iPhone X - UIPageControl Black Bar - ios

I have already added the correct size Launch Screen to the project, and the remainder of the app is working correctly, it is only the instances of a UIPageViewController where a black bar appears on only the bottom, not the top, of the screen. What is the solution as I don't know of any attributes that can be modified to fix this.


iPhone X tool bar issue at the bottom

My app works well on all device except for iPhone X.
On iPhone X the tool bar on the bottom is shown like as shown in image
But I want to show it like shown in second image
But when ever I shift the tool bar up so that it will show properly on iPhone X then it also move upwards in other devices.
How should I solve this problem.
Actually the bottom bar of my view is inside another view thats why it is not extending accordingly.
So simply putting the bottom bar outside, on the main view and adjusting the constraint simply resolve my issue.
In my case My toolbar's bottom constraint was attached to superview's bottom. Changing it to Safe Area bottom resolved the issue for me

White bar on bottom of app Xcode

How can I remove the white bar at the bottom of my mobile app? I've tried the solution of adding a Launch screen in the Launch screen file but that didn't work. I've attached an image.
Just for a bit of context, I'm using a PageViewController to slide between 3 pages.
Any help appreciated.
It looks like you add static size view on the iPhone 6 screen in xcode UI constructor but launch it on the iPhone 6s Plus (with bigger screen).
To scale this view properly you should turn on Use Auto Layout in the Utilities bar and add constraints to the view
Make sure that the blue-colored view is properly constrained to the bottom of its superview.

Double Navigation Bar in View

I have a problem with a "double" navigation bar in a screen of my iPhone app.
Starting position:
Xcode 8, Swift
I have a TableView with static lines that is embedded in a navigation controller. From the first cell I then call a screen (Segue Show Detail), which is very complex (labels, text boxes, buttons, etc.). When I execute the "Reset to suggested constraints" function on the screen, the screen is supplied with "generated" constraints. This is still clear. When I run my app in the simulator (iPhone 6) or my own iPhone 6, I see on the above screen a status bar, then my right navigation bar (Back button, title) and below an "empty" 2.Navigation bar. This decreases the screen down and is no longer fully visible. If I delete the constraints for the screen with the "Clear Constraints" function, the screen in the simulator (i6) looks good as I develop in the storyboard for the iPhone 7. But when I connect my own iPhone 6 and test, the screen does not fit completely to my iPhone, because right and down is something truncated.
I suspect the error in the "generated" constraints.
Now my question:
How can I check the generated Contraints (well over 100) for errors?
In the Internet and the forum I found nothing, which could help me.
Workaround for me:
The top UI element on the screen is a label across the entire width of the screen. For this label, I set a constraint manually, in addition to the generated constraints
Label.top = Top Layout Guide.bottom + 44,
whose value I then change to the value
Label.top = Top Layout Guide.bottom
This causes the label to slide directly below the status bar in the storyboard. The navigation bar is then no longer visible in the storyboard. This makes the placement of UI-Elements at the bottom of the screen somewhat more difficult because you do not know exactly which space is still available.
The display in the simulator (i6) and on my iPhone 6 looks however through the workaround ok.
For your help I would be very grateful.
Greeting Reinhard

Legacy iOS app not stretching properly

I have a layout issue. I'm trying to make a legacy 3.5in app work on iPhone 5. As soon as I give it the Default-568h#2x.png splash image, the whole app gets aligned to the top of the screen, leaving a huge white gap at the bottom. The autosizing struts and such seem to be set properly (not using Autolayout at the moment), but the thing doesn't stretch to fill the screen. I'm not sure where to look next. I just want my poor tab bar to be at the bottom!
Since you're not using AutoLayout, now is a great time to start. Xcode 5 makes setting constraints a simple exercise.
I suspect that your tab bar frame is hard-coded to certain x, y, width, height coordinates which work well on the 3.5" screen. You can also see how your view renders on taller screens by pressing this button in the Xcode 5 Interface Builder:

iPad App adds margin when opened in landscape left, not in landscape right

I'm experiencing a very odd layout bug with a landscape iPad app.
The application launches and runs perfectly when it is started in landscape-right orientation. However, when started in landscape-left, there is a 20px margin added to the top of the main view.
The design of this app has a title bar at the top and a navigation bar at the bottom (both are just UIViews with a couple of UILabels/UIButtons). When you start the app in the buggy landscape-left mode and switch to landscape-right, the top and bottom bars then move 20px above where they're supposed to be positioned – i.e. the top bar is positioned under the status bar, and the bottom bar is floating 20px above the bottom of the frame.
It's really very weird indeed. As I said, it works perfectly if you open it in landscape-right.
Anyone got any thoughts? Seen this bug?
I'm using iOS SDK 6.1 and Xcode 4.6
Edit [more details]
Some possible clues from some logs I added – the main view has a frame of (0,0,1024,748), while a call to [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame] returns a frame of (20,0,748,1024), which is portrait. Certainly curious, but doesn't necessarily explain the inconsistency between launch states – the logs are identical between the error state and the functional mode.
Edit [the plot thickens]
So I've checked all the view frames, and have created a reproduceable error.
There is a fullscreen 'slideshow' mode within the app, in which the status bar is hidden. I am able to rotate the 20px gap-error when the application is rotated in this fullscreen mode.
So the process is:
-App working normally, rotating fine
-Enter fullscreen show, appears okay
-Rotate in fullscreen, layout shifts 20px
-Close slideshow, layout remains shifted
-Upon first rotation, the layout returns to normal
Getting there… is there something akin to setWantsFullScreenLayout which I need to call here?
20 pixels is the height of the status bar, an offset of 20px in relation to rotation almost always has something to do with the frame of your (root) view controller. Try setting your root view controller's view frame to have a 0,0 origin.
