Originally asked this question about Regex for Usernames: Usernames that cannot start or end with characters
How can I achieve this with correct syntax for Ruby on Rails?
Here's my current User.rb validation:
validates_format_of :username, with: /\A[\w\._]{3,28}\z/i
This validation allows underscores and periods, but the goal is to not allow them at the start or end of a username.
I'm trying to achieve these rules with Rails regex:
Can contain lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers
Can contain underscores and periods
Cannot contain 2 underscores in a row
Cannot contain 2 periods in a row
Cannot begin or end with an underscore or period
Cannot contain letters with accents
Must be between 3 and 28 letters in length
You may use
See the Rubular demo.
\A - start of string
(?=.{3,28}\z) - 3 to 28 chars other than line break chars up to the end of the string are allowed/required
[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - one or more ASCII letters / digits
(?:[._][a-zA-Z0-9]+)* - 0+ sequences of:
[._] - a . or _
[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - one or more ASCII letters / digits
\z - end of string.
Although totally possible, as Wiktor's answer shows, my recommendation would be to not define this in a single regular expression, since:
The solution is quite confusing to understand, unless you know regular expressions quite well.
Similarly, the solution is quite difficult to update with new requirements, unless you understand regular expressions quite well.
By performing this entire check in one go, if a validation fails then you'll inevitably end up with one generic error message, e.g. "Invalid Format", which does not explain why it's invalid. The exercise is then left to the user to re-read the nontrivial format rules and understand why.
Instead, I would recommend defining a custom validation class, which can perform each of these checks separately (via easy to understand methods), and add a different error message upon each check failing.
Something along the lines of:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
validates :username, presence: true, username: true
# app/validators/username_validator.rb
class UsernameValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate(record, attribute, value)
validate_length(record, attribute, value)
validate_allowed_chars(record, attribute, value)
validate_sequential_chars(record, attribute, value)
validate_first_and_last_chars(record, attribute, value)
def validate_length(record, attribute, value)
unless value.length >= 3 && value.length <= 28
record.errors[attribute] << "must be between 3 and 28 characters long"
def validate_allowed_chars(record, attribute, value)
unless value =~ /\A[._a-zA-Z0-9]*\z/
record.errors[attribute] << "must only contain periods, underscores, a-z, A-Z or 0-9"
def validate_sequential_chars(record, attribute, value)
if value =~ /[._]{2}/
record.errors[attribute] << "cannot contain two consecutive periods or underscores"
def validate_first_and_last_chars(record, attribute, value)
if value =~ /\A[._]/ || value =~ /[._]\z/
record.errors[attribute] << "cannot start/end with a period or underscore"
So for instance, you asked above: "What if I needed to extend this to allow lowercase letters only?" I think it's now quite obvious how the code could be updated to accommodate such behaviour, but to be clear - all you'd need to do is:
def validate_allowed_chars(record, attribute, value)
unless value =~ /\A[._a-z0-9]*\z/
record.errors[attribute] << "must only contain periods, underscores, a-z or 0-9"
You could also now, quite easily, write tests for these validation checks, and assert that the correct validation is being performed by verifying against the contents of the error message; something that is not possible when all validation failures result in the same error,
Another benefit to this approach is that the code can easily be shared (perhaps with some slight behavioural differences). You could perform the same validation on multiple attributes, or multiple models, perhaps with different allowed lengths or formats.
So what I am doing is iterating over various versions of snippet of code (for e.g. Associations.rb in Rails).
What I want to do is just extract one snippet of the code, for example the has_many method:
def has_many(name, scope = nil, options = {}, &extension)
reflection = Builder::HasMany.build(self, name, scope, options, &extension)
Reflection.add_reflection self, name, reflection
At first I was thinking of just searching this entire file for the string def has_many and then saving everything between that string and end. The obvious issue with this, is that different versions of this file can have multiple end strings within the method.
For instance, whatever I come up with for the above snippet, should also work for this one too:
def has_many(association_id, options = {})
validate_options([ :foreign_key, :class_name, :exclusively_dependent, :dependent, :conditions, :order, :finder_sql ], options.keys)
association_name, association_class_name, association_class_primary_key_name =
associate_identification(association_id, options[:class_name], options[:foreign_key])
if options[:dependent] and options[:exclusively_dependent]
raise ArgumentError, ':dependent and :exclusively_dependent are mutually exclusive options. You may specify one or the other.' # ' ruby-mode
elsif options[:dependent]
module_eval "before_destroy '#{association_name}.each { |o| o.destroy }'"
elsif options[:exclusively_dependent]
module_eval "before_destroy { |record| #{association_class_name}.delete_all(%(#{association_class_primary_key_name} = '\#{record.id}')) }"
define_method(association_name) do |*params|
force_reload = params.first unless params.empty?
association = instance_variable_get("##{association_name}")
if association.nil?
association = HasManyAssociation.new(self,
association_name, association_class_name,
association_class_primary_key_name, options)
instance_variable_set("##{association_name}", association)
association.reload if force_reload
# deprecated api
Assuming that each value is stored as text in some column in my db.
