react-navigation-fluid-transitions shared image flickers - ios

I'm learning how to make beautiful animations with react native, and I have problems using the react-native-fluid-transitions library.
When I use shared elements with images, they flicker during transitions and only appear at the end of transition, does anyone had the same problem ? I didn't find someone with the same issue :/
Here's what it looks like :
And here's what it's supposed to look like :
The paper on the left transform perfectly, but the shoe blinks.
Here's the code (Not mine but exactly the same, even this one doesn't work) :
And it's from this guide :
Thanks for your help

Finally fixed it with Expo.Asset.fromModule(require('./assets/air-jordan-1.png')).downloadAsync();
Now it's looking beautiful :)


Black bars iPhone X above. How to get rid of?

I'm having trouble with these strange black bars on the edges of iPhone X devices and higher. They will fade in and out weirdly with the camera and mess up my UI layout. Any suggestions for how to fix this? I am using the Unity game engine to create the game.
Video with demonstration linked below:
It could be because the animation is messing up the ui. Do you have any code that you think is related to that issue? If so, please edit your post with the code. Until then I can't help you. One other issue that might be that something is messing up the camera. Hope this helps in some way! :D

Fancybox not repositioning correct after orientation change on iPad

When rotating my iPad from portrait to landscape and back to portrait, the fancybox image gets a mysterious padding on the left. Plus, before changing rotations, I cannot scroll left or right, afterwards I can scroll to the left. Please refer to the images (observe the background!) for a better understanding.
What I already tried is to add the repositioning method of fancybox:
$(window).bind('orientationchange', function(event) {
Anyone has experienced this before or can guess where it might come from?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After attempting many things using jQuery mobile and calling various functions in Fancy Box, I figured out a very simple fix.
I've simply added the following parameter to my fancybox initializer :
autoCenter : true
You can find the documentation on this setting here:
Cannot guarantee that this will fix it for you but I hope so!
PS: This probably requires at least the 2.1.5 version of Fancy Box.

Photo Gallery like table iOS

I am in the process of designing an application that will look like the image below. I am wondering if there is anything out there that will help me create this style of a table. I have seen three20 and other sources. I already figured out how to load images from the website I need, using JSON, now I need to put it into that view style. . It looks like it may be a basic gallery layout, but I am not sure where the best place to start may be.
EDIT: Thanks guys, this ended up being quite helpful as well:
Try to check UICollectionView
Have a look at UICollectionView. It's perfect for that sort of thing.
Ask again with specific questions if you have them.
The new UICollectionView framework is made for things like this, and it's really easy to use. The only downside to using a collection view is that it's only available on iOS 6+, so if you want backwards compatibility, you might want to look into third-party open source frameworks.
Here's a great tutorial on UICollectionViews to help you get started.

How can I get a slot machine effect in the IOS SDK with text?

I need to create a list of words then have the words cycle through in a slot machine effect when swiped from top to bottom.
the only issues I'm having problems figuring out is the scrolling text part. UIPICKERVIEW doesn't cycle around (plus I need to only show one option at a time). I've hunted for examples and/or tutorials regarding this but haven't found anything that points me in the right direct.
Anyone know of a tutorial or have suggestions where I can get started or further my research? thanks.
You could use iCarousel for this:
Run the Basic iOS Demo and select the Cylinder carousel type in vertical orientation with wrap on. If that looks like what you want, the documentation will explain how you can set it up in your project.

How to change background graphic/theme in splitview on ipad?

I would to get help on changing template/graphic of my ipad app to something similar like this one below. Please give me advices how to get this done. Thank you very much.
And this is what I have right now.
While the more graphic view looks like a SplitView I think it actually is a master view with graphic and two sub views, one containing a toolbar. Both have headers with a graphic background.
