Navigating word by word through TWebBrowser control (MSHTML) - delphi

I am trying to navigate through MSHTML (TWebBrowser) document word by word for spell checking each word. But I have problems:
1) it selects words oddly - For example "Abc: def" - the selection is "Abc" as first and ":" as second word. Also, if a word ends with space for example "Abc def" it would select "Abc " with the trailing space included. Is there a way to select only what is the word and not the trailing spaces or non-word characters? Or is this the best move can offer and it is up to programmer to filter the words correctly?
2) Is there a way to specify which delimiters it will use for example only to let it use space as a delimiter and not colons, dashes or other characters? (Microsoft docs say - "Word - Moves one or more words. A word is a collection of characters terminated by a space or other white space character. ", but it also uses other delimiters, not just space, tabs and similar)
Current code is:
bool SelectNext(bool firstonly = false)
DelphiInterface<IHTMLDocument2> diDoc = WB->Document;
if (diDoc)
DelphiInterface<IHTMLSelectionObject> diSel = diDoc->selection;
if (diSel)
if (firstonly) diSel->empty();
if (diSel->type_ == "None" || diSel->type_ == "Text")
DelphiInterface<IDispatch> diRangeDisp;
if (SUCCEEDED(diSel->createRange(diRangeDisp)) && diRangeDisp)
DelphiInterface<IHTMLTxtRange> diRange;
if (SUCCEEDED(diRangeDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLTxtRange, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&diRange))) && diRange)
int Result;
unsigned short Res;
diRange->move("word", 1, Result);
diRange->expand("word", Res);
return true;
return false;
SelectNext(true); // Select the first "word"
// navigate first 200 words
for (int i = 0; i <= 200; i++)
// do spell checking of selected word here...


How to achieve capturing groups in flex lex?

I wanted to match for a string which starts with a '#', then matches everything until it matches the character that follows '#'. This can be achieved using capturing groups like this: #(.)[^(?1)]*(?1)(EDIT this regex is also erroneous). This matches #$foo$, does not match #%bar&, matches first 6 characters of #"foo"bar.
But since flex lex does not support capturing groups, what is the workaround here?
As you say, (f)lex does not support capturing groups, and it certainly doesn't support backreferences.
So there is no simple workaround, but there are workarounds. Here are a few possibilities:
You can read the input one character at a time using the input() function, until you find the matching character (but you have to create your own buffer to store the characters, because characters read by input() are not added to the current token). This is not the most efficient because reading one character at a time is a bit clunky, but it's the only interface that (f)lex offers. (The following snippet assumes you have some kind of expandable stringBuilder; if you are using C++, this would just be replaced with a std::string.)
#. { StringBuilder sb = string_builder_new();
int delim = yytext[1];
for (;;) {
int next = input();
if (next == delim) break;
if (next == EOF ) { /* Signal error */; break; }
yylval = string_builder_release();
Even less efficiently, but perhaps more conveniently, you can get (f)lex to accumulate the characters in yytext using yymore(), matching one character at a time in a start condition:
int delim;
#. { delim = yytext[1]; BEGIN(DELIMITED); }
<DELIMITED>.|\n { if (yytext[0] == delim) {
yylval = strdup(yytext);
<DELIMITED><<EOF>> { /* Signal unterminated string error */ }
The most efficient solution (in (f)lex) is to just write one rule for each possible delimiter. While that's a lot of rules, they could be easily generated with a small script in whatever scripting language you prefer. And, actually, there are not that many rules, particularly if you don't allow alphabetic and non-printing characters to be delimiters. This has the additional advantage that if you want Perl-like parenthetic delimiters (#(Hello) instead of #(Hello(), you can just modify the individual pattern to suit (as I've done below). [Note 1] Since all the actions are the same; it might be easier to use a macro for the action, making it easier to modify.
/* Ordinary punctuation */
#:[^:]*: { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
#:[^:]*: { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
#![^!]*! { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
#\.[^.]*\. { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
/* Matched pairs */
#<[^>]*> { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
#\[[^]]*] { yylval = strndup(yytext + 2, yyleng - 3); return DELIMITED_STRING; }
/* Trap errors */
# { /* Report unmatched or invalid delimiter error */ }
If I were writing a script to generate these rules, I would use hexadecimal escapes for all the delimiter characters rather than trying to figure out which ones needed escapes.
Perl requires nested balanced parentheses in constructs like that. But you can't do that with regular expressions; if you wanted to reproduce Perl behaviour, you'd need to use some variation on one of the other suggestions. I'll try to revisit this answer later to address that feature.

how to uppercase each letter in dart?

