RxSwift: Why does flatMapLatest never execute onCompleted()? - ios

In my Swift UIViewController, I'm attempting to subscribe to a class member of type Variable, run it through a flatMapLatest call, and then have the onCompleted() call in the flatMapLatest observable execute on all subscribers. However, while onNext() is called, onCompleted() never is and I'm not sure why.
My class member is defined as:
private let privateVar = Variable<String>("")
while in my viewDidLoad() method, I set up the observables:
let localVar = self.privateVar.asObservable().distinctUntilChanged()
localVar.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] sent in print("first onNext called") })
.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
let mappedVar = localVar.flatMapLatest { self.ajaxLoad(var1: $0) }.share()
onNext: { [weak self] queryRes in
print("onNext called!")
onCompleted: { [weak self] in
print("onCompleted called!")
.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
and my ajaxLoad method:
func ajaxLoad(var1 myVar: String) -> Observable<QueryResponse> {
return Observable.create { observable in
apollo.fetch(query: MyQuery()) { (result, _) in
return Disposables.create()
I'm fairly new to ReactiveX so I may be a little hazy on what the Rx lifecycle actually looks like. Why might onNext be called in the flatMapLatest call, but not onCompleted? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

The flatMap operator does not emit completed events of any observable that you return inside the block.
The following code illustrates this clearly. .just(_) emits the element and then a completed event, which does not terminate to subscription.
_ = Observable<Int>.interval(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.debug("before flatmap")
.flatMap { .just($0 * 2) }
.debug("after flatmap")
In fact, Variable only emits completed when deallocated. See source v4.0.
Note that Variable is deprecated in RxSwift 4, you are encouraged to use RxCocoa's similar BehaviorRelay instead.
deinit {

Since you said you are new and a "little hazy"...
Keep in mind that whenever localVar changes, it emits a new value and ajaxLoad(var1:) gets called. The result of ajaxLoad(var1:) then gets pushed to your subscribe's onNext closure.
Also keep in mind that if an Observable emits a .completed it's dead. It can no longer emit anything else.
So flatMapLatest can't complete (unless its source completes.) If it did, it would kill the whole pipe and no more changes to localVar would get routed through the pipe, ajaxLoad(var:1) wouldn't get called again with the new value and nothing more would get pushed to the subscribe's onNext method.
A sequence of observables can be thought of like a Rube Goldberg machine where a completed shuts down the machine and an error breaks it. The only time you should shut down the machine is if the source (in this case localVar) is finished emitting values or the sink (destination, in this case the onNext: closure) doesn't want any more values.


Recursive calls using RxSwift Observables

I am trying to do a recursive call using RxSwift Observables.
import RxSwift
func observeUntil(initialValue: Int) -> Observable<Int> {
return Observable.deferred {
.do(onNext: {
print("current item is", $0)
.flatMapLatest{ (item) -> Observable<Int> in
if item < 5 {
return Observable.just(item)
// .delay(.seconds(1), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.flatMapLatest{observeUntil(initialValue: $0 + 1)}
} else {
return .just(item)
_ = observeUntil(initialValue: 0)
When I comment the delay in above code, the output comes correctly like below
current item is 0
current item is 1
current item is 2
current item is 3
current item is 4
current item is 5
Program ended with exit code: 0
with delay the code only outputs
current item is 0
Program ended with exit code: 0
Please help me to understand what happens when the delay is added.
The answer has to do with the environment you are executing this code in. The program calls the observeUntil(initialValue:) function and then exists as soon as that function returns.
Without the delay the function returns after the recursive code is all executed. With the delay the function returns when the delay starts.
Basically, your program ends in less than a second so only "0" is output.
To clarify Daniel T.'s answer, as soon as your code
_ = observeUntil(initialValue: 0)
goes out of scope, the subscription is disposed of, which is why you see it without the delay, but adding the delay will end up not executing the rest of the sequence until after it has been disposed of. The class which subscribes to the observable should have a DisposeBag which will retain the subscription when it goes out of scope.
// As an instance variable in your class, or some other place you want to retain the subscription
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// Where you subscribe
observeUntil(initialValue: 0)
.disposed(by: myClass.disposeBag)
When the dispose bag goes out of scope, so will your subscription and it will be disposed of, terminating the sequence emitted.

