Is there an easy way to convert the grayscale Halcon/MVtec Himage object to a c# bitmap? Sample code exists here (mvtec documentation) for a color image:
HTuple type, width, height;
HImage patras = new HImage("patras");
HImage interleaved = patras.InterleaveChannels("argb", "match", 255);
IntPtr ptr = interleaved.GetImagePointer1(out type, out width, out height);
Image img = new Bitmap(width/4, height, width,
PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb, ptr);
pictureBox.Image = img;
But from this sample, it is not clear how I can work with grayscale images.
I have researched your problem and at this link, it explains how to create a bitmap object for both RBG channel and single channels which is what you are looking for.
It states:
The creation of a bitmap from a HALCON image can be done through the constructors of the bitmap class. With single channel images this is straight forward by using the pointer from the operator get_image_pointer1 and the dimensions of the image.
I believe this means that it is the exact same format as the sample code you have given, but you just remove the line HImage interleaved = patras.InterleaveChannels("argb", "match", 255);
Your code will probably look like this if patras is a gray scale image:
HTuple type, width, height;
HImage patras = new HImage("patras");
IntPtr ptr = patras.GetImagePointer1(out type, out width, out height);
Image img = new Bitmap(width/4, height, width, PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale, ptr);
pictureBox.Image = img;
Since you cannot directly create 8-bit grayscale bitmap, the quickest way would be to convert gray image into RGB:
HImage hiImageNew = new HImage();
hiImageNew = hiImage.Compose3(hiImage, hiImage);
hiImageNew = hiImageNew.InterleaveChannels("argb", "match", 255);
IntPtr ptr = hiImageNew.GetImagePointer1(out htType, out htWidth, out htHeight);
System.Drawing.Image bImage = new Bitmap(htWidth/4, htHeight, htWidth, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb, ptr);
check this:
In this Class you can find the function in which you can choose if you have a grayscale or rgb image
public static Bitmap ConvertHalconImageToBitmap(HObject halconImage, bool isColor)
Suppose we have the following color:
const Scalar TRANSPARENT2 = Scalar(255, 0, 255,0);
which is magenta but fully transparent: alpha = 0 (to be fully opaque is 255).
Now I made the following test based on:
WriteableBitmap^ Grabcut::TestTransparent()
Mat res(400,400, CV_8UC4);
WriteableBitmap^ wbmp = ref new WriteableBitmap(res.cols, res.rows);
IBuffer^ buffer = wbmp->PixelBuffer;
unsigned char* dstPixels;
ComPtr<IBufferByteAccess> pBufferByteAccess;
ComPtr<IInspectable> pBuffer((IInspectable*)buffer);
memcpy(dstPixels,, res.step.buf[1] * res.cols * res.rows);
return wbmp;
The issue I have is that the image created is not fully transparent, it has a bit of alpha:
I understand there is a fila in the memcpy data, but I am not really sure about how to solve this. any idea to get it to alpha 0?
more details
To see I saving the image could then read and test if it works, I saw that the imwrite contains an snippet about transparency like in the image, but well imwrite is not implemented yet. But the transparency method is not working neither.
Any light with this snippet?
Finally I did the conversion in the C# code, first avoid calling CreateAlphaMat.
Then what I did is use a BitmapEncoder to convert data:
WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight);
using (IRandomAccessStream stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
BitmapEncoder encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, stream);
Stream pixelStream = bitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream();
byte[] pixels = new byte[pixelStream.Length];
await pixelStream.ReadAsync(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);
encoder.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied,
(uint)bitmap.PixelWidth, (uint)bitmap.PixelHeight, 96.0, 96.0, pixels);
await encoder.FlushAsync();
this.MainImage.Source = wb;
where bitmap is the WriteableBitmap from the OpenCV result. And now the image is fully transparent.
