Setting codecov patch target to a fixed number - code-coverage

codecov allows you to specify a total coverage target and it also allows codecov/patch. The patch check however attempts to enforce that the patch coverage is atleast at current master's coverage. i.e. if total coverage target is 80% and if current master coverage is 84%, the patch coverage needs to be atleast 84%. I understand the rationale behind this, that codecov is not allowing the total coverage to regress...
My question is this - Is there a way at all to specify a fixed target for the patch coverage ? For e.g., let's say I want to set my patch coverage target to a fixed 80% as well, is there any way at all to do that ? Thanks in advance.

Yes, the documentation is here:
You can create a .codecov.yml file at the root of the project with the following:
target: 80%


TFS Build log shows that the Test Impact match pattern is set to "/build/*.*/*.dll" not '*.exe"

I started a new project in VS 2013 and TFS 2013. After doing a little coding I ran some tests and created test cases in the Test Manager. The tests pass and the Test result files show the impact XML files attached. However, all the subsequent builds show no Tests Impacted. After checking the build logs I see that the Test Impact entry has a Match pattern that ends in:
"\bin***.dll", but the application is a windows form app.
Is there something I have missed in setting up the project that would cause this?
This is the output log section:
Run VS Test Runner00:00:00
There were no matches for the search pattern ...\bin\**\*test*.dll
There were no matches for the search pattern ...\bin\**\*test*.appx
Run optional script after Test Runner00:00:00
Enabled: True
Result: 0
Get Impacted Tests00:00:00
There were no matches for the search pattern ...\bin\**\*.dll
A baseline build could not be located. Test impact analysis will not be
performed for this build.
Publish Symbols
I found the issue. For the Test Impact Analysis the build must have a drop location: The "copy output to the server" option does not count as a "drop location"!

Sample TFS 2010 Build Process Template for NCover [duplicate]

I was wondering if any of you guys had any experience generating code coverage reports in TFS Build Server 2010 while running NUnit tests.
I know it can be easily done with the packaged alternative (MSTest + enabling coverage on the testrunconfig file), but things are a little more involved when using NUnit. I've found some info here and there pointing to NCover, but it seems outdated. I wonder if there are other alternatives and whether someone has actually implemented this or not.
Here's more info about our environment/needs:
- TFS Build Server 2010
- Tests are in plain class libraries (not Test libraries - i.e., no testrunconfig files associated), and are implemented in NUnit. We have no MSTests.
- We are interested in running coverage reports as part of each build and if possible setting coverage threshold requirements for pass/fail criteria.
We 've done it with NUnit-NCover and are pretty happy with our results. NUnit execution is followed by NUnitTfs execution in order to get our testing results published in the Build Log. Then NCover kicks in, generating our code coverage results.
One major thing that poses as a disadvantage is fact that setting up the arguments for properly invoking NCover wasn't trivial. But since I installed it, I never had to maintain it.
Two things could pose as disadvantages:
NUnitTfs doesn't work well with NCover (at least I couldn't find a way to execute both in the same step, so (since NCover invokes NUnit) I have to run Unit tests twice: (1) to get the test results and (2) to get coverage results over NCover. Naturally, that makes my builds last longer.
Setting up the arguments for properly invoking NCover wasn't trivial. But since I installed it, I never had to maintain it .
In any case, the resulting reporting (especially the Trend aspect) is very useful in monitoring how our code evolves within time. Especially if you 're working on a Platform (as opposed to short-timed Projects), Trend reports are of great value.
I 'll try to present in a quick & dirty manner how I 've implemented this, I hope it can be useful. We currently have NCover 3.4.12 on our build server.
Our simple naming convention regarding our NUnit assemblies is that if we have a production assembly "123.dll", then another assembly named "123_nunit.dll" exists that implements its tests. So, each build has several *_nunit.dll assemblies that are of interest.
The part in the build process template under "If not disable tests" is the one that has been reworked in order to achieve our goals, in particular the section that was named "Run MSTest for Test Assemblies". The whole implementation is here, after some cleanups to make the flow easier to be understood (pic was too large to be directly inserted here).
At first, some additional Arguments are implemented in the Build Process Template & are then available to be set in each build definition:
We then form the NUnit args in "Formulate nunitCommandLine":
String.Format("{0} /xml={1}\\{2}.xml", nunitDLL, TestResultsDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nunitDLL))
This is then used in the "Invoke NUnit"
In case this succeeds & we have set coverage for this build we move to "Generate NCover NCCOV" (the coverage file for this particular assembly). For this we invoke NCover.Console.exe with the following as Args:
String.Format("""{0}"" ""{1}"" //w ""{2}"" //x ""{3}\{4}"" //literal //ias {5} //onlywithsource //p ""{6}""",
Path.GetFileName(nunitDLL).Replace("_nunit.dll", ".nccov"),
Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nunitDLL).Replace("_nunit", ""),
All these run in the foreach loop "For all nunit dlls". When we exit the loop, we enter "Final NCover Activities" & at first the part "Merge NCCovs", where NCover.Console.exe is executed again - this time with different args:
String.Format("""{0}\*.nccov"" //s ""{0}\{1}.nccov"" //at ""{2}\{3}\{3}.trend"" //p {1} ",
When this has run, we have reached the point where all NCCOV files of this build are merged into one NCCOV-file named after the build + the Trend file (that monitors the build throughout its life) has been updated with the elements of this current build.
We now have to only generate the final HTML report, this is done in "Generate final NCover rep" where we invoke NCover.reporting with the following args:
String.Format(" ""{0}\{1}.nccov"" //or FullCoverageReport //op ""{2}\{1}_NCoverReport.html"" //p ""{1}"" //at ""{3}\{4}\{4}_{5}.trend"" ",