How do I approach this, using Ruby's string methods or should I be approaching this another way?
Edit 1
Please note that this question relates specifically to string manipulation via using a Regex, without a parser.
As discussed, this should be done with a parser like Ripper.
However, to answer if it can be done with string methods, I will match the syntax with a regex, provided:
You can rely on indentation i.e. the string has the exact same characters before "def" and before "end".
There are no multiline strings in between that could simulate an "end" with the same indentation. That includes multine strings, HEREDOC, %{ }, etc.
regex = /^
(\s*) # matches the indentation (we'll backreference later)
def\ +has_many\b # literal "def has_many" with a word boundary
(?:.*+\n)*? # match whole lines - as few as possible
\1 # matches the same indentation as the def line
end\b # literal "end"
subject = %q|
def has_many(name, scope = nil, options = {}, &extension)
if association.nil?
instance_variable_set("##{association_name}", association)
#Print matched text
puts subject.to_enum(:scan,regex).map {$&}
ideone demo
The regex relies on:
Capturing the whitespace (indentation) with the group (\s*),
followed by the literal def has_many.
It then consumes as few lines as it can with (?:.*+\n)*?.
Notice that .*+\n matches a whole line
and (?:..)*? repeats it 0 or more times. Also, the last ? makes the repetition lazy (as few as possible).
It will consume lines until it matches the following condition...
\1 is a backreference, storing the text matched in (1), i.e. the exact same indentation as the first line.
Followed by end obviously.
Test in Rubular
After a bit of hacking I have come up with the following tests to make sure the regex pattern on my model validator is working correctly. I am wondering if there is a better way to test these conditions instead of building a bad string. I want to account for any and all characters outside the approved regex pattern. Different columns may have different validators too.
validates :provider_unique_id,
presence: true,
length: { maximum: 50 },
format: { with: /\A[A-Za-z0-9]+\z/ }
describe 'provider unique id' do
let(:bad_string) { (0..255).map(&:chr).select { |x| x != /\A[A-Za-z0-9]+\z/ }.sample(20).join }
it 'should exist' do
shop.provider_unique_id = nil
expect(shop.valid?).to be_falsey
it 'passes regex rules' do
shop.provider_unique_id = bad_string
expect(shop.valid?).to be_falsey
Here's what I'd write if I were being extremely thorough. Imagine test-driving the validations, adding one test at a time and adding to the validations to make it pass.
describe '#provider_unique_id' do
%w(a z).each do |letter|
it "can be letter #{letter}" do
expect_to_be_valid letter
# after making this pass, I'd change the regex to use the i flag so I wouldn't need to test for Z
it "can be uppercase" do
expect_to_be_valid 'A'
[0, 9].each do |digit|
it "can be digit #{digit}" do
expect_to_be_valid digit
it "can be more than one character" do
expect_to_be_valid '00'
it "isn't nil" do
expect_to_be_invalid nil
it "isn't blank" do
expect_to_be_invalid ""
it "can be 50 characters long" do
expect_to_be_valid('0' * 50)
it "can't be longer than 50 characters" do
expect_to_be_invalid('0' * 51)
# I chose _ as a non-alphanumeric since it's the only non-alphanumeric word character.
# That is, it's as close to a valid character as it can be without be valid.
it "can't contain a non-alphanumeric character" do
expect_to_be_invalid '_'
# this example forces you to add \A
it "can't begin with a non-alphanumeric character" do
expect_to_be_invalid '_0'
# this example forces you to add \z
it "can't end with a non-alphanumeric character" do
expect_to_be_invalid '0_'
def expect_to_be_valid(provider_unique_id)
shop.provider_unique_id = provider_unique_id
expect(shop).to be_valid
def expect_to_be_invalid(provider_unique_id)
shop.provider_unique_id = provider_unique_id
expect(shop).to_not be_valid
I wouldn't randomly generate a bad string, because it wouldn't force you to write any additional code. I think the tests with _ are sufficient. Note that there are many more characters than ASCII 0-255, and it would be impractical to test them all.
You could imagine boundary-checking the ranges in the regex (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) by testing characters that come immediately before and after each range, but it's unlikely that someone would write code that would incorrectly include those characters, so I wouldn't go that far.
I want to check if the variable which is basically a user input is a 10 digit phone number or not.