NOTE: Do not use MemoryStream and then .AsRandomAccessStream because it won't FlushAsync
I'm trying to use openCV 3 on iOS to produce an HDR image from multiple exposures that will eventually be output as an EXR file. I noticed I was getting garbled output when I tried to create an HDR image. Thinking it was a mistake in trying to create a camera response, I started from scratch and adapted the HDR imaging tutorial material on the openCV to iOS but it produces similar results. The following C++ code returns a garbled image:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Returning one of the images in the array produces ungarbled output
so we know the problem is unlikely with the openCV to UIImage conversion
//give back one of the images from the image array
//return images[0];
//give back one of the hdr images
return fusion * 255;
//return ldr * 255;
//return hdr
This is what the image looks like:
Bad image output
I've analysed the image, tried various colour space conversions, but the data appears to be junk.
The openCV framework is the latest compiled 3.0.0 version from the website. The RC and alpha produce the same results, and the current version won't build (for iOS or OSX). I was thinking my next steps would be to try and get the framework to compile from scratch, or to get the example working under another platform to see if the issue is platform specific or with the openCV HDR functions themselves. But before I do that I thought I would throw the issue up on stack overflow to see if anyone had come across the same issue or if I am missing something blindingly obvious.
I have uploaded the example xcode project to here:
Getting openCV to work with swift was with the help from user foundry on Github
Thanks foundry for pointing me in the right direction. The UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting 8-bits per colour channel, however the HDR functions are spitting out 32-bits per channel (which is actually what I want). Converting the image matrix back to 8-bits per channel for display purposes before converting it to a UIImage fixes the issue.
Here is the resulting image:
The expected result!
Here is the fixed function:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Convert back to 8-bits per channel because that is what
the UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting
// tone mapped
Mat ldr8bit;
ldr = ldr * 255;
ldr.convertTo(ldr8bit, CV_8U);
return ldr8bit;
// fusion
Mat fusion8bit;
fusion = fusion * 255;
fusion.convertTo(fusion8bit, CV_8U);
return fusion8bit;
// hdr
Mat hdr8bit;
hdr = hdr * 255;
hdr.convertTo(hdr8bit, CV_8U);
return hdr8bit;
Alternatively here is a fix for the initWithCVMat method in the OpenCV+UIImage class extension based on one of the iOS tutorials in the iOS section on
When creating a new CGImageRef with floating point data, it needs to be explicitly told that it expects floating point data, and the byte order of the image data from openCV needs to be reversed. Now iOS/Quartz has the float data! It's a bit of a hacky fix, because the method still only deals with 8 bit or 32 bits per channel or alphas and doesn't take into account every kind of image that could be passed from Mat to UIImage.
- (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat
NSData *data = [NSData length:cvMat.elemSize() *];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
size_t elemSize = cvMat.elemSize();
size_t elemSize1 = cvMat.elemSize1();
size_t channelCount = elemSize/elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerChannel = 8 * elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerPixel = bitsPerChannel * channelCount;
if (channelCount == 1) {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
} else {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// Tell CGIImageRef different bitmap info if handed 32-bit
uint32_t bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
if (bitsPerChannel == 32 ){
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapFloatComponents | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);
// Creating CGImage from cv::Mat
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(cvMat.cols, //width
cvMat.rows, //height
bitsPerChannel, //bits per component
bitsPerPixel, //bits per pixel
cvMat.step[0], //bytesPerRow
colorSpace, //colorspace
bitmapInfo, // bitmap info
provider, //CGDataProviderRef
NULL, //decode
false, //should interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// Getting UIImage from CGImage
self = [self initWithCGImage:imageRef];
return self;
is it possible to get back original image from image ROI? for example say we have
cv::Mat image = imread("image.jpg", 0);
cv::Mat imageROI = image(0, 0, 100, 100);
and in myFunction I want to work with original image. is there any way to convert imageROI to original image when we don't access the original image?
I don't know if I understood the question exactly like you think, but if you ask if let's say we have header
void myFunc(cv::Mat &m);
// .... later on
cv::Mat image = imread("image.jpg", 0);
cv::Mat imageROI = image(0, 0, 100, 100);
// .... later on myFuncDefinition
void myFunc(cv::Mat &m) {
// some code
// here you would like to have an original image, right?