I tried this code but the result is just uppercase first letter (not each letter)
String ucwords(String input) {
if (input == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("string: $input");
if (input.length == 0) {
return input;
return input[0].toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);
I suggest you read the documentation for toUpperCase(). It gives an example of exactly what you want to do.
Your code should read:
return input.toUpperCase();
Well, i didn't understand you question completely, but if you want to put each letter in Uppercase, this means all in Uppercase, well you can just use .toUpperCase() like this:
//This will print 'LIKE THIS'
print('like this'.toUpperCase());
But if you want to put an specific letter in UpperCase, you can just use the Text_Tools package:
//This will put the letter in position 2 in UpperCase, will print 'liKe this'
print(TextTools.toUppercaseAnyLetter(text: 'like this', position: 2));
If this be of any help

Reducing insane flex lexer expansion?

I have written a flex lexer to handle the text in BYOND's .dmi file format. The contents inside are (key, value) pairs delimited by '='. Valid keys are all essentially keywords (such as "width"), and invalid keys are not errors: they are just ignored.
Interestingly, the current state of BYOND's .dmi parser uses everything prior to the '=' as its keyword, and simply ignores any excess junk. This means "\twidth123" is recognized as "width".
The crux of my problem is in allowing for this irregularity. In doing so my generated lexer expands from ~40-50KB to ~13-14MB. For reference, I present the following contrived example:
%option c++ noyywrap
fill [^=#\n]*
{fill}version{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}width{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}height{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}state{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}dirs{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}frames{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}delay{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}loop{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}rewind{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}movement{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}hotspot{fill} { return 0; }
fill is the rule that is used to merge the keywords with "anything before the =". Running flex on the above yields a ~13MB on my computer. Simply removing the kleene star (*) in the fill rule yields a 45KB file; however, obviously, this then makes the lexer incorrect.
Are there any tricks, flex options, or lexer hacks to avoid this insane expansion? The only things I can think of are:
Disallow "width123" to represent "width", which is undesirable as then technically-correct files could not be parsed.
Make one rule that is simply [^=\n]+ to return some identifier token, and pick out the keyword in the parser. This seems suboptimal to me as well, particularly because different keywords have different value types and it seems most natural to be able to handle "'width' '=' INT" and "'version' '=' FLOAT" in the parser instead of "ID '=' VALUE" followed by picking out the keyword in the identifier, making sure the value is of the right type, etc.
I could make the rule {fill}(width|height|version|...){fill}, which does indeed keep the generated file small. However, while regular expression parsers tend to produce "captures," flex just gives me yytext and re-parsing that for a keyword to produce the desired token seems to be very undesirable in terms of algorithmic complexity.
Make fill a separate rule of its own that does nothing, and remove it from all the other rules, and separate its definition from whitespace for clarity:
whitespace [ \t\f]
fill [^#=\n]
{whitespace}+ ;
{fill}+ ;
I would probably also avoid building the keywords into the lexer and just use an identifier [a-zA-Z]+ rule that does a table lookup. And finally add a rule to catch the =:
. return yytext[0];
to let the parser handle all special characters.
This is not really a problem flex is "good at", but it can be solved if it is precisely defined. In particular, it is important to know which of the keywords should be returned if the random string of letters before the = contains more than one keyword. For example, suppose the input is:
garbage_widtheight_moregarbage = 42
Now, is that setting the width or the height?
Remember that flex scanners will choose the rule with longest match, and of rules with equally long matches, the first one in the lexical description.
So the model presented in the OP:
fill [^=#\n]*
{fill}width{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}height{fill} { return 0; }
/* SNIP */
will always prefer width to height, because the matches will be the same length (both terminate at the last character before the =), and the width pattern comes first in the file. If the rules were written in the opposite order, height would be preferred.
On the other hand, if you removed the second {fill}:
{fill}width{fill} { return 0; }
{fill}height{fill} { return 0; }
then the last keyword in the input (in this case, height) will be preferred, because that one has the longer match.
The most likely requirement, however, is that the first keyword be recognized, so neither of the preceding will work. In order to match the first keyword, it is necessary to first match the shortest possible sequence of {fill}. And since flex does not implement non-greedy repetition, that can only be done with a character-by-character span.
Here's an example, using start conditions. Note that we hold onto the keyword token until we actually find the =, in case the = is not found.
/* INITIAL: beginning of a line
* FIND_EQUAL: keyword recognized, looking for the =
* VALUE: = recognized, lexing the right-hand side
* NEXT_LINE: find the next line and continue the scan
int keyword;
"[#=]".* /* Skip comments and lines with no recognizable keyword */
version { keyword = KW_VERSION; BEGIN(FIND_EQUAL); }
width { keyword = KW_WIDTH; BEGIN(FIND_EQUAL); }
height { keyword = KW_HEIGHT; BEGIN(FIND_EQUAL); }
/* etc. */
.|\n /* Skip any other single character, or newline */
[^=#\n]*"=" { BEGIN(VALUE); return keyword; }
"#".* { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
"#".* { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
[[:blank:]]+ ; /* Ignore space and tab characters */
[[:digit:]]+ { yylval.ival = atoi(yytext);
[[:digit:]]+"."[[:digit:]]*|"."[[:digit:]]+ {
yylval.fval = atod(yytext);
\"([^"]|\\.)*\" { char* s = malloc(yyleng - 1);
yylval.sval = s;
/* Remove quotes and escape characters */
yytext[yyleng - 1] = '\0';
do {
if (*++yytext == '\\') ++yytext;
*s++ = *yytext;
} while (*yytext);
/* Other possible value token types */
. BEGIN(NEXT_LINE); /* bad character in value */
In the escape-removal code, you might want to translate things like \n. And you might also want to avoid string values with physical newlines. And a bunch of etceteras. It's only intended as a model.