RXSwift Not subscribing on Main Thread

I am trying to make several API calls and populate a Realm Database.
Everything works fine. However when I try to run performSegue() on subscribe() method an exception is raised, informing that I can't do this on a background thread, which is perfectly reasonable.
But since I am subscribing to MainScheduler.instance shouldn't the subscribe() method run on UI Thread?
Single.zip(APIClient.shared.getSchools(), APIClient.shared.getPointsOfInterest())
.observeOn(SerialDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
.flatMap { zip in return Single.zip(SchoolDao.shared.insertSchools(schoolsJson: zip.0), PointOfInterestDao.shared.insertPointsOfInterest(poisJson: zip.1))}
.flatMap{ _ in Single.zip(SchoolDao.shared.countSchools(), PointOfInterestDao.shared.countPointsOfInterest())}
.subscribe(onSuccess: { tableCounts in
let (schoolsCount, poisCount) = tableCounts
if(schoolsCount != 0 && poisCount != 0){
print(Thread.isMainThread) //Prints False
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "splashToLogin", sender: nil)
}, onError: {
error in return
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
Am I making a wrong assumption on how does RXSwift works?
Edit: If I add this line .observeOn(MainScheduler.instance) after .subscribeOn(MainScheduler.instance) the subscribe method runs on Main thread. Is this correct behavior? What is .subscribeOn(MainScheduler.instance) even doing?
Your edit explains all. Your initial assumption on what subscribeOn and observeOn were backwards.
The subscribeOn operator refers to how the observable above the operator in the chain subscribes to the source of events (and likely doesn't do what you think it does in any case. Your two network calls likely set up their own background thread to emit values on regardless of how they are subscribed to.)
For example, look at this:
extension ObservableType {
func subscribeOnMain() -> Observable<Element> {
Observable.create { observer in
let disposable = SingleAssignmentDisposable()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
return disposable
It makes it obvious why the operator is called subscribeOn. It's because the subscribe is happening on the scheduler/thread in question. And this helps you understand better what is happening when you stack subscribeOn operators...
The observeOn operator refers to the scheduler that will be emitting elements to the observer (which is the block(s) of code that are passed to the subscribe operator.)
Which would look like this:
extension ObservableType {
func observeOnMain() -> Observable<Element> {
Observable.create { observer in
self.subscribe { event in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
From this you can see that the subscribe is happening on the original scheduler, while the observer is being called on the new scheduler.
Here is a great article explaining the whole thing: http://rx-marin.com/post/observeon-vs-subscribeon/

Collecting stored variable property using withLatestFrom

I'm wondering if there is a way in RxSwift to observe value of stored variable property. Eg. in following example:
var updatedValue: Int = 0
var observedValue: Observable<Int> {
return Observable.create({ (observer) -> Disposable in
return Disposables.create()
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { timer in
updatedValue = updatedValue + 1;
let myObservable = Observable<Int>.interval(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.subscribe { (event) in
We have variable property updatedValue and hot observable myObservable. We also increment value of updatedValue in Timer.scheduledTimer....
Flow here is pretty straight forward. When we subscribe, observedValue gets called, we get onNext from observedValue and then Disposables.create(). Then we print event onNext(0).
As myObservable is based on Observable.interval, same withLatestFrom value gets printed in onNext every second.
Question: Is there a way to print last value of updatedValue every time myObservable emits new event? So instead of 0,0,0... we get 0,1,2...
I'm aware that updatedValue could be declared as BehaviorRelay.
I'm also aware that we could use .map { } to capture self.updatedValue.
But I'm wondering if there is any way to create a Observable wrapper around standard variable property so it calls onNext with most recent value every time trigger sequence sends an event? Without capturing self or changing declaration on updatedValue.
Thanks for any comments and ideas!
RxCocoa has a handy wrapper around KVO. You should be able to use it from .rx extension on NSObject subclasses.
For your issue, I guess you can do something like:
let updatedValueObservable = self.rx.observe(Int.self, "updatedValue")
But I'm wondering if there is any way to create a Observable wrapper around standard variable property so it calls onNext with most recent value every time trigger sequence sends an event? Without capturing self or changing declaration on updatedValue.
The correct answer is, no. There is no way to do anything to updatedValue without involving self. One way of doing it would be with Observable<Int>.interval(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).compactMap { [weak self] _ in self?.updatedValue }.distinctUntilChanged() (Your use of publish and connect is odd and unnecessary,) but that involves self.
Since your property is a value type, the only way to access it is through self, even if Rx wasn't involved at all.

