iOS speech to text conversion in number format - ios

Currently I'm using default iOS speech to text conversion without adding any code for it. When the user says 'five', it is displayed as 'five' or '5'. But, I need it to be converted as '5' always. Is there anything I can do with SFSpeechRecognizer or any other way to achieve this?

This can get you started, but it is not able to handle mixed strings that contain a number AND a non-number. Ideally, you would need to process each word as it comes through, but then that has potential effects for combined numbers (thirty four) for example.
let fiveString = "five"
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
print(numberFormatter.number(from: fiveString)?.stringValue) // 5
let combinedString = "five dogs"
print(numberFormatter.number(from: combinedString)?.stringValue) // nil
let cString = "five hundred"
print(numberFormatter.number(from: cString)?.stringValue) // 500
let dString = "five hundred and thirty-seven"
print(numberFormatter.number(from: dString)?.stringValue) // 537

You could try to build a simple string extention like so:
extension String {
var byWords: [String] {
var byWords:[String] = []
enumerateSubstrings(in: startIndex..<endIndex, options: .byWords) {
guard let word = $0 else { return }
return byWords
func wordsToNumbers() -> String {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
let formattedString = {
return numberFormatter.number(from: $0)?.stringValue ?? $0
return formattedString.joined(separator: " ")
This is a untested (not run / performance not checked) example


UITextField doesn't return a numeric value, because of iOS 11 new "coma" in decimal pad [duplicate]