ANTLR best way to include meta-data in lexing/parsing (custom objects, kind of annotation)

I plan to include text metadata (like bold, font-size, etc.) in the process of parsing to achieve better recognition.
For instance, I have a given structure, where a word on its own line word/r/n which is bold and sized 24px, is the title for some article. In order to get better recognition results, I want to take the characters as well as the metadata in account. In terms of ANTRL I'm not sure how this could be done best. I'd like to do something like:
Wrap each character of the original text into a custom object with fields for the metadata and pass that to ANTLR.
Preprocess the text and insert at specific places annotations for the metadata which is considered by the grammer.
I really like to take option 1. but I'm not sure which part from ANTLR I need to subclass etc. Do I have to start at the ANTLRInputStream-Object, in order to get a proper stream for a subclassed Lexer to get custom Tokens for a subclassed Parser etc. Is there a more elegant way, especially in querying the tokens while parsing with actions in a {} block ?
If anyone has some hints and/or experiences this would be great!
Here is a more specific simple example: I have a file wich includes the encoding of metadata which I parse forehand. the actual text including newline look like the following:
Here is some content one.
Here is some content two.
Where the titlesentryOneand entryTwo are originally font-size of 24px and the content is font-size of 12px (as exemplary given values). Char by char I create a new instance of a custom object encapsulating the character as String and the font-size.
I initialize respective objects for each of the characters with fields of the font-size, e.g for the first letter of entryOne like
MyChar aTitelChar = new MyChar("e", 24);
For the content, like the second line Here is some content one. I create instances of MyChar like:
MyChar aContentChar= new MyChar("H", 12);
All characters of the texts are wrapped in instances of the below MyChar-Class and added to a List<MyChar> in order to produce a new input for ANTLR.
below is the Java Class for the characters:
public class MyChar {
private int fontSizePx;
private String text;
public MyChar(String text, int fontSizePx) {
this.text = text;
this.fontSizePx = fontSizePx;
public int getFontSizePx() {
return fontSizePx;
public String getText() {
return text;
I want that my grammar matches the above two entries (or more formatted this way) which in turn consist each of a title and a content which is terminated with a fullstop. This grammar could look like this:
rule: entry+ NEWLINE
letters NEWLINE
(letters)+ '.' NEWLINE
('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+
(' ' | '\t' | 'f' ) + {$channel = HIDDEN;};
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n';
Now, for instance, what I want to do is to find out if it's really a title of an entry by checking the font-size of all letters encompassing the title-token before titel-rule returns. In case the input conforms to the grammar but is actually some kind of mistake (the original metadata-encoded file starts with something that conforms to the title-rule but its actually the content) the author of the grammar could sort that out if he knows that the original font-size for titles is 24 and check this. If one of the letter-tokens doesn't equal to font-size 24 throw an exception/don't return/do smthg. appropriate.
The thing I'm pondering on is where to plug in the List<MyChar> to provide this functionality (to query kinds of metadata while parsing in context of ANTLR). I'm experimenting with ANTLR's Classes but as I'm new to ANTLR I thought probably some of the experienced users can point me in the right direction, like where would be a good insertion points for custom objects? should I start by implenting CharStream and override some methods? Probably there is something which ANTLR provides which I haven't found yet?
Here's one way to accomplish what I think you're going for, using the parser to manage matching input to metadata. Note that I made whitespace significant because it's part of the content and can't be skipped. I also made periods part of content to simplify the example, rather than using them as a marker.
grammar SysEx;
#header {
import java.util.List;
#parser::members {
private List<MyChar> metadata;
private int curpos;
private boolean isTitleInput(String input) {
return isFontSizeInput(input, 24);
private boolean isContentInput(String input){
return isFontSizeInput(input, 12);
