Weired Behviour of WKwebview Xcode Version 9.4.1 - ios

I run into a problem whereby WKWebKit is not behavior correctly when we try to connect to a few web sites, however when we use SafariViewController it works fine and When we use the Mobile ios Safari with iOS 11.4 it works as well, can someone please suggest me the potential reasons for this .


flutter web freezes on iphone ios, but not on ipad ios when hosted on firebase. Flutter bug? firebase hosting bug? ios bug?

I've been working on a flutter web app recently using firebase hosting, and it was working fine until last night. Specifically, the site loads but the interface does not react to user input only on iphone iOS. (i.e. it works properly on ios ipad)
I tried a variety of things to figure out where the problem lies:
downgraded flutter channel master -> dev + stable (currently using
dev, but first noticed on master)
created numerous projects on firebase to host these site.
reinstalled firebase-tool CLI
tested on a variety of devices
The easiest way I could recreate this is by creating the following website using the default app created by "flutter create", then performing firebase init, creating a project and then deploying the site. Here it is:
What I'm seeing is that the site works perfectly for:
desktop browsers (chrome,firefox)
android browsers (chrome),
ipad safari
However, the blue "+" button is unresponsive for:
iphone (safari and chrome)
ipad chrome.
I'd also like to note that I'm able to see the same thing using the iphone simulator for Xcode: works for iphone, not for ipad.
Could you test those sites with your devices and see if you're getting the same thing?
Any ideas what it might be, or other ideas for troubleshooting?
Any ideas who I can contact to submit a bug report? I'm leaning towards a flutter issue since it's in beta, but changing the channel made no difference, and the fact that it happened all of a sudden makes me think that there could be other culprits.
This was, indeed, a bug. It's been addressed as of April 13th per this issue here:
and they merged the code into flutter here:

Is it possible to Debug iOS app on Windows/Linux?

is there a way how to debug an iOS mobile app on Windows or Linux (Ubuntu)?
I have an application which runs fine on Android, but it has some flaws on iOS. For Android debugging, I always used the Chrome device inspector and I am wondering if it’s possible for iOS too?
The Webkit Adapter I found ( works for debugging websites opened on iPhone via SAFARI browser, but not for the mobile app. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
Yes, you can develop your own lldb to support debugging non-jailbroken iOS device on Window, like this

Safari web inspector not working with cordova in iOS12 and mac OS Mojave

Recently I updated my device to the iOS12 (it's actually 12.0.1 now) and also my mac to the latest OS. Now, whenever I am trying to debug my Cordova app it will simply not show up in the Safari developer menu. The mobile browser works, its just Cordova not showing. This is happening only with the real device, in the simulator, it shows up. I followed a bunch of articles on how to reset the trust settings and even tried remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter and nothing. How can I get to the bottom of this? I am completely stuck and unable to continue with development.
I would like to mention that the app is using the wkwebview engine, not uiwebview and we never had this problem ever since we moved to the new engine for a least a year now.
download & try same in Safari Technology Preview
Go to you'r Phone settings -> Safari -> Advanced -> enable Web Inspector
then go to safari developer, you'r device will be appear there.
For me the solution was to restart Safari.
Lately it's been often that Cordova iOS debugger won't show in Safari, but I am able to fix it every time by completely quitting Safari and restarting it. ;)
Also, make sure that you sign your app with a development provisioning profile.

Polymer WebApp hosted on Firebase after update to iOS 10 start from homescreen stops working

A Polymer Progressive Web App based on PolymerStarterKit 1.3.0 works on all platforms (Windows with Chrome, Firebase, IE or MAC Safari, Android with Chrome and iOS with Safari etc).
After updating my Test-iPhone to iOS 10.0.2 it is no longer possible to start the application from the home screen. A blank screen is shown.
When I use Safari on the iPhone, the page is displayed after a second load.
There is an issue reported on Github. Looks like the issue I have shown here. The hint comes from firebase-support.
Updated webcomponentsjs in my app to 0.7.23. Same issue with my Test-iPhone5 iOS 10.x. as described above. Strange is that my users with iPhone6 or 6s have no problems using the app.

Debugging UIWEBVIEW in Safari with Swift and Xcode 6

I'm currently having trouble enabling safari's debugging tools for a UIWebView. I'm trying to inspect why certain things are not loading in the UIWebView.
The app does not show up in the Safari > Develop > iOS Simulator list.
There are no inspectable applications for the app that is
I'm working with Xcode6-Beta, Mac OSX 10.10, and iOS 8.
I'm specifically looking for an answer that will allow me to debug using safari, or make note that the newest versions of Safari/Xcode don't debug app UIWebviews.
Wanted to let everyone know that it turns out that the bug I had on my end was on the webapp side not the ios side. Unfortunately I still have not found a way to debug in Safari an iOS 8 simulator.
