I have an application where I'm currently using a Fletcher-16 checksum for error detection. Computational speed is important.
I am wondering though, if a CRC-8 algorithm (using a lookup-table) would catch as many or even more errors than a Fletcher-16 checksum would?
I can spare the additional 256-bytes needed for a lookup-table, which seems to be a fair trade for faster computational speed. A CRC-8 lookup-table algorithm would definitely be faster than any Fletcher-16 algorithm.
Searching on the web for this topic seems to only yield scholarly results, which honestly is beyond my comprehension.
Can anyone shed a light on this? Thanks!
Theresa C. Maxino ; Philip J. Koopman, "The Effectiveness of Checksums for Embedded Control Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 6, issue 1, March 2009:
CRC-8, CRC-9, and CRC-10 all perform better than Fletcher-16 for code word lengths less than 128, 256, and 512 bits, respectively.
So if the codeword / message length to be protected is less than 128 bits then CRC-8 may be better than Fletcher-16.
(Note than not all CRC polynomials are equal: some are much worse than others. For CRC-8 the consensus seems to be on 0xEA; see for example "Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) Polynomial Selection For Embedded Networks" by Philip Koopman and Tridib Chakravarty, 2004.)
If playing around with CRC RevEng fails, what next? That is the gist of my question. I am trying to learn more how to think for myself, not just looking for an answer 1 time to 1 problem.
Assuming the following:
1.) You have full control of white box algorithm and can create as many chosen sample messages as you want with valid 16 bit / 2 byte checksums
2.) You can verify as many messages as you want to see if they are valid or not
3.) Static or dynamic analysis of the white box code is off limits (say the MCU is of a lithography that would require electron microscope to analyze for example, not impossible but off limits for our purposes).
Can you use any of these methods or lines of thinking:
1.) Inspect "collisions", i.e. different messages with same checksum. Perhaps XOR these messages together and reveal something?
2.) Leverage strong biases towards certain checksums?
3.) Leverage "Rolling over" of the checksum "keyspace", i.e. every 65535 sequentially incremented messages you will see some type of sequential patterns?
4.) AI ?
Perhaps there are other strategies I am missing?
CRC RevEng tool was not able to find the answer using numerous settings configurations
Key properties and attacks:
If you have two messages + CRCs of the same length and exclusive-or them together, the result is one message and one pure CRC on that message, where "pure" means a CRC definition with a zero initial value and zero final exclusive-or. This helps take those two parameters out of the equation, which can be solved for later. You do not need to know where the CRC is, how long it is, or which bits of the message are participating in the CRC calculation. This linear property holds.
Working with purified examples from #1, if you take any two equal-length messages + pure CRCs and exclusive-or them together, you will get another valid message + pure CRC. Using this fact, you can use Gauss-Jordan elimination (over GF(2)) to see how each bit in the message affects other generated bits in the message. With this you can find out a) which bits in the message are particiapting, b) which bits are likely to be the CRC (though it is possible that other bits could be a different function of the input, which can be resolved by the next point), and c) verify that the check bits are each indeed a linear function of the input bits over GF(2). This can also tell you that you don't have a CRC to begin with, if there don't appear to be any bits that are linear functions of the input bits. If it is a CRC, this can give you a good indication of the length, assuming you have a contiguous set of linearly dependent bits.
Assuming that you are dealing with a CRC, you can now take the input bits and the output bits for several examples and try to solve for the polynomial given different assumptions for the ordering of the input bits (reflected or not, perhaps by bytes or other units) and the direction of the CRC shifting (reflected or not). Since you're talking about an allegedly 16-bit CRC, this can be done most easily by brute force, trying all 32,768 possible polynomials for each set of bit ordering assumptions. You can even use brute force on a 32-bit CRC. For larger CRCs, e.g. 64 bits, you would need to use Berlekamp's algorithm for factoring polynomials over finite fields in order to solve the problem before the heat death of the universe. Then you would factor each message + pure CRC as a polynomial, and look for common factors over multiple examples.
Now that you have the message bits, CRC bits, bit orderings, and the polynomial, you can go back to your original non-pure messages + CRCs, and solve for the initial value and final exclusive-or. All you need are two examples with different lengths. Then it's a simple two-equations-in-two-unknowns over GF(2).