I'm using a textField which is filled from a numerical pad.
Trouble is that, with lot of local region formats (all european, for example), UITextField's numerical pad has comma instead dot, so everytime I write a decimal number, UITextField can't recognise the decimal comma and it round number; for example 23,07 become 23.
How can I solve this?
I thought to set the textField fixed on USA; is it possible? How?
I read the value using this:
var importo = (importoPrevistoTF.text as NSString).floatValue
Swift 4
extension String {
static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
var doubleValue: Double {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25
Localized approach using NumberFormatter:
extension NumberFormatter {
static let shared = NumberFormatter()
extension StringProtocol {
var doubleValue: Double? {
return NumberFormatter.shared.number(from: String(self))?.doubleValue
Playground testing
// User device's default settings for current locale (en_US)
NumberFormatter.shared.locale // en_US (current)
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle // none
NumberFormatter.shared.decimalSeparator // "."
"2.7".doubleValue // 2.7
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // nil
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .currency
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR") // pt_BR (fixed)
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"R$2,70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .none
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // 2.7
"R$2,70".doubleValue // nil
Potential duplicate of the SO Answer, use NSNumberFormatter
Example Swift:
let number = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(numberString)
if let number = number {
let floatValue = Float(number)
Example (Objective-C):
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumberFormatter new] numberFromString: numberString];
float floatValue = number.floatValue;
Nobody has really addressed the issue directly.
That is, the decimal separator is a convention for a locale.
iOS supports formatting numbers based on a particular locale.
If you're working purely in a given locale, then everything should work correctly. The keypad should accept numbers with the correct decimal separator.
If you're in most countries in Europe, for example, you'd enter a comma as the decimal separator. Entering a dot in those countries is wrong. Somebody from one of those countries would not do that, because it is the wrong decimal separator. A European user is going to know to use a comma as the decimal separator and you don't have to do anything.
If you are in the US, you'd use a period. Using a comma in the US would be wrong.
The way you should display a decimal number is with a number formatter. When you create a number formatter, it uses the current locale by default.
If you need to convert a string containing a decimal number from one locale to the other, you should use 2 number formatters. Use a formatter in the source locale to convert the string to a float. Then use a formatter with the destination locale to convert the number to a string in the output format.
Simply create one number formatter in the default current locale, and create a second number formatter and set it's locale explicitly to the other locale that you want to use.
It's probably a duplicate of this answer, but since the original is in Objective-C, here's a Swift version:
let label = "23,07"
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
let maybeNumber = formatter.numberFromString(label)
if let number = maybeNumber {
println(number) // 23.07
Swift 3: float or double value for string containing floating point with comma
extension String {
var floatValue: Float {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
return 0
var doubleValue:Double {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"5,456".floatValue //5.456
"5.456".floatValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue //5.456
"5.456".doubleValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue.rounded() //5
"5,6".doubleValue.rounded() //6
Since NSNumberFormatter was replaced by NumberFormatter in the recent version of Swift, I would have pleasure to share with you an upgraded possible solution:
var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter()
importo = Float(numberFormatter.number(from: importoPrevistoTF.text!)!)
A solution that i've found:
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.locale = Locale.current
let numberLocalized = nf.number(from: txtAlcool.text!)
In my case I was testing on xcode and all goes ok, but when testing on device it was crashing. All because in Brazil we use metric system, comma separated decimal ",". With this solution it converts automatically from comma to dot.
Code working with the current version of Swift:
let amount = "8,35"
var counter: Int = 0
var noCommaNumber: String!
for var carattere in (amount) {
if carattere == "," { carattere = "." }
if counter != 0 { noCommaNumber = "\(noCommaNumber ?? "\(carattere)")" + "\(carattere)" } else { noCommaNumber = "\(carattere)" } // otherwise first record will always be nil
counter += 1
let importo = Float(noCommaNumber)
Swift 4 solution, without using preferredLanguages I had issues with fr_US and decimalPad
extension String {
func number(style: NumberFormatter.Style = .decimal) -> NSNumber? {
return [[Locale.current], { Locale(identifier: $0) }]
.flatMap { $0 }
.map { locale -> NSNumber? in
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = style
formatter.locale = locale
return formatter.number(from: self)
}.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
You can convert it by using NumberFormatter and filtering the different decimal separators:
func getDoubleFromLocalNumber(input: String) -> Double {
var value = 0.0
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let decimalFiltered = input.replacingOccurrences(of: "٫|,", with: ".", options: .regularExpression)
numberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "EN")
if let amountValue = numberFormatter.number(from: decimalFiltered) {
value = amountValue.doubleValue
return value
let number = NSNumberFormatter()
let locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let decimalCode = locale.objectForKey(NSLocaleDecimalSeparator) as! NSString
number.decimalSeparator = decimalCode as String
let result = number.numberFromString(textField.text!)
let value = NSNumberFormatter.localizedStringFromNumber(result!.floatValue, numberStyle: .DecimalStyle)
Hope, this helps you :)

Ios Swift texfield change a ',' into a '.' [duplicate]

