Jenkins timeout/abort exception - jenkins

We have a Jenkins pipeline script that requests approval from the user after all the preparatory steps are complete, before it actually applies the changes.
We want to add a timeout to this step, so that if there is no input from the user then the build is aborted, and are currently working on using this kind of method:
try {
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'SECONDS') {
userInput = input("Apply changes?")
} catch(err) {
def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser()
if (user.toString == 'SYSTEM') { // if it's system it's a timeout
didTimeout = true
echo "Build timed out at approval step"
} else if (userInput == false) { // if not and input is false it's the user
echo "Build aborted by: [${user}]"
This code is based on examples found here: and other places online, but I really dislike catching all errors then working out what's caused the exception using err.getCauses()[0].getUser(). I'd rather explicitly catch(TimeoutException) or something like that.
So my question is, what are the actual exceptions that would be thrown by either the approval step timing out or the userInput being false? I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or Jenkins codebase so far about this.

The exception class they are referring to is org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException.
Cannot believe that this is an example provided by CloudBeeds.
Most (or probably all?) other exceptions won't even have the getCauses() method which of course would throw another exception then from within the catch block.
Furthermore as you already mentioned it is not a good idea to just catch all exceptions.
By the way: Scrolling further down that post - in the comments - there you'll find an example catching a FlowInterruptedException.

Rather old topic, but it helped me, and I've done some more research on it.
As I figured out, FlowInterruptedException's getCauses()[0] has .getUser() only when class of getCauses()[0] is It is so only when timeout occured while input was active. But, if timeout occured not in input, getCause()[0] will contain object of another class: org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution$ExceededTimeout (directly mentioning timeout).
So, I end up with this:
def is_interrupted_by_timeout(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e, Boolean throw_again=true) {
// if cause is not determined, re-throw exception
try {
def cause = e.getCauses()[0]
def cause_class = cause.getClass()
//echo("cause ${cause} class: ${cause_class}")
if( cause_class == org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution$ExceededTimeout ) {
// strong detection
return true
} else if( cause_class == ) {
// indirect detection
def user = cause.getUser()
if( user.toString().equals('SYSTEM') ) {
return true
} else {
return false
} catch(org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException e_access) {
// here, we may deal with situation when restricted methods are not approved:
// show message and Jengins' admin will copy/paste and execute them only once per Jenkins installation.
To run this job, Jenkins admin needs to approve some Java methods.
There are two possible ways to do this:
1. (better) run this code in Jenkins Console (URL: /script):
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.ScriptApproval;
def scriptApproval = ScriptApproval.get()
scriptApproval.approveSignature('method org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException getCauses')
scriptApproval.approveSignature('method getUser')
return null
if( throw_again ) {
throw e
} else {
return null
And now, you may catch it with something like this:
try {
} catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException err) {
if( is_interrupted_by_timeout(err) ) {
echo('It is timeout!')
P.S. I agree, this is bad Jenkins design.


Issue with CRMContainer in Twilio Flex

I built a simple plugin that shows in the CRMContainer the url of my CRM given some attributes parameters (if they are passed by), during inbound tasks this works fine, but the problem is that during outbound calls the behaviour is not the one expected, this is the piece of code:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
I would need an additional condition that tells the code, if this is an outbound voice call to always show a default url.
I tried adding an if/else that checks if task.attributes.direction is outbound, but Flex says this is undefined.
Any tip?
The problem is that you aren't checking for the existence of the task. Your original code had this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
Which returns the URL with the task attributes in it only if the task exists, because of the ternary conditional.
So, when you try to use the attributes you need to make sure the task exists. So taking your code from the last comment, it should look like this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
if (task) {
if (task.attributes.direction === 'outbound'){
return `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`;
} else {
return `https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/`
} else {
return 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';

Identify when retry happened in Jenkins pipeline

I have implemented retries around some code in Jenkins pipeline.
retry(2) {
// code
Is there a way to identify when a retry has happened? Besides just manually checking console logs.
Would like to identify builds which have retried some flakey code and send notification.
I don't know of a way to know that inside the retry{ } block.
You could try a fairly generic solution (even maybe as a global var in a shared pipeline library), such as using a try catch block (since the retry will wait for an exception):
int retryAttempts = 0
retry(2) {
try {
if (retryAttempts>0) {
// a retry is occurring
// Do pre-retry logic, if needed
// Do stuff
} catch (e) {
retryAttempts++ // a retry WILL occur
throw e // rethrow to trigger retry
if (retryAttempts>0) {
// a retry has occurred
// Do post-retry logic, if needed

How to resolve 'groovy.lang.MissingMethodException' ...Possible solutions: notify(), render(java.lang.String)

