Set an instance variable app wide in Rails - ruby-on-rails

In my Rails application I have a class that I want to initialize and then access it throughout my controllers. So the idea is that I set it via the application controller if it's not already been defined:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :set_custom_class
# create an instance of customclass if doesn't exist
def set_custom_class
#custom_class ||=
An example of the class:
class CustomClass
def initialize; end
def custom_method
def custom_method=(content)
#custom_method = content
If I then have a controller like:
class MyController < ApplicationController
def method_1
# set the custom_method value on my instance
#custom_class.custom_method('Some content')
# return the value I set above
#variable = #custom_class.custom_method
redirect_to :method_2
def method_2
# I should be able to retrieve the same value from that same instance
#variable = #custom_class.custom_method
What I'm finding is that when calling method_1 the #variable will return my content fine, but when calling method_2 AFTER method_1 (so the custom_method for the app wide #custom_class has been set) it's returning nil.
Why isn't the instance being retained? The #custom_class shouldn't be creating a new instance as it's already been set. So I can't understand why the value I have set gets lost when requesting it.

You witnessing such behaviour, because state of a controller is not preserved between requests. For example, imagine that current_user method sets #current_user for one request and returns the same user for another one.
Please, consider an option of using cookies or database for sharing state between requests.
Otherwise, a workaround would be setting a class variable of CustomClass, but I don't recommend to do it.

Looks like your before_action will re-instantiate the new object on every request. That means that since you aren't passing anything through to the class in Method2, it will come out as NULL.

Since you said app-wide, why not make it app-wide?
In config/application.rb,
module App
class Application < Rails::Application
def custom_class
#custom_class ||=
in your application code,


Access to class instance variable

How can I read a class variable? In my case I can't get value from variable.
class MediaContentsController < ApplicationController
#randomUsrId = rand(100)
def create
puts #randomUsrId
First of all, #randomUsrId refers to an instance variable, not a class variable. You can access it through an instance of the class, not direct on the class. For a class variable, you should use ##randomUsrId.
What you are actually looking for is attr_accessor :randomUsrId, through this, you can read it on an instance method, and even can set it through an instance of the class.
Here's how:
class MediaContentsController < ApplicationController
attr_accessor :randomUsrId
#randomUsrId = rand(100)
def create
puts #randomUsrId
But #randomUsrId = rand(100) won't set #randomUsrId to a random number, at least it is not the recommend way. You should use before_action here.
class MediaContentsController < ApplicationController
attr_accessor :randomUsrId
before_action :set_user_id_to_a_random_number, only: :create
def create
puts #randomUsrId
def set_user_id_to_a_random_number
#randomUsrId = rand(100)
Each time you call the set_user_id_to_a_random_number function, it will generate a different number based on rand(100) and store it inside #randomUsrId. If that's what you do not want, and you want to persist the same value, you can do something like following:
def set_user_id_to_a_random_number
#randomUsrId = rand(100) unless defined? #randomUsrId
What I have stated works only for one request, if you have multiple request, it won't work. As Ryan Bates says here:
An instance variable only sticks around for a single request, so using the technique described will only benefit you if you need to call a method multiple times per request.
That leaves you with two options if you want to store something between multiple requests. Either you can go with Databases, or you can use something called memcached.
You probably doing something wrong in your code, since this isn't how Rails controller logic should be usually implemented, but let's get down to your question anyway. As I mentioned it isn't class variable, it's instance variable in class scope, so in order to access it, you should first get it from that scope:
class MediaContentsController
#randomUsrId = rand(100)
def create
puts self.class.get_random_usr_id
def self.get_random_usr_id
# => 44

How can I create an instance variable to all instances of the class in ruby, using metaprogramming?

I'm new to ruby/rails world, and I'm facing and issue that appears to be something trivial, but it isn't being that easy for me.
What I want to do, is to write a simple helper method, to help keep the controllers clean. This method will receive a symbol/string, and create an instance variable with the camelized received string, which will evaluate to a constant/class.
My attempts resume themselves to this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def self.service(name)
instance_eval do
instance_variable_set("##{name.to_s.pluralize}", name.to_s.camelize.constantize)
And, in my controller:
class UserController < ApplicationController
service :user
But when I do this, it create the instance variables in UserController, not So, I know what is wrong, but I couldn't find how can I do this right.
Can anyone help me with that?
The trouble is that this method is in the class scope:
def self.service(name)
instance_eval do
instance_variable_set("##{name.to_s.pluralize}", name.to_s.camelize.constantize)
This means it'll be setting class level instance variables - or class variables (kinda).
If you want to follow this approach, you'll need to store these all in an array or similar at the class level, which can be read out and turned into instance variables when the class is instantiated.
However, I don't like to mess with the initialize method on controllers. It's not the way to do things, so could change the class behaviour, break things or become fragile when changing versions.
In your ApplicationController, something like:
class << self
def service(name)
#services ||= []
return #services += if name.is_a?(Array)
#services << name.to_sym
def service_names
before_action :services
def services
self.class.service_names.each do |name|
instance_eval do
instance_variable_set("##{name.to_s.pluralize}", name.to_s.camelize.constantize)
This is untested.

