideas about how I can accomplish that using swift?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I edited out my silly first thoughts that didn't really help.
Ok, after looking around a lot I came up with what I think is the best solution.
I wrote this function:
func numberOfLinesInLabelForText(text: String) -> Int {
let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline)]
let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
let labelSize = text!.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake((screenSize.width - 30), CGFloat.max), options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: nil)
let lines = floor(CGFloat(labelSize.height) / bookTitleLabel.font.lineHeight)
return Int(lines)
You put in the string that will be displayed in the label and it gives you how many lines the label will have. I'm using dynamic type and the Headline style for this particular label, hence the preferredFontForTextStyle(UIFontTextStyleHeadline) part, but you can change that to the font and size your label uses.
Then I use (screenSize.width - 30) for my label's width because it's width is not fixed, so I'm using the screen size minus leading and trailing. This is probably not the most elegant solution, I'm open to better suggestions.
The rest is pretty straightforward.
After I have the number of lines I can do this:
func splittedString(text: String) -> String {
if numberOfLinesInLabel(text) == 2 {
var chars = Array(text.characters)
var i = chars.count / 2
var x = chars.count / 2
while chars[i] != " " && chars[x] != " " {
if chars[i] == " " {
chars.insert("\n", atIndex: i+1)
} else {
chars.insert("\n", atIndex: x+1)
return String(chars)
Instead of just avoiding orphans I decided to split the string in two at the breaking point nearest to its half, so that's what this last function does, but it wouldn't be hard to tweak it to suit your needs.
And there you have it!
