Dask DataFrame .head() very slow after indexing - dask

Not reproducible, but can someone fill in why a .head() call is greatly slowed after indexing?
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_parquet("Filepath")
df.head() # takes 10 seconds
df = df.set_index('id')
df.head() # takes 10 minutes +

As stated in the docs, set_index sorts your data according to the new index, such that the divisions along that index split the data into its logical partitions. The sorting is the thing that requires the extra time, but will make operations working on that index much faster once performed. head() on the raw file will fetch from the first data chunk on disc without regard for any ordering.
You are able to set the index without this ordering either with the index= keyword to read_parquet (maybe the data was inherently ordered already?) or with .map_partitions(lambda df: df.set_index(..)), but this raises the obvious question, why would you bother, what are you trying to achieve? If the data were already sorted, then you could also have used set_index(.., sorted=True) and maybe even the divisions keyword, if you happen to have the information - this would not need the sort, and be correspondingly faster.


Why dask's read_sql_table requires a index_col parameter?

I'm trying to use the read_sql_table from dask but I'm facing some issues related to the index_col parameter. My sql table doesn't have any numeric value and I don't know what to give to the index_col parameter.
I read at the documentation that if the index_col is of type "object" I have to provide the "divisions" parameter, but I don't know what are the values in my index_col before reading the table.
I'm really confused. Don't know why I have to give an index_col when using read_sql_table but don't have to when using read_csv.
I've found in certain situations it's easiest to handle this by scattering DataFrame objects out to the cluster by way of pd.read_sql and its chunksize argument:
from dask import bag as db
sql_text = "SELECT ..."
sql_meta = {"column0": "object", "column1": "uint8"}
sql_conn = connect(...)
dfs_futs = map(client.scatter, # Scatter each object to the cluster
chunksize=10_000, # Iterate in chunks of 10,000
# Now join our chunks (remotely) into a single frame.
df = db.from_sequence(list(dfs_futs)).to_dataframe(meta=sql_meta)
This is nice since you don't need to handle any potential drivers/packages that would be cumbersome to manage on distributed nodes and/or situations where it's difficult to easily partition your data.
Just a note on performance, for my use case we leverage our database's external table operations to spool data out to a CSV and then read that with pd.read_csv (it's pretty much the same deal as above) while a SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE compared to the way Dask parallelizes and chunks up queries, can be acceptable performance-wise since there is a cost to performing the chunking inside the database.
Dask needs a way to be able to read the partitions of your data independently of one-another. This means being able to phrase the queries of each part with a clause like "WHERE index_col >= val0 AND index_col < val1". If you have nothing numerical, dask cab't guess reasonable values for you, you can still do this if you can determine a way to provide reasonable delimiters, like list(string.ascii_letters). You can also provide your own complete WHERE clauses if you must.
Note that OFFSET/LIMIT does not work for this task, because
the result is not in general guaranteed for any given inputs (this behaviour is database implementation specific)
getting to some particular offset is done by paging through the results of a while query, so the server has to do many time the amount of work necessary

Dask DataFrame MemoryError when calling to_csv

I'm currently using Dask in the following way...
there are a list of files on S3 in the following format:
my code reads all files of filetype1 and builds up a dataframe and sets the index (e.g: df1 = ddf.read_csv(day1/filetype1.gz, blocksize=None, compression='gzip').set_index(index_col))
reads through all files of filetype2 and builds up a big dataframe (similar to above).
merges the two dataframes together via merged_df = ddf.merge(df1, df2, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True).
Writes the results out to S3 via: merged_df.to_csv(<s3_output_location>)
Note: The goal here really is to merge within a particular day (that is, merge filetype1 and filetype2 for a given day), repeat for every day, and store the union of all those joins, but it seemed like doing the join one day at a time would not leverage parallelism, and that letting Dask manage a larger join would be more performant. I thought Dask would manage the larger join in a memory-aware way based on the following line from the docs(https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/dataframe-joins.html):
If enough memory can not be found then Dask will have to read and write data to disk, which may cause other performance costs.
I see that a MemoryError happens in the call to to_csv. I'm guessing this is because to_csv calls compute, which tries to compute the full result of the join, then tries to store that result. The full file contents certainly cannot fit in memory, but I thought (hoped) that Dask would run the computations and store the resulting Dataframe in a memory-aware way. Any guidance or suggestions on how I should be using Dask to accomplish what I am trying to do? Thanks in advance.
I see that a MemoryError happens in the call to to_csv. I'm guessing this is because to_csv calls compute, which tries to compute the full result of the join, then tries to store that result. The full file contents certainly cannot fit in memory, but I thought (hoped) that Dask would run the computations and store the resulting Dataframe in a memory-aware way
In general Dask does chunk things up and operate in the way that you expect. Doing distributed joins in a low-memory way is hard, but generally doable. I don't know how to help more here without more information, which I appreciate is hard to deliver concisely on Stack Overflow. My usual recommendation is to watch the dashboard closely.
Note: The goal here really is to merge within a particular day (that is, merge filetype1 and filetype2 for a given day), repeat for every day, and store the union of all those joins, but it seemed like doing the join one day at a time would not leverage parallelism, and that letting Dask manage a larger join would be more performant
In general your intuition is correct that giving more work to Dask at once is good. However in this case it looks like you know something about your data that Dask doesn't know. You know that each file only interacts with one other file. In general joins have to be done in a way where all rows of one dataset may interact with all rows of the other, and so Dask's algorithms have to be pretty general here, which can be expensive.
In your situation I would use Pandas along with Dask delayed to do all of your computation at once.
lazy_results = []
for fn in filenames:
left = dask.delayed(pd.read_csv, fn + "type-1.csv.gz")
right = dask.delayed(pd.read_csv, fn + "type-1.csv.gz")
merged = left.merge(right)
out = merged.to_csv(...)

