iOS code sign error - ios

Apologies if this has been asked before. I am new to iOS mobile app development. I am further developing an iOS app that has been developed by another person. They sent me the source code and told me that all the signing keys/certificates/provisioning profiles are stored against the Apple Developer's Account (which I have access to). When I try to build/run the app through XCode it complains about Code Sign error (not having a matching certificate in my keychain) . How can I fix this error please? is the a way to download the.p12 file from the app's Apple Developer Account? Since the app provisioning profile and signing identity is only needed for running the app on actual devices (at least in my understanding), is there away of getting xcode to ignore about it just for the purpose of running the app on the simulator?

If you have a developer account add it to Xcode Preferences -> Accounts , then click Automatically manage signing

If you want to distribute the app, make sure you have a distribution private key in your keychain, from the old mac or create the new one


How do I update someone else's iOS TestFlight build in App Store Connect?

I'm trying to upload a new build to TestFlight. I was invited to App Store Connect as an admin, and I added my Apple ID in Xcode. There is already an existing TestFlight build a bygone developer has put up there, but I've taken over the project and need to update it. I can build the app in the simulator just fine, but when I try to make a build for a generic iOS device I get these two errors:
Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
No profiles for 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah'.
I don't see any way to select a different team. Do I need to enroll in the developer program? I'm using Macincloud to try to build the app from Ionic, so I don't have an iOS device to set up two-factor authentication with, but I can get one if that is required to get this to work. Are there some build settings that I have to set up?
I eventually got the last developer to revoke their certificate. Turns out there was some issue with my account not being able to register for the developer program. After dealing with their support for a while I just made a new account. Then I was finally able to create a new certificate and select it in XCode. After that, it built just fine.

What are the implications of reseting an iOS distribution certificate in Xcode 8?

I have inherited an iOS project that has an app currently submitted to the App Store. I want to release a new beta version of an app. After I Archive the app in the Xcode and try to Validate it, it shows the following message shown on the screenshot:
Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets. Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate.
I don't have the distribution certificate locally and don't have access to the computer that had it. As far as I understood form other questions, one option is to click the "Reset" button. What are the implications of reseting the distribution certificate? Will it affect the current app in the App Store? Will other services like Push notifications and in-app purchases continue to work in the current app?
I have reseted the distribution certificate and it did not affect the published version of the app. Push notifications continue to work.
Resetting Certificates Using Xcode
If Xcode detects an issue with a signing identity, it displays an appropriate action in Accounts preferences. If Xcode displays a Create button, the signing identity doesn’t exist in your developer account or on your Mac. If Xcode displays a Reset button, the signing identity is not usable on your Mac—for example, it is missing the private key. If you click the Reset button, Xcode revokes and re-creates the corresponding certificate.
As per my experience, according to Apple support revoking certificate will not have any effect on the uploaded build on iTunes or on live.
iOS Distribution Certificate (App Store)
If your Apple Developer Program membership is valid, your existing apps on the App Store will not be affected. However, you will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the App Store.

Export .ipa in XCode 7.2 with external .p12 and .mobileprivision

Basically, I want to do exactly what is already stated in this question – just in XCode 7.2.
The setup: I am developing an iOS app (using Ionic) for a client and they want to publish it to app store in their name under their account. They however don't want to give me their account login and details. I have received a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile in stead.
I have installed the .p12 distribution certificate and have received a .mobileprovision profile for App Store Distribution using this certificate. I am however completely unable to select this provisioning profile anywhere.
My only choice in the export of the archive happens when XCode asks me which developer account I want to archive with. And here I can only choose my own account (of course). That's obviously not what I want though.
"Once" (in XCode 5, according the linked question) I should have been able to select the external provisioning profile under "Code Signing", but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can this be done without getting their account details? I know that I don't need to know their password, they can just export it to me. Right?
I don't think you can do exactly what you are saying without code signing it with their account (which you don't have access to). I see two possible solutions for you to achieve your goal:
Send them the Xcode project and explain to them how to sign in to Xcode, archive the app and send it up to the store
Upload the app to your personal store account and then transfer it to their account. See this link for details on how to do that:

Unable to Upload to App Store from Xcode 7.2

I am attempting to upload an app to the app store, but the upload button is greyed out. It says distribution requires enrollment in the Apple developer program. I am indeed enrolled and have set up everything for the application on iTunes Connect other than the build. I have tried quitting Xcode, signing out and back in, etc, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas? Please keep in mind that I am relatively new to iOS development so I am not very familiar with the highly technical side of things like code signing and certificates.
Here's an image of what I'm talking about for clarity:
First of all, you need to register your account: Apple Developer Program. It costs $ 99 a year.
You also need to generate a iOS Certificate for Production (App Store and Ad Hoc) in Apple Member Center
A tip is use Application Loader instead of Xcode.
To download the Application Loader
Go to Itunes Connect > My Apps > App > Prepare for Submission > Build
This Application handle better the submission of your App.
I had this same issue. I resolved it by switching my Code Signing away from iOS Developer (to iOS Distribution or iPhone Developer), attempting to archive (Build > Archive) then back to iOS Developer (then archive again). Not sure why, but the button was enabled after this.
See Ray Wenderlich's tutorial on testflight.

Deploying iOS app for development on multiple devices

I'm working on developing an application for iPhone. I recently acquired a new development device, and would like to deploy the application to this device for testing, in addition to the device I have already been using.
When I try to deploy the application, I get an error saying that:
No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles include the device "name of my device"
I have read the documentation on Apple's official developer portal, but it's unclear to me what I can re-use on this new device and what has to be created for it uniquely.
Can I use the same AppId? (I would hope so, since I can only have one app Id for a given Bundle ID)
I generated a new certificate request and named it something different. I also tried to add the new development device as a device allowed to use the provisioning profile I am already using in the application. Apparently, my code signing identity is still not found when trying to build on the new device. Any suggestions?
You have to add your new device identifier to the Provisioning Profile in the Development Portal. The process should be automated if you connect the device while Xcode is open, check out the Organizer for registration progress.
Delete old profile from xcode and download fresh copy of provisioning profile with new device identifier. Add this profile to xcode.
Go to Project -> Build settings-> Code Signing -> there select latest downloaded profile.
It will work