RxSwift - Why wrap ControlProperty trait into a Driver?

In the official RxSwift documentation, it's described that traits Driver and ControlProperty share many similarities between them (can't error out, observe occurs on main scheduler, share and replay side effects), but at the same time in the example provided ControlProperty rx.text is being wrapped into a Driver.
So the questions would be:
Is there any real advantage of wrapping a ControlProperty into a Driver trait?
If both ControlProperty and Driver are supposed to share and replay by default, why is .share(replay: 1) operator being called in the first code but not in the second?
Here I attach the referenced code from the documentation:
let results = query.rx.text
.throttle(0.3, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.flatMapLatest { query in
.observeOn(MainScheduler.instance) // results are returned on MainScheduler
.catchErrorJustReturn([]) // in the worst case, errors are handled
.share(replay: 1) // HTTP requests are shared and results replayed
// to all UI elements
.map { "\($0.count)" }
.bind(to: resultCount.rx.text)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.bind(to: resultsTableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "Cell")) { (_, result, cell) in
cell.textLabel?.text = "\(result)"
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
let results = query.rx.text.asDriver() // This converts a normal sequence into a `Driver` sequence.
.throttle(0.3, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.flatMapLatest { query in
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: []) // Builder just needs info about what to return in case of error.
.map { "\($0.count)" }
.drive(resultCount.rx.text) // If there is a `drive` method available instead of `bind(to:)`,
.disposed(by: disposeBag) // that means that the compiler has proven that all properties
// are satisfied.
.drive(resultsTableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "Cell")) { (_, result, cell) in
cell.textLabel?.text = "\(result)"
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Thanks and best regards!
In the first example, the throttle that is used returns an Observable.
In the second example, because of the asDriver() call, a different throttle is used that returns a Driver (i.e., a SharedSequence<DriverSharingStrategy, String>)
Your confusion likely stems from the fact that there are two throttle functions in the RxSwift library. One is an extension on ObservableType (ControlProperty is an extension of ObservableType) whereas the other is an extension on SharedSequenceConvertibleType (Driver is an extension of that.)

Purpose of Disposables.create() in RxSwift

I'm learning RxSwift and I've come across the following pattern when creating Observables:
return Observable.create { observer in
let disposable = Disposables.create()
// Do some stuff with observer here
return disposable
As far as I can tell the returned Disposable doesn't actually do anything, does it serve a purpose other than to meet the requirements of the API to return a Disposable?
Is there any scenario where you might need to return a configured Disposable?
I suppose the thing that's confusing me the most is that the returned Disposable seems separate from the implementation of the Observable being created, i.e. it's not assigned to any properties or passed anywhere it's just created and returned.
There are two variations of the create method in relation to Disposables.
The first one, as Daniel mentioned, is used when you create a new Observable; you'll use the Disposables.create { ... } closure to "do cleanup", basically.
This is highly useful when using flatMapLatest, as your previous request will be disposed when a new ones comes in. Whenever it would be disposed, that "clean up" block will be called.
Observable<Int>.create { observer in
let someRequest = doSomeLongRunningThing { result in
return Disposables.create {
// How can I "cleanup" the process?
// Cancel the request, for example.
The second variation of Disposables.create is used for an entirely different purpose - grouping several Disposable objects as a single disposable object (a CompositeDisposable).
For example:
let disposable1 = someAction()
let disposable2 = someOtherAction()
let compositeDisposable = Disposables.create(disposable1, disposable2)
The Disposables.create function takes an optional closure. You should put any cancelation code in that closure. If you don't have any way to cancel, then the code is empty.
A good example is the wrapper around URLSession's dataTask method. In non-Rx code when you call URLRequest.shared.dataTask it returns a URLSessionDataTask object which can be used to cancel the network call. That object's cancel function gets called in the disposable.
Another common use is when you subscribe to some other observable from within your create closure. You then have to pass the disposable from that/those subscriptions by returning a Disposables.create(myDisposable) So that those subscriptions will get canceled properly when your Observable is disposed of.
