Issue with Navigation Bar on iOS 10 - ios

I am working on an application which needs to be supported from iOS 10. I see the strange issue with navigation bars with Xcode 9.2 and 9.3. I added a view controller on the storyboard and when executing the application on iPhone 5 with iOS 10, I don't get to see the navigation bars, but the same is working on another device with iOS 11. But I can see the navigation bar on storyboards when selected topbar as transculent navigation bar and also embedded in a navigation controller. So what might be the issue?


Xcode 10.1 issue with uicontrols on Navigation bar are not appearing in certain devices

Navigation bar uicontrols are not appearing in certain devices on iOS 11 and iOS 12, if the code is compiled on Xcode 10.1.
Works perfectly fine if the code is compiled on Xcode 9.2.
Found simmilar ssue reported - Xcode 10 NavigationBar icons not appearing on some devices
but the suggested solution to change the settings did not solve the issue.
Wondering someone else has seen the same issue.
There is no issue with XCode 10.1 navigation bar. By mistake made the following change in one common place before presenting all my UIViewControllers which made all the navigation bars go transparent and the text in white and the icons in white disappered.
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[SSCTheme colorFromPalette:PaletteColorWhite]];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTranslucent:NO];
Sorry for raising this issue.

Xamarin : Why the navigation bar not appearing

I have a strange behaviour about the navigation bar. I used iPhone 8 plus emulator and my iPhone 5c to run my application. All the pages will see the navigation bar but one of the client using iPhone 8plus unable to see the navigation bar on one of the screen only.
In my code, I didn't hide the navigation bar. I want to know does anyone have the same issue.

Xcode 9 Navigation bar issue after navigating from Left Side Menu on iOS 11 not on iOS 10.3 and below

After updating from Xcode 8 to Xcode 9 I've noticed this very strange behaviour in the navigation bar only on devices running iOS 11.
This bug appears after navigating from my left side menu that show the menu controller you choose modally with a default presentation (That is Full Screen)
I've posted a video here:
It seems a bug of the compilation on Xcode 9.
Tryed also on real device iPad Pro with iOS 11.
The same code compiled with Xcode 8.3.3 works as expected, while compiled with Xcode 9 exposes the issue.
I've put a playground code here:
With already a workaround: set the presentation to Over Full Screen.
But that has no meaning this is not the exptected operation.
Once the navigation bar is broken, is broken for every navigation controller in the App.
Any idea?
Apple Developer Relations January 23 2018, 11:13 PM
There are no plans
to address this based on the following:
You are creating a detached presentation, which is causing multiple
navigation bars to be placed in the view hierarchy. The navigation bar
that is seen is not the one where pushes are happening, thus the error
in display. I don’t know why this didn’t happen on iOS 10, but it was
an invalid configuration there as well.
We would recommend that you use a proper view controller container to
implement this menu, rather than what seems to be done (the
IS_SlideMenu_View being placed directly in the window).
I have the same problem with regular UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical.
I've solved it by setting UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen or UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext.
Possibly it also helps you.
Example for navigation that is presented modally:
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
navController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen;

iOS 10 - Black navigation bar when first transitioning to WKWebView

I am experiencing weird bug on iOS 10.0 Simulator.
I am using 8.0 beta (8S128d).
I have some places in my app where I use WKWebView in order to present a web page. For some reason, first (and only first) transition to those views makes navigation bar black. I can see the transition starting and freezing for a moment, then a black navigation bar appears. When I go back and go to that view again, everything works.

Status bar is overlap to navigationbar

In my app , status bar is overlapping to navigation bar. I tried a lot but did not get success.
Here, in color green is my navigation bar. Problem is in only iOS 6.0 and iOS 6.1. It is working perfect in iOS 7.0 and iOS 7.1. Navigation bar displayed half in iOS 6.0 and in iOS 6.1. Status bar is overlapping here
