I would like to rearrange an equation in a way that certain variables only appear on the left side using wxMaxima.
%i: eq: term1 = term2 ;
%i: fun(eq,[v]);
%o: term3 = term4
Where the allowed symbols for the terms would be something like this:
term1 = all
term2 = all
term3 = only [v] and operators
term4 = all but [v]
[v] = the variable (or list) that I want to be on the left side
I tried to get something done with matchdeclare and defrule but I couldn't even get the b of a=b+c to the left side. I am not even sure if defrule is the correct approach as term 1 and 2 have nothing to do with 3 and 4. Is there a way to solve for lists?
I came up with "something". It is not yet what I initially wanted, but at least closer.
It is basically a substitution. I can provide a left hand side and the function tries to solve for it. Of course this exact left side might not be possible so that some variables remain on the right side. But one can specify one variable that should be eliminated on the right.
expr: a=b+c*d+e $
left: log(a+b) $
notright: b $
solve_form( expr, left, notright);
results in:
Now, if I instead choose log(a-b) for the left side the output is:
which is pretty much what I wanted. Variables a and b are on the left side, but not on the right.
But I have to give an explicit left side. I would love to have a function that would find an arbitrary left side on its own so that neither a nor b are on the right side.
The obvious solution would have been:[a-b=e+c*d]
solve_form(expr,lterm,substvar) := block(
lterm: z = lterm,
Alternative function that does not need the notright input.
solveform(expr,zz_term) := block(
zz_term: zz = zz_term,
zz_term_vars: listofvars(rhs(zz_term)),
for i:1 thru length(zz_term_vars) do block(
slist: append(slist,solve(%%,zz))
I think solve, linsolve, algsys, and eliminate have more or less the effect you are looking for.
Consider the grammar:
TOP ⩴ 'x' Y 'z'
Y ⩴ 'y'
Here's how to get the exact value ["TOP","x",["Y","y"],"z"] with various parsers (not written manually, but generated from the grammar):
TOP { shift; use JSON::MaybeXS qw(encode_json); print encode_json $_[0] };
'x' Y 'z' { shift; ['TOP', (scalar #_) ? #_ : undef] };
'y' { shift; ['Y', (scalar #_) ? #_ : undef] };
use 5.028;
use strictures;
use Regexp::Grammars;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw(encode_json);
print encode_json $/{TOP} if (do { local $/; readline; }) =~ qr{
<rule: TOP>
<[anon=(x)]> <[anon=Y]> <[anon=(z)]>
<MATCH=(?{['TOP', $MATCH{anon} ? $MATCH{anon}->#* : undef]})>
<rule: Y>
<MATCH=(?{['Y', $MATCH{anon} ? $MATCH{anon}->#* : undef]})>
Code elided for the next two parsers. With Pegex, the functionality is achieved by inheriting from Pegex::Receiver. With Marpa-R2, the customisation of the return value is quite limited, but nested arrays are possible out of the box with a configuration option.
I have demonstrated that the desired customisation is possible, although it's not always easy or straight-forward. These pieces of code attached to the rules are run as the tree is assembled.
The parse method returns nothing but nested Match objects that are unwieldy. They do not retain the unnamed terminals! (Just to make sure what I'm talking about: these are the two pieces of data at the RHS of the TOP rule whose values are 'x' and 'z'.) Apparently only data springing forth from named declarators are added to the tree.
Assigning to the match variable (analog to how it works in Regexp-Grammars) seems to have no effect. Since the terminals do no make it into the match variable, actions don't help, either.
In summary, here's the grammar and ordinary parse value:
grammar {rule TOP { x <Y> z }; rule Y { y };}.parse('x y z')
How do you get the value ["TOP","x",["Y","y"],"z"] from it? You are not allowed to change the shape of rules because that would potentially spoil user attached semantics, otherwise anything else is fair game. I still think the key to the solution is the match variable, but I can't see how.
Not a full answer, but the Match.chunks method gives you a few of the input string tokenized into captured and non-captured parts.
It does, however, does not give you the ability to distinguish between non-capturing literals in the regex and implicitly matched whitespace.
You could circumvent that by adding positional captures, and use Match.caps
my $m = grammar {rule TOP { (x) <Y> (z) }; rule Y { (y) }}.parse('x y z');
sub transform(Pair $p) {
given $p.key {
when Int { $p.value.Str }
when Str { ($p.key, $p.value.caps.map(&transform)).flat }
say $m.caps.map(&transform);
This produces
(x (Y y) z)
so pretty much what you wanted, except that the top-level TOP is missing (which you'll likely only get in there if you hard-code it).
Note that this doesn't cover all edge cases; for example when a capture is quantified, $p.value is an Array, not a match object, so you'll need another level of .map in there, but the general idea should be clear.