I'm using a textField which is filled from a numerical pad.
Trouble is that, with lot of local region formats (all european, for example), UITextField's numerical pad has comma instead dot, so everytime I write a decimal number, UITextField can't recognise the decimal comma and it round number; for example 23,07 become 23.
How can I solve this?
I thought to set the textField fixed on USA; is it possible? How?
I read the value using this:
var importo = (importoPrevistoTF.text as NSString).floatValue
Swift 4
extension String {
static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
var doubleValue: Double {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25
Localized approach using NumberFormatter:
extension NumberFormatter {
static let shared = NumberFormatter()
extension StringProtocol {
var doubleValue: Double? {
return NumberFormatter.shared.number(from: String(self))?.doubleValue
Playground testing
// User device's default settings for current locale (en_US)
NumberFormatter.shared.locale // en_US (current)
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle // none
NumberFormatter.shared.decimalSeparator // "."
"2.7".doubleValue // 2.7
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // nil
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .currency
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR") // pt_BR (fixed)
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"R$2,70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .none
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // 2.7
"R$2,70".doubleValue // nil
Potential duplicate of the SO Answer, use NSNumberFormatter
Example Swift:
let number = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(numberString)
if let number = number {
let floatValue = Float(number)
Example (Objective-C):
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumberFormatter new] numberFromString: numberString];
float floatValue = number.floatValue;
Nobody has really addressed the issue directly.
That is, the decimal separator is a convention for a locale.
iOS supports formatting numbers based on a particular locale.
If you're working purely in a given locale, then everything should work correctly. The keypad should accept numbers with the correct decimal separator.
If you're in most countries in Europe, for example, you'd enter a comma as the decimal separator. Entering a dot in those countries is wrong. Somebody from one of those countries would not do that, because it is the wrong decimal separator. A European user is going to know to use a comma as the decimal separator and you don't have to do anything.
If you are in the US, you'd use a period. Using a comma in the US would be wrong.
The way you should display a decimal number is with a number formatter. When you create a number formatter, it uses the current locale by default.
If you need to convert a string containing a decimal number from one locale to the other, you should use 2 number formatters. Use a formatter in the source locale to convert the string to a float. Then use a formatter with the destination locale to convert the number to a string in the output format.
Simply create one number formatter in the default current locale, and create a second number formatter and set it's locale explicitly to the other locale that you want to use.
It's probably a duplicate of this answer, but since the original is in Objective-C, here's a Swift version:
let label = "23,07"
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
let maybeNumber = formatter.numberFromString(label)
if let number = maybeNumber {
println(number) // 23.07
Swift 3: float or double value for string containing floating point with comma
extension String {
var floatValue: Float {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
return 0
var doubleValue:Double {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"5,456".floatValue //5.456
"5.456".floatValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue //5.456
"5.456".doubleValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue.rounded() //5
"5,6".doubleValue.rounded() //6
Since NSNumberFormatter was replaced by NumberFormatter in the recent version of Swift, I would have pleasure to share with you an upgraded possible solution:
var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter()
importo = Float(numberFormatter.number(from: importoPrevistoTF.text!)!)
A solution that i've found:
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.locale = Locale.current
let numberLocalized = nf.number(from: txtAlcool.text!)
In my case I was testing on xcode and all goes ok, but when testing on device it was crashing. All because in Brazil we use metric system, comma separated decimal ",". With this solution it converts automatically from comma to dot.
Code working with the current version of Swift:
let amount = "8,35"
var counter: Int = 0
var noCommaNumber: String!
for var carattere in (amount) {
if carattere == "," { carattere = "." }
if counter != 0 { noCommaNumber = "\(noCommaNumber ?? "\(carattere)")" + "\(carattere)" } else { noCommaNumber = "\(carattere)" } // otherwise first record will always be nil
counter += 1
let importo = Float(noCommaNumber)
Swift 4 solution, without using preferredLanguages I had issues with fr_US and decimalPad
extension String {
func number(style: NumberFormatter.Style = .decimal) -> NSNumber? {
return [[Locale.current], { Locale(identifier: $0) }]
.flatMap { $0 }
.map { locale -> NSNumber? in
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = style
formatter.locale = locale
return formatter.number(from: self)
}.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
You can convert it by using NumberFormatter and filtering the different decimal separators:
func getDoubleFromLocalNumber(input: String) -> Double {
var value = 0.0
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let decimalFiltered = input.replacingOccurrences(of: "٫|,", with: ".", options: .regularExpression)
numberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "EN")
if let amountValue = numberFormatter.number(from: decimalFiltered) {
value = amountValue.doubleValue
return value
let number = NSNumberFormatter()
let locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let decimalCode = locale.objectForKey(NSLocaleDecimalSeparator) as! NSString
number.decimalSeparator = decimalCode as String
let result = number.numberFromString(textField.text!)
let value = NSNumberFormatter.localizedStringFromNumber(result!.floatValue, numberStyle: .DecimalStyle)
Hope, this helps you :)

Swift 3: Replacing a "," with a "." in Double [duplicate]

