Stop google array formula from expanding sheet to 50,000 rows - google-sheets

I've got an array formula which I've managed to put together as this:
=ARRAYFORMULA(if(row(B:B)=1,"Status",(if(D:D="","",IF(D:D<today(),CONCAT("Overdue by ",(TODAY()-D:D) & " days"),IF(D:D<TODAY()+30,CONCAT("Due in ",(TODAY()-D:D) & " days"),if(D:D>today(),"Not Due","")))))))
For some reason it expands the sheet much larger than I need it with blank cells. I only need it to a max of 500. Any ideas how I'd stop this from happening?

In extremis you might wrap your formula in ARRAY_CONSTRAIN and predefine the maximum number of rows and columns:
=array_constrain(ARRAYFORMULA(if(row(B:B)=1,"Status",(if(D:D="","",IF(D:D<today(),CONCAT("Overdue by ",(TODAY()-D:D) & " days"),IF(D:D<TODAY()+30,CONCAT("Due in ",(TODAY()-D:D) & " days"),if(D:D>today(),"Not Due",""))))))),500,1)

Late with the answer, but I've noticed that ArrayFormula starts expanding sheet only if the formula is not in the same row as the first cell you're targeting, so in your case B:B - ArrayFormula should be placed in first row, for B2:B - it should be placed in the second row.
Note: this behaviour only applies to to ArrayFormulas that store nested functions such as IF statements.

Thank you for the pointers in this thread. I had an arrayformula that started:
=arrayformula(if(A3:A="","",[do stuff()]))
The formula created 50,000 rows which slowed everything to a crawl.
I edited it to constrain the array to 996 rows thusly:
=arrayformula(if(A3:A999="","",[do stuff()]))
All was well and the sheet was fast as lightning again

You probably have that formula in more than one cell, and it seems it should only be in the first row of whichever column you want it to be in.


SUMIF sum value in next column over

I'm trying to make use of the SUMIF function in Google sheets to sum up points if a cell below it is set to "Excused" However, the condition cell (what will be "Excused") and the points cell, are not in the same column.
The basic SUMIF formula I'm starting with is below
I've tried to illustrate this below. Using ranges that go horizontally across the sheet in rows 9 and 12. If the red cell is set to "Excused", it should sum the blue cell.
With how the formula is, it tries to sum the cell in row 9 but in the same column as the cell with "Excused" in it. But, for example, if B12 has "Excused" in it, I want it to sum C9.
Hopefully, this makes sense. I've done my best to explain it, please ask for clarification if needed.
=SUM(IFNA(FILTER(C9:CX9; B12:CW12="Excused")))

Array formula for countifs to propagate down the rows (only for rows with data in column A)

I am new to google app sheet formulas.
In the image attached i have highlighted the formula, it works.
The formula i am using is =COUNTIFS(D4:S4,"y",D3:S3,"Personal")
Now i want to propagate this using ARRAYFORMULA for rows 5 and 6.
I tried with the below formula
After adding the formula provided by Matt i am getting count mismatch for one row
--Update #2
As suggested by Eric, i found a space in the Header row
Unfortunately, it's not quite that straightforward to populate a COUNTIFS that reads sideways like that in the down direction. The common way to do this is with a function called MMULT() which does "matrix multiplication" but is very good for adding or counting across a 2d range like that. In your case because it's dates going sideways, i'm going to assume that the sheet keeps growing to the right? All the way across indefinitely?
You might try this in cell B4:
You can check out this MMULT() demo sheet I made a while back.

Get count of cells in column where sum of those cells are less than a specified value

I have a spreadsheet where I am trying to get the count of cells in a column, where their sumproduct value reaches a specified number (I wrote comments on the spreadsheet that should make it clearer).
So far I have got some sort of formula, but it is returning me the total count of all cells in the range a specify? I cannot figure out how to do this, so any help would be much appreciated.
My formula:
Here's my copy of your sheet. It's set to "anyone can edit".
This is the formula I came up with. It gets rid of the need for the row count column you have.
It will be a little slow with very large sheets. You'd need a different solution if you were going to have more than a couple thousand rows.

Count number of times values increase in range - Google Sheets

how are you? I'm just not sure what to do here, but I surely can use your help!
I have a series of values in a row range, such as in the following:
1000 2000 1500 2100 3200
I need to figure out a google sheets formula to put in the 6th cell of this row that counts the number of times the value of any cell is greater than the one to the left of it. In this example, my result should be 3.
Is there any way that this can be done? In Excel or Google Sheets, either is great to learn.
Thank you
You can also try the following formula
"select Col1-Col2 offset 1 label Col1-Col2 ''",0), "<0")
Assuming you have data in A2:E, place the following in F2:
Since there are only four columns that might be greater than others (B:E), you can structure it this way. MMULT is hard to explain, but it essentially multiplies everything in each row of one matrix (range) by everything in another range and then adds them. SEQUENCE just forms a column of four 1's by which to multiply then add together everything in each row of the first range. Since anything times 1 is the original number, this just serves to to row-by-row addition.
This formula will process as many rows as have data in A2:E.
try in 7th column on row 2:
=ARRAYFORMULA(MMULT(IF(A2:E4<B2:F4, 1, 0), {1;1;1;1;1}^0))

Google Sheet Dynamic Sum

I am using google sheets to make a spread sheet and do some simple math, I figured how to do the summing but the problem is that I have about 180 rows of data and want to avoid, if possible, the need to make a formula for every single pair of data. Here is the simple code that I have:
So I am writing this code in this case in AH4 and is always the same relative placement to the values I want to add. I want the sum of the two numbers one column to the left and the current row and a row under that. Is there any way to make it so that the same formula can be used over and over instead of typing each one out. Maybe some way to make the formula look one column to the left take that number and add it to the cell one column to the left and one row down?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
You can use the ARRAYFORMULA function to apply a formula to multiple rows. It does not like some functions, though, and SUM() is one of them. So we need to use a different method to add the numbers. In this case, we just use AG4 + AG5. To apply the formula to all the rows in the spreadsheet we do a little more. Here is the formula, which would be placed in cell AG3 provided that is where the formula should start adding items.
The IF ISBLANK AG3:AG) causes the formula to be applied to every row from row 3 to the last row in the sheet. ISBLANK will return FALSE on any row we want to work on so we provide nothing to teh TRUE portion of the IF statement. Note that I did not put "" in for the TRUE portion as that actually places a value in the row and can cause problems with other formulas. Since we are placing this in cell AG3 the addition will increment adding the row above to the current row.
EDIT from Comments
Placing this in cell AH2 will get you what you want:
Taking it a step farther, placing this in cell AH1 will label the header row for you and keep the formula out of the data rows. This has the advantage of allowing rows to be inserted above row 2.
=ARRAYFORMULA( IF(ROW(AH1:AH) = 1, "Total", IF( ISBLANK( AG1:AG),, IF(iseven( ROW(AG1:AG)),AG1:AG + AG2:AG,))))
The explanation is similar to above, only minor changes were made.
NOTE: The rest of column AH (below the formula) should not have any other manually entered data, so you will have to delete your formulas.