So the answer for that is no and the proof is by simplicity: why want you to design opencv api in such way to make it possible store unnecessary data? If you do
cv::Mat imageROI = image(0, 0, 100, 100);
by purpose you would like to forgot about entire image and you are particulary interested in some ROI. Mat container is designed in such way to copy only matrix 'headers' and not matrix content. So if you do cv::Mat imageROI = image(0, 0, 100, 100) perhaps the matrix content (ie image data) might be stored somewhere in memory (because roi is the part of it, so by optimalization purposes it might no be deleted even is original image variable went out of scope), but your matrix header changed. Namely, from pointing to (0, 0, imageWisth, imageHeight) to (0, 0, 100, 100) and there's no way to bring it back just using variable m.
Why don't pass additional parameter as a reference?
Just incase anybody looks at this question you can actually do this
cv::Mat mat = ...
cv::Size size;
cv::Point offset;
// find original image size, and get offset of roi
mat.locateROI(size, offset);
// put image back to original size;
mat.adjustROI(offset.y, size.height - mat.rows, offset.x, size.width- mat.cols);
Let me start by saying that I'm still a beginner using OpenCV. Some things might seem obvious and once I learn them hopefully they also become obvious to me.
My goal is to use the floodFill feature to generate a separate image containing only the filled area. I have looked into this post but I'm a bit lost on how to convert the filled mask into an actual BGRA image with the filled color. Besides that I also need to crop the newly filled image to contain only the filled area. I'm guessing OpenCV has some magical function that could do the trick.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve:
Original image:
Filled image:
Filled area only:
UPDATE 07/07/13
Was able to do a fill on a separate image using the following code. However, I still need to figure out the best approach to get only the filled area. Also, my floodfill solution has an issue with filling an image that contains alpha values...
static int floodFillImage (cv::Mat &image, int premultiplied, int x, int y, int color)
cv::Mat out;
// un-multiply color
// convert to no alpha
cv::cvtColor(image, out, CV_BGRA2BGR);
// create our mask
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(image.rows + 2, image.cols + 2, CV_8U);
// floodfill the mask
+ (255 << 8) + cv::FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY);
// set new image color
cv::Mat newImage(image.size(), image.type());
cv::Mat maskedImage(image.size(), image.type());
// set the solid color we will mask out of
newImage = cv::Scalar(ARGB_BLUE(color), ARGB_GREEN(color), ARGB_RED(color), ARGB_ALPHA(color));
// crop the 2 extra pixels w and h that were given before
cv::Mat maskROI = mask(cv::Rect(1,1,image.cols,image.rows));
// mask the solid color we want into new image
newImage.copyTo(maskedImage, maskROI);
// pre multiply the colors
premultiplyBGRA2RGBA(maskedImage, image);
return 0;
you can get the difference of those two images to get the different pixels.
pixels with no difference will be zero and other are positive value.
cv::Mat A, B, C;
A = getImageA();
B = getImageB();
C = A - B;
handle negative values in the case.(i presume not in your case)
I have the following Java ME code that I'd like to port to BlackBerry:
Image imgAll = Image.createImage("/fontDigits_200x20.png");
imageDigits = new Image[10];
for(int i = 0; i < imageDigits.length; i++)
imageDigits[i] = Image.createImage(imgAll, i * 20, 0, 20, 20, Sprite.TRANS_NONE);
Basically, it's one image of ten digits that I want to split into 10 individual images and store them into an array. I looked through the docs, but can't find anything similar on EncodedImage or Graphics.
Thank you for any pointers!
Good news! Apparently there's no way to crop an EncodedImage in such a way as to have a new EncodedImage which is a cropped subset of the original. However, you can do that with a Bitmap, which essentially is the same.
you can use
Bitmap.getARGB(int[] argbData,
int offset,
int scanLength,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
after loading your image
Bitmap imgAll = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("fontDigits_200x20.png");
and off course you can create new Bitmap from this ARGB data.
You can do it directly with the Bitmap.scaleInto function:
Bitmap src;
Bitmap dst = new Bitmap(64,32);
int filterType = Bitmap.FILTER_BILINEAR;
src.scaleInto(srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, dst, dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, filterType);