I'm using a textField which is filled from a numerical pad.
Trouble is that, with lot of local region formats (all european, for example), UITextField's numerical pad has comma instead dot, so everytime I write a decimal number, UITextField can't recognise the decimal comma and it round number; for example 23,07 become 23.
How can I solve this?
I thought to set the textField fixed on USA; is it possible? How?
I read the value using this:
var importo = (importoPrevistoTF.text as NSString).floatValue
Swift 4
extension String {
static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
var doubleValue: Double {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25
Localized approach using NumberFormatter:
extension NumberFormatter {
static let shared = NumberFormatter()
extension StringProtocol {
var doubleValue: Double? {
return NumberFormatter.shared.number(from: String(self))?.doubleValue
Playground testing
// User device's default settings for current locale (en_US)
NumberFormatter.shared.locale // en_US (current)
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle // none
NumberFormatter.shared.decimalSeparator // "."
"2.7".doubleValue // 2.7
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // nil
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .currency
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR") // pt_BR (fixed)
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"R$2,70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .none
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // 2.7
"R$2,70".doubleValue // nil
Potential duplicate of the SO Answer, use NSNumberFormatter
Example Swift:
let number = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(numberString)
if let number = number {
let floatValue = Float(number)
Example (Objective-C):
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumberFormatter new] numberFromString: numberString];
float floatValue = number.floatValue;
Nobody has really addressed the issue directly.
That is, the decimal separator is a convention for a locale.
iOS supports formatting numbers based on a particular locale.
If you're working purely in a given locale, then everything should work correctly. The keypad should accept numbers with the correct decimal separator.
If you're in most countries in Europe, for example, you'd enter a comma as the decimal separator. Entering a dot in those countries is wrong. Somebody from one of those countries would not do that, because it is the wrong decimal separator. A European user is going to know to use a comma as the decimal separator and you don't have to do anything.
If you are in the US, you'd use a period. Using a comma in the US would be wrong.
The way you should display a decimal number is with a number formatter. When you create a number formatter, it uses the current locale by default.
If you need to convert a string containing a decimal number from one locale to the other, you should use 2 number formatters. Use a formatter in the source locale to convert the string to a float. Then use a formatter with the destination locale to convert the number to a string in the output format.
Simply create one number formatter in the default current locale, and create a second number formatter and set it's locale explicitly to the other locale that you want to use.
It's probably a duplicate of this answer, but since the original is in Objective-C, here's a Swift version:
let label = "23,07"
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
let maybeNumber = formatter.numberFromString(label)
if let number = maybeNumber {
println(number) // 23.07
Swift 3: float or double value for string containing floating point with comma
extension String {
var floatValue: Float {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
return 0
var doubleValue:Double {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"5,456".floatValue //5.456
"5.456".floatValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue //5.456
"5.456".doubleValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue.rounded() //5
"5,6".doubleValue.rounded() //6
Since NSNumberFormatter was replaced by NumberFormatter in the recent version of Swift, I would have pleasure to share with you an upgraded possible solution:
var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter()
importo = Float(numberFormatter.number(from: importoPrevistoTF.text!)!)
A solution that i've found:
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.locale = Locale.current
let numberLocalized = nf.number(from: txtAlcool.text!)
In my case I was testing on xcode and all goes ok, but when testing on device it was crashing. All because in Brazil we use metric system, comma separated decimal ",". With this solution it converts automatically from comma to dot.
Code working with the current version of Swift:
let amount = "8,35"
var counter: Int = 0
var noCommaNumber: String!
for var carattere in (amount) {
if carattere == "," { carattere = "." }
if counter != 0 { noCommaNumber = "\(noCommaNumber ?? "\(carattere)")" + "\(carattere)" } else { noCommaNumber = "\(carattere)" } // otherwise first record will always be nil
counter += 1
let importo = Float(noCommaNumber)
Swift 4 solution, without using preferredLanguages I had issues with fr_US and decimalPad
extension String {
func number(style: NumberFormatter.Style = .decimal) -> NSNumber? {
return [[Locale.current], { Locale(identifier: $0) }]
.flatMap { $0 }
.map { locale -> NSNumber? in
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = style
formatter.locale = locale
return formatter.number(from: self)
}.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
You can convert it by using NumberFormatter and filtering the different decimal separators:
func getDoubleFromLocalNumber(input: String) -> Double {
var value = 0.0
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let decimalFiltered = input.replacingOccurrences(of: "٫|,", with: ".", options: .regularExpression)
numberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "EN")
if let amountValue = numberFormatter.number(from: decimalFiltered) {
value = amountValue.doubleValue
return value
let number = NSNumberFormatter()
let locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let decimalCode = locale.objectForKey(NSLocaleDecimalSeparator) as! NSString
number.decimalSeparator = decimalCode as String
let result = number.numberFromString(textField.text!)
let value = NSNumberFormatter.localizedStringFromNumber(result!.floatValue, numberStyle: .DecimalStyle)
Hope, this helps you :)