I need a help with following:
flatten ([]) -> [];
flatten([H|T]) -> H ++ flatten(T).
Input List contain other lists with a different length
For example:
What is the time complexity of this function?
And why?
I got it to O(n) where n is a number of elements in the Input list.
For example:
flatten([[1,2,3],[4,7],[9,9,9,9,9,9]]) n=3
flatten([[1,2,3],[4,7],[9,9,9,9,9,9],[3,2,4],[1,4,6]]) n=5
Thanks for help.
First of all I'm not sure your code will work, at least not in the way standard library works. You could compare your function with lists:flatten/1 and maybe improve on your implementation. Try lists such as [a, [b, c]] and [[a], [b, [c]], [d]] as input and verify if you return what you expected.
Regarding complexity it is little tricky due to ++ operator and functional (immutable) nature of the language. All lists in Erlang are linked lists (not arrays like in C++), and you can not just add something to end of one without modifying it; before it was pointing to end of list, now you would like it to link to something else. And again, since it is not mutable language you have to make copy of whole list left of ++ operator, which increases complexity of this operator.
You could say that complexity of A ++ B is length(A), and it makes complexity of your function little bit greater. It would go something like length(FirstElement) + (lenght(FirstElement) + length(SecondElement)) + .... up to (without) last, which after some math magic could be simplified to (n -1) * 1/2 * k * k where n is number of elements, and k is average length of element. Or O(n^3).
If you are new to this it might seem little bit odd, but with some practice you can get hang of it. I would recommend going through few resources:
Good explanation of lists and how they are created
Documentation on list handling with DO and DO NOT parts
Short description of ++ operator myths and best practices
Chapter about recursion and tail-recursion with examples using ++ operator
I'm trying to capture a string with a combination of a's and b's but always ending with b. In other words:
local patt = S'ab'^0 * P'b'
matching aaab and bbabb but not aaa or bba. The above however does not match anything. Is this because S'ab'^0 is greedy and matches the final b? I think so and can't think of any alternatives except perhaps resorting to lpeg.Cmt which seems like overkill. But maybe not, anyone know how to match such a pattern? I saw this question but the problem with the solution there is that it would stop at the first end marker (i.e. 'cat' there, 'b' here) and in my case I need to accept the middle 'b's.
What I'm actually trying to do is match an expression whose outermost rule is a function call.
all match but
4 + 5;
do not. The rest of my grammar works and I'm pretty sure this boils down to the same issue but for completeness, the grammar I'm working with looks something like:
top_expr = V'primary_expr' * V'postfix_op'^0 * V'func_call_op' * P';';
postfix_op = V'func_call_op' + V'index_op';
And similarly the V'postfix_op'^0 eats up the func_call_op I'm expecting at the end.
Yes, there is no backtracking, so you've correctly identified the problem. I think the solution is to list the valid postfix_op expressions; I'd change V'func_call_op' + V'index_op' to V'func_call_op'^0 * V'index_op' and also change the final V'func_call_op' to V'func_call_op'^1 to allow several function calls at the end.
Update: as suggested in the comments, the solution to the a/b problem would be (P'b'^0 * P'a')^0 * P'b'^1.
How about this?
local final = P'b' * P(-1)
local patt = (S'ab' - final)^0 * final
The pattern final is what we need at the end of the string.
The pattern patt matches the set 'ab' unless it is followed by the final sequence. Then it asserts that we have the final sequence. That stops the final 'b' from being eaten.
This doesn't guarantee that we get any a's (but neither would the pattern in the question have).
Sorry my answer comes too late but I think it's worth to give this question a more correct answer.
As I understand it, you just want a non-blind greedy match. But unfortunately the "official documentation" of LPeg only tells us how to use LPeg for blind greedy match (or repetition). But this pattern can be described by a parsing expression grammar. For rule S if you want to match as many E1 as you can followed by E2, you need to write
S <- E1 S / E2
The solution to a/b problem becomes
S <- [ab] S / 'b'
You might want to optimize the rule by inserting some a's in the first option
S <- [ab] 'a'* S / 'b'
which will reduce the recursions a lot. As for your real problem, here's my answser:
top_expr <- primary_expr p_and_f ';'
p_and_f <- postfix_op p_and_f / func_call_op
postfix_op <- func_call_op / index_op
I am looking for a more succinct F# equivalent of:
myNumber >= 2 && myNumber <= 4
I imagine something like
myNumber >=< (2, 4)
Is there some kind of operation like this?
There is no native operator, but you could define your own one.
let inline (>=<) a (b,c) = a >= b && a<= c
John's answer is exactly what you asked for, and the most practical solution. But this got me wondering if one could define operator(s) to enable a syntax closer to normal mathematical notation, i.e., a <= b <= c.