This may show my naiveté but it is my understanding that quantum computing's obstacle is stabilizing the qbits. I also understand that standard computers use binary (on/off); but it seems like it may be easier with today's tech to read electric states between 0 and 9. Binary was the answer because it was very hard to read the varying amounts of electricity, components degrade over time, and maybe maintaining a clean electrical "signal" was challenging.
But wouldn't it be easier to try to solve the problem of reading varying levels of electricity so we can go from 2 inputs to 10 and thereby increasing the smallest unit of storage and exponentially increasing the number of paths through the logic gates?
I know I am missing quite a bit (sorry the puns were painful) so I would love to hear why or why not.
Thank you
"Exponentially increasing the number of paths through the logic gates" is exactly the problem. More possible states for each n-ary digit means more transistors, larger gates and more complex CPUs. That's not to say no one is working on ternary and similar systems, but the reason binary is ubiquitous is its simplicity. For storage, more possible states also means we need more sensitive electronics for reading and writing, and a much higher error frequency during these operations. There's a lot of hype around using DNA (base-4) for storage, but this is more on account of the density and durability of the substrate.
You're correct, though that your question is missing quite a bit - qubits are entirely different from classical information, whether we use bits or digits. Classical bits and trits respectively correspond to vectors like
Binary: |0> = [1,0]; |1> = [0,1];
Ternary: |0> = [1,0,0]; |1> = [0,1,0]; |2> = [0,0,1];
A qubit, on the other hand, can be a linear combination of classical states
Qubit: |Ψ> = α |0> + β |1>
where α and β are arbitrary complex numbers such that such that |α|2 + |β|2 = 1.
This is called a superposition, meaning even a single qubit can be in one of an infinite number of states. Moreover, unless you prepared the qubit yourself or received some classical information about α and β, there is no way to determine the values of α and β. If you want to extract information from the qubit you must perform a measurement, which collapses the superposition and returns |0> with probability |α|2 and |1> with probability |β|2.
We can extend the idea to qutrits (though, just like trits, these are even more difficult to effectively realize than qubits):
Qutrit: |Ψ> = α |0> + β |1> + γ |2>
These requirements mean that qubits are much more difficult to realize than classical bits of any base.
Say I have to error-check a message of some 120-bits long.I have two alternative for checksum schemes:
Split message to 5 24-bit strings and append each with a CRC8 field
Append the whole message with a CRC32 field
Which scheme has a higher error detection probability, and why? Let's assume no prior knowledge about the error patterns distribution.
What if the system has a natural mode of failure which is a received cleared bit instead of a set bit (i.e., "1" was Tx-ed but "0" was Rx-ed), and the opposite does not happen?
In this case, the probability of long bursts of error bits is much smaller, assuming that the valid data has a uniform distribution of "0"s and "1"s, so the longest burst will be bound by the longest string of "1"s in the message.
You have to make some assumption about the error patterns. If you have a uniform distribution over all possible errors, then five 8-bit CRCs will detect more of the errors than one 32-bit CRC, simply because the former has 40 bits of redundancy.
However, I can construct many 24-bit error patterns that fool an 8-bit CRC, and use any combination of five of those to get no errors over all of the 8-bit CRCs. Yet almost all of those will be caught by the 32-bit CRC.
A good paper by Philip Koopman goes through evaluation of several CRCs, mostly focusing on their Hamming Distance. Like Mark Adler pointed out, the error distribution plays an important role in CRC selection (e.g. burst errors detection is one of the variable properties of CRC), as is the length of the CRC'ed data.
The Hamming Distance of a CRC indicates the maximum number of errors in the data which are 100% detectable.
Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) Polynomial Selection For Embedded Networks:
8-bit vs 32-bit CRC
For exemple, the 0x97 8-bit CRC polynomial has HD=4 up to 119 bits data words (which is more than your required 24-bit word), which means it detects 100% of 4 bits (or less) errors for data of length 119 bits or less.
On the 32-bit side, the 32-bit CRC 0x9d7f97d6 offer HD=9 up to 223 bits (greater than 5*24=120bits) data words. This means that it will detect 100% of the 9 bits (or less) errors for data composed of 223 bits or less.