Decimal number in text field

I'm trying to get a decimal number from a text field. It only can be a decimal number but if I enter something like 'o,5', than the bullets will spawn a lot faster than every 0.5 second.
My code:
#IBAction func enemyBulletDelayClick(_ sender: AnyObject) {
let correctNumber = enemyBulletDelayText.text?.replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: ".")
enemyBulletDelay = Double(correctNumber!)!
enemyBulletDelayText.text = ""
(I'm converting each ',' to a '.' for the decimal numbers.)
Otherwise it would give me an error.
I tried to use this code and it worked!
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = NumberFormatter.Style.decimal
enemySpawnDelay = (formatter.number(from: enemySpawnDelayText.text!)?.doubleValue)!
If you have a ? you need to unwrap, not put !
There are a bunch of ways to remove . afterwards. Pick whatever you want. This is more focused on the process of what you're doing and then you can decide on using NSNumberFormatter or whatever you want to do.
guard let enemyBulletDelayString = enemyBulletDelayText.text? else {
//put whatever you want to do here if this check doesn't pass
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = numberFormatter.Style.decimal
if let formattedNumber = numberFormatter.number(from: enemyBulletDelayString) {
enemySpawnDelay = formattedNumber.doubleValue
} else {
numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let formattedNumber = numberFormatter.number(from: enemyBulletDelayString) {
enemySpawnDelay = formattedNumber.doubleValue
This should work with what you want to do.

