Decrypting Lua Bytecode Error - lua

When I try to decrypt this bytecode:
local crypt = '27\76\117\97\83\0\25\147\13\10\26\10\4\8\4\8\8\120\86\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\40\119\64\1\255\201\207\1\0\0\0\0\0\108\105\110\101\108\101\110\103\116\104\32\61\32\49\48\48\48\32\45\45\72\111\119\32\108\111\110\103\32\121\111\117\32\119\97\110\116\32\101\97\99\104\32\108\105\110\101\32\111\102\32\111\98\102\117\115\99\97\116\101\100\32\99\104\97\114\97\99\116\101\114\115\32\116\111\32\98\101\46\13\10\45\45\73\102\32\116\104\101\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\32\105\115\32\116\111\111\32\108\111\110\103\32\119\104\101\114\101\32\116\104\101\32\111\117\116\112\117\116\32\115\97\121\115\32\34\109\101\115\115\97\103\101\115\32\100\105\115\99\97\114\100\101\100\34\32\116\104\101\110\32\99\104\97\110\103\101\32\116\104\101\32\110\117\109\98\101\114\32\116\111\32\52\48\48\32\111\114\32\49\48\48\48\44\32\101\116\99\46\13\10\97\32\61\32\115\116\114\105\110\103\46\100\117\109\112\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\41\13\10\13\10\108\111\99\97\108\32\99\111\100\101\32\61\32\39\92\50\55\92\55\54\92\49\ 49\55\92\57\55\92\56\49\92\48\92\49\92\52\92\52\92\52\92\56\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\50\92\53\92\54\49\92\49\92\48\92\48\92\53\92\54\52\92\48\92\48\92\50\56\92\49\50\56\92\49\50\56\92\48\92\54\92\49\50\56\92\54\52\92\48\92\55\92\48\92\48\92\48\92\53\92\49\57\50\92\48\92\48\92\54\92\48\92\54\53\92\48\92\54\92\54\52\92\54\53\92\48\92\57\92\49\57\50\92\54\53\92\49\51\49\92\53\92\49\57\50\92\48\92\48\92\54\92\48\92\54\54\92\48\92\54\57\92\49\57\50\92\48\92\48\92\55\48\92\49\50\56\92\49\57\52\92\48\92\55\48\92\54\52\92\49\57\52\92\48\92\57\92\54\52\92\49\50\56\92\49\51\50\92\53\92\49\57\50\92\48\92\48\92\54\92\49\57\50\92\54\54\92\48\92\54\57\92\49\57\50\92\48\92\48\92\55\48\92\48\92\49\57\53\92\48\92\55\48\92\54\52\92\49\57\52\92\48\92\57\'
I get the following error: "unfinished string near 27LuaS". How can I fix this?

Add one \ at the beginning of the string
Remove the \ at the end of the string
Remove a line break in the middle of the string
The program then runs. If you write that string to a file, then you'll get truncated Lua 5.3 bytecode. It seems that your original script is incomplete.


Lua is throwing error when Vim keymap includes "\"

I am recently migrating from vimscript to lua with Nvim. While converting the keymappings, I ran into a problem with the following keymap:
[ init.vim ]
tmap <leader>e <C-\><C-n>
[ init.lua ] ( error )
Whenever I reload with above keymap, Nvim will throw the following error:
I'm assuming that "\" might be the problem. If so, how do I refactor the keymap properly for it to work? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
It is most likely as the \ is used to escape special characters in the string. Try putting
This way you are telling Lua that you want the backslash character and not some other special character.

Doesn’t look like a character based (Bytes Are All You Need) model (DeepSpeech)

I have been following DeepSpeech documentation in order to build my own scorer. After implementing this blocks of code
cd data/lm
python3 --input_txt vocabulary.txt --output_dir .
–top_k 1500 --kenlm_bins path/to/kenlm/build/bin/
–arpa_order 3 --max_arpa_memory “50%” --arpa_prune “0|0|1”
–binary_a_bits 255 --binary_q_bits 8 --binary_type trie
curl -LO…
tar xvf native_client.*.tar.xz
./generate_scorer_package --alphabet …/alphabet.txt --lm lm.binary --vocab vocab-1500.txt
–package kenlm.scorer --default_alpha 0.931289039105002 --default_beta 1.1834137581510284
I get the following errors:
Doesn’t look like a character based (Bytes Are All You Need) model.
–force_bytes_output_mode was not specified, using value infered from vocabulary contents: false
Error: Can’t parse scorer file, invalid header. Try updating your scorer file.
Error loading language model file: Invalid magic in trie header.
I want to mention that I use a different alphabet that also contains other characters besides english characters.
This error is usually encountered with non-English alphabets. You can overcome the error by using the --force_bytes_output_mode parameter when calling generate_scorer_package. I pushed a change to the PlayBook this morning which covers this error.

How do I solve the "attempt to call a table value" runtime error on lua?

I'm working on a lua script to convert IO Link data into MQTT. When I debugged the script, I got following runtime error on the function client:register :
Runtime error: attempt to call a table value (global 'string')
I understood that out of the 3 parameters needed, the eventname has to be in string. Coming from Java, I tried converting it directly in the function. It looks like this:
client:register( deviceHandle, string(IOhandleOnDisconnected) , IOhandleOnDisconnected )
It still does not work though.
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
string is Lua's standard library for string manipulation. It is a Lua table which cannot be called as you did in string(IOhandleOnDisconnected)

SearchIO.parse xml blast and ampersands cElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token) error

I would like some advice to work around an xml parsing error. In my BLAST xml output, I have a description that has an '&' character which is throwing off the SearchIO.parse function.
If I run
for record in qresults:
#do some stuff
I get the following error:
cElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 13701986, column 30
Which directs me to the this line:
<Hit_def>Lysosomal & prostatic acid phosphatases [Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous</Hit_def>
Is there a way to override this in biopython so I do not have to change my xml file? Right now, I'm just doing a 'Try/Except' loop, but that is not optimal!
Thanks for your help!

Idl readcol function, using delimeter without syntax error

Im trying to use idl to read a file, so im using the readcol command. However, in my file i use | as a delimiter, but continually get syntax errors. Heres my latest attempt:
readcol,'kcorrins.txt',uband, gband, rband, iband, zband, $
ubanderr, gbanerr, rbanderr, ibanderr, zbanderr, adjredshift, $
could someone post an example of the proper syntax for using the delimiter in this way?
You need to quote the delimiter:
readcol,'kcorrins.txt',uband, gband, rband, iband, zband, $
ubanderr, gbanerr, rbanderr, ibanderr, zbanderr, adjredshift, $