There are 2 sets of validations:
- If num is less than 10 digit then prompt a msg
- if num is a string instead rather than integer
#phone = params[:phone_num]
puts "phone_num: #{#phone}"
if #phone.is_a? Integer
puts "phone_num is int"
if #phone.to_s.length == 10
puts "10 digit"
#output = "Valid Number, will receive a call"
puts "Wont be calling"
#output = "The number is invalid"
The output that I get is always The number is invalid no matter what I enter in text box. There are many stack overflow answering dealing with different questions but wondering why my code didn't work.
There is standard validation (length) & (numericality) for this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :phone_num, length: { is: 10 }, numericality: { only_integer: true }
This type of validation belongs in the model.
Your controller will look as follows:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
#user = User.new user_params
#user.save #-> validations handled by model
There's a principle called fat model, skinny controller - you should put "data" logic in your model.
The reason for this is to remove inefficient code from the controller.
It gives you the ability to delegate much of your logic to the Rails core helpers (validations for example), instead of calling your own mass of code in the front-end (like you're doing).
Each time you run a Rails app, the various classes (controller & model) are loaded into memory. Along with all of the Rails classes (ActiveRecord etc), your controllers & models have to be loaded, too.
Any extra code causes causes bloat, making your application buggy & unusable. The best developers know when to use their own code, and when to delegate to Rails. This example is a perfect demonstration of when to delegate.
The output that I get is always The number is invalid no matter what I
enter in text box.
The reason why your code always falls back to else part because the values that are coming from the params will always be strings. So the value of params[:phone_num] is a string. So your code is failing here if #phone.is_a? Integer. Instead you need change it to params[:phone_num].to_i
#phone = params[:phone_num].to_i
puts "phone_num: #{#phone}"
if #phone.is_a? Integer
puts "phone_num is int"
if #phone.to_s.length == 10
puts "10 digit"
#output = "Valid Number, will receive a call"
puts "Wont be calling"
#output = "The number is invalid"
Yes. This is poor way to perform validations. I'm just answering the OP's question.
Take a look at this - A comprehensive regex for phone number validation - how to determine a string looks like a phone number. There's a very complex regex, because people have various forms for entering phone numbers!
I personally don't like super complex regexes, but it's pretty much what they were invented for. So this is when you want to figure out what sorts of forms are acceptable, write some tests, and make your code pass to your acceptance based on the massive link above!
edit: your code is wrong in a bunch of places; params are already a string, so try this! Remember your nested if/else/end, too.
#phone = params[:phone_num]
if #phone =~ /\A\d+\Z/ # replace with better regex
# this just means "string is all numbers"
puts "phone_num is int"
if #phone.length == 10
puts "10 digit"
#output = "Valid Number, will receive a call"
puts "Number length wrong, #{#phone.length}"
puts "Wont be calling, not a number: #{#phone.inspect}"
#output = "The number is invalid"
I am trying to write and test a regex valiation which allows only for a sequence of paired integers, in the format
n,n n,n
where n is any integer not beginning with zero and pairs are space separated. There may be a single pair or the field may also be empty.
So with this data, it should give 2 errors
12,2 11,2 aa 111,11,11
error 1: the 'aa'
error 2: the triplet (111,11,11)
In my Rails model I have this
validates_format_of :sequence_excluded_region, :sequence_included_region,
with: /[0-9]*,[0-9] /, allow_blank: true
In my Rspec model test I have this
it 'is invalid with alphanumeric SEQUENCE_INCLUDED_REGION' do
expect(DesignSetting.create!(sequence_included_region: '12,2 11,2 aa 111,11,11')).to have(1).errors_on(:sequence_included_region)
The test fails, as the regex does not find the errors, or perhaps I am calling the test incorrectly.
1) DesignSetting is invalid with alphanumeric SEQUENCE_INCLUDED_REGION
Failure/Error: expect(DesignSetting.create!(sequence_included_region: '12,2 11,2 aa 111,11,11')).to have(2).errors_on(:sequence_included_region)
expected 2 errors on :sequence_included_region, got 0
# ./spec/models/design_setting_spec.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Your regex matches a single pair followed by a space anywhere in the string.
'12,2 11,2 aa 111,11,11 13,3'.scan /[0-9]*,[0-9] /
=> ["12,2 ", "11,2 "]
So any string with one valid pair followed by a space will be valid. Also a single pair would fail 3,4 as there is no space.
A regex that would validate the entire string:
positive_int = /[1-9][0-9]*/
pair = /#{positive_int},#{positive_int}/
re_validate = /
\A # Start of string
#{pair} # Must have one number pair.
(?:\s#{pair})* # Can be followed by any number of pairs with a space delimiter
\z # End of string (no newline)
I don't use rails much but it seems like you are expecting too much from a simple regex validator for it to parse out the individual error components from a string for you.