Theoretically, 5x 8-bit CRCs would be able to 100% detect 4*4=16 evenly distributed bit flips across your 5 chunks (4 errors per 24-bit chunk). On the other end, the 32-bit CRC would only be able to 100% detect 9 bit flips per 120-bit chunk.
Error Distribution
Knowing all that, the only missing piece is the error distribution pattern. With it in hand, you'll be able to make an informed decision on the best CRC method to use. You seem to say that long burst of errors are not possible, but do not mention the exact maximum length. If that length does go up to 9 bits, you might be better off with the CRC32. If you expect occasional, <4-bit errors, both would do, though the 5x8-bit will consume more bandwidth (40 bits instead of 32 bits). If this is the case, a 32-bit CRC might even be overkill, a smaller CRC16 or even CRC9 could provide enough detection capabilities.
Beyond the hamming window, the CRC will not be able to catch every possible errors. The bigger the data length, the worse the CRC performances.
The CRC32 of course. It will detect ordering errors as between the five segments, as well as giving you 224 as much error detection.
The Scharr-Filter is explained in Scharrs dissertation. However the values given on page 155 (167 in the pdf) are [47 162 47] / 256. Multiplying this with the derivation-filter would yield:
Yet all other references I found use
Which is roughly the same as the ones given by Scharr, scaled by a factor of 32.
Now my guess is that the range can be represented better, but I'm curious if there is an official explanation somewhere.
To get the ball rolling on this question in case no "expert" can be found...
I believe the values [3, 10, 3] ... instead of [47 162 47] / 256 ... are used simply for speed. Recall that this method is competing against the Sobel Operator whose coefficient values are are 0, and positive/negative 1's and 2's.
Even though the divisor in the division, 256 or 512, is a power of 2 and can can be performed by a shift, doing that and multiplying by 47 or 162 is going to take more time. A multiplication by 3 however can in fact be done on some RISC architectures like the IBM POWER series in a single shift-and-add operation. That is 3x = (x << 1) + x. (On these architectures, the shifter and adder are separate units and can be done independently).
I don't find it surprising that Phd paper used the more complicated and probably more precise formula; it needed to prove or demonstrate something, and the author probably wasn't totally certain or concerned that it be used and implemented alongside other methods. The purpose in the thesis was probably to have "perfect rotational symmetry". Afterwards when one decides to implement it, that person I suspect used the approximation formula and gave up a little on perfect rotational symmetry, to gain speed. That person's goal as I said was to have something that was competitive at the expense of little bit of speed for this rotational stuff.
Since I'm guessing you are willing to do work this as it is your thesis, my suggestion is to implement the original algorithm and benchmark it against both the OpenCV Scharr and Sobel code.
The other thing to try to get an "official" answer is: "Use the 'source', Luke!". The code is on github so check it out and see who added the Scharr filter there and contact that person. I won't put the person's name here, but I will say that the code was added 2010-05-11.
I am a bit confused about the namings in the SVM. I am using this library LibSVM. There are so many parameters that can be set. Does anyone know which of these is the slack variable?
The "slack variable" is C in c-svm and nu in nu-SVM. These both serve the same function in their respective formulations - controlling the tradeoff between a wide margin and classifier error. In the case of C, one generally test it in orders of magnitude, say 10^-4, 10^-3, 10^-2,... to 1, 5 or so. nu is a number between 0 and 1, generally from .1 to .8, which controls the ratio of support vectors to data points. When nu is .1, the margin is small, the number of support vectors will be a small percentage of the number of data points. When nu is .8, the margin is very large and most of the points will fall in the margin.
The other things to consider are your choice of kernel (linear, RBF, sigmoid, polynomial) and the parameters for the chosen kernel. Generally one has to do a lot of experimenting to find the best combination of parameters. However, be careful of over-fitting to your dataset.
Burges wrote a great tutorial: A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern
But if you mostly just want to know how to USE it and less about how it works, read "A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classication" by Chih-Wei Hsu, Chih-Chung Chang, and Chih-Jen Lin (authors of libsvm)
First decide which type of SVM are u intending to use: C-SVC, nu-SVC , epsilon-SVR or nu-SVR. In my opinion u need to vary C and gamma most of the time... the rest are usually fixed..