I have the following active record models:
class Jobs
has_many :leads
class Lead
has_many :messages, through :notification
class Notification
has_many :messages
class Message
# has a type column (varchar) containing either: email, sms
I am unsure about how to find all jobs which through its associations have messages which are not of type sms. Is this even possible to do?
You could join your tables and set a where clause in order to filter those messages that are not sms.
May be something like this:
Jobs.joins(leads: [{ notifications: :messages }]).where("type <> 'sms'")
Check https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#joining-tables for more information.
As Bruno and Jedi pointed out, something like this may work:
Job.joins(leads: [{ notifications: :message }]).where.not(messages: {msg_type: 'sms'})
Note this uses singular model name for Job (not Jobs). And associations like:
class Job < ApplicationRecord
has_many :leads
class Lead < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :job
has_many :notifications
has_many :messages, through: :notifications
class Notification < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :lead
belongs_to :message
class Message < ApplicationRecord
has_many :notifications
has_many :leads, through: :notifications
Not clear from your question whether you have all those associations set properly.
I have a question on a platform I'm developing in Ruby on Rails 5.2.
I have an Owner model which is the owner of properties/property. The owner will post a property so that users (in this case roomates) can share the same property/house/department, etc.
I have Owners and I have Users (both tables are created using devise):
class Owner < ApplicationRecord
has_many :properties
class User < ApplicationRecord
#Theres nothing here (yet)
This is where the magic happens. Property.rb:
class Property < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :owner
has_many :amenities
has_many :services
accepts_nested_attributes_for :amenities
accepts_nested_attributes_for :services
mount_uploaders :pictures, PropertypictureUploader
validates :amenities, :services, presence: true
scope :latest, -> { order created_at: :desc }
How can multiple users share a property? I'm aware that it will have a many-to-many association but I'm a bit confused how to connect these relationships so when the owner posts a property it will display something like:
Property available for: 3 users
And then begin to limit users until it completes the amount of users available.
This sounds like your average many to many assocation:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :tenancies, foreign_key: :tenant_id
has_many :properties, through: :tenancies
class Tenancy < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :tenant, class_name: 'User'
belongs_to :property
class Property < ApplicationRecord
has_many :tenancies
has_many :tenants, through: :tenancies
def availablity
# or whatever attribute you have that defines the maximum number
max_tenants - tenancies.count
You can restrict the number of tenants with a custom validation.
You can use a join table, called users_properties. This table will have a property_id and user_id. You'll then have the following in your properties model:
has_many :users_properties
has_many :users, through: :users_properties
Read more about it here https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html
Assuming i have 3 models associated to each other:
class Farm < ApplicationRecord
has_many :horses
has_many :events
class Horse < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :farm
has_many :events_horses, class_name: 'Event::EventsHorse'
has_many :events, through: :events_horses, source: :event, dependent: :destroy
class Event
belongs_to :farm
has_many :events_horses, class_name: 'Event::EventsHorse'
has_many :horses, through: :events_horses, source: :horse, dependent: :destroy
class Event::EventsHorse < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = "events_horses"
belongs_to :horse
belongs_to :event
audited associated_with: :event, except: [:id, :event_id]
How to guarantee that each of the Horse belongs to same Farm as event? Possible solution is using custom validation, but i was wondering if there is some other way. I have few other models like Horse, so it force me to do custom validation method to each of them.
class Event
validate :horses_belongs_to_farm
def horses_belongs_to_farm
horses.all? {|h| h.farm_id == farm_id}
I think the model you are using is setting up too many id's between the tables that require consistency checking.
If you set the model up this way, then you don't need to validate that a horse's farm and event are consistent since the data ensures it:
class Farm < ApplicationRecord
has_many :horses
has_many :events
class Horse < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :farm
has_many :events, through: :farm
class Event < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :farm
has_many :horses, through: :farm
If you need efficient access to horses from events or events from horses, you can use joins. This gives some simplicity, clarity, and consistency.
You should also have a look at Choosing Between has_many_through and has_and_belongs_to_many.
[Edit based upon updated question and comments] Now that your model and question are a little more clear, my hunch is that putting the validation in the Event model causes redundant validations. Since your intent is to make sure that, in a given event, the horse and farm are consistent, I would put the validation in EventsHorses:
class Event::EventsHorse < ApplicationRecord
validate :horse_belongs_to_farm
def horse_belongs_to_farm
horse.farm_id == event.farm_id
As an aside, thy do you have Event::EventsHorse rather than simply have a separate model for EventsHorse?
I am new to Rails (and programming) and after going through a few tutorials, I am designing a messaging app to test my skills.
The situation I am modelling is where a user can message 2+ other users. Here's what I came up with
A conversation has many participants (users) and many messages
A user has many conversation and many messages.
A message belongs to users (sender + recipients) and belongs to a conversation.
The ActiveRecord model is then:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages, :through :conversation
has_many :conversations # or is belongs_to :conversation
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :conversation
class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
belongs_to :user # or is it has_many :users
Or do I have to add a 4th interface inbox
class Inbox < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :conversations
and I would change the user and conversation models to be
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :inbox
has_many :conversations, :through :inbox
has_many :messages, :through :conversation
class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :inbox
has_many :messages
belongs_to :users
The second option looks redundant.
So yeah, I am fuzzy about the relationship/association between a conversation and users. All input to enlighten me is greatly appreciated.
Your first way is better in my opinion, but it should look like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
has_many :user_conversations
has_many :conversations, through: :user_conversations
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :conversation
class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
has_many :user_conversations
has_many :users, through: :user_conversations
# join table between users and conversations
class UserConversation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :conversation
The reason is that a user can have many conversations, and a conversation can have many users. You need to create the join table UserConversation to accommodate this.
Also, the easiest way to find out which model should belong to the other model is to ask which model should have the foreign key of the other model. The one with the foreign keys belongs_to the other model.
I have three models which look something like this:
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
Class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :votes
Class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :comment
Now I want to get all the votes associated with a user's comments like so:
But this throws the error:
undefined method `votes' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x3f6f8a0>
This seems like it should work, but I suspect ActiveRecord is coughing on the deeper has_many relationship. I've hacked together an SQL query that gets the desired results, but I suspect there's a cleaner way using purely ActiveRecord. Any tips?
You should use a has_many :through association
In your case it would be
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
has_many :votes, :through => :comments
Class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :votes
Class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :comment
And then simply get the votes with
Try this:
Vote.joins(comment: :user).where(users: {id: #user.id})
How can I join the objects with the models below?
has_many messages
belongs_to user
has_many messages
I'm trying to get all threads that belong to user X. I would like to join on message.user_id = user.user_id and thread.message_id = message.message_id. I can do this using find_by_sql but I'm trying to avoid that.
Assuming your Message model also belongs_to :thread, then you should be able to put a has_many :threads, :through => :messages in your User model. Then you could just do user.threads to get all the associated threads.
The following should work: (note that I've added your missing message belongs_to :thread)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
has_many :threads, :through => :messages
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :thread
class Thread < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
has_many :users, :through => :messages
This should allow you to do my_user.threads and my_thread.users.
You can read more about has_many :through on the Rails Guides and the API.