Call to Micosoft OAuth2 not working as expected - oauth-2.0

I have an internal corporate web app that needs to access corporate SharePoint Online. I want to call OAuth2 to take the user through the authentication process so the web app can retrieve an access_token and then call the Microsoft Graph API. I am using Django/Python.
I have registered the app in the corporate Azure Portal, but when I call the /authorize endpoint the user sees what appears to be the wrong login page. I expect the user to see a page that shows the app's name and permissions, but all the user sees is a basic sign-on page. Moreover, when the user enters his corporate email address he sees an error that says “There was an issue looking up your account”. The user has been added to the register app's "Users and Groups".
As far as I can tell, everything is configured correctly.
I have Googled this like mad, but not found any help.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
****************** Problem solved! **************************
As it turns out, I was under the mistaken assumption that the call to the Microsoft /oauth2/v2.0/authorize endpoint should be made in the Django View code on the server (and the response of the call returned to the browser). However, an example on the Internet showed me that the call should actually be made in the browser.
In the example, the URL is constructed on the server and send to to the browser as an Anchor tag like so:
loginUrl = "{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
loginUrl += "?client_id={client id}"
loginUrl += "&response_type=code"
loginUrl += "&redirect_uri=" + request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('auth'))
loginUrl += "&response_mode=query"
loginUrl += "&scope={scope names}"
loginUrl += "&state={state}"
return HttpResponse('Click here to log in to Microsoft Online.')
This works when I am running in my dev environment ( and from an AWS Linux server.
I hope this helps someone in the future.


Problem authenticating with SharePoint Online when using GetWebLoginClientContext

We've got an ASP.NET MVC web application running on Azure on which we want to expose search results from a SharePoint Online tenant. Users in the web app are authenticated on Azure AD, and we want to have them search as themselves (preserving their identity and not use a system account) so that they only see items in the search results that are relevant to them. I thought this would be quite a common requirement.
Using the SharePointPnPCoreOnline CSOM extentions, we were able to retrieve search results with:
var authManager = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();
ClientContext clientContext = authManager.GetWebLoginClientContext("");
KeywordQuery keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(clientContext);
keywordQuery.QueryText = "queryText";
SearchExecutor searchExecutor = new SearchExecutor(clientContext);
ClientResult<ResultTableCollection> results = searchExecutor.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery);
(The GetWebLoginClientContext method pops a new window which asks for user credentials if they are not already authenticated. Ideally we would like to have it done silently, but this was the only method wa managed to get working.)
During dev everything was working OK - we were getting the expected search results. However, once we published the web app to Azure we got the following error when trying to search:
502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.
One of the suggestions we found for solving http 502 errors was to clear the browser cache, but after we done so it no longer worked on the dev machine either. Instead of displaying a popup requesting user credentials, the popup now just displays the SharePoint Online tenant home page without any login prompt.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?
Or if not, a better way to have users search SharePoint Online without the popup displayed by the GetWebLoginClientContext method?
Solved this in the end not with the GetWebLoginClientContext method (which pops a window for the user to enter credentials) but with the GetAzureADWebApplicationAuthenticatedContext method which authenticates silently using an oauth access token. The problem was obtaining the right token to pass to the method, which we succeeded in doing by using MicrosoftGraphHelper.GetAccessTokenForCurrentUser(url) found here

Account linking with actions on google

I am facing an issue regarding account linking in Actions on Google:
I am able to authenticate the user and access his email address and username however after this how can I redirect the user back to the google assistant and close the browser where he was authenticated?
Any help will be appreciated!
Update: Hey Prisoner thanks a lot for that.
I did what you said and yeah now it does redirect to but without result_code=SUCCESS when I test it in the simulator.
The link is:
Now if I type talk to... again it shows me the message you need to link your account!
In the device the browser automatically closes and it shows SIGNING_IN however when I type an intent it is not recognized.
It would be great if you could point me in the right direction! (I am not sure but I might be at the token exchange stage that you mentioned, but I don't have a clue how to proceed!)
Update 2: As requested the entire flow that I am following:
This is the URL that I receive from debugInfo:******_dev&scopes=email&return_url=
When I paste this in the browser the request that I receive at the authorization endpoint is:
('response_type', 'code'),
('client_id', ****'),
('redirect_uri', '****'),
('scope', 'email'),
('state', ' CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)')
The response (redirect_url) that I send back:**********
When it reaches my endpoint again the request arguments are:
('code', '4/***********')
Now I am able to access the email address and other details
The url that I redirect to from here:****?code=abcdefgh&state=CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)
This redirects me to :
Edit 3: I checked the network logs:
I also added /token/google as the token URL in AoG. It is detected in heroku however I never receive this request in my code.
Note: I am using python flask and hosting my app on heroku
Once you have authenticated the user, you'll need to return a temporary auth code back to Google. Later, Google will exchange this auth code for an access token and a refresh token, but you're not there yet. The important part is that this code needs to be unique and that, later, you'll be able to recognize what user it is for. The code should be valid for a limited time - 10 minutes is a generally accepted time frame.
In the request Google sent to you as part of the login, they've provided a redirect_uri and a state as parameters. You'll need to use these in your reply. (state can be anything - you shouldn't care what it is, you're just going to send it back with your redirect. Its purpose is to improve security by preventing replay attacks.)
Verify that the redirect_uri has the form
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is... you guessed it, the ID of your project. You can find this in the cloud console.
You'll then redirect the user to this URL with a few additional parameters:
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is as noted above, AUTHORIZATION_CODE is the code you've generated, and STATE_STRING is the value of the state parameter that you were sent in the request.
For details, you can see

