Proper way to reference grains related to another grain - orleans

I have been looking for an example of this and I'm unsure of how this is done here, since grains are isolated.
Example: Say I have a User grain, which can reference X Order grains and each order grain has a collection of OrderItem grains associated with them. What is the preferred method of accessing all of these items?
The only way I have thought of is having a collection of PK's for each of the Order grains inside the User grain, and OrderItems within the Order grain, then call them as you would any grain.
Sorry if this is a little novice of a question, but I haven't been able to find a good example solution to review.

Sounds like you are partitioning way too narrow. Is there an actual reason why each order item (and perhaps even the order) is its own grain type? If it's just a data holder without any non-trivial logic, nor is referenced externally, I would just keep that data inside the Order itself, as it doesn't seem like each item should have its own identity.
If we map concepts to DDD terminology, each aggregate typically correlates to a grain type, and you wouldn't typically make each order item behave as an aggregate root.
So you just reference an Order grain that happens to contain all of its order items inside it.
That's basically just a generalization without knowing much about your actual domain. It IS possible in a few domains to treat order items as their own aggregate root, but make sure that's what you want, because the complexity of having them in isolation is not trivial (ie: what happens if the Order grain dies but not the order items, etc).


Best Way to Store Contextual Attributes in Core Data?

I am using Core Data to store objects. What is the most efficient possibility for me (i.e. best execution efficiency, least code required, greatest simplicity and greatest compatibility with existing functions/libraries/frameworks) to store different attribute values for each object depending on the context, knowing that the contexts cannot be pre-defined, will be legion and constantly edited by the user?
An Object is a Person (Potentially =Employer / =Employee)
Each person works for several other persons and has different titles in relation to their work relationships, and their title may change from one year to another (in case this detail matters: each person may also concomitantly employ one or several other persons, which is why a person is an employee but potentially also an employer)
So one attribute of my object would be “Title vs Employer vs Year Ended”
The best I could do with my current knowledge is save all three elements together as a string which would be an attribute value assigned to each object, and constantly parse that string to be able to use it, but this has the following (HUGE) disadvantages:
(1) Unduly Slowed Execution & Increased Energy Use. Using this contextual attribute is at the very core of my prospective App´s core function (so it would literally be used 10-100 times every minute). Having to constantly parse this information to be able to use it adds undue processing that I’d very much like to avoid
(2) Undue Coding Overhead. Saving this contextual attribute as a string will unduly make additional coding for me necessary each time I’ll use this central information (i.e. very often).
(3) Undue Complexity & Potential Incompatibility. It will also add undue complexity and by departing from the expected practice it will escape the advantages of Core Data.
What would be the most efficient way to achieve my intended purpose without the aforementioned disadvantages?
Taking your example, one option is to create an Employment entity, with attributes for the title and yearEnded and two (to-one) relationships to Person. One relationship represents the employer and the other represents the employee.
The inverse relationships are in both cases to-many. One represents the employments where the Person is the employee (so you might name it employmentsTaken) and the other relationship represents the employments where the Person is the Employer (so you might name it employmentsGiven).
Generalising, this is the solution recommended by Apple for many-many relationships which have attributes (see "Modelling a relationship based on its semantics" in their documentation).
Whether that will address all of the concerns listed in your question, I leave to your experimentation: if things are changing 10-100 times a minute, the overhead of fetch requests and creating/updating/deleting the intermediate (Employment) entity might be worse than your string representation.

calculated fields: to store in DB or not to store?

I am building a ruby on rails application where a user can learn words from a story (having many stories on his list of stories to learn from), and conversely, a story can belong to many users. Although the story is not owned by the user (it's owned by the author), the user can track certain personal things about each story that relate to him and only to him, such as how many words are left to learn in each of his stories (which will obviously differ from user to user).
Currently, I have a has_many :through relationship set up through a third table called users_stories. My concern/question has to do with "calculated fields": is it really necessary to store things like words_learnt_in_this_story (or conversely, words_not_yet_learnt_in_this_story) in the database? It seems to me that things like this could be calculated by simply looking at a list of all the words that the user has already learnt (present on his learnt_words_list), and then simply contrast/compare that master list with the list of words in the story in order to calculate how many words are unlearnt.
The dilemma here is that if this is the case, if all these fields can simply be calculated, then there seems to be no reason to have a separate model. If this is the case, then there should just be a join model in the middle and have it be a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship, no? Furthermore, in such a scenario, where do calculated attributes such as words_to_learn get stored? Or maybe they don't need to get stored at all, and rather just get calculated on the fly every time the user loads his homepage?
Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated! Thanks, Michael.
If you're asking "is it really necessary to store calculated values in the DB" I answer you. No, it's not necessary.
But it can give you some pros. For example if you have lots of users and the users call those values calculating a lot then it could be more winnable strategy to calculate them once in a while. It will save your server resources.
Your real question now is "What will be more effective for you? Calculate values each time or calculate them once in a while and store in DB?"
In a true relational data model you don't need to store anything that can be calculated from the existing data.
If I understand you correctly you just want to have a master word list (table) and just reference those words in a relation. That is exactly how it should be modelled in a relational database and I suggest you stick with it for consistency reason. Just make sure you set the indices right in the database.
If further down the road you run into performance issue (usually you don't) you can solve that problems then by caching/views etc.
It is not necessary to store calculated values in the DB, but if the values are often used in logic or views its good idea to store it in Database once(calculate again on change) and use from there rather then calculating in views or model.