PartCover and multiple TargetArgs

I need to load coverage report from multiples test source, but if I set multiple dlls (two of them test the same class) in TargetArgs, the coverage data is overwritten with the results of the last dll.
How can I add the results from multiples dll testing the same class?
Here is an example of my partcover config file
<TargetArgs>ApplicationServices.Test.dll Integration.Test.dll</TargetArgs>
Thanks In Advance
That should actually work. I do the same - run multiple test assemblies and get coverage output. I do it from the command line rather than config file though.
Have you double checked that your rules are correct?

TFS 2010 RC: How to fail a build for low code coverage?

How can I cause a build to fail when code coverage is below a certain threshold?
The main issue is that the code coverage results file that MSTest produces is in a binary format. However, assuming that things haven't changed too much in VS2010, you should be able to use this utility to convert it into an XML file:
NOTE: You'll probably need to recompile it against the VS2010 version of 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Coverage.Analysis.dll.
You can then use your preferred method of parsing that XML file, doing the maths for each of the instrumented assemblies to calculate an overall coverage ratio. The XPaths you're interested in (at least for VS2008) are:
If you want to do that last step in pure MSBuild, then the 'XmlRead' and 'Math' tasks contained within the MSBuild Community Tasks library should be sufficient:
Once you have the overall ratio in an MSBuild property, you then simply use a conditional task to break the build if that number is lower than your desired threshold.
<Error Condition=" $(CodeCoverageRatio) < $(MinCodeCoverage) "
Text="Code Coverage is below required threshold." />
There is very likely a way to do this with a build task (particularly if you are willing to roll your own). Hopefully someone will post some sample code for you.
If not, I have been impressed with NDepend for this type of task. You can write in a very self-explanatory, SQL-like syntax to determine all sorts of metrics about your code and warn or fail a build based on thresholds.
WARN IF Count > 0 IN SELECT METHODS WHERE CodeWasChanged AND PercentageCoverage < 95
WARN IF Count > 0 IN SELECT METHODS WHERE IsPublic AND IsInOlderBuild AND WasRemoved
Ancient question, but not marked as answered. Take a look at this

Setting a Coverage Threshold using Emma and Ant

I'm using Emma in my ant build to perform coverage reporting. For those that have used Emma, is there a way to get the build to fail if the line coverage (or any type of coverage stat) does not meet a particular threshold? e.g. if the line coverage is not 100%
Not out of the box.
However, the report.metrics property or attribute of <report></report> can be set for name, class, method, block, and line. See Coverage Metrics in the Emma reference.
Use a plain-text report then a regexp filter to set up a fail condition.
I wrote an ant task to do this.
You should be able to find all the information you need on my EmmaCheck site.