UITextField's numerical pad: dot instead of comma for float values

I'm using a textField which is filled from a numerical pad.
Trouble is that, with lot of local region formats (all european, for example), UITextField's numerical pad has comma instead dot, so everytime I write a decimal number, UITextField can't recognise the decimal comma and it round number; for example 23,07 become 23.
How can I solve this?
I thought to set the textField fixed on USA; is it possible? How?
I read the value using this:
var importo = (importoPrevistoTF.text as NSString).floatValue
Swift 4
extension String {
static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
var doubleValue: Double {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25
Localized approach using NumberFormatter:
extension NumberFormatter {
static let shared = NumberFormatter()
extension StringProtocol {
var doubleValue: Double? {
return NumberFormatter.shared.number(from: String(self))?.doubleValue
Playground testing
// User device's default settings for current locale (en_US)
NumberFormatter.shared.locale // en_US (current)
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle // none
NumberFormatter.shared.decimalSeparator // "."
"2.7".doubleValue // 2.7
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // nil
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .currency
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"$2.70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR") // pt_BR (fixed)
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // nil
"R$2,70".doubleValue // 2.7
NumberFormatter.shared.numberStyle = .none
"2.7".doubleValue // nil
"2,7".doubleValue // 2.7
"R$2,70".doubleValue // nil
Potential duplicate of the SO Answer, use NSNumberFormatter
Example Swift:
let number = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(numberString)
if let number = number {
let floatValue = Float(number)
Example (Objective-C):
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumberFormatter new] numberFromString: numberString];
float floatValue = number.floatValue;
Nobody has really addressed the issue directly.
That is, the decimal separator is a convention for a locale.
iOS supports formatting numbers based on a particular locale.
If you're working purely in a given locale, then everything should work correctly. The keypad should accept numbers with the correct decimal separator.
If you're in most countries in Europe, for example, you'd enter a comma as the decimal separator. Entering a dot in those countries is wrong. Somebody from one of those countries would not do that, because it is the wrong decimal separator. A European user is going to know to use a comma as the decimal separator and you don't have to do anything.
If you are in the US, you'd use a period. Using a comma in the US would be wrong.
The way you should display a decimal number is with a number formatter. When you create a number formatter, it uses the current locale by default.
If you need to convert a string containing a decimal number from one locale to the other, you should use 2 number formatters. Use a formatter in the source locale to convert the string to a float. Then use a formatter with the destination locale to convert the number to a string in the output format.
Simply create one number formatter in the default current locale, and create a second number formatter and set it's locale explicitly to the other locale that you want to use.
It's probably a duplicate of this answer, but since the original is in Objective-C, here's a Swift version:
let label = "23,07"
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
let maybeNumber = formatter.numberFromString(label)
if let number = maybeNumber {
println(number) // 23.07
Swift 3: float or double value for string containing floating point with comma
extension String {
var floatValue: Float {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.floatValue
return 0
var doubleValue:Double {
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.decimalSeparator = "."
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
} else {
nf.decimalSeparator = ","
if let result = nf.number(from: self) {
return result.doubleValue
return 0
"5,456".floatValue //5.456
"5.456".floatValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue //5.456
"5.456".doubleValue //5.456
"5,456".doubleValue.rounded() //5
"5,6".doubleValue.rounded() //6
Since NSNumberFormatter was replaced by NumberFormatter in the recent version of Swift, I would have pleasure to share with you an upgraded possible solution:
var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter()
importo = Float(numberFormatter.number(from: importoPrevistoTF.text!)!)
A solution that i've found:
let nf = NumberFormatter()
nf.locale = Locale.current
let numberLocalized = nf.number(from: txtAlcool.text!)
In my case I was testing on xcode and all goes ok, but when testing on device it was crashing. All because in Brazil we use metric system, comma separated decimal ",". With this solution it converts automatically from comma to dot.
Code working with the current version of Swift:
let amount = "8,35"
var counter: Int = 0
var noCommaNumber: String!
for var carattere in (amount) {
if carattere == "," { carattere = "." }
if counter != 0 { noCommaNumber = "\(noCommaNumber ?? "\(carattere)")" + "\(carattere)" } else { noCommaNumber = "\(carattere)" } // otherwise first record will always be nil
counter += 1
let importo = Float(noCommaNumber)
Swift 4 solution, without using preferredLanguages I had issues with fr_US and decimalPad
extension String {
func number(style: NumberFormatter.Style = .decimal) -> NSNumber? {
return [[Locale.current], { Locale(identifier: $0) }]
.flatMap { $0 }
.map { locale -> NSNumber? in
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = style
formatter.locale = locale
return formatter.number(from: self)
}.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
You can convert it by using NumberFormatter and filtering the different decimal separators:
func getDoubleFromLocalNumber(input: String) -> Double {
var value = 0.0
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
let decimalFiltered = input.replacingOccurrences(of: "٫|,", with: ".", options: .regularExpression)
numberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "EN")
if let amountValue = numberFormatter.number(from: decimalFiltered) {
value = amountValue.doubleValue
return value
let number = NSNumberFormatter()
let locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let decimalCode = locale.objectForKey(NSLocaleDecimalSeparator) as! NSString
number.decimalSeparator = decimalCode as String
let result = number.numberFromString(textField.text!)
let value = NSNumberFormatter.localizedStringFromNumber(result!.floatValue, numberStyle: .DecimalStyle)
Hope, this helps you :)