If you split the variable up by space and then validated each element of the array you could get that detail for each field.
'12,2 11,2 aa 111,11,11 13,3'.split(' ').reject{|f| f =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]*$/ }
You can put something like that into a custom validator class using validates_with which you can then have direct control of your errors with...
class RegionValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate(record)
record.sequence_included_region.split(' ').reject{|f| f =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*,[1-9][0-9]*$/ }.each do |err|
record.errors[sequence_included_region] << "bad region field [#{err}]"
Try this.Replace with empty string.The left string split by are your errors.
See demo.
I have an application that handles currency inputs. However, if you're in the US, you might enter a number as 12,345.67; in France, it might be 12.345,67.
Is there an easy way, in Rails, to adapt the currency entry to a locale?
Note that I'm not looking for display of the currency (ala number_to_currency), I'm looking to deal with someone typing in a currency string, and converting it into a decimal.
You could give this a shot:
def string_to_float(string)
string.gsub!(/[^\d.,]/,'') # Replace all Currency Symbols, Letters and -- from the string
if string =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{1}$/ # If string ends in a single digit (e.g. ,2)
string = string + "0" # make it ,20 in order for the result to be in "cents"
unless string =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/ # If does not end in ,00 / .00 then
string = string + "00" # add trailing 00 to turn it into cents
string.gsub!(/[\.,]/,'') # Replace all (.) and (,) so the string result becomes in "cents"
string.to_f / 100 # Let to_float do the rest
And the test Cases:
describe Currency do
it "should mix and match" do
Currency.string_to_float("$ 1,000.50").should eql(1000.50)
Currency.string_to_float("€ 1.000,50").should eql(1000.50)
Currency.string_to_float("€ 1.000,--").should eql(1000.to_f)
Currency.string_to_float("$ 1,000.--").should eql(1000.to_f)
it "should strip the € sign" do
Currency.string_to_float("€1").should eql(1.to_f)
it "should strip the $ sign" do
Currency.string_to_float("$1").should eql(1.to_f)
it "should strip letter characters" do
Currency.string_to_float("a123bc2").should eql(1232.to_f)
it "should strip - and --" do
Currency.string_to_float("100,-").should eql(100.to_f)
Currency.string_to_float("100,--").should eql(100.to_f)
it "should convert the , as delimitor to a ." do
Currency.string_to_float("100,10").should eql(100.10)
it "should convert ignore , and . as separators" do
Currency.string_to_float("1.000,10").should eql(1000.10)
Currency.string_to_float("1,000.10").should eql(1000.10)
it "should be generous if you make a type in the last '0' digit" do
Currency.string_to_float("123,2").should eql(123.2)
We wrote this:
class String
def safe_parse
self.gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.unit"), '').gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.delimiter"), '').gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.separator"), '.').to_f
Of course, you will have to set the I18n.locale before using this. And it currently only converts the string to a float for the locale that was set. (In our case, if the user is on the french site, we expect the currency amount text to only have symbols and formatting pertaining to the french locale).
You need to clean the input so that users can type pretty much whatever they want to, and you'll get something consistent to store in your database. Assuming your model is called "DoughEntry" and your attribute is "amount," and it is stored as an integer.
Here's a method that converts a string input to cents (if the string ends in two digits following a delimeter, it's assumed to be cents). You may wish to make this smarter, but here's the concept:
def convert_to_cents(input)
if input =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/
>> convert_to_cents "12,345"
=> 1234500
>> convert_to_cents "12.345,67"
=> 1234567
>> convert_to_cents "$12.345,67"
=> 1234567
Then overwrite the default "amount" accessor, passing it through that method:
class DoughEntry << ActiveRecord::Base
def amount=(input)
write_attribute(:amount, convert_to_cents(input))
def convert_to_cents(input)
if input =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/
Now you're storing cents in the database. Radar has the right idea for pulling it back out.
You can try to use the 'aggregation' feature, combined with a delegation class. I would do something like:
class Product
composed_of :balance,
:class_name => "Money",
:mapping => %w(amount)
class Money < SimpleDelegator.new
include Comparable
attr_reader :amount
def initialize(amount)
#amount = Money.special_transform(amount)
def self.special_transform(amount)
# your special convesion function here
def to_s
nummber_to_currency #amount
In this way, you will be able to directly assign:
Product.update_attributes(:price => '12.244,6')
Product.update_attributes(:price => '12,244.6')
The advantage is that you do not have to modify anything on controllers/views.
Using the translations for numbers in the built-in I18n should allow you to enter your prices in one format (1234.56) and then using I18n bringing them back out with number_to_currency to have them automatically printed out in the correct locale.
Of course you'll have to set I18n.locale using a before_filter, check out the I18n guide, section 2.3.