Fact table linked to Slowly Changing Dimension

I'm struggling to understand the best way to model a particular scenario for a data warehouse.
I have a Person dimension, and a Tenancy dimension. A person could be on 0, 1 or (rarely) multiple tenancies at any one time, and will often have a succession of tenancies over time. A tenancy could have one or more people associated with it. The people associated with a tenancy can change over time, and tenancies generally last for many years.
One option is to add tenancy reference, start and end dates to the Person Dimension as type 2 SCD columns. This would work well as long as I ignore the possibility of multiple concurrent tenancies for a person. However, I have other areas of the data warehouse where I am facing a similar design issue and ignoring multiple relationships is not a possibility.
Another option is to model the relationship as an accumulating snapshot fact table. I'm not sure how well this would work in practice though as I could only link it to one version of a Person and Tenancy (both of which will have type 2 SCD columns) and that would seem to make it impossible to produce current or historical reports that link people and tenancies together.
Are there any recommended ways of modelling this type of relationship?
Edit based on the patient answer and comments given by SQL.Injection
I've produced a basic model showing the model as described by SQL.Injection.
I've moved tenancy start/end dates to the 'junk' dimension (Dim.Tenancy) and added Person tenancy start/end dates to the fact table as I felt that was a more accurate way to describe the relationship.
However, now that I see it visually I don't think that this is fundamentally any different from the model that I started with, other than the fact table is a periodic snapshot rather than an accumulating snapshot. It certainly seems to suffer from the same flaw that whenever I update a type 2 slowly changing attribute in any of the dimensions it is not reflected in the fact.
In order to make this work to reflect current changes and also allow historical reporting it seems that I will have to add a row to the fact table every time a SCD2 change occurs on any of the dimensions. Then, in order to prevent over-counting by joining to multiple versions of the same entity I will also need to add new versions of the other related dimensions so that I have new keys to join on.
I need to think about this some more. I'm beginning to think that the database model is right and that it's my understanding of how the model will be used that is wrong.
In the meantime any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Your problem is similar to to the sale transactions with multiple item. The difference, is that a transaction usually has multiple items and your tenancy fact usually has a single person (the tenant).
Your hydra is born because you are trying to model the tenancy as a dimension, when you should be modeling it as a fact.
The reason why I think you have a tenancy dimension, is because somewhere you have a fact rent. To model the fact rent consider use the same approach i stated above, if two persons are tenants of the same property two fact records should be inserted each month:
1) And now comes some magic (that is no magic at all), split the value of the of the rent by the number of tenants and store it the fact
2) store also the full value of the rent (you don't know how the data scientist is going to use the data)
3) check 1) with the business user (i mean people that build the risk models); there might be some advanced rule on how to do the spliting (a similar thing happens when the cost of shipping is to be divided across multiple item lines of the same order -- it might not be uniformly distributed)

Domain Driven Design: When to make an Aggregate Root?