I am very new to Groovy and this is an old application where the author is no longer with our organization. None of the previous questions that look similar offered any help. The application needs to send a simple message to the user to warn they are missing an entry before they con continue on.
I have made no fewer than 20 changes from flash.message to confirm. Flash causes the application to jump all the way to the user login function. This confirm is giving a crash message: Error 500: Executing action [submitrequest] of controller [SdrmController] caused exception: Runtime error executing action
def submitrequest = {
def testChecker
testChecker = [params.fullExpName].flatten().findAll { it != null }'testChecker.size = ' + testChecker.size)
if (testChecker.size > 0) {
if (!confirm('Submitting can not be undone, are you sure?')) return
} else {
if (!confirm('You have to pick an expedition. Please return to your Request and pick at least one expedition.')) return
} else {
// rest of long time working code here
Expected Result is a simple message to screen tell the user to pick an "Expedition" from a list and then the code returns to the same point so the user can make the change then hit the submit again.
Then full message:
No signature of method: SdrmController.confirm() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [You have to pick an expedition. Please return to your Request and pick at least one expedition.] Possible solutions: notify(), render(java.lang.String)
-- flash.message worked for our situation.
`legChecker = [params.programLeg].flatten().findAll{it!=null}
if(requestInstance.futurePast == "future" && expChecker.size<1) {
flash.message = " you must select a future expedition "
render(view: 'stepstart', model: [....])

Jenkins Active Choices Parameter plugin not working as expected

I have a hidden parameter in Jenkins called platformType. I want to display choices based on the parameter platformType. I created the following groovy script but it doesn't work
if (platformType.equals("android")) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else (platformType.equals("ios")) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
Pls see the screenshot below
quite sure you did not specify the platformType as a parameter to platformVersion or you have other error in your code..
without error handling you just don't see it.
in your script you can catch the exception like this:
try {
if (platformType.equals("android")) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else if(platformType.equals("ios")) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
}catch(e){ return [e.toString()] }
in this case you'll see the error in your choice field
Looks you are missing if in the else part.
It is supposed to be:
if ('android' == platformType) {
return ['7.0', '6.0']
} else if ('ios' == platformType) {
return ['10.0', '9.0']
} else return []

Camel exception handling in Grails

I currently have exception handling being done in an abstract class that all my routes inherit. Something like this:
.log('retry failed, sending to the route failed coordinator')
Now, I want to do some different things based on different response codes. For all codes other than 200, HttpOperationFailedException get's thrown. For 4XX codes, I want to send the message on to a failed queue and send an email, if enabled for that particular route. For all other errors, I want to go through the retry cycle. Here's what works for the 4XX errors:
.process { Exchange x ->
HttpOperationFailedException ex = x.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, HttpOperationFailedException.class)
log.debug("Caught a HttpOperationFailedException: statusCode=${ex?.statusCode}")
ProducerTemplate producer = x.getContext().createProducerTemplate()
if (ex?.statusCode >= 400 && ex?.statusCode < 500) {
log.debug("Skipping retries ...")
producer.send(routeFailedEndpoint, x) = "Request:\n${}\n\nResponse: ${ex.statusCode}\n${ex.responseBody}".toString()
if (sendFailedEmailEnabled)
producer.send('direct:routeFailedEmailHandler', x)
} else {
producer.send(routeFailedRetryEndpoint, x)
How do I add code for retrying like in the first code snippet? I tried using nested choice()...when()...otherwise() clauses and kept getting compile errors.
Anyone had to do something similar?
Here is my code with nested choice()..when()..otherwise() clauses:
.when { Exchange x ->
HttpOperationFailedException ex = x.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, HttpOperationFailedException.class)
log.debug("Caught a HttpOperationFailedException: statusCode=${ex?.statusCode}")
if (ex?.statusCode >= 400 && ex?.statusCode < 500) {
log.debug("Skipping retries ...") = "Request:\n${}\n\nResponse: ${ex.statusCode}\n${ex.responseBody}".toString()
return true // don't retry
log.debug("Performing retries ...")
return false // do attempt retries
.when { !sendFailedEmailEnabled }.to(routeFailedEndpoint)
.multicast().to(routeFailedEndpoint, 'direct:routeFailedEmailHandler').endChoice()
You would have to have 2 onException blocks:
One onException with the redelivery settings for redelivery attempts
Another onException that handles the exception and send that email and what you want to do.
Use an onWhen on both onException blocks, to return true or false in either situation based on that http status code. The onWhen is executed by Camel to know which of the onException blocks to use (you can have more, but first to return true is used).
You can find more details on the Camel website, or in the Camel in Action book that has a full chapter devoted to error handling.
Thanks, Claus, you pointed me in the right direction.
Basically, as Claus said, use multiple onException blocks, each using an onWhen clause ...
.onWhen(new Predicate() {
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
HttpOperationFailedException ex = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, HttpOperationFailedException.class)
log.debug("Caught an HttpOperationFailedException: statusCode=${ex?.statusCode}, processing 4XX error")
return (ex?.statusCode >= 400 && ex?.statusCode < 500)
.when { sendFailedEmailEnabled }.process(prepareFailureEmail).to('direct:routeFailedEmailHandler')
.onWhen(new Predicate() {
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
HttpOperationFailedException ex = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, HttpOperationFailedException.class)
log.debug("Caught an HttpOperationFailedException: statusCode=${ex?.statusCode}, processing >=500 error")
return (ex?.statusCode >= 500)
