TFS - upload lnk file to test attachments - tfs

I want to upload lnk file (shortcut for large wmv file that exists in network directory) to test attachments. The problem is whenever I download this file from TFS it has extension of .download instead of .lnk and I have to change the extension manually in order to watch the video.

The issue is related to your browser. I've tested in IE and Chrome, IE works while Chrome doesn't. You could try with IE.


Display docx or ppt in browser with ruby

I'm currently working on a intranet webapp for a company.
I've created it so the administrators of the site are able to upload files
(.docx, .pdf, .xlsx, .ppt etc) up to the webapp, to provide easier access
to documents for the employees. It works very well, however my client wasn't
too fond of having to download the files, and wanted it to pop up in the browser,
or open up the file-spesific program instead of download.
I was playing with some ideas:
1. Somehow parse the files to JSON at upload, and then show the content in browser with html.
2. Generate a pdf from the uploaded file (which automatically launches in the browser).
3. Somehow use a previewer to show the filecontent in the browser
4. Clients computer launches the uploaded file automatically on download, however I think this is a bit more tricky...
What would be the best and most time-efficient way to go about this?
It feels like what you actually want/need is a javascript document viewer (only) such as

is there possibility to add extension to firefox in developer mode?

I mean without compressing it to *.xpi. Other browsers like chrome or opera understand when I drag a folder with extension files from system explorer to therirs addon-manager tab, but firefox, when I unpack *.xpi and try to install it as a folder shows : "This addon could not be installed because it appears corrupt" message.
Reason for this that when I try to change the code I must every time to pack my source files to xpi and then refresh the extension. Other way, like in chrome, the browser automatically updates extension when files were changed.
You need to create an extension proxy file. The file is placed in your extensions directory in your profile. It should be named as the id field of your addon. Inside this file you put a single line with the actual path of the source.
Before copying the proxy file you should uninstall the corresponding xpi addon you may have installed.
Check this page for more resources on setting up your dev environment.

Hyperlink in SWF file published from captivate does not work

I have published a Captivate 6 file in swf format. In one the slides is a button, that when clicked executed a small piece of javascript code to open a url , using the command. This link opens fine, when i publish the project as a html5 output, ie mp4 file. however , when I publish it as swf, nothing happens on clicking the button. I read somewhere that flash security settings need to be updated and you need to add the folder where swf file is , as a trusted folder. I did that but still it does not work. Then I read that this problem comes only while developing since the flash player blocks access to local files and folder, so I published this swf on a web server on , but again same problem. Would be very grateful if anyone can provide some way to solve this. Thanks.
I'm using Captivate 7 and have had countless problems with javascript, but anyways... I'll avoid ranting about that.
When you publish it as an swf are you loading it from the .htm file? I've noticed that JavaScript only "worked"(haha, if you could...ok, no ranting..) by loading it in the .htm file. When I loaded the swf directly locally or from a web server it wouldn't work.
There are three or four files in Captivate 7: swf, htm, css, and js file.
When I put all of those on the web server, and load the .htm file JavaScript... uh, "worked'.. yeah

Excel files get "corrupted" during upload via swfupload

I'm using swfupload to upload some excel files to my server. When the uploaded file is in the old (< 2003) format, everything works fine. I can upload the file, redownload it, and and confirm it is the same.
The problem is, whenever I upload a file in the new open xml format (> 2007). When I redownload that file and open it, I get an error:
Excel found unreadable content in 'filename'. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
I checked on the server and confirmed the same error is present there as well.
Additional info:
The files are stored on the server file system (not DB BLOBs)
If I "recover" the file, the contents appear to be exactly the same as the originals
This same system works fine for Excel < 2003 files and image files
I save the file on the server with File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, data) where data is generated by upload.InputStream.Read(data, 0, upload.ContentLength)

Opening WI attachment without downloading it first in TFS 2010

Does anyone know how I can open an attachment from a work item without having to download it first?
When I double click the attachment, the explorer is opened and the file is downloaded and only then I can open it.
You can't as far as I'm aware as the IDE will get the attachment from the TFS server using a web service and thus opens a browser and uses IE for this.
Please see this related item for more info: Open TFS Work Item Attachment in Image Viewer not Web Browser
