Twilio number - Suppress - twilio

I have a Twilio number that forwards to my mobile phone, and I'd like the caller ID to be suppressed (not see the callers number) and just show the Twilio number. This is so I know the call is coming via the Twilio number. Is this possible?

It's possible using your Twilio number as the callerId attribute something like this:
Let's say your Twilio number is +44zzzyyyyxxx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial callerId="+44zzzyyyyxxx">+447950401xxx</Dial>


How to redirect incoming call to SIP ip address with twiml?

I'm using Twilio (twiml code) for incoming calls. I need to redirect incoming call to remote SIP ip address. How can I do it ?
You could use a TwiML similar to this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note: there is more configuration needed, see the answer to How do I forward a Twilio number to a VoIP phone?
Also, this blog post has more information

TwiML Sip only dialing the first one

I am trying to get all of our customer care team's phone's to ring on inbound call's using twiml, but it only ever ring's the first one, Both test phone's are registered through twilio's Sip Domain, and depending on which one is first, that is the one that rings, Here is an exmple of my twiml ( Generated through there function's )
Per Twilio's Support, are not able to do "simulring", and also can not do "simulring" on if the number is hosted through twilio due to some timing issue :(
SimRing is not support on SIP End-points. It is supported using Number and Client nouns.
If you register SIP clients under the same SIP URI, up to 10 will ring.
Twilio now allows "parallel" calls via SIP:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Understanding how twilio manages multiple numbers from same twilio account

My question is when we buy multiple numbers from same twilio account, what is the parameter that makes the numbers different? Is it the client name or is there something else? Suppose that I want my tablet and phone to be linked to same twilio number then they will have different client name, Is that right? Please can some one explain.
Twilio evangelist here.
Suppose that I want my tablet and phone to be linked to same twilio number then they will have different client name
To do this you could set the Voice request URL of your Twilio phone number to a URL that returns TwiML containing multiple <Client> nouns. you can set it up to eather dial sequentially:
In this scenario Twilio will dial Bob first. If Bob does not answer, Twilio will dial alice.
You can also simul-dial multiple clients:
In this scenario Twilio will dial Bob and Alice at the same time and Twilio will bridge the inbound PSTN call to which ever answers.
Hope that helps.

Twillio iOS App, not making calls properly

I am experimenting with Twillio for iOS, and going through the quick start tutorial here
Now I setup a heroku account as per the tutorial and so far I am accomplishing everything up until the point where I press dial in the app and make a call to a cell phone that I entered, I get an automated message saying " Welcome to Twillio"
and then in like 3 seconds it hangs up. No Error messages are logged or anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
Twilio evangelist here.
Assuming you are using the TwiML sample from the previous step in Twilio Client for iOS the quickstart, it sounds like your application is behaving as expected.
When using Twilio Client, you need to tell Twilio what to do with the VoIP connection thats being from iOS into Twilio, which you do by setting up a web server that has a URL that returns a set of TwiML "verbs". In the Quickstart, the TwiML we show includes the <Say> verb, which tells Twilio to take text and turn it into the robot voice that you're hearing.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Welcome to Twilio</Say>
Once Twilio finishes executing all of the TwiML verbs you give it, it disconnects the call.
If you want a different experience from whats shown in the Quickstart you can just change the TwiML your server returns. For example, if you want to have Twilio drop that Client call into a conference you could change the TwiML to:
<Conference>Party Time</Conference>
If you want Twilio to dial a PSTN number (like making a call to a cell phone), you would use the <Dial> verb with the <Number> noun:
Hope that helps.

Can't receive sms with twilio

maybe somebody know and describe to me - why a month ago I use twilio & receive sms, but know stopped? I'm use and put the same code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
But sms didn't came to me more?
Twilio evangelist here.
The code you have here will not send an SMS message, it will try to record a voice call instead.
To send SMS replies you need this TwiML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Message>Your message here</Message>
Put that into your TwiMLbin snippet, connect the URL to the Messaging Request URL in your twilio number, and send it an SMS message.
Let me know if you have any further issues.
