iOS - Show View when phone is locked - ios

I'm building an ios app with an alarm feature. I would like to show a view when phone is locked. I want to look exactly like on iOS alarm. If you're an iPhone user try to alarm and locked your phone you will get what i'm talking about. Is it possible? If possible how?
Thanks in advance.

iOS doesn't provide apps that kind of access to the lock screen (or any screen not in your app), so it's impossible to make it exactly like the iOS native alarm. The closest you can get is sending notifications to simulate an alarm, which are visible on the lock screen


Is it possible to programmatically open an app on an iOS device based on a trigger from a web api

I want to use an old iPad to view an ip camera feed. Instead of keeping the iPad on all day, I want to be able to tell the iPad to wake and open the camera viewer application when the camera senses motion. (Not just a small notification on lock screen, I want to be able to view a full screen image of the cameras feed). After a given period of time the iPad would go back to an off/sleep mode. Is this even possible in iOS? Thanks!
Take a look at the "Singe App Mode" and "Background Execution". Choose an event type that can take your device out from background mode, like VOIP. Do not expect the app to be accepted in the public app store.

Launch app using shake gesture

Is there a way to launch an app by shaking the iPhone?
I want my app to launch when the user shakes their iPhone (a certain number of shakes).
I believe thats not possible.
Apple can deal with this on its own end by OS.
What if the device gets shaken by accident? You've then got false alarms to deal with.

How to determine number of locks and unlocks of iPhone programmatically

is it possible to determine how many times my iPhone has been locked and unlocked programmatically when app is foreground and background as well. Code snippet will help a lot...
There's no way to get this information from your App.
You can only know when your app goes to foreground/background via your App Delegate, but not what the user does outside of your App.

Put Mobile App Launch Icon on Notifications Screen to Launch from Locked Device

Want to put the icon for our iOS app on the iOS Notifications Screen that can be accessed when a user has not entered their passcode, so that the user can launch the app when the phone is locked without needing to input their passcode. The goal is for a very fast launch with minimum time from a locked iphone. We don't need to actually send the user a notification. Would also be great for this to work on Android, but iOS is currently more important for this feature.
What is the best way to do this using Cordova? Is there an existing plugin for this purpose?
It is not possible to launch an iOS app without unlocking the phone/device. The notifications screen is only available once the iOS device is unlocked.
(thanks to dan)

iOS Phonegap: disable auto-lock but allow turning off the screen

I'm working with Phonegap and I'm trying to disable the auto-lock, but allow in the meantime the phone to turn off the screen. So the phone is not locked, but the screen appears off. This is in order to save battery and allow my application to continue its work.
Can this be achieved? Thanks.
Fairly certain that is not possible, even with the official Apple SDK.