private boolean isFontSizeInput(String input, int fontSize){
List<MyChar> sublist = metadata.subList(curpos, curpos + input.length());
System.out.println(String.format("Testing metadata for input=\%s, font-size=\%d", input, fontSize));
int start = curpos;
//move our metadata pointer forward.
for (int i = 0, count = input.length(); i < count; ++i){
MyChar chardata = sublist.get(i);
char c = input.charAt(i);
if (chardata.getText().charAt(0) != c){
//This character doesn't match the metadata (ERROR!)
System.out.println(String.format("Content mismatch at metadata position \%d: metadata=(\%s,\%d); input=\%c", start + i, chardata.getText(), chardata.getFontSizePx(), c));
return false;
} else if (chardata.getFontSizePx() != fontSize){
//The font is wrong.
System.out.println(String.format("Format mismatch at metadata position \%d: metadata=(\%s,\%d); input=\%c", start + i, chardata.getText(), chardata.getFontSizePx(), c));
return false;
//All characters check out.
return true;
private void skipInput(String str){
curpos += str.length();
System.out.println("\t\tMoving metadata pointer ahead by " + str.length() + " to " + curpos);
rule[List<MyChar> metadata]
#init {
this.metadata = metadata;
: entry+ EOF
: title content
{System.out.println("Finished reading entry.");}
: line {isTitleInput($line.text)}? newline {System.out.println("Finished reading title " + $line.text);}
: line {isContentInput($line.text)}? newline {System.out.println("Finished reading content " + $line.text);}
: (NEWLINE{skipInput($NEWLINE.text);})+
line returns [String text]
#init {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
#after {
$text = builder.toString();
: (ANY{builder.append($ANY.text);})+
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n';
ANY: .; //whitespace can't be skipped because it's content.
A title is a line that matches the title metadata (size 24 font) followed by one or more newline characters.
A content is a line that matches the content metadata (size 12 font) followed by one or more newline characters. As mentioned above, I removed the check for a period for simplification.
A line is a sequence of characters that does not include newline characters.
A validating semantic predicate (the {...}? after line) is used to validate that the line matches the metadata.
Here is the code I used to test the grammar (minus imports, for brevity):
public class SysExGrammar {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//Create some metadata that matches our input.
List<MyChar> matchingMetadata = new ArrayList<MyChar>();
appendMetadata(matchingMetadata, "entryOne\r\n", 24);
appendMetadata(matchingMetadata, "Here is some content one.\r\n", 12);
appendMetadata(matchingMetadata, "entryTwo\r\n", 24);
appendMetadata(matchingMetadata, "Here is some content two.\r\n", 12);
System.out.println("Finished example #1");
//Create some metadata that doesn't match our input (negative test).
List<MyChar> mismatchingMetadata = new ArrayList<MyChar>();
appendMetadata(mismatchingMetadata, "entryOne\r\n", 24);
appendMetadata(mismatchingMetadata, "Here is some content one.\r\n", 12);
appendMetadata(mismatchingMetadata, "entryTwo\r\n", 12); //content font size!
appendMetadata(mismatchingMetadata, "Here is some content two.\r\n", 12);
System.out.println("Finished example #2");
private static void parseInput(List<MyChar> metadata) throws Exception {
//Test setup
InputStream resource = SysExGrammar.class.getResourceAsStream("SysExTest.txt");
CharStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(resource);
SysExLexer lexer = new SysExLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
SysExParser parser = new SysExParser(tokens);
System.out.println("Parsing encountered " + parser.getNumberOfSyntaxErrors() + " syntax errors");
private static void appendMetadata(List<MyChar> metadata, String string,
int fontSize) {
for (int i = 0, count = string.length(); i < count; ++i){
metadata.add(new MyChar(string.charAt(i) + "", fontSize));
SysExTest.txt (note this uses Windows newlines (\r\n)
Here is some content one.
Here is some content two.
Test output (trimmed; the second example has deliberately-mismatched metadata):
Parsing encountered 0 syntax errors
Finished example #1
Parsing encountered 2 syntax errors
Finished example #2
This solution requires that each MyChar corresponds to a character in the input (including newline characters, although you can remove that limitation if you like -- I would remove it if I didn't already have this answer written up ;) ).
As you can see, it's possible to tie the metadata to the parser and everything works as expected. I hope this helps.