Here's one such solution:
let inline (<=.) left middle = (left <= middle, middle)
let inline (.<=) (leftResult, middle) right = leftResult && (middle <= right)
let inline (.<=.) middleLeft middleRight = (middleLeft .<= middleRight, middleRight)
1 <=. 3 .<=. 5 .<= 9 // true
1 <=. 10 .<= 5 // false
A few comments on this:
I used the . character to indicate the "middle" of the expression
. was a very deliberate choice, and is not easily changeable to some other character you like better (e.g. if you perhaps like the look of 1 <=# 3 #<= 5 better). The F# compiler changes the associativity and/or precedence of an operator based on the operator symbol's first character. We want standard left-to-right evaluation/short-circuiting, and . enables this.
A 3-number comparison is optimized away completely, but a 4+ number comparison results in CIL that allocates tuples and does various other business that isn't strictly necessary:
Is there some kind of operation like this?
Great question! The answer is "no", there isn't, but I wish there was.
Latkin's answer is nice, but it doesn't short-circuit evaluate. So if the first test fails the remaining subexpressions still get evaluated, even though their results are irrelevant.
FWIW, in Mathematica you can do 1<x<2 just like mathematics.
I'm trying to teach myself Prolog. Below, I've written some code that I think should return all paths between nodes in an undirected graph... but it doesn't. I'm trying to understand why this particular code doesn't work (which I think differentiates this question from similar Prolog pathfinding posts). I'm running this in SWI-Prolog. Any clues?
% Define a directed graph (nodes may or may not be "room"s; edges are encoded by "leads_to" predicates).
leads_to(kitchen, living_room).
leads_to(living_room, stairs).
leads_to(living_room, den).
leads_to(stairs, hall).
leads_to(hall, bedroom1).
leads_to(hall, bedroom2).
leads_to(hall, bedroom3).
leads_to(hall, studio).
leads_to(living_room, outside). % Note "outside" is the only node that is not a "room"
leads_to(kitchen, outside).
% Define the indirection of the graph. This is what we'll work with.
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(A, B).
neighbor(A,B) :- leads_to(B, A).
Iff A --> B --> C --> D is a loop-free path, then
path(A, D, [B, C])
should be true. I.e., the third argument contains the intermediate nodes.
% Base Rule (R0)
path(X,Y,[]) :- neighbor(X,Y).
% Inductive Rule (R1)
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), not(member(Z, P)), path(Z,Y,P).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
is false. Why? Shouldn't we get a match to R1 with
X = bedroom1
Y = stairs
Z = hall
P = []
?- neighbor(bedroom1, hall).
?- not(member(hall, [])).
?- path(hall, stairs, []).
true .
In fact, if I evaluate
?- path(A, B, P).
I get only the length-1 solutions.
Welcome to Prolog! The problem, essentially, is that when you get to not(member(Z, P)) in R1, P is still a pure variable, because the evaluation hasn't gotten to path(Z, Y, P) to define it yet. One of the surprising yet inspiring things about Prolog is that member(Ground, Var) will generate lists that contain Ground and unify them with Var:
?- member(a, X).
X = [a|_G890] ;
X = [_G889, a|_G893] ;
X = [_G889, _G892, a|_G896] .
This has the confusing side-effect that checking for a value in an uninstantiated list will always succeed, which is why not(member(Z, P)) will always fail, causing R1 to always fail. The fact that you get all the R0 solutions and none of the R1 solutions is a clue that something in R1 is causing it to always fail. After all, we know R0 works.
If you swap these two goals, you'll get the first result you want:
path(X,Y,[Z|P]) :- not(X == Y), neighbor(X,Z), path(Z,Y,P), not(member(Z, P)).
?- path(bedroom1, stairs, P).
P = [hall]
If you ask for another solution, you'll get a stack overflow. This is because after the change we're happily generating solutions with cycles as quickly as possible with path(Z,Y,P), only to discard them post-facto with not(member(Z, P)). (Incidentally, for a slight efficiency gain we can switch to memberchk/2 instead of member/2. Of course doing the wrong thing faster isn't much help. :)
I'd be inclined to convert this to a breadth-first search, which in Prolog would imply adding an "open set" argument to contain solutions you haven't tried yet, and at each node first trying something in the open set and then adding that node's possibilities to the end of the open set. When the open set is extinguished, you've tried every node you could get to. For some path finding problems it's a better solution than depth first search anyway. Another thing you could try is separating the path into a visited and future component, and only checking the visited component. As long as you aren't generating a cycle in the current step, you can be assured you aren't generating one at all, there's no need to worry about future steps.
The way you worded the question leads me to believe you don't want a complete solution, just a hint, so I think this is all you need. Let me know if that's not right.