How can I sort a big text file with Dask?

I have a text file which is way bigger than my memory. I want to sort the lines of that file lexicographically. I know how to do it manually:
Split into chunks which fit into memory
Sort the chunks
Merge the chunks
I wanted to do it with dask. I thought dealing with big amounts of data would be one use case of dask. How can I sort the whole data with Dask?
My Try
You can execute generate_numbers.py -n 550_000_000 which will take about 30 minutes and generate a 20 GB file.
import dask.dataframe as dd
filename = "numbers-large.txt"
print("Create ddf")
ddf = dd.read_csv(filename, sep = ',', header = None).set_index(0)
print("Compute ddf and sort")
df = ddf.compute().sort_values(0)
with open("numbers-large-sorted-dask.txt", "w") as fp:
for number in df.index.to_list():
when I execute this, I get
Create ddf
Compute ddf and sort
[2] 2437 killed python dask-sort.py
I guess the process is killed because it consumes too much memory?
Try the following code:
import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
inpFn = "numbers-large.txt"
outFn = "numbers-large-sorted-dask.txt"
blkSize = 500 # For test on a small file - increase it
print("Create ddf")
ddf = dd.read_csv(inpFn, header = None, blocksize=blkSize)
ddf_sorted = ddf.set_index(0)
fut = ddf_sorted.to_csv(outFn, compute=False, single_file=True, header=None)
Note that I set so low blkSize parameter just for test purpose.
In the target version either increase its value or drop, along with
blocksize=blkSize, to accept the default value.
As set_index provides the sort, there is no need to call sort_values()
and other detail is that dask does not support this method.
As far as writing is concerned, I noticed that you want to generate a
single output file, instead of a sequence of files (one file for each
partition), so I passed single_file=True.
I also added header=None to block writing the column name, in this
case (not very meaningful) 0.
The last detail to mention is compute=False, so that dask
generates a sequence of future objects, without executing them
(computing it) - for now.
All operations so far only constructed the computation tree,
without its execution.
As late as now, compute(...) runs the whole computation tree.
Your code probably failed due to:
df = ddf.compute().sort_values(0)
Note that you:
first compute(), to generate the whole pandasonic DataFrame,
after that, at the Pandas level, you attempt to sort it.
The problem is probably that the memory in your computer is not
big enough to hold the whole result of compute().
So most likely your code failed just at this moment, without any
chance to sort this DataFrame.

Batch results of intermediate dask computation

I have a large (10s of GB) CSV file that I want to load into dask, and for each row, perform some computation. I also want to write the results of the manipulated CSV into BigQuery, but it'd be better to batch network requests to BigQuery in groups of say, 10,000 rows each, so I don't incur network overhead per row.
I've been looking at dask delayed and see that you can create an arbitrary computation graph, but I'm not sure if this is the right approach: how do I collect and fire off intermediate computations based on some group size (or perhaps time elapsed). Can someone provide a simple example on that? Say for simplicity we have these functions:
def change_row(r):
# Takes 10ms
r = some_computation(r)
return r
def send_to_bigquery(rows):
# Ideally, in large-ish groups, say 10,000 rows at a time
# And here's how I'd use it
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_csv('my_large_dataset.csv') # 20 GB
# run change_row(r) for each r in df
# run send_to_big_query(rows) for each appropriate size group based on change_row(r)
The easiest thing that you can do is provide a block size parameter to read_csv, which will get you approximately the right number of rows per block. You may need to measure some of your data or experiment to get this right.
The rest of your task will work the same way as any other "do this generic thing to blocks of data-frame": the `map_partitions' method (docs).
def alter_and_send(df):
rows = [change_row(r) for r in df.iterrows()]
return df
Basically, you are running the function on each piece of the logical dask dataframe, which are real pandas dataframes.
You may actually want map, apply or other dataframe methods in the function.
This is one way to do it - you don't really need the "output" of the map, and you could have used to_delayed() instead.

Dask performances: workflow doubts

I'm confused about how to get the best from dask.
The problem
I have a dataframe which contains several timeseries (every one has its own key) and I need to run a function my_fun on every each of them. One way to solve it with pandas involves
df = list(df.groupby("key")) and then apply my_fun
with multiprocessing. The performances, despite the huge usage of RAM, are pretty good on my machine and terrible on google cloud compute.
On Dask my current workflow is:
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.multiprocessing import get
Read data from S3. 14 files -> 14 partitions
As I didn't set the indices df.known_divisions is False
The resulting graph is
and I don't understand if what I see it is a bottleneck or not.
Is it better to have df.npartitions as a multiple of ncpu or it doesn't matter?
From this it seems that is better to set the index as key. My guess is that I can do something like
df["key2"] = df["key"]
df = df.set_index("key2")
but, again, I don't know if this is the best way to do it.
For questions like "what is taking time" in Dask, you are generally recommended to use the "distributed" scheduler rather than multiprocessing - you can run with any number of processes/threads you like, but you have much more information available via the diagnostics dashboard.
For your specific questions, if you are grouping over a column that is not nicely split between partitions and applying anything other than the simple aggregations, you will inevitably need a shuffle. Setting the index does this shuffle for you as a explicit step, or you get the implicit shuffle apparent in your task graph. This is a many-to-many operation, each aggregation tasks needs input from every original partition, hence the bottle-neck. There is no getting around that.
As for number of partitions, yes you can have sub-optimal conditions like 9 partitions on 8 cores (you will calculate 8 tasks, and then perhaps block for the final task on one core while the others are idle); but in general you can depend on dask to make reasonable scheduling decisions so long as you are not using a very small number of partitions. In many cases, it will not matter much.