What standard produced hex-encoded characters with an extra "25" at the front?

I'm trying to integrate with, a vendor of proprietary software for managing book ordering workflows in large libraries. It keeps feeding me URLs that contain characters encoded with an extra "25" in them. Like this book title:
The encoded characters in this sample are as follows:
%253a = %3A = a colon
%252c = %2C = a comma
%2527 = %27 = an apostrophe (non-curly)
I need to convert these encodings to a format my internal apps can recognize, and the extra 25 is throwing things off kilter. The final two digits of the hex encoded characters appear to be identical to standard URL encodings, so a brute force method would be to replace "%25" with "%". But I'm leary of doing that because it would be sure to haunt me later when an actual %25 shows up for some reason.
So, what standard is this? Is there an official algorithm for converting values like this to other encodings?
%25 is actually a % character. My guess is that the external website is URLEncoding their output twice accidentally.
If that's the case, it is safe to replace %25 with % (or just URLDecode twice)
The ASCII code 37 (25 in hexadecimal) is %, so the URL encoding of % is %25.
It looks like your data got URL encoded twice: , -> %2C -> %252C
Substituting every %25 for % should not generate any problems, as an actual %25 would get encoded to %25252525.
Create a counter that increments one by one for next two characters, and if you found modulus, you go back, assign the previous counter the '%' char and proceed again. Something like this.
char *str, *newstr; // Fill up with some memory before proceeding below..
int k = 0, j = 0;
short modulus = 0;
char first = 0, second = 0;
short proceed = 0;
for(k=0,j=0; k<some_size; j++,k++) {
if(str[k] == '%') {
++k; first = str[k];
++k; second = str[k];
proceed = 1;
} else if(modulus == 1) {
modulus = 0;
--j; first = str[k];
++k; second = str[k];
newstr[j] = '%';
proceed = 1;
} else proceed = 0; // Do not do decoding..
if(proceed == 1) {
if(first == '2' && second == '5') {
newstr[j] = '%';
modulus = 1;
