Attach file to data row - attachment

I am trying to attach a text file to a data row in my custom object. I must be missing something. I have the pointer to the current record (asn) and the Byte array (retLabels.Labels) but I can't figure out what the third parameter should be. Also, do I need to execute an update and save after attaching the file?
if (retLabels.Code == "OK" || ediDemo)
asnGraph.ASN.Current = asn;
PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(asn, retLabels.Labels, ???? PX.SM.FileInfo );

Create the file in memory:
PX.SM.FileInfo file = new PX.SM.FileInfo("textfile.txt",
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Text file content."));
Upload the file in Acumatica:
UploadFileMaintenance upload = PXGraph.CreateInstance<UploadFileMaintenance>();
Attach the file to any DAC records by linking file UID (unique ID) to DAC NoteID field:
PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(Base.Caches[typeof(DAC)], dacRecord, file.UID.Value);


Laravel 5.1 File not deleting from folder

I want to delete a pdf file form my database as well as my public/uploads folder. It is deleting from the database but not from my public folder.
This is my controller:
public function deleteArticle($id) {
$article = Article::findOrFail($id);
return redirect()->back();
/*This handles the posting of the file into the folder and storing of the url into the datab
$file = Input::file('document');
$file->move('uploads', $file->getClientOriginalName());
$document = asset('uploads/'.$file->getClientOriginalName());
$newArticle->document = $document;
As you are currently saving a url to the database ( by using the asset() function ) you can't delete the file by using that information.
It is usually enough to save just the document name in the database.
$document = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$newArticle->document = $document;
To delete the file you can then call:
To Link to your file you can use the asset() method
Storing the full URL in database is a bad idea. It will very hard to maintain files later. The best way is store only the filename with extension.
If you only have the filename in database, you can delete the file in this way:
$article = Article:findOrFail($id);
$document = $article->document; // take the image name from database
File::delete('uploads/'.$document); // delete the file
$article->delete() // delete the record from database
If you still want to use URL in database you can get the image name by using substr() and strpos() function. Example:
$image = substr($article->document,0,strpos("uploads/"));
You can get only the document name from URL and use it to delete the file.
To store only the filename follow this:
$document = $request->file('document')->getClientOriginalName();

Create and download word file from template in MVC

I have kept a word document (.docx) in one of the project folders which I want to use as a template.
This template contains custom header and footer lines for user. I want to facilitate user to download his own data in word format. For this, I want to write a function which will accept user data and referring the template it will create a new word file replacing the place-holders in the template and then return the new file for download (without saving it to server). That means the template needs to be intact as template.
Following is what I am trying. I was able to replace the placeholder. However, I am not aware of how to give the created content as downloadable file to user. I do not want to save the new content again in the server as another word file.
public void GenerateWord(string userData)
string templateDoc = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Template.docx");
// Open the new Package
Package pkg = Package.Open(templateDoc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
// Specify the URI of the part to be read
Uri uri = new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative);
PackagePart part = pkg.GetPart(uri);
XmlDocument xmlMainXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlMainXMLDoc.Load(part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
xmlMainXMLDoc.InnerXml = ReplacePlaceHoldersInTemplate(userData, xmlMainXMLDoc.InnerXml);
// Open the stream to write document
StreamWriter partWrt = new StreamWriter(part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write));
private string ReplacePlaceHoldersInTemplate(string toReplace, string templateBody)
templateBody = templateBody.Replace("#myPlaceHolder#", toReplace);
return templateBody;
I believe that the below line is saving the contents in the template file itself, which I don't want.
How should I modify this code which can return the new content as downloadable word file to user?
I found the solution Here!
This code allows me to read the template file and modify it as I want and then to send response as downloadable attachment.

Alter GORM database column

I have a ImageController function that takes input data from a form.gsp file and adds it to a Profile class. The Profile class has a byte[] photo field, and using a MultiPart HTTP Request transferTo() method, the file is replicated in the database if size is < 200KB.
My issue is each time I try to upload, I get a SQLException stating that the input value is too large for a PHOTO_BINARY(255) column.
First, why is a byte[] array mapped to a column limiter? To move around this, would byte[] photo= new byte[200*1024] work?
Second, what is necessary to alter said column to a medium blob of 16777215 characters?
Use the maxSize constraint, e.g.
static constraints = {
photo maxSize: 16777215
Try setting the type of the column to blob in the mappings.
static mapping = {
photo type: "binary" // or "blob"
Hope that helps

Sending javaMail attachement of any type from database

I'm have domain class with property that represents files uploaded on my GSP. I've defined that file as byte array (byte [] file). When some specific action happens I'm sending mail with attachments from. This is part of my SendMail service:
int i = 1;
[requestInstance.picture1, requestInstance.picture2, requestInstance.picture3].each(){
if(it.length != 0){
DataSource image = new ByteArrayDataSource(it, "image/jpeg");
helper.addAttachment("image" + i + ".jpg", image);
This works fine with image files. But now I want to be able to work with all file types and I'm wondering how to implement this. Also, I want to save real file name in database. All help is welcomed.
You can see where the file name and MIME type are specified in your code. It should be straightforward to save and restore that information from your database along with the attachment data.
If you're trying to figure out from the byte array of data what the MIME type is and what a good filename would be, that's a harder problem. Try this.

How do I get "happy" names using Amazon S3 plugin for Grails (via Jets3t)

By "happy" names, I mean the real name of the file I'm uploading... for instance, if I'm putting a file called "foo.png" I'd expect the url to the file to be /foo.png. Currently, I'm just getting what appears to be a GUID (with no file extension) for the file name.
Any ideas?
You can set the key field on the S3Asset object to achieve what you need.
I'll update the doco page with more information on this.
With length, inputstream and fileName given from the uploaded file, you should achieve what you want with the following code :
S3Service s3Service = new RestS3Service(new AWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey))
S3Object up = new S3Object(s3Service.getBucket("myBucketName"), fileName)
up.setAcl AccessControlList.REST_CANNED_PUBLIC_READ
up.setContentLength length
up.setContentType "image/jpeg"
up.setDataInputStream inputstream
up = s3Service.putObject(bucket, up)
I hope it helps.
Actual solution (as provided by #leebutts):
import org.grails.s3.*;
def s3AssetService;
def file = new File("foo.png"); //assuming this file exists
def asset = new S3Asset(file);
asset.mimeType = extension;
asset.key = "foo.png"