OAuth v2 Issues with Microsoft Account connection

I have been trying to implement the OAuth v2 for Microsoft Accounts for my website. Its currently in development stage and so am testing on localhost. The Website is an ASP.NET Core MVC 5 Application.
I have followed the tutorial here to implement OAuth for Twitter, Google and Facebook accounts. I found this to be quite simple with only a few small issues that I was able to solve with simple google searches.
However I have spent several days trying to understand what is happening when trying to use Microsoft Account authentication on my site.
I have watched the video here on registering an application in the Microsoft App Registration Portal. At around minute 6 in the video a short demo shows how to set up the App. You can see my App details in the following screen shot:
In the video at about 7.5 mins in, there is a small section explaining how to test the App by building a URL string.
On submitting the query string to the browser the page is redirected as expected to my App page as you can see here:
In this instance I was all ready signed into my Microsoft Outlook account. If I wasn't signed in I would be prompted to login to a Microsoft account. Logging in, in this case choosing my already signed in Outlook account causes the page to be redirected back to my site as seen in the following screen shot but because the site didn't send the request its not expecting a token sent back for login so nothing really happens. This is expected behaviour, at this point as I was only testing that the Apps end point was working as expected.
The next stage is to test the functionality from my website. This is where I always have issues. To activate the OAuth functionality for Microsoft Account login requires simply un-commenting a couple of lines of code within the Startup.Auth.cs file in my websites App_Start folder and passing in the Apps ClientKey and ClientSecret values as can bee seen in the following code snippet:
clientId: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftOAuthClientID"],
clientSecret: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftOAuthClientSecret"]);
This code basically adds a little button to the login page that allows you to choose Microsoft login as can be seen here:
When I click the Microsoft button I get the following error page:
And the query string returned contains the following:
Anybody know why or what is happening????
Now I have read in several of my many searches while trying to understand whats happening when I try to test the App from my site rather than a URL directly in the browser that I should have
appended to my Redirect URL in the App Portals configuration. I have Tested with my Redirect URL set like that and this does not work. I get a HTTP ERROR 500 sent back because the page signin-microsoft does not exist. So this is not my problem.
Please help if anyone has had the same issues and solved it.
EDIT: I should have mentioned that I was initially trying this using Local IISExpress but after reading some posts saying it can be done only on IIS so I published my site locally to IIS.

youtube oauth works from localhost, but not from production

The website I'm making makes it possible to connect your account with your youtube account. From localhost, this works perfectly, but from the site, which is, it doesn't work. When I redirect the user to the authentication page from my website, I get the following message:
The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was
requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed
request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you
received this message to inform them of the error.
The code that handles this authentication looks like this:
client = youtube.get_client()
client.developer_key = 'AI39si759T7YcZ4E3XvICpZr3cGwQ0Ev4AjwyJrVSS6AW6NUc7_t10DX1JsngWzU4YoGjpsjAUTejav0hgXp9vDuM7a83tDXzQ'
client.client_id = ''
domain = 'http://' + os.environ['HTTP_HOST']+"/user/youtube_token"
scope = ''
url = client.GenerateAuthSubURL(domain,scope,secure=False,session=True)
The url I'm redirecting to, ending in /auth_token then processes the token it gets back from youtube, but the error happens here.
Just for clarity, the youtube.get_client method is one that I developed to reuse the process of making the client appengine ready: the code for that is:
def get_client():
client =
client.developer_key = 'AI39si759T7YcZ4E3XvICpZr3cGwQ0Ev4AjwyJrVSS6AW6NUc7_t10DX1JsngWzU4YoGjpsjAUTejav0hgXp9vDuM7a83tDXzQ'
client.client_id = ''
user = users.get_current_user()
if(user and user.yt_token):
return client
While pasting in this code, I noticed that I'm duplicating the part where I give my developer key. I don't think that that's the problem, but I'll remove that from the authentication part of my code, and see what happens.
The problem must be tracable by watching the url that the user is redirected to, so just for some extra info, the url that I'm redirected to when I'm using the app on my local machine using the SDK, with which it works:
And the url that I'm redirected to when I use the same code on production:
Interesting. All other urls work except this one. Probably a bug on youtube side? I just added a '.' at the end of your domain and the request seems to go through. Maybe you can try that?

Salesforce Remote Access Authorization Error

I am new to developing a Salesforce app and I am using OAuth 1 for authentication.
I am able to generate the Request Token, and I re-direct the user to the salesforce site.
Once I enter my credentials, I get a
Remote Access Authorization Error
There was a problem in setting up your remote access
In my Login History page, it shows Status as Success for Application type OAuth.
I don't get any entry in my Debug Logs page.
I have enabled Development Mode.
Any ideas whats wrong?
So is a stub URL for callbacks - and that is the screen you are seeing there, and the access_token variable is your session ID for the user. So the OAuth flow is working correctly.
In the code, you might check to see if oauthResponse.access_token is getting set correctly. If so, it looks like:
sfw.login( setupHomeView );
That is what should tell it to move from that page to the next UI page.
You might also check out the Mobile SDK (link). It also includes PhoneGap and has a great OAuth wrapper built in.