RoR: instances variables within controller methods

My question is about controller methods (possibly included from an outside class) that work with instance variables. I frequently use a before_filter in controllers to set up certain variables, e.g.:
class DocumentController < ApplicationController
before_filter :fetch_document
def action
def fetch_document
#document = Document.find(params[:id])
I've been working on a project in which a few controllers will share some functionality, say, document editing. My first thought was to extract the relevant methods, and get them from application_controller.rb or a separate module. But then I noticed I was writing code that looks like this:
def fetch_document
#document = Document.find(params[:id])
def do_something_to_document
This sets off warning bells: do_something_to_document is essentially assuming the existence of #document, rather than taking it as an argument. Is this, in your sage opinions, a bad coding practice? Or am I being paranoid?
Assuming it is an issue, I see two general approaches to deal with it:
Check for the instance var and bail unless it's set:
def do_something_to_document
raise "no doc!" unless #document
Call the action with the instance var as an argument:
def do_something_to_document(document)
2 looks better, because it hides the context of the calling object. But do_something_to_doc will only be called by controllers that have already set up #document, and taking #document as a method argument incurs the overhead of object creation. (Right?) 1 seems hackish, but should cover all of the cases.
I'm inclined to go with 1 (assuming I'm right about the performance issue), even though seeing a list of methods referencing mysterious instance vars gives me hives. Thoughts? Let me know if I can be more clear. (And of course, if this is answered somewhere I didn't see it, just point me in the right direction...)
If you really need document in different controllers, I'd do something like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def document
#document ||= Document.find(params[:document_id])
class FooController < ApplicationController
before_filter :ensure_document, :only => [:foo]
def foo
# TODO: not sure if controller_name/action_name still exists
def ensure_document
raise "#{controller_name}##{action_name} needs a document" unless document
As #variable are session/instance variable you will get a Nil exception in do_something_to_document method.
The first code is fine, because before_filter will always load your #document.
I suggest you to write something like that
def fetch_document(doc_id)
#document ||= Document.find(doc_id)
def do_something_to_document
my_doc = fetch_document(params[:id])
where do_something_to_document is in the controller (if not, dont use params[:id], even if you know you can access this global, use another explicit parameter). The ||= thing, will asssure that you call the base only once by request.

Adding custom internal method to a controller

I'm new with RoR and I have a controller (UsersController) where I wish to verify the existence of a certain session before anything. Since the session verification code is the same for several methods and I don't want to repeat myself, I decided to make a new method in my controller to check the sessions:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
def show
def new
if self.has_register_session?
# Does something
# Does something else
def edit
def create
def update
def destroy
def self.has_register_session?
# true or false
And when I run the page /users/new, I got this error:
undefined method `has_register_session?' for #<UsersController:0x1036d9b48>
Any idea?
self when you define the method refers to the UsersController class object, but within the instance method new, self refers to the instance of UsersController.
You can either make your method an instance method:
def has_register_session?
# code
You can then get rid of the self when calling has_register_session? in new as well.
Or call the method on the class:
if UsersController.has_register_session?
# code
instead of referencing UsersController explicitly you could do self.class.
Note that you likely want the first solution: making has_register_session? an instance method.
By doing def self.blah you've created a class method whereas you want an instance method.
You might also want to make the method protected - all public methods are exposed as actions by default.

How to pass values between controller methods

Is there any way to share an array between controller methods and store it until page reloads or calling method of another controller? Some methods should change the array.
you can use rails cache.
If you want to share the value across the methods of a same controller instance then,
declare an instance variable:
class BarsController < UsersController
before_filter :init_foo_list
def method1
render :method2
def method2
#foo_list.each do | item|
# do something
def init_foo_list
#foo_list ||= ['Money', 'Animals', 'Ummagumma']
If you want to share the value across two controllers withn a session, then:
class BarsController < UsersController
before_filter :init_foo_list
def method1
render :controller => "FoosController", :action => "method2"
def init_foo_list
params[:shared_param__] ||= ['Money', 'Animals', 'Ummagumma']
class FoosController < UsersController
def method2
params[:shared_param__].each do | item|
# do something
Give an unique name to the shared parameter key so as to avoid collision with existing keys.
Other option is to store the shared array in the session ad delete it before the final render.
I am not sure whether my answer is close to your requirement, but this is what I do if I want to get the value of an object/model which is fetched in one controller action and basis on that value I need to fetch other values in another controller action.
I make use of class variables and use it throughout my controller action
for eg:
##my_value=#pages.(any manipulations)
now ##my_vales can be used in any actions of that controller..
hope it helps...