I'm attempting to implement DDD for the first time with a ASP.NET MVC project and I'm struggling with a few things.
I have 2 related entities, a Company and a Supplier. My initial thought was that Company was an aggregate root and that Supplier was a value object for Company. So I have a Repository for company and none for Supplier.
But as I have started to build out my app, I ended up needing separate list, create, and update forms for the Supplier. The list was easy I could call Company.Suppliers, and create was horrible I could do Company.Suppliers.Add(supplier), but update is giving me a headache. Since I need just one entity and I can't exactly stick it in memory between forms, I ended up needing to refetch the company and all of the suppliers and find the one I needed to bind to it and again to modified it and persist it back to the db.
I really just needed to do a GetOne if I had a repository for Supplier. I could add some work arounds by adding a GetOneSupplier to my Company or CompanyRepository, but that seems junky.
So, I'm really wondering if it's actually a Value Object, and not a full domain entity itself.
Is needing separate list/create/update view/pages a sign that an entity should be it's own root?
Based on your terminology I assume you are performing DDD based on Eric Evans' book. It sounds like you have already identified a problem with your initial go at modeling and you are right on.
You mention you thought of supplier as a Value Object... I suggest it is not. A Value Object is something primarily identified by its properties. For example, the date "September 30th, 2009" is a value object. Why? Because all date instances with a different month/day/year combo are different dates. All date instances with the same month/day/year combo are considered identical. We would never argue over swapping my "September 30th, 2009" for yours because they are the same :-)
An Entity on the other hand is primarily identified by its "ID". For example, bank accounts have IDs - they all have account numbers. If there are two accounts at a bank, each with $500, if their account numbers are different, so are they. Their properties (in this example, their balance) do not identify them or imply equality. I bet we would argue over swapping bank accounts even if their balances were the same :-)
So, in your example, I would consider a supplier an Entity, as I would presume each supplier is primarily identified by its ID rather than its properties. My own company shares its name with two others in the world - yet we are not all interchangeable.
I think your suggestion that if you need views for CRUDing an object then it is an Entity probably holds true as a rule of thumb, but you should focus more on what makes one object different from others: properties or ID.
Now as far as Aggregate Roots go, you want to focus on the lifecycle and access control of the objects. Consider that I have a blog with many posts each with many comments - where is/are the Aggregate Root(s)? Let's start with comments. Does it make sense to have a comment without a post? Would you create a comment, then go find a post and attach it to it? If you delete a post, would you keep its comments around? I suggest a post is an Aggregate Root with one "leaf" - comments. Now consider the blog itself - its relationship with its posts is similar to that between posts and comments. It too in my opinion is an Aggregate Root with one "leaf" - posts.
So in your example, is there a strong relationship between company and supplier whereby if you delete a company (I know... you probably only have one instance of company) you would also delete its suppliers? If you delete "Starbucks" (a coffee company in the US) do all its coffee bean suppliers cease to exist? This all depends on your domain and application, but I suggest more than likely neither of your Entities are Aggregate Roots, or perhaps a better way to think about them is that they are Aggregate Roots each with no "leaves" (nothing to aggregate). In other words, company does not control access to or control the lifecycle of suppliers. It simply has a one-to-many relationship with suppliers (or perhaps many-to-many).
This brings us to Repositories. A Repository is for storing and retrieving Aggregate Roots. You have two (technically they are not aggregating anything but its easier than saying "repositories store aggregate roots or entities that are not leaves in an aggregate"), therefore you need two Repositories. One for company and one for suppliers.
I hope this helps. Perhaps Eric Evans lurks around here and will tell me where I deviated from his paradigm.
Sounds like a no-brainer to me - Supplier should have its own repository. If there is any logical possibility that an entity could exist independently in the model then it should be a root entity, otherwise you'll just end up refactoring later on anyway, which is redundant work.
Root entities are always more flexible than value objects, despite the extra implementation work up front. I find that value objects in a model become rarer over time as the model evolves, and entities that remain value objects were usually the ones that you could logically constrain that way from day one.
If companies share suppliers then having supplier as a root entity removes data redundancy as well, as you do not duplicate the supplier definition per company but share the reference instead, and the association between Company and Supplier can be bi-directional as well, which may yield more benefits.

Domain Driven Design, SOC, and entity identification

I've been trying to wrap my mind around DDD and how it can relate to MVC, but I'm having trouble with regards to entity identification.
In particular, I'm trying to maintain strict separation between my presentation, domain, and data models. My hangup here is in how I preserve entity identification across these boundaries. To clarify, I'm using separate classes to represent the same entity in different contexts - for example, I have a 'ShipmentRequest' domain class, several 'ShipmentRequestView' presentation classes (depending on the properties required by a particular view), and a 'shipment_request' database table (my data model).
I feel like using an 'ID' property (like ShipmentRequestId) would be a violation of the separation I'm trying to achieve, since this ID property is a database concern, and not a domain concern; and I don't want to pass the same object between layers, as this would mean passing unneeded data into my presentation layer.
How do I preserve this separation, and yet track identity between these layers?
Without the Id field in your entity you cannot map it to a database row. Therefore this id field even though it has nothing to do with your entities must leak into your domain model.
I feel it is most often overkill to use a presentation model, especially if what your are trying to achieve is hide some properties.
I think separation of concerns is mostly driven by the bounded context. For example, your Person, PersonView and Person table all seem the relate to a transaction processing context. In such a context I would make not even have a PersonView and the person table would be abstracted away.
On the other hand if you are in a reporting context, a PersonView would be more useful.
I think that the context is much more important than any layering scheme.
As for the lack of a natural key in your person entity, it could mean that Person is not really an entity. For exemple, in any real life application, there is always a number associated with the person: an employee has a employee number, a client as an account number, etc. This business id is definitely part of the domain.
I think having an "ID" field on entities is a concession a lot (most?) people end up making, and I wouldn't feel guilty for doing so.
As you say, even when you're not dealing with the database, you still need some notion of identity. You can try to come up with some kind of "natural" identity for each entity (a field like name, or a combination of several fields), but this isn't always possible. Even when it is, having an ID field often acts as a handy shortform for saying "the entity whose name is X, and whose date of birth is Y, and whose SSN is Z".
In the end, while arguably less "pure", having an ID field will likely simplify things a great deal.
Shipment Request is definitely a better example!
How will the users find a shipment request?
Depending on the answer you might need an id that users might remember, for example 20091012-A.
Can a shipment request id ever change?
If no, use the db key for identity.
Will you need to transfer shipment requests from one system to another?
If yes, do not use the db key for identity.
Whatever key you use you will need to make it available in the presentation model so that you can build links to actions on a particular shipment request.
